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Posts posted by Tejas

  1. american food? what's up american food speciality? spaghetti and sugar?? hamburgher??


    change style.. :) )

    My guess from your post is that you have never been to the USA.

    As a "melting pot," it should come as no surprise to discover we have everything in terms of food from all over the world.

    Hard to say what is "native" to America.

    Turkey and dressing?

    Chicken fried steak? (that is actually made with beef)

    Hamburgers (yes, I know they did not actually start in the USA, but we modified them so much they are American)

    Apple pie (yes, close to some German deserts, but again we modifed it)

    Smoked BBQ (again, you can probably trace it to Europe but what you find in America is not the same)

    Pumpkin pie (not sure if that can be found outside of the USA)

    So many types of food......it is a great place to get fat!

  2. When the first Thai web board started up 10 or so years ago, one of the first posts was probably warning others of the dangers of buying land in Thailand under the 49% law.

    Be a reasonable assumption to think these same people have been paying rent for the past ten years or so, they are probably at the lower end of the rent scale, but still will have paid out a considerable sum, had they bought the property it would have been theirs long ago!

    "The entire legal structure that regulates real estate could change tomorrow."

    The legal structure in Thailand services "legal" properties by paying submitting and paying taxes, plus a service fee off course, are they going to shoot them selves in the foot and remove this lucrative source of income?

    I suspect that many who jump on the "never buy in Thailand" band wagon simply don't have the resources to do so.

    For some it makes good perfect sense to buy, little is ever mentioned about quality of life, living in your own place undoubtedly adds "quality" to your life! what value do we put on this?

    Thais have repeatedly "shot themselves in the foot......removing lucrative sources of income."

    You are thinking like a rationale person who understands economics--at least as most people/countries outside of Thailand embrace it.

    TIT. Odd economic behavior is the norm.

    As far as your idea that the "never buy in Thailand" crowd is poor.

    No doubt some are poor and resent the rich (what else is new?).

    Others have the resources but don't like what they see in terms of rules, regulations, security, pollution, xenophobia, etc.

    Some of these people want to make money and know there are better places to invest in real estate.

    Others are considering retiring here but don't like what they see--again, too much insecurity in all sectors.

    IMHO, the real estate market has not hit bottom.

  3. Expats where I live lease the house for, I think, 30 years with a 30 year option after the first 30 years expires.

    The problem is TIT.

    There is so much insecurity and corruption now you don't know what they might do in terms of the laws.

    The entire legal structure that regulates real estate could change tomorrow.

    Thailand is a Third World, backward-looking country.

    It seems determined to fall behind all of its neighbors in terms of positive development.

    And with a rising tide of xenophobia (foreigners go away but leave your money attitude), anything might happen.

    If you have to stay here for whatever reason, rent.

  4. I'm sure Mr Thaksin's supporters will accept the judgement of the court with grace and abomb. Ooops! I meant "aplomb"! Really...

    "Walk this way"..........good avatar.

    Isn't this really a moot point?

    The man is rich. He has the best lawyers.

    And most of his money is in shelters abroad.

    Or, maybe not. He does seem be be acting like a man with a lot to lose.

    I doubt he will ever live a life of poverty or see the inside of a jail :)

  5. I don't get to Makro. The recipe is actually an adaptation of the famous Hunan Chinese Chicken Salad recipe from the famous Henry's Hunan in San Francisco (cook book). I cooked the Hunan style for years before I was introduced to sechuan peppercorns. Until relatively recently sechuan peppers were ILLEGAL in the US. Amazing, huh? Anyway, Hunan and Sechuan are related styles, and Sechuan also do a spicy noodle salad with spicy peanut butter sauce, but in my experience they use wheat noodles, not rice noodles, and of course the sechuan peppercorns. So there is more to the recipe than my own invention, it really is a good one, but like I said you really have to play with it a few times to get the taste (of the sauce) right for your palate.


    Suggest that you go to Yaowarat like an earlier poster pointed out (don't know the soi).

