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Posts posted by Tejas

  1. Western work ethics are so important to keep

    God. What a depressing thing to read. How many people lie on their death-bed saying "I wish I'd spent more time in the office"? Not many, I'd imagine. Relax. Get high. Get pissed. Ordain. Marry a lady-boy. Become a peasant farmer. Write a novel. Whatever. But don't don't don't keep working for the sake of working. That's a fuc_king terrible curse to be under.

    The reason you think it is depressing is because you never learned to "play for a living."

    By that I mean doing something (working) that makes you so excited and energized that you would do it even if you were not paid to do it.

    Rarely do people make career choices based on that.

    And that is why so many of us end up in dull professions and can't wait to "retire."

    Some people--a lucky few--actually love what they are doing and never want to retire.

    Word = play for them.

  2. I have a suggestion. From this point forward lets enlarge this thread to include all Mexican restaurants in Thailand, not just Bangkok.

    Most of us are interested in all of Thailand and not simply Bangkok. Start another thread that enlarges the focus to all Mexican restaurants in Thailand? That would make sense. But we just tried and it was removed immediately.

    I think many of us would be nice to see reviews of restaurants (civilized and honest reviews) with pictures of the food (important) and pictures of the restaurant (with the permission of the owners, of course).

    It would be nice if a free discussion can take place, one that includes owners of restaurants (they should have the right to respond to positive and negative information and questions posed to them in a way that does not amount to an unpaid advertisement), customers, and potential entrepreneurs thinking about opening a Mexican restaurant or Taqueria in Thailand.

    I will not take part in the discussion.

  3. I think you have to separate the condo market from the house market. Due to land ownership laws, houses are a real problem right now. Condos are much easier to deal with for foreigners. I know there are some abandoned condo shells around, but the ones I visited seemed to be doing fairly well...some were 100% sold out.

    Yeh totally agree. I just bought a unit and the 2 contender developments were both near 100% sold (Park Lane being one of them). Houses do not make sense as an investment here. I only own foreign name corner unit condos over 40m2 - that's my minimum standard and they will rent you can believe that.

    As someone who intends on retiring here it is essential to have a local income, as UK pension holders can tell you.

    But I am glad to see everyone is saying that the market here is dead,dead forever - must be a good time to buy :)

    There are only so many corner units.......fewer corner units on the oceanfront.........fewer still corner units at penthouse level.

    You are smart to buy those. My guess is that there will always be a market for them.

    But they are few in number. Most units are not being sold.

    It is important to make a distinction between the top end, and middle/low end.

    Personally, I think you would be nuts to buy into this condo market now (unless it is a condo at the top end).

    Even then, you are really taking a risk.

  4. The labor supply problem is difficult.

    Too many workers competiting for a job and power shifts to owners. That puts downward pressure on wages.

    Too few workers competing for a job and power shifts to workers. That puts upward pressure on wages.

    Upward pressure on wages can lead to upward pressure on the cost of goods and services.

    Downward pressure on wages rarely leads to a break for consumers.

    Put differently, why is it that when corporations earn huge profits the costs of goods and services tend not to decline?

    Answer: GREED.

    Addressing the labor supply problem via a radical reduction in population numbers is critical.

    One way of compensating for such a shift is to transform the economy to one that is even more mechanized than today (fewer laborers needed).

    Another way is to shift from a quantity drive economy to a quality driven economy, thus we produce fewer goods, but at a higher price (fewer laborers needed).

    Another way is to do something about our energy problem. That is not so easy to understand. But energy is at the bottom of all economies.

    If you change it and make it less expensive and more sustainable and localized, you end up improving the economy for the masses. Thus, they can get what they need and want with less work (no more 40 hour per week standard; fewer hours of work needed to attain the same quality of life).

  5. I think this might be a useful topic for owners of Mexican restaurants in Thailand, customers, and entreprenuers thinking about starting a Mexican restaurant or Taqueria in Thailand.

    I would like to see reviews along with pictures (especially pictures) of the food being served at various places.

    Images of the restaurant would also be nice to include (with permission of owners) along with positive suggestions (cordially presented) to the owners.

    I would also like to see a free discussion w/ input from owners.

    Owners should be free to express their views and talk about their restaurant.

    Customers should be free to express their views about ALL Mexican restaurants in Thailand.

