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Trouble At Subway Tipp Plaza


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This is the same Subway branch I went into a few weeks ago. As I walked in I got a sawasdee krap from the male who walked behind the counter and proceeded to ignore me. The female already behind the counter had her back turned to the customer area and also igonred me. After asking if there was any chance of being served I finally got some recognition and they interupted whatever vital work they were doing and served me. I asked for a terryaki chicken 6in, and was asked what bread would I like, gave the answer and was then told sorry, no terryaki chicken!!! I remarked to him why did he ask me what bread for, walked out and have never been back.

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The female already behind the counter had her back turned to the customer area and also igonred me. After asking if there was any chance of being served I finally got some recognition and they interupted whatever vital work they were doing and served me. I asked for a terryaki chicken 6in, and was asked what bread would I like, gave the answer and was then told sorry, no terryaki chicken!!! I remarked to him why did he ask me what bread for, walked out and have never been back.

TIT! :o

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The female already behind the counter had her back turned to the customer area and also igonred me. After asking if there was any chance of being served I finally got some recognition and they interupted whatever vital work they were doing and served me. I asked for a terryaki chicken 6in, and was asked what bread would I like, gave the answer and was then told sorry, no terryaki chicken!!! I remarked to him why did he ask me what bread for, walked out and have never been back.

TIT! :o

Yes indeed afraid this kind of scenario happens quite often in LOS. Go into a restaurant order item on the menu, wait and wait, no food, ask the waiter/waitress who took the order where's my food, then she/he goes to the back and check comes back says we're out. <deleted> happened!!?? Can't they tell me they'll out after I've ordered? :D

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:o ..Would be nice to see a bit of solidarity over this Subway issue . :D ..I know its not advisable but would love to see all the Forum members concerned with this subject arrange to meet up at the Tipp Plaza Subway Branch and all go in within 30 minutes of each other order a 199 Baht 6 Incher (Sub that is) .. check the notice then the reciept and ask for the Freebie or look like your tapping out the phone number on your mobile ..lololol .. would be a new form a Russian roulette .. waiting for the guy behind the Jump to have another Melt down .. My thoughts are well done to the OP for his actions ..I know Subways is a Big Franchise chain and hardley a Mum n Pap operation but it must be a hard Sub to swallow when you are tied up in a business with little control and can see this going on ... At least the level of awareness has been raised as one other poster said .. :D
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Pls don't fire him just yet. I will be in Bangkok this next week and love Subway and would not be angry if I got a free one too. But, I am a big boy and it would take a few of the counter people to put a dent in me. :o

I was under the impression mice only have big ears.

and your not a very big member by the looks of it, Thai visa that is..


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What that employee did was wrong. I cannot believe the posters who support him and say the OP should mind his own business. However on pointing this thread out to my wife she is in full agreement that it had nothing to do with the OP and he deserved the punch or more! She insists that you should never critisize a Thai person and people who do are going to get hurt!

This attitude has caused huge arguments between us over the years. She cannot understand that saying one Thai person is bad is not saying that ALL Thai people AND the country is bad.

There is another side to this problem though. I own a business here and every day I check the item sales. If this had been going on for some time there should be thousands of bottles of water sold. If it has not been sold but billed as sold then where is it all being stored! and where has all the bread rolls gone to? This scam is far too easy to spot by anyone with any sort of business sense. What is much more likely is that it is a Tax scam. The owner is well aware that his sales are much higher than the till reports but he pays tax on the sales put through the till.

In the bar industry if the tax office feel that this sort of fiddle is going on they descend on your bar and take all your beer purchase receipts and then work out your tax from them, instead of what you say you sell. In this case when the tax office see a Subway Outlet selling nothing but water they will probably do a tax audit on the amount of bread bought! (That's presuming the business is Farang owned. If it was Thai owned they probably would do nothing!! -- Just my opinion there)


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What that employee did was wrong. I cannot believe the posters who support him and say the OP should mind his own business. However on pointing this thread out to my wife she is in full agreement that it had nothing to do with the OP and he deserved the punch or more! She insists that you should never critisize a Thai person and people who do are going to get hurt!

This attitude has caused huge arguments between us over the years. She cannot understand that saying one Thai person is bad is not saying that ALL Thai people AND the country is bad.

