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Posts posted by happyinkathu

  1. I take little or no security measures at my place in Phuket. Just my electric fence and a few claymores in the front and backyard. I sleep very soundly with only my Mossberg pump action shotgun beside the bed and my Ruger .357 magnum under the pillow for company.

    It did initially cost a bit to feed my 18 rottweilers but I only have 12 left as the silly sods keep tripping over the claymore mines in the garden. My armour plated hummer is a bit thirsty on the juice but it's 50 calibre mounted machine gun is always a good talking point when I go down to Lotus.

    When I go for a walk down Bangla I never go armed, except for a few ninja throwing stars and one of those bayonets with the knuckle duster handles. No sense is being too paranoid is there. :D

    P.S I have sent a link to this series of posts to the Freud Insitute in Frankfurt Germany. There is enough material here for a Doctorate Thesis for some student.

    :):D:D:D:D:D ..Well done..nice to see some humour on here..Thanks..


    My address is Amphur Karon, but I don't live in, nor would I refer to my house as being in "Karon", thus I would never consider having a nic like "happyinkaron". Liar? maybe not, misleading? I think so.

    This being a forum, meaning a place for discussion, has to have all sides of a topic discussed, not just an overbearing same-same one eyed perspective, yes?As you and your group do! Yes?

    I have endeavered to do just that, but you and your ''must post at all costs'' minority group of 4-5 simply HATE the idea of anyone else posting a point of view that opposes your often flawed and mostly one eyed opinions.Especially if they are dreaded' NEWBIES as i and a lot of others are and who appeared breifly, and simply gave up. Sorry bud ..i don't give up..and wont!Shock , horror OMG a newbie failing to repect us,[as you called it] RESPECTED AND ESTABLISHED MEMBERS... :) lol only in your minds SB...lol Guess what ..i will continue to rattle your cage doors until i tire of it myself, and i alone if i have too will cop your cr-p to ensure a fare and balanced perspective on forum.Being a very frequent poster or being part of a little CLIQUE ,that tends to get together and attack people [bully often] who post opposing views does not get my repect bud, it makes me more determined to ensure that the true and full story is debated and i've got no problem going it alone,because i know that bullies cant stand the confrontation .

    I put my views on here and any other post regarding ''self defence'' as fact, as part of my life experience in a 25 year period from a mere 16 yo kid in 1966 as a street-M/C gang member, and a large part of my life was engaged in activities that you guys watching your ''tough guy movies'' couldn't even immagine .. I have buried 15 good friends in that time and MY VERY OWN SON WAS RECENTLY MURDERED !! HOW? Because contrary to my lifelong advice not to confront intruders with a weapon, he did so..they were only burglers initially..Pretend you are asleep and let them go i always said...Material possessions are replaceable, insurance etc,then later you find the scum when you have the advantage, and deal appropriately!!No it didn't happen in Thailand..but in my birth country!!

    He didn't..instead he grabbed a large piece of wood and attacked the two he saw...sadly there were 3-4 and he was disarmed by sheer numbers and the dogs smashed his head in from behind!!!!!FACT!! RIFP.. he died over material possessions!!!

    This is exactly why i am so bl--dy against what you no-nothings preach about ''self defence''You have no idea at all and i know for a fact that you are too one eyed or plain stupid to even comprehend what i have just told you.!!!

    Take my advice or leave it, you becoming a statistic won't make any difference in my life unless you fall in front of me and I have no choice but to step over/on you. I'm sorry to say though if you end up here as a sad fatality story or serious injuries on a forum such as this you'll get little sympathy from me and others...That's not a lack of compassion on anyone's part but rather it's a dose of reality of your environment and lack of common sense on your part.. PS im not an ''i told you so person'' but if this happened, i would tell you!!

    BTW i am still happyinKATHU. BUT VERY ANGRY AT THE LOSS OF A GREAT KID..33 years only RIP

    JAI YEN YEN.....

  3. ........

    happyinkathu, just have to repeat myself, I AM NOT YOUR FRIEND

    Neither am I paranoid or insecure, perhaps a bit naive, but you wouldnt know since you dont know me

    Other posters where able to read my post and understand our need for guns in LOS, unfortunately you are unable to. I feel no need to go into details why guns where needed, they where needed and used on occasions. During my next 30 years I find it likely I will need to use it again

    In Moscow we had a machinegun armed driver and 3 machinegun armed guards watching condo building/gate/frontdoors.

