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Another 500 foreigners arrested in Thai Immigration crackdown


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20 hours ago, worgeordie said:

They must be breeding them somewhere, I thought Big Joke says

they had ALL been caught couple months ago.

regards worgeordie

Mouth bigger than brain. A common problem in Thailand where the usual filtering mechanism between impulse and action is never used.




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I confess, we have found some of our best help are not Thai nor local boys with the RED NOSES. Drugs apparently so cheap the daily users steal or bum the money, no need to work. We paid proper wages according to skills, mostly in the 700 Baht day range. Need a painter? one of the workers knows a good one. Need someone to lay tile, same. I think; what is the future of these druggies? They knock up a local

14 year old and get her to work to support their sick habits. Too bad, can't fix the culture.

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On 1/25/2019 at 3:21 PM, connda said:



Other than in this picture which says, "Overstay 500 cases" does the article state that their were anymore than 13 cases of "Overstay" and a whole lot of "Illegal Entry".  Based on the article, 'overstay' isn't much of a problem; 'illegal entry' is a huge problem.  That banner should say, "Illegal Entry 490 ราย" which would be accurate.  I wonder what the program is stressing 'overstay' as opposed to the real problem. 

Cos they is staying over ?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Too bad immigration doesn't post photos of the elderly they round up in hospitals and assisted living centers who missed their 90 day reports, failed to comply with the endless TM forms or worst yet those who couldn't make immigrations latest financial requirements for their one year visa extensions. Im sure the expat community and Thai citizens will be relieved when these immigration rule breakers are finally deported.  Out with the bad and in with the good. ????  





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So many of you miss the point that every night at midnight a lot of people go on overstay so perhaps just before midnight if all the overstayers are arrested then the count is zero overstayers so the claim can stand.

However there will be xxxxx waiting in the wings to join the club. ????????????????

Just sayin'


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