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Road death toll rises to 239 after four days of Thailand’s "7 Dangerous Days"


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6 minutes ago, jimn said:

Oh please do keep up. They have the results for the first 4 days not for 5th and 6th. There is 1 day to go which is tomorrow 3rd Jan.

Jimn please do what you tell others to do and keep up because day 5 figures and the adjustments for days 1, 2, 3, and 4 were released earlier today.

Go back and look at my post which has the comparison for 2015, 2016 and this year

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11 hours ago, StevieAus said:

I have just read in the Australian newspaper that 28 people which is double the figure from last year died on NSW roads over the Christmas/ NY period and that is in a country where the police do enforce the law.

So it’s not only Thailand where there is a problem on the roads.


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38 minutes ago, jimn said:

Oh please do keep up. They have the results for the first 4 days not for 5th and 6th. There is 1 day to go which is tomorrow 3rd Jan.






Every day on the roads of Thailand is highly dangerous IMHO.


What are you suggesting?


Is this holiday a safer one due to lower fatalities or is there something we are missing?







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15 hours ago, Russell17au said:

the figure 65 is correct because the figures for the first 3 days has increased owing to deaths in hospital and those deaths are record to the day of the accident



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Edited by Hupaponics
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3 hours ago, watcharacters said:






Every day on the roads of Thailand is highly dangerous IMHO.


What are you suggesting?


Is this holiday a safer one due to lower fatalities or is there something we are missing?








I might have misunderstood but I spent 9 hours on the roads this weekend and my observation was that much more people had their helmet on than "normal days". 

The average speed was lower among the cars. 


I do hope they continue this way. 

Yes, far from every checkpoint was open. However that is good too show how many there are. 

If I go from home to a party and pass all those unattended checkpoints, would I take a chans and drink all night long and driving home, hoping that those checkpoints were still unattended?

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3 hours ago, YetAnother said:

in my province,  the checkpoints were there for the first 2 days of 7; after that , nothing;

truly truly pathetic


Really? And after that they took down the cones?

interesting. I passed a couple of provinces and there where loads of checkpoints. Not everyone open though. Nevertheless they are there and you'll never know when they open. 

If you go to your friend for a drinking party and you'll pass a couple of checkpoints, would you take the chance to drive home in the night?

The more checkpoints (attended or not) the better. 

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15 hours ago, Russell17au said:

We are only at day 5 and you and your friend that works in a government hospital are talking about people that die after 7 days. LOL. I think that I would prefer to work on the figures that are released each day up until the 7 days the same as the figures were done on all previous years back to 2010


Did you purposely misunderstand?  or trolling?  every year people die after the 7 day count period got it?

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20 hours ago, Russell17au said:

Jimn please do what you tell others to do and keep up because day 5 figures and the adjustments for days 1, 2, 3, and 4 were released earlier today.

Go back and look at my post which has the comparison for 2015, 2016 and this year

I was commenting on someone questioning the maths before you provided day 5 figures. As my comment was based on the OP before you provided these figures it makes your post quoting me irrelevant. Thanks anyway.

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Here are the figures for day 6 plus the updates for the previous 5 days


Here is a breakdown and a comparison that I have done of the road carnage figures on a daily basis with a comparison total for the 7 days.


Please note, all deaths are recorded regardless of whether it happened at the scene of the accident or not. If someone died a few days later in hospital, they are added to the tally, as long as it is within the so-called “7 dangerous days”.


The information for this has been acquired from several source's including MSN, The National, Bangkok Post, ThaiVisa News and Richard Barrow

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