    This topic is not about which restaurant is #1 or worst or best.

    It is simply an overview of the restaurants w/pictures and comments.

    In the end, we might get better Mexican food on the plate.

    I am going to stay out of the discussion entirely.

  6. Hi.

    In Chayapoum province it is about 2.30/kilo at the moment.

    Who knows if it is the best time to harvest but if you do so now then the stems you cut will die before the rains come so you must have an alternative supply then. Stems are costing a lot at the moment for delivery in May when the rain comes - up to 8000 Baht/rai uncut which would be enough to plant about 3 rai so half your profit for the next harvest would be gone before you start if you hsd to buy them in.


    Thank you. I am getting this information for another person who does not live in Chantaburi Province, so that is why I am asking.

    The price sounds good now. I think I need to think more about ton mai. I had no idea you might get 8000 baht per rai for the ton mai.

    You are in Chayapun Province. You said the rains come in May.

    I really would like to know when the rains come in Chantaburi Province. Same time?

    This is critical, I think, because it is my understanding that after the rains come the price you get for mansaparang declines dramatically.

    So, in many cases, the best option is to harvest before the rains come when the price is high.

  7. Yes, in most Mexi restaurants I've seen that is called a "combination" menu section:

    Basically -- rice and beans (and sometimes another item like Mexican style sweet corn bread)

    plus your choice of a list of simple common entrees (like meat or cheese enchilada, chile rellano, taco, sope, etc..):

    1 item = such and such price

    2 items = such and such price

    The more fancy entrees are usually listed separately and at a higher price.

    I miss those combination platters. But, I eat rice so often now, that I don't want to eat it at a Mexican restaurant in Thailand. I wonder if I am alone in this regard.

    Maybe a "rice and beans", or a "rice or beans" option is a good idea. With different prices, of course.

    Speaking of combination platters, I always like the food served hot and bubbly on a plate. I think you put them in some type of plate warmer prior to serving (maybe under a broiler).

    That really makes a difference with things like frijoles, enchiladas, tamales, chile relleno.

    Some do this now with fajitas. Maybe do it for all of the dishes and warn the customers: "The plate is hot."

  8. I really don't understand this for two reasons:

    1) He is a wanted for crimes in Thailand.

    Right or wrong?

    2) From the perspective of most Thai people, he turned his back on Thailand when he started working for the Cambodian government.

    Right or wrong?

    If the answers are "right" above, how in the world can he ever enter Thai politics again or run anything from outside of the country.

  9. 'Successful birth control' measures are a good thing - particularly in the big picture of things, such as;

    >>>> added pollution (each person contributes an average of 5 tons of CO2 to the atmosphere annually). Plus what's the annual tally of toxins and plastic trash each person adds to the mountains of pollution? Each new person also exacerbates deforestation and the problems of the seas.

    Less workers for industrial production is far less of a problem than the toxification of this, our only planet.

    There are endless numbers of willing workers from neighboring countries. The main problem with that, as far as Thailand is concerned, is that Thai bureaucracy is not at all friendly to foreigners in that regard.

    The only foreigners Thailand wants to see are the rarified few who come for a week or two and spend gobs of money.

    Really good post! I want to add that a labor shortage is good for workers. Why? Less competition for scarce jobs.

    That pushes wages up (good for workers) and shifts power to labor.

    Those who control labor (e.g., MNCs) want to warn us about the economic dangers of having fewer children.

    Why? They want to maintain total control over the system and labor. They also want a global army of blind consumers.

    Global economic servitude is what the large corporations--and the politicians they control--want.

    And they have it now.

    The environmental and economic advantages of having fewer children far exceed the alternative.

  10. The real estate crash yet has to arrive in Thailand.

    And that is the truth of it! The Rose-colored glasses brigade thinks it has come and gone. No. Only the initial wave has hit.

    This is a major decline and many things are causing it.

    The forces underpinning it have been at play at least since 2001 (but no need to explain that as it will fall on deaf ears because the market did go up and down and up and down since then).

    Until the government does something to reverse its insane visa/immigration policies, the situtation will not change.

    Prices must also drop 50% or more before the flood of buyers opens their pocketbooks again.

    The place is grossly overdeveloped. The city is going in the wrong direction. The real estate agents are blind as bats. And government policies are not helping matters.