    Phuket is a safe place to live

    Do I regret putting myself in a situation to need armed guards or having a personal gun? Some moments I did, not any more

    BTW, what rave are you refering to?

    We all see in your posts how happy you are, same condo 18 years blabla. I m just a newbie in LOS, came here first time 1969 but have only lived here permanently for 7 years. happy and armed, just in case :)

    OK Comrade!!Take a look outside..it is not snowing..we are not in Moscow..OK you needed max security then..i understand ,but now you are in Thailand..yes.

    Twice now you have agreed with me Phuket is a safe place to live..great. Obviously comprehension is difficult for you but ,no problem for me, but re your above statement ''other posters understood your post about needing guns in LOS'' hmmm Ok..But i cant find any evidense of that . Anyway to help you along i have reposted it for you. This is it below huh;

    When we developed realestate together, we used to have one gun at each side of the bed. Improved quality of sleep

    Paranoid, delusional and insecure? Assumptions from happyinkathu. Bulletholes in our car and housewindow are facts to relate to.

    So all i can make from it is that if you develope realestate you have to have ,not one but two guns in your bedroom, and you have ''bulletholes in your car and housewindow''..Please exp[lain this to me,slowly because as you say ''unfortunately i am unable to understand''..I honestly am interested to know what you mean.

    There has to be a h-ll of a lot more to it than what you have told us here comrade ,either that or my summing you up is correct..Paranoid, delusional, and very insecure...

  4. We all see in your posts how happy you are, same condo 18 years blabla.

    Registered condo in Kathu in 92 ???? Hmmm..

    Special ;for L/LOs and KBBUM


    As usual boys!! in boots and all before the brain is engaged..So simple to READ and UNDERSTAND a post first, then you dont continually look like fools..Here, i will repost it for you...read it long and slow and ''voila'' its all so obvious !

    Admittedly i do live in a condo, with the security that goes with it..but hello , for 18 years i have lived very close to patong and i drive my car, and ride my M/c and i walk on the beach, and i associate with many, many people , both Thai and western and i can catagorically say, as i do on my ''About Me page'':NOT ONE INCIDENT IN THAILAND!!

    My mail address is..Amphur Kathu and Yes i have owned it since new in mid '92.And it is my principle residence, tho most high seasons ,when there are more than just the usual idiots here i relocate and have ''lived in and visited near all of Thailand.''

    Really is none of your business, but i've got nothing or nobody to hide from..lol Bet you can't say the same huh.

    All the best from really, really happyinkathhu..and still unarmed..not only that i don't even lock my door at night..

    Please dont even suggest that i'm a liar chaps!! . :) Keep it out of the gutter.. this is a discussion about ''self defense ''

  5. congrats you got the my avatar removed!!! So your family drives a tuktuk, and gouges guests because they are told to.... interesting, i bet every tuktuk has the same story.... Maybe they should buy pepper spray and become a "self defense loonie" and drive the tuktuk how they see fit, rather than being told what to do?

    Remember i said once..treat people how you expect to be treated yourself....Wow how much influence i must have that I alone can have your sad little avatar removed..wake up, it obviously offends more than just little ol me..

  6. I can see people wanting to protect themselves or be "self defense loonies" as you put it, not all of us have tuktuk members in the family like you.

    REgarding tuk tuk owners being in my family;

    :) Obviously that is you and your loonie friends loss ..tends to stop one being so one eyed and suffering the very obvious ''superiority complex'' you are afflicted with. I am in the position that i can see both sides of the ''discussion''..and make a fair and balanced decision, but even that wouldn't stop you lot!.we are all equal, get it! Once you get a grasp on that , then you will be able to post something intelligent!

    As your avatar shows[ed] you have a strong hatred to ward ALL tuk tuk operaters. I have stated many times that there are some real dogs driving tuk tuks [just as there are on TV forum]

    My sister in law and her family[ owner/driver of their own vehical] are far from the SCUM you call them.They have been ''taken over'' by the big boys at the high end of town and have no say at all regards fares or the behaviour of the minority who make a problem!