There is another side to this problem though. I own a business here and every day I check the item sales. If this had been going on for some time there should be thousands of bottles of water sold. If it has not been sold but billed as sold then where is it all being stored! and where has all the bread rolls gone to? This scam is far too easy to spot by anyone with any sort of business sense. What is much more likely is that it is a Tax scam. The owner is well aware that his sales are much higher than the till reports but he pays tax on the sales put through the till.

In the bar industry if the tax office feel that this sort of fiddle is going on they descend on your bar and take all your beer purchase receipts and then work out your tax from them, instead of what you say you sell. In this case when the tax office see a Subway Outlet selling nothing but water they will probably do a tax audit on the amount of bread bought! (That's presuming the business is Farang owned. If it was Thai owned they probably would do nothing!! -- Just my opinion there)


Looks very plausible to me.

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I am confused as I personally have never kept a reciept for food at any restaurant unless I was working, but this guy is so sad he checks his receipt for a sandwich? Either he is used to being ripped off - which is sad -but in this case he wasn't. I feel sorry for his missus everytime they go shopping, it must double their journey time as he has to check off every single item on his receipt. I am sorry but I think that is Icecubes is an EX TAX INSPECTOR. Cos this is fun town, where we have fun!

The level of intellect is astounding by some members

School must have kicked out then.

There’s a big wide world out there.

One day,, when you grow up and can where long trousers.

You will discover how important paper work is. fast food chains or pay checks

It all has its place, if you choose to discard it then at your own peril, do just that.

O wise one.

Have a nice day, thats after you and your mates finish your home work.

His point was exactly the same as mine.

The OP almost got a punch in the face. For what?

He didn't get ripped off. The Thai guy was ripping off Subway.

If I somehow notice that someone is ripping off McDonald's, Subway, or any corporation for that matter, I'm not going to get punched in the face or worse to stop it from happening.

Getting called "stupid" and childish" for expressing this point of view was uncalled for, and was childish in itself.

And okay, maybe my response was not appropriate (and I got one of the warnings from the mods).

But icecubes, try engaging in a debate without insulting the person you are debating with. Try it just once.

You have to accept that people's points of view differ from yours.

Your point of view will be much more credible and listened to if it doesn't include an insult to people who have opposing points of view.

You're accusing people of being immature, catching the bus to school, but your posts are the most immature ones on this forum.

(and mods, this is not flaming, it's honest advice)

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What that employee did was wrong. I cannot believe the posters who support him and say the OP should mind his own business. However on pointing this thread out to my wife she is in full agreement that it had nothing to do with the OP and he deserved the punch or more! She insists that you should never critisize a Thai person and people who do are going to get hurt!

This attitude has caused huge arguments between us over the years. She cannot understand that saying one Thai person is bad is not saying that ALL Thai people AND the country is bad.

There is another side to this problem though. I own a business here and every day I check the item sales. If this had been going on for some time there should be thousands of bottles of water sold. If it has not been sold but billed as sold then where is it all being stored! and where has all the bread rolls gone to? This scam is far too easy to spot by anyone with any sort of business sense. What is much more likely is that it is a Tax scam. The owner is well aware that his sales are much higher than the till reports but he pays tax on the sales put through the till.

In the bar industry if the tax office feel that this sort of fiddle is going on they descend on your bar and take all your beer purchase receipts and then work out your tax from them, instead of what you say you sell. In this case when the tax office see a Subway Outlet selling nothing but water they will probably do a tax audit on the amount of bread bought! (That's presuming the business is Farang owned. If it was Thai owned they probably would do nothing!! -- Just my opinion there)


I think your drawing a bit of a long bow here.

The business owner is aware that he has some sort of problem here ,otherwise he wouldnt be offering a free sub for an incorrect receipt.

In the real world you would just fire the theiving employees, but this is thailand and management techniques are somewhat differant.

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The OP clearly felt cheated. The sign said free sandwich if your receipt is incorrect. He did not get his free sandwich. He was cheated.

The sign is part of the Franchise agreement. This is to stop Franchise owners, yes the owners, from cheating the Franchise operators.

Franchise owners have to pay a percentage of their takings to, in this case, Subway. Not all products are bought direct from Franchiser, and in this way can make additional profit. The owners, in this case will simply blame the employee for this error and escape any blame.

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What that employee did was wrong. I cannot believe the posters who support him and say the OP should mind his own business. However on pointing this thread out to my wife she is in full agreement that it had nothing to do with the OP and he deserved the punch or more! She insists that you should never critisize a Thai person and people who do are going to get hurt!