    The big wave has yet to hit. It is coming. There may be a small correction. But that will be temporary.

    At least this is what my crystal ball is telling me.

  11. Too bad you had a bad experience there. Lots of people really like the place and appreciate what Jorge is doing.

    But people have different feelings about food, usually based on what they grew up eating.

    Myself.....I like messy, greasy, oily Mexican food with lots of cheese, beef, and chile. (But have never thought the corn tortillas were oily at Tacos and Salsa.)

    I never think about healthy food when eating Mexican food.

    Maybe you like the healthy California style with bean sprout enchiladas or something.

    Whatever. To each his own. Positive feedback is good for all of the owners of Mexican restaurants in Thailand.

    The good news is that, unlike in the past, we are starting to see several fairly good Mexican places in town.

    Nope, i dont like the healthy style, thats yuppy food...Im from Texas and like it just as thick and rich as yourself, especially enchiladas that melt in your mouth, drowned in chili sauce, but keep the oil off the tortillas please...like i said before there are other reasons to heat tortillas in oil, that i will not get into unless im pressed to do it.

    Positive feedback is good, but it has to be true...and not switched back with the bait and switch once you get there...i hate that shit.

    OK. You have made your point clear. I wonder if it would be productive for some person to open the following thread:

    Positive advice to the owners of Los Cabos, Sunrise Tacos, La Monita, and Tacos and Salsa.

    That positive advice might, obviously, include some negative impressions followed up by positive suggestions.

    If somebody does this, it should not turn out to be a I hate this place and love the other place, etc.

    Just positive suggestions on what we want to see on the plate, costs, services, etc.

    Competition is a good thing. It often leads to positive changes for consumers.

    In the end we might end up with some really good Mexican food.

    It would also be nice if the moderators would allow feedback from the owners without making them feel like they are doing something wrong by talking about their restaurants.

    Some of us want to hear from the owners. All of us want really good Mexican food.

  12. Aikido takes a while to learn but it has its benefits. Very gentle martial art but if the techniques are applies correctly it can lead to serious injuries, even death. Yes, it hurts in the beginning, especially the wrists.

    The trainer here in Pattaya is very good and looking after beginners.

    Note to self: got to join classes again...

    Good post. Also good idea to go with a friend. It can be a bit scary watching people do Aikido. Lots of throwing, similar to Judo.

    I mentioned it mainly because it is one of the few martial arts that allows a small opponent to defeat a much larger one.

    I was thinking of girls defending themselves from much larger men.

    True story: On my first day I was introduced to a small, Thai young woman. I was told to push her. I was much bigger/stronger, or at least I thought I was.

    But I was not able to push her off her centerpoint no matter how much force I used. She did not move at all. I was impressed. She knew how to counter my force using her body/mind.

    And with a flick of her wrist, she could put me on the ground in pain in an instant.

    For those who think it is all passive, Steven Seagall trained in it.

    If you watch him, you will see a lot of circular movements. That is characteristic of Aikido.

    Good luck.

  13. Too bad you had a bad experience there. Lots of people really like the place and appreciate what Jorge is doing.

    But people have different feelings about food, usually based on what they grew up eating.

    Myself.....I like messy, greasy, oily Mexican food with lots of cheese, beef, and chile. (But have never thought the corn tortillas were oily at Tacos and Salsa.)

    I never think about healthy food when eating Mexican food.

    Maybe you like the healthy California style with bean sprout enchiladas or something.

    Whatever. To each his own. Positive feedback is good for all of the owners of Mexican restaurants in Thailand.

    The good news is that, unlike in the past, we are starting to see several fairly good Mexican places in town.

  14. Thanks a lot. Bus as I know Aikido teaches how to protect yourself, and what if I would like to know how to kick someones ass? :)

    Aikido most definitely allows a person to "kick the ass of an opponent," especially one larger.

    It is primarily defensive. But that can hurt an opponent.

    You use their strenght to defeat them. You can immobilize a larger opponent with a few hand/body moves.

    But if necessary, it is offensive and can be deadly.

    The Japanese man who started it was very old.

    He used to sit on the floor and allow much younger men surrounding him to attack him.

    He would sit there and throw them all over the place.

    I think it is worth an investigation.