    There is a main market hidden away with many spice stores. Just about anything you want to make Chinese food is in that market, including what you are looking for.

    Find the shop where all of the spices are in large bins.........you will save money there. They also have the special Chinese-style vinegars and sherry you need to make many Chinese dishes.....also great black bean paste.

    If you don't speak Chinese, it is always best to have somebody write down what you want in both Thai and Chinese and show it to shop owners.

    The market I am talking about is a fun place to roam around if you have never been there.

  6. I have never really understood paying large amounts of money for land and houses in third world countries.

    Lack of infrastructure, crime, political uncertainty, corrupt police and judiciary, unfriendly land laws etc all make spending a lot of money on real estate in Thailand a bit problematic.

    I suppose if you have bucketloads of money and it is small potatoes to you then go ahead.

    BTW Plenty of beachside properties of good value in Australia outside the capital cities for 25 million baht or thereabouts and you can bank on it being a good investment.

    Luckily it has been a long time since Thailand was considered a third world country!! Or were you referring to Goa / India in the preceeding post?

    Austrailian immigration makes Thiland immigration look easy!!, especially for retirees! :)

    Thailand is most definitely a Third World country. And one going in reverse.

  7. Quick question.... anyone know why the food/restaurant threads are getting moved/spilt up? Some are still in the Western Food forum while others are being moved to BKK? Anyway, hope that they all either go one way or another so we can keep track.

    I know but if I state the reason here the Mexican restaurant review police will ban me :)

    Many of us would like to talk about all Mexican restaurants in Thailand here:

    Western Food in Thailand

    That means all of them, not just in Bangkok or Pattaya or Chiang Mai, etc.

    We would like to post reviews along with pics of the foods the various places are selling and the places themselves.

    Feel free to start such a thread.

    That way we don't have to jump all over the place.

    That makes sense.

  8. Some people can't afford to sit on non-productive properties for decades until the price finally goes up.

    It is similar to the stock market.

    The advice is always "don't sell." The only time you lose is when you sell low, so just wait.

    But you might have to wait a decade..........two decades.........three decades.

    Perhaps a better question is how much money have you lost by not selling at the top of the market a few years ago?

    Related question: When do you expect that the market (general market and not just the top end condo market) will go up again?

  9. Can you tell us how you are making corn tortillas using ingredients found in Thailand? By that, I don't mean going to Foodland and buying Masa Harina.

    I just had yet another conversation with foreigners who love Mexican food, are surrounded by corn fields, but can't find dried corn or corn meal or masa harina (live out in the country).

    Is it possible to make it using just ground corn? What I and others are looking for a a simple method. The actual methods seems complicated, soaking it it some type of hydrated lime solution, etc.

    If off topic, just send me a private post or post it on that other thread about making Mexican food at home.


  10. It is clear what is happening. They will never actually "go to war."

    Thailand wants its public to focus on an "external enemy" to divert attention away from internal problems.

    Cambodia wants it public to focus on an "external enemy" to divert attention away from internal problems.

    This is nothing but a political game to keep the masses confused and looking in the wrong direction.

    Both countries will play this game as long as it works.

    Because if the source of each countries problems is actually apparent to the masses, well.........guess what might happen.

  11. As I know Sunny I can tell you he can't afford teeth let alone real estate.

    For all you guys who dont want to compare UK or overseas prices to Ptty, look at the attached, Angeles City offers similar actveties to Ptty, but look at these property prices, 700sqm of land for 30 milion pesos.

    When i was last in AC it wasn't anywhere near the Sea?!!

    In my opoinon Ptty is far better than AC.

    Pattaya is a huge bargain compared to ac. Anyone who has looked at real estate in ac can confirm this. The quality in ac is horrible. The price are too high.

    Sounds like a last attempt sale at Kmart or Walmart.

    The fact is that there are only a few really good condos (top, front w/ full view of the ocean).

    The fact is that the city is a sewer, overdeveloped, and going downhill fast.

