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Secret Sub-forum?


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I would suggest putting in the topic title "GIRLS ONLY PLEASE" or something like that. If I saw that, or Britmaveric saw it, or most others here, we would stay out.

Yeah, you guys would, but you're not the ones she's worried about.

Those clods would descend upon a "Girls Only" post like a herd of locusts.....

I agree that an invitation-only forum would work and would be nice, but the issue is whether the mods are up to managing it.

Forget Bedlam, the name says it all.

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One of the solutions would be to create a big enough icon indicating 'this thread is for ladies only'. Of course you can't prevent anyone faking to be a girl and have a go but at least THAT icon could deter 'not too thick skinned' to post their view.


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MiG, I think the idea of asking guys NOT to reply to more personal/women's concerns topics on this forum could work. I have generally found that the guys who venture into the Ladies forum are respectful and often helpful, too. Of course there is the occasional misogynist who seizes every opportunity to "have a go", but the mods are vigilant in dealing with such worms.

NR, please feel free to PM me, ditto others. I'm no expert on anything, and for health stuff I think Sheryl and Cathyy are brilliant!

Tywais knows more about this technical forum stuff than I do so I can't give an opinion about a chat room but, I believe a title something along the lines of "LADIES OPINIONS ONLY PLEASE" would help. Plus a public announcement that there will be immediate suspension for any worm who chooses to post misogynistic crap :o

I think Tywais was meaning a room could be created with Thaivisa Chat

totster :D

I knew that tots, jeez I am not a total idiot when it comes to computers :D

I should have inserted a paragraph there so as not to confuse, I suppose. I meant that the title of the post should be something along the lines of "LADIES OPINIONS ONLY PLEASE" . Sorry to confuse you there totster :D

Anyway, not sure chat would work, we are all on different times, so it woudn't be sure that if one woman happened to go on anyone else would be there.

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but u could try to appoint a time with the others...atleast will be easier than trying to arrange a time to meet given the geographical locations :D

as said...either the chat is one possible option...but seems like the mass PM is more the way to go.......makes reading a bit harder when the comments and exchange get detailed ofcourse, but still an idea I suppose :o

NR? shall we start?:D other ladies be prepared for the semi-mass mailing list then :D

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i agree with the few people who have said that the blokes on this part of the forum are normally really good blokes who respect us. i have met a couple in person and can personally vouch for them.

i also agree with the 'ikky' questions that may want to be asked in a more private way.

the chat room is a good way to do it, but i dont usually go there too often as i am usually at work when i am on the puter.

most of us welcome pm's (didnt forget that apostrophe!)

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I've thought a bit more about this.

I think for extremely personal stuff such as started the original thread a PM is best. NR, you are most welcome to PM me if you think I might be able to help.

However, I still like the idea of an invitation only forum but not one based on gender (among other things would reduce the traffic on the Ladies forum and cut us off from new members). Rather what I'd love to see is an invitation-only forum open to members of either sex who have demonstrated over time, by their posts, that they are:

- mature, sensitive and sensible

-supportive of other members

-tolerant and without prejudice towards anyone on basis of gender, race, nationality, religion

- intelligent and thoughtful

A forum like that would be GREAT.....

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I've thought a bit more about this.

I think for extremely personal stuff such as started the original thread a PM is best. NR, you are most welcome to PM me if you think I might be able to help.

However, I still like the idea of an invitation only forum but not one based on gender (among other things would reduce the traffic on the Ladies forum and cut us off from new members). Rather what I'd love to see is an invitation-only forum open to members of either sex who have demonstrated over time, by their posts, that they are:

- mature, sensitive and sensible

-supportive of other members

-tolerant and without prejudice towards anyone on basis of gender, race, nationality, religion

- intelligent and thoughtful

A forum like that would be GREAT.....

Oh, boy, I think that would trim your numbers down to about five. :o

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Now, now....more like 50 to start with. :o and they might be able to refer others....I know the low brows and clods predominate but I think there are more decent folk out there than you realize...they just can't make themselves heard above the clamor

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and I wouldnt take for granted that all moderators are all the above, and can automatically be included either. Im sure as moderators you have been selected /appointed based on a number of criteria...but ....

well anyhow...long description...so yeh I guess you can choose based on the same criteria I suppose...and maybe I am invited, maybe Im not....then ill decide what happens...

so yes...PM it seems for now.....

or I could visit NR in HuaHin...not been there in a while.... :o

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so yes...PM it seems for now.....

or I could visit NR in HuaHin...not been there in a while.... :D

Yeah! Come see me in HH! I could do with a night out! :o

OK, so we pm. I'll do mine tomorrow morning (can only do 11 on one pm, right?) Who are we addressing the pm's to, MiG? Whoever we think might be able to give the best advice for a particular query?

Okey dokey, then. Mass pm-ing it is.

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yes sweetie NR. to me most of the ladies would be on my list...but if I leave out someone its only cos I might not have seen some names lately (got a short term memory...sorry)

so Ill let NR take the lead...that way I can use her list :o

NR...actually Ive been thinking about visiting HuaHin for months...maybe close to a year....just never got round to it. busy with work until end of the month...so who knows....maybe soonish in march :D

save the rhubarb pls :D

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