    If nothing else, it gives a person a good mindset.

    It will also teach how to avoid conflict.

  15. I would lose respect in any so called Mexican restaurant which serves American "chile" over rice or BBQ ribs.

    I agree but the chile over rice thing might be something Thais will eat. And since we are in Thailand, maybe it might not be such a bad idea. There should be a few Mexican-like items Thais will eat (adjusted for Thais).

    But, I think we can agree that the rest of the menu needs to be real Mexican food: tamales, enchiladas, tacos, chile relleno, frijoles, corn tortillas, salsas and hot sauces, fajitas, Mexican rice, etc.

    If you open a hamburger shop, serve hamburgers.

    If you open a Chinese food shop, serve Chinese food.

    If you open a Smoked BBQ shop, serve smoked BBQ.

    If you open a Mexican food shop, serve Mexican food.

    Simple.....I think.

  16. If you have been on the planet a long time and have lived in many places (and if you have had an open mind), you learn that there are negatives and positives everywhere. So, does it really matter where you go now?

    Thailand is no exception. Good people and bad people. Beautiful places and horrible places. Safe and not safe, etc.

    Many expats came here during a different time when things were much better than they are now. They are stuck here for many reasons: family, monetary concerns, housing (they own it but can't afford to buy another one elsewhere), health, etc.

    They moan and groan but stay because they have not found a way to leave.

    Some have invested heavily here and can't psychologically accept that they made a mistake.......smiles all around. A lot of real estate people probably fall into this category.

    Some, of course, actually like it here. They are likely either totally delusional (probably too much alcohol) or in a mental state where they avoid dwelling on the negative.

    There are some younger people here who have no clue about history, so they just don't understand that things were better. If you don't have that understanding, it probably hurts less to be here because you are not comparing it to a better past.

    Others are employed here and can't just leave.

    That is my take on it.

  17. There is a real nice place to learn Aikido (good for girls) in Pattaya on the waterfront above Mike's Dept. store.

    The problem, for girls, is that it is Pattaya and on the waterfront where prostitution is rampant.

    The good news for girls is if they know Aikido the guys will pay for unwanted advances. :)

    No doubt you can find something similar for girls in Bangkok.

  18. Unless you have some sort of disagreement with ThaiVisa I think you should consider not posting details about your restaurant in the thread about another restaurant. I can explain why this is a bad choice in person to you when I next visit your establishment. Maybe figure out why the thread on your restaurant was closed and then ask if you can open a new one, where you can update your many satisfied customers (not "costumers") can stay up to date on your current promotions.

    I just did a search on TV for Sunrise Tacos and found this (see below). Is it a promotion? Does it describe details? Maybe the "new policy" needs to be clarified. Owners can no longer post?

    The owner of Tacos and Salsa rarely posts. When he does he usually is responding to what others have posted about his place.

    I, for one, do not mind an occasional update from owners on what is happening at their place. I can, see, however, how such updates could "cross the line" and come across as free advertising.

    How about one update per month is OK?

    Cinco de Mayo at Sunrise Tacos! http://www.sunrisetacos.com/

    Break out the maracas and celebrate! It's that time of year once again when people all over the world mark the Mexican army's unlikely defeat of French forces at the Battle of Puebla, back on May 5, 1862.

    Sunrise Tacos is giving a special promotion to mark the event: buy two cold Corona beers and get one free Corona beer from today till May 5th.

    On May 5th, for every 500 baht you spend at Sunrise Tacos you will get a free "I love Tacos" or "I love Burritos" shirt! The shirt normally sells for 250 baht.

    Your souvenir Giant Margarita Glass is yours to keep when you fill it with Frosty Fruit Freeze of Lime, Mango or Strawberry for 199 baht (all fruits freezes are 100% fruit with no pre-mix).

    Like to turn your Giant Frosty Freeze into a frozen Jose Cuervo Margarita? Sunrise will add three shots of Jose Cuervo Clasico Tequila and a shot of Triple Sec for FREE to your Giant Glass on May 5th! This GIANT glass once filled is equivalent to a pitcher of margarita and it will cost you just 199 baht!

    Sunrise Tacos will also have plenty of delicious food: Tacos, Burritos, Enchiladas, Fajitas and much more!

