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Trump says next meeting with North Korea's Kim being set up


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Trump says next meeting with North Korea's Kim being set up

By Roberta Rampton



FILE PHOTO: U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korea's leader Kim Jong Un hold a signing ceremony at the conclusion of their summit at the Capella Hotel on the resort island of Sentosa, Singapore June 12, 2018. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump said on Tuesday plans were being made for his second summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and he thinks "incredible" progress has been made in U.S. talks with the long-isolated country.


"Well it is happening and we're setting that up right now," Trump told reporters at the White House after announcing the resignation of U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.


He said Secretary of State Mike Pompeo had very good talks with Kim over the weekend and that three or four locations were being considered. "Timing won't be too far away," he said.


Pompeo echoed Trump's comments when he briefly spoke to reporters during a Tuesday afternoon visit to the White House.


"While there's still a long way to go and much work to do, we can now see a path where we will achieve (our) ultimate goal, which is the full and final verified denuclearization of North Korea," he said.


Trump and Kim held a historic first summit in Singapore on June 12 at which Kim pledged to work toward denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. However, his actions have fallen short of Washington's demands for a complete inventory of its weapons and facilities and irreversible steps to give up its nuclear arsenal, which could threaten the United States.


Still, Trump was upbeat on progress made so far.


"You got no rockets flying, you have no missiles flying, you have no nuclear testing," Trump said in the Oval Office. "We've made incredible progress - beyond incredible.


"But I have agreed to meet," he said. "We have a very good relationship with Chairman Kim. I like him, he likes me, the relationship is good."


Pompeo said on Monday the two sides were "pretty close" to agreeing on details for a second summit.


He also said Kim had said he was ready to allow international inspectors into North Korea's Punggye-ri nuclear testing site and the Sohae missile engine test facility as soon as the United States and North Korea agreed on logistics.


However, experts questioned what Pompeo had achieved on Sunday on his fourth visit to Pyongyang this year. They said the North Korean leader appeared simply to be repackaging and dragging out past pledges.


Trump noted that the United States has not lifted the "very big sanctions" it has imposed on Pyongyang.


"I'd love to remove them, but we have to get something for doing it," Trump said.


North Korea is very interested in reaching some sort of agreement on denuclearization so that it can grow economically with the benefit of the foreign investment closed to it now, Trump said.


The U.N. World Food Program said on Tuesday that the supply of food remains precarious in North Korea, where one in five children is stunted by malnutrition. More than 10 million North Koreans, nearly 40 percent of the population, are undernourished and need humanitarian aid, it said.


"I will tell you they're calling, wanting to go there and wanting to invest," Trump said. "At some point, when Chairman Kim makes that decision, I think he's going to unleash something that's going to be spectacular, really spectacular.


"And I think he knows it and I think that's one of the reasons that we're having very successful conversations."


(Reporting by Roberta Rampton and Doina Chiacu; Additional reporting by Lisa Lambert; Editing by Jonathan Oatis and James Dalgleish)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2018-10-10
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Not sure what the gambit or even the needs to meet face to face, not like these two are easy to arrange the nightmare that involve with the logistics and security of such meets not to mention the costs and inconvenience to to shake hands, smile and show this Kim guy to the world again, hopefully this bromance will show some results that would have made all this necessary...

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They both will be disappointed. World was super interested of their first meeting.


The second will get far less publicity, which they both desperately crave for.

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10 minutes ago, Tug said:

It works very well for Kim he gets recognized on the world stage without giving up anything 

Tug....he has given  more in the last 10 months than what had been achieved under all other western leaders in the last half century.

Bodies (remains) of solders are continually being sent back (& DNA is proving they are genuine). Missile launching ---one that broke up just 8 minutes after flying over japan has completely stopped after their last one in November. Tension at the boarder stopped  regular visit by South K & discussions on reunification of families are under way between the 2 

And if you want to talk about give away nothing......What has the USA given in return.?

Maybe your more upset that this has been achieved by Trump when all other efforts either failed or were a con after other presidents tried.

Discussions ---Its only been a short time.......and your already condemning it.

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2 minutes ago, sanuk711 said:

Yer I think that says it all bristolboy.....................:coffee1:

Therefore, Trump has achieved more because we don't know whether or not his venture will fail?

And if you head to Las Vegas with lots of cash in your pocket and little knowledge in your head, are you more successful than others like you because you haven't lost all your money yet? And who knows, you may beat the odds?

What we do know is that Trump has made absurd claims based on virtually nothing.



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20 minutes ago, underlordcthulhu said:

Only US President to actually get something done over there. I'm tired of winning.. NOT!

False. Actually. there were many years consecutive years under the agreed framework where no missiles were launched. This present moratorium has a long long way to go before it matched that.

So how do you know that the changes over there will be permanent?

Do you understand that the purpose of these negotiations is to achieve "denuclearization"? And that there isn't even yet an agreed upon definition for that?


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3 hours ago, bristolboy said:

False. Actually. there were many years consecutive years under the agreed framework where no missiles were launched. This present moratorium has a long long way to go before it matched that.

So how do you know that the changes over there will be permanent?

Do you understand that the purpose of these negotiations is to achieve "denuclearization"? And that there isn't even yet an agreed upon definition for that?


Some posters prefer “alternative facts” to reality or research.


Their master has told them the truth, and on they march, regurgitating his 5000 plus proven deceptions to his own countrymen, whilst assuming the position he requires of them.



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