    They were told ''like it or leave''.But once again any facts that oppose your petty one eyed views don't count, do they?That would mean acting rationally...far too hard for you i figure.

    Wake up to yourself bud.


  7. Sure but some sensible self defense steps, like having pepper spray in your car, your bedroom, or on your person, gets mockery..

    Tell it to the expat just stabbed to death tonight in Chalong.

    :D RIP

    Very sad to hear of another death, anywhere..but you and your ''self defense'' loonies are so far out of touch with reality my friend.

    Do you honestly think that when you are attacked by 3 guys that your pepper spray is going to change anything at all?

    You continue to show how naiive you are when , every single time there is an incident in Phuket, you and your FEW supporters jump in boots and all with your ''armed and ready'' for anything self defense raves.

    You have absolutely NO idea of reality in these regards and you continue showing your ignorance.

    Your many many posts where you as a self appointed ''Agony Aunt ''spend all day posting valuble [??]infomation to other naiive people are probably appreciated by a few people , But please stick to what you know. :D

    PS..As for ''tell it to the expat just stabbed to death''...Pray tell me oh knowledgeable one..How does one Communicate with the dead??Calm down.. :) and Jai Yen Yen...

  8. Foreign owned sex bars !! Not only gay bars..

    With your other recent thread (do people miss not playing for the other team) and the like your starting to paint an odd picture.

    Just seeking clarification, that's all. Please stop misrepresenting the content of my threads, that is not appreciated at all.

    :) ..OMG..Two of probably the most outspoken posters on TV come head to head...keep it up men aahh chaps , first one to 20000 posts gets aahhh nothing..lol

  9. ]

    Quote Scubbabhudda

    Tell that to the three farang women raped in by unknown Thai men in Rawai/Naiharn in the last 6 months.

    :) Talk about dads army coming out.. there was a yank in that show also..lol

    Yes i understand and have utmost sympathy for any ''victim of crime'' You want vigilantyism..COUNT ME IN..I''ll be there..will you guys? I doubt it! But realistically, unfortunately crime is a worldwide epidemic and having a bunch of people going armed for ''self defense'' will not address the issue. Disgusting and degrading as rape is ,if these women had had weapons they may well be more injured or even dead now.[Taken off them and used against them]I agree also that weapons may have prevented the rapes, but in most cases the male has a strength advantage over a female , so the odds don't stack up IMO.

  10. Who said the poster wanted to feel Manly? Perhaps it is a woman.

    I have pepper spray by my bed.(but no big dog or big bike or big truck.. i did rescue a little kitten the other day though..)

    Better both me and an intruder not seeing then both of us seeing at least I can find my way out of the house.

    Perhaps I am also not really a mister man and I think it is just realistic to be a be cautious. I have had a friend attacked in her home in Phuket in daylight, a friend have an intruder while she was sleeping, a friend attacked while she was jogging, personally have had an attempted attack on my motorbike at 3 in the afternoon, have had dogs bite me, have had strange faces in my window when I am home alone at 2am, 8am, and even when I have not been alone.

    A little pepper spray would have been nice. Admittedly not always possible to grab it (like going 30km an hour on a bike and a dog bitting my arse ) , but some of those times. Would have loved to get the face in my window.!!

    If I am paranoid then so be it, I think it is justified paranoia and better then having the illusion that Phuket is so safe and none of those smiles are contemptuous and that it won't happen to me.

    Also perhaps if I lived in a CONDO then I think I would feel safer too.

    I have a gun by my bed. In daytime I keep it in a safe.

    Had it for 6 years. had to go by car to BKK to get it. more easy now, allowed to bring it on the airplane. my experience is that police support farang defending themself

    I also have a big dog, a big bike and a big fourwheeldrive truck. I even take my big dog walking in Bangla sometimes. Must say these items dont make me feel manly, neither does walking my dog. Other activities can do

    My ex girlfriend also has a gun. D-mn shes good at shooting. She has a small dog though, and prefere passanger cars. Her gun doesnt make her feel manly either. When we developed realestate together, we used to have one gun at each side of the bed. Improved quality of sleep

    Paranoid, delusional and insecure? Assumptions from happyinkathu. Bulletholes in our car and housewindow are facts to relate to.

    paranoia is to need splashproof goggles when jumpstarting a car

    BTW, I find Phuket a very safe place to live, and our need for self defense was a result of the business we where involved in. Need for selfdefence is much higher in other places like some south american countries and russia

    :D Totally up to you KBB but the one single thing you and i agree on is that Phuket is a safe place to live...Why then do you feel the need to go armed, if indeed you are not paranoid and insecure?

