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Posts posted by NamKangMan

  1. 7 minutes ago, pi2005ni said:

    It’s the same for the many idiots in Thailand looking for these cheap taxi deals , has anybody even thought to check their insurance. They are private vehicles with ordinary insurance, which should you be involved in a accident and injured . YOU ARE NOT INSURED .


    I have often wondered about the legalities of these "private taxis."  


    How would a passenger know if the driver is licensed, and the car insured, and road worthy. 


    If he's "private transport" it's as good as getting in the car with a "friend."  There is no Government framework of "official" control for this mode of transport, so who knows what a travel insurace company might do, in the event you are involved in a serious accident.


    I suppose it's the same with Uber and Grab, but at least they "vet" their drivers and vehicles to some degree.


    On Phuket, pay your "fees" to the "taxi association" and that's it, you are good to start operating.   


  2. 59 minutes ago, Lokie said:

    Because they allowed their vehicle to be hired Illegally.


    And the explanation in the full report that the Hire Co hired to an older man who presented valid licences for both bikes is BS. Is very unlikely that a 17 year old lad from UK would have a full bike licence to ride any bike (they just do not take tests in UK at that age for bikes as they can ride on L-Plates until 18 then normally go for a car test or full bike after that age) 


    Blame actually lies with the thai authorities for allowing these types of operations to carry on in this country but - Money No1... 




    "Blame actually lies with the thai authorities" for not having any other affordable way to get around Phuket, without riding a motorbike. 


    Sadly, just another road fatality statistic here, due to the lack of proper public transport.  


    It's a disgrace. 

  3. 20 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    As for my comment: "Ask yourself..........would you buy a bar on Bangla for 7 million baht??"


    Probably purchasing a way of life/job/future with g/f, but whatever the reason he has had ''some expressions of interest''.............



    In my opinion, whatever the individual's motives, given the current situation here, it would not be a sound business decision to purchase. 

  4. 20 hours ago, Jai Dee said:

    Nice to see you guys are behaving and getting along again... keep it up.



    Funny how kids tend to get along when they are left unsupervised.   ????

    • Haha 1
  5. If we were comparing the cost of living between different countries, we could use "The Big Mac Index."  




    Basically, the theory behind it is, the exact same product is delivered in a very similar environment, or it's a direct "like for like" if a take-away, so one can judge exchange rates, cost of living, economy, salaries etc.


    The trouble here is, we are trying to compare two different provinces in Thailand.  That said, the price of a Big Mac may be different on Phuket, compared to Chiang Mai.  I don't know.  I don't eat that rubbish.


    We need to have a product that is similar.  I think a Starbucks coffee would be the same as a Big Mac.  Ok for comparing countries, maybe not so great for comparing provinces, but who knows, they could vary in price.   


    Beer is another good product for comparison, because a Singha beer on Phuket is the same Singha beer in Chiang Mai, the problem is comparing the environment in which it is delivered, which effects the cost.  Eg.  a nice air conditioned bar with the sport on, versus sitting at a pile of bricks in an outdoor beer bar. 


    There's no use comparing street food, as there are too many variables.


    Perhaps some members can thing of a product that would be a direct comparison between Phuket and Chiang Mai.  


    What about market foods? Eg. coconuts.  ???? 

  6. 9 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

    Namkangman.........Please do not give the locals ideas,,,,,they are doing quite well with the boats and minivans as it is. :sorry:


    For decades here, they have just carried on as if the people will continue to come here, despite the scams, lack of transport, crumbling infrastructure, polluted beach water etc etc etc.


    Slowly, but surely, Phuket lost a huge portion of the western market, and filled it with package holiday Chinese and Russians. 


    The Russian market took a dive after the sanctions were placed on Russia, for the invasion of Ukraine, but they are back now, for how long, who knows, because the Russian economy is not great. 


    If Phuket was to lose the Chinese market, picture Phuket's tourism industry, post tsunami, but without the tsunami. 


    ##Queue the members that will post that they wish it would happen, but having considered the consequences for themselves, if it did happen.##

    • Like 1
  7. 32 minutes ago, xylophone said:

    Okay, now for some positive news............


    Yesterday, shopping in Big C here for some bacon to have with a nice bacon sandwich in the morning, I was surprised to see that there was not one bit of bacon left in the chillers or on the shelves – – they had been cleaned out of all bacon products.


    Someone suggested that because it was the year of the pig, the Chinese had bought as much as they could to have some sort of feast with it because it may be lucky, who knows?