    These promotions are being offered at the Sunrise Tacos branch on Sukhumvit Road between Soi 12 and Soi 14. This store never closes. You can also enjoy the promotions at the Sunrise Tacos restaurant near the Secret Recipe store on the ground floor of the Siam Paragon shopping mall.

    Celebrate as well at the Emporium Mall branch, on the fifth floor in the Park Food Hall located near Mos Burger and Swenson's.

    Mexican food is a huge part of celebrating Cinco de Mayo, so be sure to come out and celebrate with us at one of our biggest fiestas of the year! Rattle and roll those maracas baby!

    -- Sunrise Tacos 2009-05-04


  19. I think significantly more money is being spent in Pattaya now than ever before, just spread around differently, and through the wider economy - in terms of retail shopping - with the Russians supporting Central Mall in particular.

    The main sufferers will be bars and go gos as the mongers are replaced by Russian families, along with independent smaller hotels, restaurants and businesses (the posher hotels still get the "all inclusive" rate from their guests who dine there)

    Who is replacing the caucasian sexpats and sex-seekers and their lost Baht infusion on Walking Street? Hordes of cheap Indians and Arabs, who frequent the 7:11s and gang-hit on freelancers. They are not repalcing the lost spend in go go bars and beer bars.

    You may be right about more money being spent now than ever before. But that is simply because there are more people and businesses.

    My earlier point, which seems to have escaped Tropo who sees no reason to compare the past to the present (odd because that is how progress is determined), is that in the past there was more of a balance between people/spending and businesses.

    That resulted in more people being happy with the situation, and probably far less crime and stress.

    Another way of saying this is that the "economic pie" was being distributed more fairly.

    Now the place has overdeveloped......too many businesses and not enough customers/spending. That makes life difficult for a lot of people and no doubt is pushing crime up along with stress levels.

    In the end Pattaya-Jomtien suffers. Thais suffer. And expats suffer because they will never again see the good times when it was a very relaxing, inexpensive, fun, carefree place to be.

    The real estate developers, of course, hate it when any person points out the reality of the place.

  20. Did you know that there is currently 40% more ice in the Antarctic than there was in 1980. Did you know that the Arctic ice cap has only reduced by 7% since 1980.



    To Tigs: It really would be productive is some posters learned something about science in general and climate science/global warming in particular.

    Global warming and climate change are real. No reasonable person is debating whether or not they are real. You seem to be living in a world of myths.

    Now, back to the topic. I agree that it would be far too costly, especially for a third world country like Thailand, to spend most of its revenues on a massive dam to protect Bangkok from rising waters.

    Diverting the river might help.

    Perhaps some large lakes could be constructed to hold some of the water.

    Maybe a major canal project could be undertaken to move some of the water to dry areas (providing there are dry areas).

    Actually, this is shaping up to be a real disaster, and a very costly one at that.

    The place to look for answers is probably the Netherlands.

    To Tejas

    What a pompous arrogant statement. I have a good enough background in Sciences thank you very much. Where did I say that Global Warming does not exist? I said quite clearly that AGW - Anthropogenic Global Warming is a scam, it is not happening. Just what world of myths am I living in? Please elaborate I am intrigued. Point me to one bit of evidence that shows that Global Warming is taking place, and if you quote the IPPC or any of the fraudulent Scientists in the UK and India you are as foolish and arrogant as your statement above.

    Lao Po

    Do a bitof research, it will get rid of the funny faced smilies.

    My statement was not even directed at Lao Po (a person whose views I respect). There was nothing arrogant about it. It was appropriate given who it was actually directed to.

    There is no need to direct any person to the literature as that has been done repeatedly. The scientific consensus on this matter is overwhelming.

    But that is not the subject of this thread. The spammers, however, want that to be the subject.

    The spammers have know nothing about science as far as I can tell. I gave good advice: learn something prior to posting.

    In fact, the spammers may be children posing as adults.

  21. Not sure but anything on saturday was only for colection not to process.

    Not sure even if they still do the saturday thing.

    Do it all on friday, or your be screwed.

    Go early as lunch time is a joke, and loads of jokers there as well , expecting service, right away, very funny.

    Have a nice day.

    If immigration is closed on Saturday and Sunday, why would they tell you to come back on a Sunday to pick something up?

    Messing with the farang?

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