    As for the splashproog goggles..you are showing your lack of understanding again or more likely trolling!..<deleted>! Those words are from the prevention of blindness website pertaining to jumpstarting a car :D Not my words at all....THe goggles thing is pushed by many organisations and manufacturers purely to prevent litagation by people who need to be told every thing, that was once common sense!

    As for the rest of your rave..????

    Admittedly i do live in a condo, with the security that goes with it..but hello , for 18 years i have lived very close to patong and i drive my car, and ride my M/c and i walk on the beach, and i associate with many, many people , both Thai and western and i can catagorically say, as i do on my ''Mypage'':NOT ONE INCIDENT IN THAILAND

    Finally, i am one of the most laid back,easy going guys you will find. But NEVER mistake kindness for weakness!!

    Maybe this is why in near 20 years here , i have not been even ''bad mouthed''[ except from a couple of?????on this forum ] let alone road raged, robbed, assaulted,raped, shot at, knifed, told to F$#@ off by the nasty wee tuk-tuk guys , or the jet ski boys, etc, etc ad nauseum.

    And i am totally unarmed 100% of the time...''STREETWISE" and very, very confident my friend!!

    You can say i am ''just lucky''...haha no way in the world....It is simply me practising what i preach. Its very easy..you treat people the same way you want to be treated..You get back what you give out!

    BTW if :) i am more than capable of reverting to my street tactics to do what needs to be done.But i haven't had to in more than 20 years........

    '' JAI YEN YEN'' :D

  11. The amount of these guys that end up having their own ''self defence'' weapons taken from them, and used then, against them is high.Its a fools game.

    Local news link for any ??

    News Link ?? No But i spent 25 years living the hard life on the streets learning firsthand what goes on in real life, OK..understand the meaning of ''streetwise''?

    What i tell on forum has been learned the hard way ,the real way..not what some ''news link tells!!! or ''as seen in the movies""..

    But this has all been said before...some just don't get it huh.

    • Thumbs Up 1
  12. The question is, "Why would you need pepper spray in Phuket at all?" Not like it is the wild west like Pattaya? "Self-defence" by foreigners is not appreciated by the Thai authorities, I would imagine? :)


    Absolutely right Musongman ! Far too many paranoid, delusional , insecure people out in La la land IMO. The ones who are so afraid that they must carry a weapon to defend themselves from the unseen villains lurking in the shadows...

    This ''perceived threat'' is put forward frequently as an excuse for these few people to feel the need to be armed.I believe it simply makes these feel ''manly'', bit like the guys struting their stuff with the big dog dragging them down the road...""Look at ME!!!''

    The pepper spray, mace, baseballbats,guns brigade are all too evident on TV, for whatever reason,its got me beat.

    If you are in an enforcement job,and fully trained and understand all the implications of ''self defence'', then and only then is there a reason to be carrying any ''weapon'' at all IMO.

    You get some ''dads army'' types on here preaching their need to be armed,and its a load of crock.

    The amount of these guys that end up having their own ''self defence'' weapons taken from them, and used then, against them is high.Its a fools game.

    I have lived here since '92 in the same condo, and i have NEVER felt the need to be ''armed'' ..never..but thats just me!

  13. Hoteliers who allow guests to bring in prostitutes are aiding and abetting prostitution and therefore the hotel owners should also be arrested and charged.



    Right on!And some hotels make more baht than the prostitutes by having you pay the ''joining fee''

    Had some mates over last November ,all three booked into a popular mid-up market hotel in patong, and first night out , met the willing ladies and whipped back to the hotel with them.

    Reception stops them and ''sorry, you can not take the lady to your room''.. we paid for double room already so we can take them.