    Now here's the positive thing, if we can entice more Chinese to come to Phuket in the year of the dog, this might solve the soi dog problem which we are currently having, especially if we organise night-time tours of the smaller sois............


    They could turn it into a tourist attraction. 


    Night time dog hunting safaris, and BBQ'ing your catch at the end of the safari is included in the tour price.  ???? 

    • Haha 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, LivinLOS said:

    I live in a really nice 3 bed home.. on a rai of gardens with fruit frees.. with a pool.. 2 car carport.. multi motorbike parking.. garden outbuildings for my bikes and hobbys.. for 11k a month and the landlord cleans and chemicals the pool. I couldnt find this for 30 or 40 on Phuket. 


    Our favourite local boat noodles.. Better than any I have ever had in a tourist are starts at 15b a bowl.. or a western cafe where a breakfast menu eggs / omelette / etc and bacon / sausage / mixture of sides are all 89b with a orange juice and proper machine / americano coffee.. Usual Thai food is 25 - 40b.. My last trip to Phuket and samui it was 80 - to even 120 for the same dishes (cooked worse). 


    I can go drink in town where they do 3 large leos and a bucket of ice for 180b (sometimes 159 !!). for 3.. 


    I can rent a 125 scooter for 2200 a month.. 


    While I am sure many 7/11 type things are standard pricing.. I know what I pay here and its WAY less than what I used to pay.. 


    I really dont need to make this a us v them.. Your beaches are better than chiang mais ???? and I didnt come here to save money, I came for the friendlier locals.. but its bordering in silly to say the costs are the same. 


    A friend of mine made the move to Chiang Mai a while ago, and it had nothing to do with his Thai wife, or his finances.  She is not from Chiang Mai.  He loves it there. 


    He still visits Phuket about every 2 months, for about 5 days, so he continues to get his dose of sand and sea.


    He has said in the past that what he save living in Chiang Mai pays for his regular visits to Phuket. 

    • Like 1
  9. 23 minutes ago, watgate said:

    This is one of the reasons why I love posting on thai visa because you will always get the unabridged  in your face take it or leave it answer with no punches pulled. No way am I locked and loaded about going to Phuket. I am interested because the air seems to always be good there and I am sick of breathing air filled with countless songtaews and tok-tuks spewing their exhaust. Also when the burning starts going full-time it is time to get out of dodge (chiang mai). I have already escaped chiang mai this season for the first time in the 9 years I have been coming to Thailand but want to find another viable place in case I want to go somewhere else to escape the foul air during the burning season next year. I understand Hua Hin is supposed to be good and am open to suggestions as to where to go for a month or a month and 1/2. I am really not  familiar at all with southern Thailand and most of my time has been spent in chiang mai. As I stated in my inital posting the high cost of living in phuket concerns me and was wondering if anyone had any viable recommendations for finding reasonably priced accommodations and some decent vegetarian places to eat. Of course, you have to do your homework for airfares but I was also wondering about transportation from the airport to where you will be residing. Thanks for any info or suggestions.


    Does it have to be somewhere in Thailand????

  10. 56 minutes ago, phuketrichard said:

    everyone has their own opinion.

    Living in kamala is not like living in touristy patong, kata or karon

    75% of those living here,were born here

    for 2 months every year as i do a LONG road trip thru the north and usually take in Laos and Cambodia as well. Last july/august trip was 8,200 kms

    I think i know the prices in the country and most cities


    I think the OP would be after a comparison of the cost of living in Kamala, for example, not a town on your road trip.  


  11. 4 hours ago, Psimbo said:

    I see elsewhere that there is a hysterical post about this being the end of tourism in Thailand, lol.


    Yep- 3 people injured and the net effect is millions of people will boycott the place!



    "3 people injured and the net effect is millions of people will boycott the place!" - well, how many Chinese do you think have to be killed here, before they really do boycott the place?


    The boat tragedy saw a drop of in Chinese tourists. 


    When you say, "boycott the place" that does not necessarily mean Thailand, it could simply mean Phuket, for the Chinese. 


    They are very superstitious people.  It would only take something to go "viral" in China proclaiming Phuket is "unlucky" for Chinese people and Chinese tourist numbers would fall off a cliff here. 

    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  12. 4 minutes ago, phuketrichard said:

    everyone has their own opinion.

    Living in kamala is not like living in touristy patong, kata or karon

    75% of those living here,were born here


    "Living in kamala is not like living in touristy patong, kata or karon" - ok, but is it like living in Chiang Mai? 


    I think this is the comparison the OP is looking for, particularly in relation to the cost of living.  

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