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Everything posted by pavlo

  1. Giardia , that was the one get in my guts. Start as diarrhea, get better some days, full waterish/oily in others. Imodium+ used often while need to visit outside home, was only thing to let me get myself to next place where to find toilet. Lost more than 10 kg in 2,5 months. Stool samples and finally coloscopy in hospital in my home country. They say it was not destroy my guts intestinal lint nor done more problems than was on that period of its activity. Got one big pill to kill it before coloscopy, they found nothing alarming in my intestine, even say no need to do this inspection, was so clean pipes 😉 . Anyway, advices from my health team was, clean hands, clean your raw veggies/fruits even before pealing, no raw meat/fish, NO homemade fermented fishsauce ! Got sick from that too but its different story.
  2. 20 years ago you got 55 thb with one euro, we lived like kings
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