    The fact is that if they ever want to do Twin Peaks II, Pattaya-Jomtien is there.

    I wonder when the "real estate hounds" will start looking at other more receptive, potentially lucrative places like Vietnam and Cambodia?

    I think by the time they figure this out they will be way behind the "first wave."

    Imagine a new Pattaya w/ Western amenities in Cambodia or Vietnam. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  12. Is the OP joking with this statement: "Given Pattaya is now a high-end 5 star family resort....."

    Really, come on.......is this a joke by a troll or do some people actually believe this?

    The high-end 5 star family resort development ploy has failed miserably.

  13. hmmmm Lamai is still busy :) i can't enjoy my quiet spot on the beach, i've had to move onto lipa-noi.

    I continue to be amazed at the optimism in the face of a tourism disaster.

    Sure, you likely are seeing a load of tourists during the lowest of the high seasons on record.

    But are they spending like before?

    Where have all of the long-stay tourists gone too with their money?

    The system is no longer sustainable.

    Warnings have been posted over and over again.

    Solutions have been posted over and over again.

    I think the hot season will produce more than just heat this year.

    Frustration is increasing along with anger, resentment, and the feeling that somebody must pay.

    Too often, when xenophobia clouds minds, that somebody is a scapegoat like a Westerner.

    This is really going to be a hot season. Too many variables at play that point to conflict.

  14. Going to have to give it go for lunch one day soon. I'm easy to please and it is half the distance to Sunrise.


    Wonder if the chef (Robb?) uses dried or fresh poblanos for his relleno dishes. I think either one would taste great.

    I wish they were readily available in Thailand.

    Making chile rellenos is so easy if you have the right ingredients.

  15. Different country, different views.

    It's seen as a rude gesture no matter where you go.

    Here is a little known fact among Western males: Thai females have a "secret" birdy. Ask them and maybe they will show you. I have been here for decades and did not even know it until this year.

    In case you think I am joking, think again. They really don't flip the birdy the same way. Not that they can't, but in many cases they will do it and you will not even know it.

    Basically, they take their thumb and put it between their first two fingers. It almost looks like a fist, but a bit of the thumb is sticking out. If you see that, she is saying "<deleted>" but not in a nice way.

  16. former prime minister has appointed General Chaovalit Yongchaiyud as the Supreme Commander as the People's Army of Thailand

    Am I dreaming? A convicted fugitive has appointed a Supreme Commander....

    Jeezus what kind of madness is going on here?

    Unfortunately, it is likely you are not dreaming. Delusional maniac comes to mind.

    He is preparing to take his last stand (must be feeling the economic pinch).

    Can you imagine the financial and social repurcussions should he ever return to power?

    Thailand's standing and reputation in the world (what is left of it) will drop to the bottom of the list.

    That will definitely be the last nail in Thailand's coffin.

    Could it happen? TIT. Anything can happen.

    I don't want to be here if it does happen.

  17. JESUS CHRIST, this thread amazes me. Lots of bloggers who don't know anything, just want to puke their bad opinion. Please do that in the beer bar where it is appropriate. In this forum I think you should hold on to facts, spiced up with some personal opinion.

    Don't ANYONE understand this project will become a landmark, a Pattaya icon and one of the best investments ever in this area.

    It will help Pattaya become an even more high end community together with all the other brand names allready built and soon to become. Be happy this fantastic building is built in our city.

    If you need some true and real information about this project, I have it but I will not discuss this matter with a born pessimist and possibly anarcist.

    Just learned that Pattaya have been voted #1 Sin City in the world. Project like this will get Pattaya rated much lower in the future and I, for one, desire that progress.

    Are you joking? I am not sure. "Landmark." "Best investments ever." "Even more high end community." You are joking, right?

  18. Where are all the votes? You guys don't like international food?

    I just voted. My "secret vote" was Mexican food.

    I have not yet tried La Monita and Los Cabos, but from what I have tried (think all of them), the best is Tacos and Salsa in Bangkok.

