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  1. The American Presidency has become a Soap Opera: Tariffs on Tariffs off. Greenland in - Canada in - some hopes. Non elected personnel having access to private information and putting people out of work. Minerals for Peace. Peace on Peace off. Now sharing strategy meetings with journalists on non government. messaging app. Not what we expect from the "leader of the free world" 4 more years of this - heaven help us
  2. Yes at least 15 years ago I had an account with Cahoot ( subsiduary of Santander) I was able to create one off card numbers for online purchases - after a few years they took the option away - sometimes I think banks are on the side of the criminals!!
  3. Price tickets by weight Over a certain weight buy 2 seats
  4. I thought spliffs were now illegal if so maybe you'll be chilling out as things are getting worse
  5. I-smartlife - they have a laptop that I want (same spec) 6K cheaper than advice (on 30K). Thanks
  6. I must say at the moment I prefer living to dying and as far as dying is concerned I won't be here to worry where it is - I am afraid it is others who will have to pick up the pieces so before I go I'm trying to get as much as I can "in order"
  7. Does anyone know how long after purchase you can reclaim VAT when leaving the country?
  8. Not really - this is at several different places (Macro Tesco 7/11) in several different locations and different brands (Meiji Dutch). Today managed to get last bottle (2L) of Meiji at a Tesco > My guess is a public health issue but that's a guess or 0% has become very popular with Thais (but I doubt that).
  9. For the past couple of weeks in my area (Korat) I have been unable to buy it Anyone know if there is an issue
  10. And I always thought "Life was a bowl of Cherries"
  11. I have a knee issue that I would like to treat but what do all these initials stand for please? Thanks
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