This attitude has caused huge arguments between us over the years. She cannot understand that saying one Thai person is bad is not saying that ALL Thai people AND the country is bad.

There is another side to this problem though. I own a business here and every day I check the item sales. If this had been going on for some time there should be thousands of bottles of water sold. If it has not been sold but billed as sold then where is it all being stored! and where has all the bread rolls gone to? This scam is far too easy to spot by anyone with any sort of business sense. What is much more likely is that it is a Tax scam. The owner is well aware that his sales are much higher than the till reports but he pays tax on the sales put through the till.

In the bar industry if the tax office feel that this sort of fiddle is going on they descend on your bar and take all your beer purchase receipts and then work out your tax from them, instead of what you say you sell. In this case when the tax office see a Subway Outlet selling nothing but water they will probably do a tax audit on the amount of bread bought! (That's presuming the business is Farang owned. If it was Thai owned they probably would do nothing!! -- Just my opinion there)


I can see where you are coming from...............but would the owner have put a sign on the counter asking people to telephone a number if they noticed a discrepency between items purchased and the till receipt?

I also wondered if the wrong receipts were only issued to farang because the likelyhood of them complaining is probably remote.

If the management were involved why did the male member of staff become so irate when the OP began noting the telephone number down?

It would also be quite easy for the staff to dispose of the bottled water not used and replace the bread rolls with their own.

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The sign is part of the Franchise agreement. This is to stop Franchise owners, yes the owners, from cheating the Franchise operators.

Franchise owners have to pay a percentage of their takings to, in this case, Subway. Not all products are bought direct from Franchiser, and in this way can make additional profit. The owners, in this case will simply blame the employee for this error and escape any blame.

But it was the employee printing up the false receipt. And the employee trying to punch a guy in the face to keep it from getting exposed. This doesn't make sense with what you said.

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What that employee did was wrong. I cannot believe the posters who support him and say the OP should mind his own business. However on pointing this thread out to my wife she is in full agreement that it had nothing to do with the OP and he deserved the punch or more! She insists that you should never critisize a Thai person and people who do are going to get hurt!

This attitude has caused huge arguments between us over the years. She cannot understand that saying one Thai person is bad is not saying that ALL Thai people AND the country is bad.

There is another side to this problem though. I own a business here and every day I check the item sales. If this had been going on for some time there should be thousands of bottles of water sold. If it has not been sold but billed as sold then where is it all being stored! and where has all the bread rolls gone to? This scam is far too easy to spot by anyone with any sort of business sense. What is much more likely is that it is a Tax scam. The owner is well aware that his sales are much higher than the till reports but he pays tax on the sales put through the till.

In the bar industry if the tax office feel that this sort of fiddle is going on they descend on your bar and take all your beer purchase receipts and then work out your tax from them, instead of what you say you sell. In this case when the tax office see a Subway Outlet selling nothing but water they will probably do a tax audit on the amount of bread bought! (That's presuming the business is Farang owned. If it was Thai owned they probably would do nothing!! -- Just my opinion there)


I think your drawing a bit of a long bow here.

The business owner is aware that he has some sort of problem here ,otherwise he wouldnt be offering a free sub for an incorrect receipt.

In the real world you would just fire the theiving employees, but this is thailand and management techniques are somewhat differant.

I agree with Cobber.... It is a plausible scenario but If the store owner and the employee were colluding on some kind of tax fiddle, I'm sure that the employee would be authorized by the owner to give up the free sandwich without hesitation to placate the infrequent customer who checks his receipt instead of assaulting them.

Edited by bino
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The employee is usually told not to give receipts. This is to allow the franchise owners to be creative with their books.

If the the employee has to give a receipt then a low value on will suffice. Normally at this stage, if confronted by an irrate

customer, the employee is to give a free sandwich. This is very rare.

As the OP said( or someone else) they got a copy receipt that was three hours old. So for three hours nobody got a receipt.

Creative books.

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The employee is usually told not to give receipts. This is to allow the franchise owners to be creative with their books.

If the the employee has to give a receipt then a low value on will suffice. Normally at this stage, if confronted by an irrate

customer, the employee is to give a free sandwich. This is very rare.

As the OP said( or someone else) they got a copy receipt that was three hours old. So for three hours nobody got a receipt.

Creative books.

