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"777" road safety measure introduced for New Year


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I am gob stopped. :sad: Always these 'short term ' gestures to road safety with little real effect (I hope I am wrong with this one) over the long term.


The Government (plus former administrations) just cannot grasp some simple immediate and long term principles to reduce road trauma. May I suggest that decent education and real enforcement would be a starting point. There is a definite lack of will and higher critical thinking to start to deal with this problem - but is this a result of the feudal society which still exists in the Kingdom? The master/serf relationship? Only the masters are protected and to hell with the serfs? Sadly, this seems to be the case. Face saving announcements are regularly made (which is the same as patting yourself on the back) to placate the masses and perhaps to show the world that the "elite" of this Kingdom care. 


Sadly, I feel that this will go the same way as other past "short term measures" - of no long term benefit at all. Will they or cannot they ever learn? :coffee1: I think not.


Time for the 'democratic soldier' take control, kick ass and do something for the benefit of his people! He has wasted three years (over 60,000 dead?) to date. :whistling:


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22 hours ago, leeneeds said:

7 x7 x7 = 343

about the right amount of deaths for 21 days


on the gov. figures for 21 days there is an average of 1281 deaths on thai roads

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23 hours ago, darksidedog said:

They have been trying to reduce road fatalities for years, but in spite of their best efforts the numbers have been rising. I shall be most interested to see what startling new insights they have gained that are going to magically turn this around in a three week period.

cos you cant teach stupid,:smile:

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15 minutes ago, wakeupplease said:

777 means pigs fly and Thais will die as normal over the new year period just wait and see

Yes, unfortunately.

And to protect themselves I feel that some Government department will, yet again, 'fudge' the figures so that the real road trauma figures will not be publicly known thus justifying their pathetic actions. :sad:

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On 12/1/2017 at 12:45 PM, AGareth2 said:

what happened to people travelling in the back of pickups?

You mean the PM's much vaunted clamp down in April last year? TiT. If a law threatens to upset the populace, and having it is not going to help the authorities to hang on by tooth and nail, quietly dump it. If anything, the numbers they  manage to cram into the cargo holds have taken an upward trajectory.


Then a pick-up/bus driver has an argument with his wife, loses control, five passengers killed, several others injured, everyone in authority offers condolences and wrings their hands - then life (and needless death) goes back to normal.

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Perhaps the government check the statistic of those who died in road accidents they probably find majority of them are from the lower middle class or working class. Life was miserable for them, never had a real holiday. Eating from hand to mouth no saving possible nothing to look for ward to. So they drive badly unconsciously they wish to end it all.

Whatever Road Safety Measure proposed by the government will show some good results for just a little while and then it will reverse back again to its original shape.

I will list the most difficult problems to deal with-

1. Ego - huge enormous ego

2. Stupidity - failure to use rational thinking as well

3. Wrong thinking - wearing of amulets -most insidious of all because it's a mental thing.

4. Uncontrolled Anger - very very short fuse

5. Unkindness- not having enough of kind thoughts in daily life.

If the government can somehow really deal with the above problem the accident rate will come down quite a bit. Why quite a bit and not a lot? Because these are almost impossible problems to solve. Ask Mr Chan O Cha if this is true.

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8 minutes ago, madusa said:

Perhaps the government check the statistic of those who died in road accidents they probably find majority of them are from the lower middle class or working class. Life was miserable for them, never had a real holiday. Eating from hand to mouth no saving possible nothing to look for ward to. So they drive badly unconsciously they wish to end it all.

Whatever Road Safety Measure proposed by the government will show some good results for just a little while and then it will reverse back again to its original shape.

I will list the most difficult problems to deal with-

1. Ego - huge enormous ego

2. Stupidity - failure to use rational thinking as well

3. Wrong thinking - wearing of amulets -most insidious of all because it's a mental thing.

4. Uncontrolled Anger - very very short fuse

5. Unkindness- not having enough of kind thoughts in daily life.

If the government can somehow really deal with the above problem the accident rate will come down quite a bit. Why quite a bit and not a lot? Because these are almost impossible problems to solve. Ask Mr Chan O Cha if this is true.

You can bundle all of those 5 into one word "attitude" if you can change peoples attitude towards their driving habit the you have a chance but  the only known way to change peoples attitude is to hit them hard in the pocket and then you have their attention. Once you have their attention then you have a chance to start educating them and then training then to be better more attentive and safer drivers. But it is not an easy task because the first thing is to have a decent, working, honest police force

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10 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

You can bundle all of those 5 into one word "attitude" if you can change peoples attitude towards their driving habit the you have a chance but  the only known way to change peoples attitude is to hit them hard in the pocket and then you have their attention. Once you have their attention then you have a chance to start educating them and then training then to be better more attentive and safer drivers. But it is not an easy task because the first thing is to have a decent, working, honest police force

Why did I spend my time writing such long sentences when you can sum it all up in few words? You had just pricked my ego, don't do that again. (ha, ha, ha)

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On 12/2/2017 at 7:45 AM, catman20 said:

cos you cant teach stupid,:smile:

It's because like most on this thread they don't understand the problem...driving and road safety are not the same.....even the stats don't back up there quasi racist theory that Thai people's bad driving is the cause or anything but a myth....most Thai people are a lot better than farangs at coping with the appalling road environment here.