    NO says reception you can not..But if you pay 2000 baht each, OK then you can take to your room.

    They are aiding and abetting for sure and also profiting from an illegal activity. :)

  14. Ok you've both had fun making your points, all of which are marginally and very marginally at that, relevant to the topic at hand. Any further posts in this vein will be deleted.


    Yes, the TV Forums comiedians have had their fun, but this started as a serious response to a post by Old Croc which was not correct.

    Any readers interested should just skip back to the real and serious issue of safe jumpstarting another car, because as the data tells , it can be dangerous , not only to modern vehical computer systems, but more so for the people involved in this common proceedure.

    Every Automobile Association, car manufacturer,battery manufacturer,Popular Mechanics magazine[ even in an issue from 1979] all state as i already said re; the safe and recommended method of jumpstarting.

    I figure it is a ''totally up to you'' scenario if someone asks you for a jumpstart..Just understand the implications. It may even cost you a new computer for your car if things go wrong, or worse still an eye injury. After the damage is done, do you think the people you helped jump start are going to compensate you? Your choice.

    Myself , i consider that posting this information is done as a help to people who really dont understand, just as i always stop at a broken down car , to see if i can help.

  15. ICOLUMBUS – Every year nearly 6,000 motorists suffer serious eye injuries from working around car batteries. These injuries could have been prevented had the motorists worn splash-proof safety goggles and followed instructions for proper jump-starting procedures. With winter weather, drivers should be aware of how to safely jump-start their car's battery.

    According to Prevent Blindness Ohio, all vehicle batteries contain sulfuric acid and produce hydrogen and oxygen gases. Improper procedures in jump-starting a disabled car may turn the battery into a bomb. "If the gases come into contact with a spark, flame, or lighted cigarette, the battery can explode, sending battery fragments and acid flying," notes Sherill K. Williams, president and CEO of Prevent Blindness Ohio.


    I take mods advice and do not reply to your flaming and assumptions about me

    why would we need "splash proof safety goggles" if following your "proper procedure"?

    a lot of cars comes with jumpercables as a part of the standard emergency kit, but no goggles. they must be highly unsafe

    according to Bosch lead acid batteries produce gases only when charging, wether its with charger, alternator or jumpcables, at least thats what they taught me when I worked in the auto industry. when jump cables connected, they taught us to move away from vehicles batteries and start engine after a couple of minutes. worked fine for decades with a few hundred cars a year. No blown battery, no blown electronics


    I am not intending to ''flame you'' Just pointing out the obvious my friend.

    This is getting rather monotonous..Maybe the 6000 people[ thats 16 every day ] in USA alone that were injured by exactly what i am talking about, wish that they had prior knowledge of the dangers.

    Everything i have quoted is available to research on any search engine ! This is not my ''plucked from the air theory''..Its all factual..,You will not find any advice to the contrary.. End of storyKBB..Sorry! PS even the BOSCH page gives the same info... :D

  16. :D

    Sure, it works, but the inherent dangers as in preceding posts are real. Dont worry about risking the cars, they are fixable.

    A battery exploding in your face would not be a good start to your year!

    Now you know the correct proceedure..apply it..just as easy , not AS dangerous

    dead batterys dont explode and dont have gases, so as long as last connected cable is negative connected to dead car, it doesnt matter if its connected to body/engine/battery.

    waiting a couple of minutes while connected with jumpers before starting dead car, reduces the risk of damaging donor cars electronics


    Well , you think you know it all....but unfortunately my friend you are very wrong in all regards.

    But i will not explain it to you...simply google it! but then again , in your case, this applies;

    ''None as blind as one who refuses to see'' :)

    happyinkathu, fortunately neither you, most tuk tuk drivers or most tailors are not "my friend" :D I know you like to think so, but dream on :D

    its odd how we all survived in the car business years before google could help us, jumpstarting cars without explotions or damaged electronics for decades. just pure know how and experince, and some advice from Bosch

    actually some mobilephones have exploded while charging, perhaps they should have consulted happyinkathu before connecting :D:D:D

    Strange chap!!.... Something missing somewhere methinks..... RE; My earlier Quote; My main point though is that jumpstarting is wrongly considered as a ''no brainer''

    I guess'' if the cap fits, you wear it'' applies here lol...

