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15% of Phuket’s advanced bookings cancelled


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Still think 'zero baht tourism' is a myth.


Lets take the last 50 posters here , form a Company , and  the new Co. pitch a tourism business  that promises a thousand 'anybodys from anywhere '  a free trip , despite the fact that all that thousand folk  openly state they have no money.

And then bring them here ( or even on a 'free' tour once they paid to get  here )  , and  take them into our 50 businesses and make a fortune on overpriced 'anythings'.

We wouldnt make a satang /cent.

Folks wth no money are quite used to not spending money .

They're the ones who are talked about for pages here , sitting in cafes drinking 7/11 water .

Eating 2 minute noodles in their crummy hotel rooms.

You honestly think they hit some compulsory shops then go ape sh.t ?


Ive been there and  it doesnt matter how much they want to overcharge me at some obligatory bus stop  , Ive still got no money...


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On 7/14/2018 at 9:57 PM, lvr181 said:

Not for Thai authorities................ :post-4641-1156693976:




Tragically, it's just all about the almighty baht.  


Many tourists will except risk in developing countries, but with Phuket being the most expensive place to holiday in South East Asia, Singapore aside, tourists coming here are paying good money that is not reflected in a similar standard of safety, compliance, and enforcement.     

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1 hour ago, NamKangMan said:




Tragically, it's just all about the almighty baht.  


Many tourists will except risk in developing countries, but with Phuket being the most expensive place to holiday in South East Asia, Singapore aside, tourists coming here are paying good money that is not reflected in a similar standard of safety, compliance, and enforcement.     

Strongly agree !

Tourists sometimes  endeavour to talk about this subject , but are often howled down with , "You cheap Charlie !" replies by those wearing rose tinted glasses..

The fact is that many things in Phuket cost the same or more than other countries  , but  are  often presented without any attempt at quality of service or even  basic instruction   ,  no 'money back ' guarantee , and certainly no public liability cover.

People are paying between 2,000  and 4,000 baht for  some of these tours and have every right to expect proffessionally  licensed , 'non inebriated '  drivers  , comprehensive safety instruction and insurance , and up to date modes of transport and safety equipment.


They are not getting that , and the tour operators who are saving on those expenses , particularly costly public liability insurance , that adds so much  to the cost in the West , must be rolling in profits ..


In short they are expecting to have to rough it  , and they are , but  nowadays paying full price for a diminished experience !


Edited by zaZa9
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