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8 minutes ago, madusa said:

What is a Mote?  Your spelling is correct? I m waiting 4 your answer

too lazy to look it up, if you dont' say it then i will leave it. I have never seen this word are you American? British don't use this word I believe i may be wrong

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1 hour ago, madusa said:

Why did I spend my time writing such long sentences when you can sum it all up in few words? You had just pricked my ego, don't do that again. (ha, ha, ha)

You were getting fat and you needed the exercise (ha, ha,ha)

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1 hour ago, madusa said:

What is a Mote?  Your spelling is correct? I m waiting 4 your answer

Definition of a mote in someone's eye - a minor fault in a person observed by someone who ignores a greater fault in themselves.

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35 minutes ago, Russell17au said:

Definition of a mote in someone's eye - a minor fault in a person observed by someone who ignores a greater fault in themselves.

  1. a tiny piece of a substance.
    "the tiniest mote of dust"
    synonyms: speck, particle, grain, spot, fleck, atom, scintilla
    "do you know how it feels to have not even a mote of hope?"
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8 hours ago, Russell17au said:

You can bundle all of those 5 into one word "attitude" if you can change peoples attitude towards their driving habit the you have a chance but  the only known way to change peoples attitude is to hit them hard in the pocket and then you have their attention. Once you have their attention then you have a chance to start educating them and then training then to be better more attentive and safer drivers. But it is not an easy task because the first thing is to have a decent, working, honest police force

And the problem is hitting the pocket hard imposes much much greater hardships on poor people and then the collection system has to be in place and then court systems for disputes and then.....etc..etc. demerit points on licenses is more fair but also requires systems and etc ....First point of call is education in schools and well, we know how 'effective' that is...  road safety is placed in the too hard basket, in there with police reform and gov corruption etc. etc.

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20 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

It's because like most on this thread they don't understand the problem...driving and road safety are not the same.....even the stats don't back up there quasi racist theory that Thai people's bad driving is the cause or anything but a myth....most Thai people are a lot better than farangs at coping with the appalling road environment here.

for a start i think you need to get out more, the thai driving and bike riding ive seen is a lot more appalling than the roads here.

some of the roads are not the best but some are excellent,

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22 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

It's because like most on this thread they don't understand the problem...driving and road safety are not the same.....even the stats don't back up there quasi racist theory that Thai people's bad driving is the cause or anything but a myth....most Thai people are a lot better than farangs at coping with the appalling road environment here.

"...most Thai people are a lot better than farangs at coping with the appalling road environment here."   (my italics)


Too many Thai are RESIGNED/COMPLACENT about what is happening and have to accept what the Government does (or in this case does not do, for various reasons) to improve the situation. A "coping mechanism" maybe. But is it desirable? Can there be something better? Farangs are more active in promoting road safety and the saving of lives. Nothing wrong in working toward a better society in terms of road trauma and the huge financial cost to Thai society, when that money could be better spent elsewhere e.g. education. "Coping with the appalling road environment" in this context is just a cop out for inaction. 


But hey, maybe I am a just a caring and an alive driving/riding human who does not wish to be a road trauma statistic.

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11 hours ago, catman20 said:

for a start i think you need to get out more, the thai driving and bike riding ive seen is a lot more appalling than the roads here.

some of the roads are not the best but some are excellent,

Get out more???

With 20 years driving in Thailand under my belt on both 4 and 2 wheels I have more driving experience than most on TV and even more mileage than most Thai drivers.

I have commuted for years and driven long distance to just about every corner  of Thailand and also into Laos and Malaysia.

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52 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Get out more???

With 20 years driving in Thailand under my belt on both 4 and 2 wheels I have more driving experience than most on TV and even more mileage than most Thai drivers.

I have commuted for years and driven long distance to just about every corner  of Thailand and also into Laos and Malaysia.

in that case then you have properly got to used to the bad thai divers and bike riders and dont notice when they pull out without looking or checking in their mirrors.

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8 minutes ago, catman20 said:

in that case then you have properly got to used to the bad thai divers and bike riders and dont notice when they pull out without looking or checking in their mirrors.


8 minutes ago, catman20 said:

in that case then you have properly got to used to the bad thai divers and bike riders and dont notice when they pull out without looking or checking in their mirrors.

You are right catman he has prob got so use to them doing that it dont come as shock to him any more when they do it What is the old saying " When in Rome do as the Romans do":cheesy:

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2 hours ago, catman20 said:

in that case then you have properly got to used to the bad thai divers and bike riders and dont notice when they pull out without looking or checking in their mirrors.

.......you are probably unaware of the priority from the left law in Thailand

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