Even if what you're saying is right, this could give a clever employee even more opportunity to steal from his boss. This is my take on it from the story. From the actions and emotions of the employee, my guess is still that he was liberating some funds.

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The employee is usually told not to give receipts. This is to allow the franchise owners to be creative with their books.

If the the employee has to give a receipt then a low value on will suffice. Normally at this stage, if confronted by an irrate

customer, the employee is to give a free sandwich. This is very rare.

As the OP said( or someone else) they got a copy receipt that was three hours old. So for three hours nobody got a receipt.

Creative books.

Even if what you're saying is right, this could give a clever employee even more opportunity to steal from his boss. This is my take on it from the story. From the actions and emotions of the employee, my guess is still that he was liberating some funds.

The word, "stealing" seems more fitting. :o

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The employee is usually told not to give receipts. This is to allow the franchise owners to be creative with their books.

If the the employee has to give a receipt then a low value on will suffice. Normally at this stage, if confronted by an irrate

customer, the employee is to give a free sandwich. This is very rare.

As the OP said( or someone else) they got a copy receipt that was three hours old. So for three hours nobody got a receipt.

Creative books.

If that was the case, I would find it highly unlikely that the owner would put a sign on the wall urging people to do exactly what he doesn't want them to........ very, very, very unlikely.

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As I stated before if there wasnt a free sandwich at stake, do you think the op would have even cared???

I cannot answer for the OP but if it was me, the answer would be yes. I would have cared. There are too many scammers, Thai and Farang, in town, and each one less makes this place a better place.

I understand that moral courage is often mistaken as stupidity but I never belonged to the mind your own business faction and never will.

This was not ment as a flaming to Brit, but as a general statement.

[/rant over]

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Sorry guys, I am getting ready to close this thread .

OK ????

Ah! it looks as though we may never know if the OP got his free sandwich..........or if the male employee has been relegated to water duties only............or if indeed Jeffrey Archer has contemplated this as a basis for a new world busting novel..........or if the sign has been mysteriously removed :o

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There is another side to this problem though. I own a business here and every day I check the item sales. If this had been going on for some time there should be thousands of bottles of water sold. If it has not been sold but billed as sold then where is it all being stored! and where has all the bread rolls gone to? This scam is far too easy to spot by anyone with any sort of business sense. What is much more likely is that it is a Tax scam. The owner is well aware that his sales are much higher than the till reports but he pays tax on the sales put through the till.
The weekly report would show this as well, shortage on the inventory in meat and vegetables with more bottles of water sold. Subway uses a POS system. ( Unless the employee was really smart and bought water at a grocery store and replaced this) No matter what he did, he could not overcome the shortage of the bread in the 8 hour shift. He would have a shortage. Red flags would be going off on the weekly report if he is doing this in any volume.

All franchisors will check this to help the franchisee and also their interests. They want their royalties.

I think your drawing a bit of a long bow here.

The business owner is aware that he has some sort of problem here ,otherwise he wouldnt be offering a free sub for an incorrect receipt.

In the real world you would just fire the theiving employees, but this is thailand and management techniques are somewhat differant.

Correct. You cannot be at a store 24 hours a day but by putting up a sign, you induce customers to call if something is wrong. This owner wanted cheating to be reporting. Subway does not require you to put up a sign; we in fact don't do it.

I agree with Cobber.... It is a plausible scenario but If the store owner and the employee were colluding on some kind of tax fiddle, I'm sure that the employee would be authorized by the owner to give up the free sandwich without hesitation to placate the infrequent customer who checks his receipt instead of assaulting them.

I'm 100% sure the franchise owner was not in the store. The clerk would not of done this then.

If a cash register has been approved by the Thai government which this one was. If they observe a customer not getting a receipt, they can fine the store owner 20,000 Baht.


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Sorry guys, I am getting ready to close this thread .

OK ????

Ah! it looks as though we may never know if the OP got his free sandwich..........or if the male employee has been relegated to water duties only............or if indeed Jeffrey Archer has contemplated this as a basis for a new world busting novel..........or if the sign has been mysteriously removed :o

At thetime of speaking I've had no response from Subway or from the franchisee or my free 6 inch sub

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At thetime of speaking I've had no response from Subway or from the franchisee or my free 6 inch sub

I'm going to send you a PM now and send a couple free Subway coupons ourselves. It will be good in our Bangkok stores, if thats ok. (Phuket as well, when it opens.)



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