    Maybe some person should start a Mexican food thread so we can talk about it.

    I think it would be nice to have a thread devoted to Mexican restaurants in Thailand.

    Maybe just restaurant reviews w/ pictures of the foods being served and places.

  19. Tonto,

    I may be interested in keeping you on retainer as a guest lecturer for my classes. If you have any video footage as an opener it might be quite impressive.

    Meanwhile, back on topic:


    Sound advice. What are you trying to stop people coming to my classes? This is a cut-throat business and don't you forget it!


    do you have is address? MAybe we can practice....

    :) I think no matter what I say, it is too late for too many. Your classes will not doubt be full well into the future.

  20. The view expressed by the German is representative of Western investors, businesses, corporations.

    It refocuses Thailand on the great and urgent need to return to some semblance of democratic stability.

    You hit the nail on the head. I would add the following:

    1) They must change their education system so that graduates are competitive in the global marketplace.

    3) They must attack a growing xenophobia, anti-foreigner sentiment in the country.

    4) They must address human rights issues.

    5) They must take the immigration system, flush it down the toilet where it belongs, and start over.

    6) They must make strong changes to foreign business rules, especially for small scale businesses.

    7) They must address income inequality, especially between rural and urban residents.

    8) They must address environmental problems like air pollution.

    9) They must learn something about urban planning.

    I could go on, but that is enough for now.

    Tejas, Your list here would be an excellent starting point :D Thailands economic future is dependant on the implementation of these 9 ideas plus perhaps a few others not listed. If Thailand does not wake up soon and European, North American and Japanese investments and tourisim begin to dry up then Thailand could easily become primarily reliant on the likes of China, which would send the country back into the third world like much of the Chinese countryside is. It is really a shame, just a few years ago Thailand was the star of the new Asian economic machine and now Thailand finds itself teetering on this dangerous economic precipice :)

    Thanks for the positive response. I agree about Thailand being the star......about ten years ago.........but now is far from that.

    Unfortunately, it seems that we can't discuss why on TV. My guess is that the subject is a bit sensitive at the moment.

    No problem, many of us are fully aware of who caused the hole in the Titanic.

    I also agree about American politics. When is "change" = to "no change?" When an election takes place in America.

  21. Both of us were talking about the "general workforce."

    Of course, you can find some Thais that are serious about other languages.

    They are in a small minority. Most Thais can barely speak English.

    In Cambodia you will find loads of students/workers who speak English well.

    In general terms, you will see better educated students in Vietnam, Malaysia and Cambodia.

    And you will find that they are less lazy than Thais.

    I could say the same for China and Japan.

    Disagree........no problem. As stated, there are exceptions.

    But money talks. And the investment money is going to Vietnam, Malaysia, and Cambodia.

    What is happening is a shift in strategic power in the region.

    In biology there it is often said "adapt or go extinct." Put differently, "change or die."

    I think that sums it up the choice Thailand must make.

    Cambodia is not anywhere near the same league as Thailand. Vietanm is on the irse and will be a credible alternative to Thailand soon, Malaysia is a smaller more developed country in genral which also has undelying polticla problems but not pro-environemnt court decisons holding it back a tad.

    Thai students and workers are far better educated than Cambodians

    Cambodia's GDP growth actually exceeded China's a few years ago. It is growing by leaps and bounds. Lots of foreign countries are investing heavily in Cambodia.

    No, it is not where Thailand is today. But that is not the point.

  22. Maybe a bit off topic, but here is some advice for foreigners who want to find an Asian wife:

    1) Don't marry a bar girl

    2) Don't marry a girl you think you must save from a life of poverty

    3) Don't marry a girl who is not your equal intellectually

    4) Don't marry an impoverished girl if you are rich

    5) Don't marry a girl whose first words to you are "where you go?" (see #1 above)

    6) Eliminate Thai women from your list of possible Asian women to marry and check out the rest of Asia, especially Japan

    Or, buy a sailboat and live alone.......take trips to Walking Street as necessary. :)

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