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New Year present from the Thai government: Medical ganja on the way!


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New Year present from the Thai government: Medical ganja on the way!




Government representatives are confident that the final barriers to the legalization of marijuana for medical purposes will soon come down. 


So much so that a speaker at a top level seminar said that the drug will be available as a "New Year present to the Thai people".


This will mean cheaper drugs and a relief from pain for many patients.


Now it has also been revealed that the move has overwhelming public support with 99% of the Thai population in favor. 


The seminar was entitled "Opening the door for Ganja for Medical Use". 


The drug Krathom is also included in the legislative changes. 


Wicha Mahakun outlined the obstacles that needed to be overcome to legalize marijuana by taking it off the list of prohibited narcotics. 


This enables research and the production of medicines.


The final stumbling blocks are expected to be removed next week meaning that after a further waiting period the change can be effected within the life of this session of the National Legislative Assembly before new elections. 


Somchai Sawaengkarn said the main consultative periods were over and ganja for medicinal use would be "a present to the Thai people for New Year", reported Workpoint News.


This would mean relief from pain for many, cheaper drugs and less reliance on imported and expensive medications, he said. 


A survey carried out on www.senate.go.th had 290,000 hits and the views of 16,431 people were collated. 


Of these a little over 99% agreed with the proposed change in the law.


Only 138 people out of the 16,431 nationwide opposed the change representing less than 1% of the population. 


Source: Workpoint News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2018-10-31
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13 minutes ago, webfact said:

Now it has also been revealed that the move has overwhelming public support with 99% of the Thai population in favor. 

That must make the 1% feel a little inadequate!...………..Though the figures do seem a little "Out There"!.

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Ministry wants marijuana legalised by next month

By The Nation



File photo// AFP PHOTO


THE PUBLIC Health Ministry is working to make the medical use of marijuana legal by next month.


Once Public Health Minister Piyasakol Sakolsatayadorn endorses the new announcement prepared by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) on November 9, cannabis extracts and oil will become legal for medical use, just like morphine. 


“We will ask him to sign the announcement at the upcoming Narcotics Control Board’s meeting,” FDA secretary-general Tares Krassanairawiwong said yesterday. 


He added that his agency had prepared the draft announcement to reclassify cannabis, and change its status from a completely prohibited item in Thailand. 


He said the FDA had made this decision after extensively studying the issue from both the academic and legal aspects. 


Several studies show that marijuana can help with the treatment of several diseases, including neurological disorders, terminal cancer as well as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. “We need to remove legal blocks so marijuana can be used for the benefits of patients,” Piyasakol said. 


He said the move was in line with the ongoing efforts to amend the current Drug Act, which aims at allowing the use of marijuana for research and medical purposes. 


The National Legislative Assembly (NLA) is currently gathering opinions on the proposed change. 


Separately, Justice Minister ACM Prajin Juntong said Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha had already instructed relevant authorities to speed up the legalisation of marijuana for medical purposes. 


“Short-term measures will roll out in December,” Prajin, who is also deputy prime minister, said. 


He explained that key measures would involve the control of cannabis, ranging from the selection of the strain to extraction and preparation. 


The Office of Narcotics Control Board’s secretary-general, Niyom Termsrisuk, meanwhile said cannabis farming would have to be done in a closed system 


“And its output will have to be in the form of medication only, so it does not fall in unauthorised hands,” he said. 


In related news, General Prayut ruled out the possibility of allowing recreational use of marijuana at a meeting with young scientists at Government House yesterday. 


Some of the scientists had pointed out that recreational use for marijuana was already allowed in some countries. 


“No, we will only allow marijuana for medical use,” Prayut said, adding that drugs were still a big issue in Thailand. 


Asst Professor Dr Thira Woratanarat, a medical lecturer at Chulalongkorn University, also warned of the possible adverse impact of cannabis legislation, saying he was worried that marijuana might end up in the hands of unauthorised users. 


At a recent forum held by the NLA, participants keenly debated on measures to control the use of cannabis once it is legalised. 