    You do as you want funny guy..you are not the first know-it-all to go against good advice..up to you! Something to do with IQ and shoe size!! Dont remember how it goes but you would understand huh! :cheesy: But dont spout your dangerous lack of commonsense to the many people who have no idea of the dangers involved in this matter. Nothing at all to do with ''consulting'' me..i'm just passing on the facts.

    Anyway heres a bit more info for those intelligent enough to understand;

    COLUMBUS – Every year nearly 6,000 motorists suffer serious eye injuries from working around car batteries. These injuries could have been prevented had the motorists worn splash-proof safety goggles and followed instructions for proper jump-starting procedures. With winter weather, drivers should be aware of how to safely jump-start their car’s battery.

    According to Prevent Blindness Ohio, all vehicle batteries contain sulfuric acid and produce hydrogen and oxygen gases. Improper procedures in jump-starting a disabled car may turn the battery into a bomb. "If the gases come into contact with a spark, flame, or lighted cigarette, the battery can explode, sending battery fragments and acid flying," notes Sherill K. Williams, president and CEO of Prevent Blindness Ohio.

  17. Here is the correct proceedure:

    First ..Attach one end of one cable to the dead battery's positive terminal.

    <LI>Second..Attach the other end of the same cable to the positive terminal of the battery in the jumper vehicle.

    <LI>Third...Attach one end of the other cable to the negative terminal of the battery in the jumper vehicle.

    <LI>Forth... Attach the other end of the negative cable to the engine block of the car with the dead battery. Look for unpainted metal surfaces and be sure it will clear anything moving when the car starts. Do not attach the negative cable to the dead battery itself.

    Doing in this sequence will prevent sparking and reduce the risk of explosion...it will not prevent possible computer damage.

    I've always just done it to the battery and not the engine block or frame. It's always worked for me just fine. Am, I doing it wrong, or risking my car or his??


    Sure, it works, but the inherent dangers as in preceding posts are real. Dont worry about risking the cars, they are fixable.

    A battery exploding in your face would not be a good start to your year!

    Now you know the correct proceedure..apply it..just as easy , not AS dangerous

    dead batterys dont explode and dont have gases, so as long as last connected cable is negative connected to dead car, it doesnt matter if its connected to body/engine/battery.

    waiting a couple of minutes while connected with jumpers before starting dead car, reduces the risk of damaging donor cars electronics


    Well , you think you know it all....but unfortunately my friend you are very wrong in all regards.

    But i will not explain it to you...simply google it! but then again , in your case, this applies;

    ''None as blind as one who refuses to see'' :)

  18. Here is the correct proceedure:

    First ..Attach one end of one cable to the dead battery's positive terminal.

    <LI>Second..Attach the other end of the same cable to the positive terminal of the battery in the jumper vehicle.

    <LI>Third...Attach one end of the other cable to the negative terminal of the battery in the jumper vehicle.

    <LI>Forth... Attach the other end of the negative cable to the engine block of the car with the dead battery. Look for unpainted metal surfaces and be sure it will clear anything moving when the car starts. Do not attach the negative cable to the dead battery itself.

    Doing in this sequence will prevent sparking and reduce the risk of explosion...it will not prevent possible computer damage.

    I've always just done it to the battery and not the engine block or frame. It's always worked for me just fine. Am, I doing it wrong, or risking my car or his??


    Sure, it works, but the inherent dangers as in preceding posts are real. Dont worry about risking the cars, they are fixable.

    A battery exploding in your face would not be a good start to your year!

    Now you know the correct proceedure..apply it..just as easy , not AS dangerous

  19. I hadn't realised until now what an exciting, daredevil sort of person I am, having jump-started so many cars without wearing body armour or running for cover. I even did it a couple of weeks ago using a car full of modern electronics! I feel like a superhero now that I've read how mortally dangerous it is.

    :) One can only presume you are joking...yes? :D

  20. I have been wondering how the poor girl is doing, whether she is still here or has gone home now with such a dreadful experience haunting her. How do you ever get over something so awful! I feel so sad for her, poor girl :D

    How about the Thai guy that ran away instead of taking a beat down (or getting in some good punches depending on how you look at it) and letting her run away? What a pussy............


