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Pattaya Chicken Shrine


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Passed through Pattaya by bus a month or so ago and noticed a very large religious complex, full of colorful domed buildings. But the interesting thing was that one of the gates was crowned by a giant chicken. I would be grateful if someone could tell me what that place is?

P.S. I am assuming that there is only one outfit with a giant chicken in Pattaya, but I could be wrong. If there is more than one, please tell me what those places are.

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It belongs to one of the richest guys in Thailand, he owns the chicken market.

If you ask me it is an eyesore, if I had his money I would have built a different style of palace, but it is kind of a tourist attraction.

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It belongs to one of the richest guys in Thailand, he owns the chicken market.

If you ask me it is an eyesore, if I had his money I would have built a different style of palace, but it is kind of a tourist attraction.

Do they sell KFC outside?

I imagine they supply KFC.

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Ah, the CP Group, that explains it. I just saw it passing by, and at the time it didn't even seem like it was something put up by Buddhists. Maybe it isn't, I don't know. If I had made as much money from chickens as CP has I too would be raising statues to them. I thought is might be some semi-obscure Indian or ME sect. Not naming any names as I don't want to offend anyone. Anyway, thanks for the answer!

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