Niyom, meanwhile, warned against fake marijuana-based concoctions flooding the market.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/national/30357618

-- © Copyright The Nation 2018-11-01
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9 minutes ago, Falcon said:

Medical marijuana does nothing to make the user high, it’s in fact the marijuana plant that has had the hallucinary chemical removed. This one , the oil, is simply for chronic paid relief.

I think you are talking about industrial hemp and/or CBD oil.


Industrial hemp has extremely low THC and CBD.


CBD oil on the other hand is one of active ingredients in marijuana. its very beneficial as medicine. It doesn't get you high.


THC makes you high, medical marijuana may or may not contain THC. THC has medical properties by itself so can be prescribed as medical marijuana. 


Ps, the high is part of the cure 555


I want CBD oil. Heard it's great for back pain, relaxation etc and doesn't get me high.

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4 hours ago, webfact said:

Asst Professor Dr Thira Woratanarat, a medical lecturer at Chulalongkorn University, also warned of the possible adverse impact of cannabis legislation, saying he was worried that marijuana might end up in the hands of unauthorised users. 

Another braindead doctor ... Marijuana is always in the hands of unauthorized users wether it's legal or not. 


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56 minutes ago, helloagain said:

More deaths on the road for sure

I don't believe you will be getting many awards for that insightful post! ????

Or are you insinuating people would use "medical" marijuana then drive? shame on you :wink:

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13 minutes ago, hobz said:

Asst Professor Dr Thira Woratanarat, a medical lecturer at Chulalongkorn University, also warned of the possible adverse impact of cannabis legislation, saying he was worried that marijuana might end up in the hands of unauthorised users. 

I think the Dr. is more worried that marijuana might end up in the hands of unauthorised (non government) businesses.

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3 minutes ago, Lupatria said:

I think the Dr. is more worried that marijuana might end up in the hands of unauthorised (non government) businesses.

It already is. Right now it's in the hands of non government businesses already.

Always has been, always will be. War on drugs can't be won and only causes more harm than good. Period.

Edited by hobz
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4 minutes ago, rowan1981 said:

I'd say it makes people more cautious, rather than reckless. Alcohol on the other hand.... 

There's been studies showing that driving under influence of cannabis makes people slow down and drive more cautious. 


But, it depends on dosage and tolerance. If someone takes a very high dose of cannabis and steps into a vehicle they will not be able to drive at all in some cases. Very dangerous when the onset of effects from example an edible could come up to one hour after ingestion.. 


Imagine this scenario..

Newbie eats strong edible.

Newbie feels no effect.

Newbie steps into car and starts driving.

Newbie starts feeling strong effects and sees the devil (so to speak) and forgets he is even driving and starts thinking about other stuff. 


I've been so high when I was young that I couldn't do anything  it to look at my own hand and laugh for hours.. if I was that high when driving it would have been problematic.


That being said, it's still safer than drunk driving lol.

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1 hour ago, helloagain said:

More deaths on the road for sure

must be a 1%er.. Yeh, too many slow paranoid drivers. Maybe itll be easier targets for the drunks!

In all reality it could make the death rate better if it hinders alcohol use. Most people that smoke ive known ate happy to do just that and usually at home listening to music or watching a movie. Unlike alcohol the loss of inhibitions doesnt take place so the desire to go out get more drunk, pick up the chicks (now that your good looking) and all the other dck swining piss contesting attitude doesnt take place.

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16 hours ago, webfact said:

overwhelming public support with 99% of the Thai population in favor. 

a "New Year present to the Thai people".


Kaching, kaching, kaching.

I can see the dollar signs in their eyes from here.  :cheesy:

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27 minutes ago, hobz said:

Another braindead doctor ... Marijuana is always in the hands of unauthorized users wether it's legal or not. 


This time it is in the hands of a much tougher group of thieves.

The government.  Also, big pharma.

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How or from what clinics and hospitals can find the doctors or other stuff who have experience and know how from cannabioid medical threatmentsnand can talk from alternatives and can talk from options from threatments?

Edited by Aatsi
It was not ready.
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