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Safer roads will boost Thai GDP by 22 per cent: World Bank


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4 hours ago, SuperTed said:

Fascinating - Thai road fatality rates per 100,000 vehicles are 25% LESS than the South East Asian average. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_traffic-related_death_rate

Cold comfort to those who have lost loved ones to the roads.

But Thailand’s high road death rate per 100,000 population has to do with Thai wealth - everyone here can afford a motorbike. Our safety record is not that bad, and will continue to improve with helmet and seat belt enforcement, truck inspections and the massive ongoing investment in new roads.

One of the few areas where the current government deserves some credit.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

Unfortunately in Khon Kaen that investment does not seem to be going into simple things like improving street lighting.  Much of the current lighting is either missing, broken or not fit for purpose - ie it has been installed for its cosmetic appearance rather than for its purpose.

It seems a very simple way of making some improvements to road safety but the local government completely ignores it while it widens roads and speeds up traffic in the resulting darkness.

Add to that the motorcyclists who have no rear lights.

These in themselves are small things to fix but are not even attracting any effort from the local authorities or the police.

Edited by saltire1
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1 minute ago, nchuckle said:

What he means is that if the IQ of the average Thai could be increased to the point where he understands the ramifications of his appalling driving then the economy might also similarly benefit . 


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Calling BS on the World Banks figures.

15,256 died last year. If the number was reduced by 50% (ie. 7628) per year for the next 24 years as they used in their model, there would be an extra 183,000 people alive over that time. Or around 0.26% of the population. If GDP was equally shared amongst the population  (it probably isn't because most of the accident victims are poorer people on motorcycles who mostly have lower incomes) then 24 years x 0.26% of the GDP comes out as 6.2% extra GDP over those 24 years........

Again, complete lies from Banksters.

Edited by Time Traveller
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6 hours ago, Assurancetourix said:

Yesterday coming back from Sakon Nakhon to Udon Thani..

Speeding at 90/95 km/h with my Isuzu 3,000cc

nearly every vehicles overpassed me and some of them at more than 120 km/h ..

Tomorrow pigs will fly 

Yes that stretch is a dangerous bloody race track with imbeciles in abundance.[unfortunately along with MANY other thai roads]


Edited by findlay13
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7 hours ago, boonrawdcnx said:

Ridiculous number - I think he meant 2.2% GDP - 22 % would be more than the entire tourism industry in Thailand which is currently around 19 % of the entire GDP of approx. 455 billion $.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

That was my first reaction, but if you read the article it suggests he's talking about total GDP over a 24 year period.


It's not very clear...........just sloppy reporting by so-called journalists who pick up stuff from elsewhere and copy it without any critical thought.

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52 minutes ago, roquefort said:


It's not very clear...........just sloppy reporting by so-called journalists who pick up stuff from elsewhere and copy it without any critical thought.

They're not so-called "journalists", they will never rise to that level - just reporters who "report" like parrots! ???? No thinking required (AKA - never let the truth get in the way of a good or bad story).

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8 minutes ago, lvr181 said:

They're not so-called "journalists", they will never rise to that level - just reporters who "report" like parrots! ???? No thinking required (AKA - never let the truth get in the way of a good or bad story).

Some circles talk about the GDP as being the Generally Disposable People.

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10 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

If you drive/ride slowly, carefully,  intelligently, and sympathetically towards other road users, you are very unlikely to die in an accident, even on Thai roads. 

Good plan apart from all the morons who won't be following your sensible example

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14 minutes ago, oldlakey said:

Good plan apart from all the morons who won't be following your sensible example

Lots of morons I've heard knock on your door and want you to change your religion.


rikki fulton jehovahs witnesses  ????????

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11 hours ago, outsider said:

Sure, the rest of the world knows that. But trying selling this GDP story to the idiots who speed around in buses/lorries/pickups/cars/motorcycles with failing brakes and worn tyres, beating red lights and sometimes driving/riding against the flow of traffic. Try telling the population to start having a slightly more first-world mentality rather than a me-first and save-face third-world immaturity. Then try telling the idiotic brown clowns to get off their lard-<deleted> and start doing some real police work - let's start with enforcement. Honestly, one would have better luck teaching defensive driving techniques - to a rock.

Farang not understand Thailand. Thailand not same you country na. 

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