    Yeh,yeh, right....easy to talk the talk in the security of home ,grumpy...

  21. Farang cannot own a firearm in LOS,some farang buy firearms in the "wifes name" to be held at there home and can be transported to and from

    the firing range in your motor which i think is considered a part of your home!

    As for carrying or using in self defense,i think the judge would throw the book at you....get it in your wife's name and use it on the range :)


    Really, do yourself,and your family big favour..forget about having a gun for ''self defense''!!

    You pull a gun ,even in ''self defense'' and you hurt or kill another person, whatever the truth may be at that time is going to be irrelevant when you, ''A FARANG'' appear in court. You are automatically GUILTY.

    Doing time in any jail is horrifying..a westerner in a Thai jail ? Horror times 10..You'd be better off using your gun on yourself than spend time in Thai jail!!

    These are the implications of being armed.. :D ...Not worth it my friend.

  22. You're right! I had it the wrong way around. The earthing is done on the car with the discharged battery.

    My apologies, I hope no one blew up their vehicle in the interim.

    Thanks for the correction Happy.



    No problems mate.....hope you don't get any repair bills sent to you.. :D

    My main point though is that jumpstarting is wrongly considered as a ''no brainer''...its not.And maybe why the op had problems getting help IMO.

  23. A few months back I became aware that a Chinese guy parked across the road from my house (in Australia) couldn't start his car. When I realised it was battery trouble I drove my car across the road to get him started. He was astonished that someone would help in this way and had resigned himself to a long wait until help arrived from friends.

    When I got back into the house I found that my Thai girlfriend had taken a series of pictures of the event. Obviously she considered it a highly unusual thing to do.

    Australia is perhaps a bit different from many other countries in that ignoring someone broken down in a remote area could result in their deaths. Therefore an aussie will usually automatically stop and help.

    Incidently, earthing the negative jumper lead on the body or engine of the jumper car, not on the negative terminal, will stop any possible problems to car computers.


    Jump starting a car can be very dangerous..a single spark can cause battery fumes to ignite and result in the battery exploding in your face!

    What you said above is not correct, both in proceedure and in stopping damage to the cars computer. Firstly ,the computer is likely to be damaged once the leads are connected and the battery receives the extra power. I am not an electro-specialist myself but was told that this initial ''spike'' can be very high voltage,,thereby causing the damage. A lot of modern cars advise NOT to jump start.

    Here is the correct proceedure:

    First ..Attach one end of one cable to the dead battery's positive terminal.

    <LI>Second..Attach the other end of the same cable to the positive terminal of the battery in the jumper vehicle.

    <LI>Third...Attach one end of the other cable to the negative terminal of the battery in the jumper vehicle.

    <LI>Forth... Attach the other end of the negative cable to the engine block of the car with the dead battery. Look for unpainted metal surfaces and be sure it will clear anything moving when the car starts. Do not attach the negative cable to the dead battery itself.

    This is the opposite to what you said above.

    Doing in this sequence will prevent sparking and reduce the risk of explosion...it will not prevent possible computer damage.

  24. Unfortunately, he is also quoted as saying that the minimum charge could be around 250 baht as opposed to the 35 baht for the regular taxis in BangkoK

    This is simply confirming what i have said all along regarding tuk-tuks , That the extortion trail starts at the top, resulting in the drivers being made the scapegoats. Yes a lot of the drivers are lowlifes, but they are ''the visible tip of the iceberg'',so it's easy to put all the blame on them alone.

    The rediculously high fares are a direct result of ''too many fingers in the pie!!'' from this guy at the top of the'' money required'' chain,down through the middlemen, to the drivers[ who realistically get the smallest share % wise ].

    This guy is ensuring , by basically legalising ripoff fares [ by starting with an extemely high flagfall ]that his share is maintained and all down the line may have too minimise slightly, their share. He is simply looking out for NO.1..and maybe NO.2 & 3....

    Unfortunately, one possible downside to this is , in that the drivers share,being reduced by this grand scheme they will in turn, turn to more underhand scams,and maybe even more violence in order to meet their financial obligations to those above. :)

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