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Should She Lie In Visa Interview?

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As far as I know, if the embassy knows that she is lying then she can forget ever getting a visa.

In the bangkok post there are some ads for companies that offer assistance with this matter. I think it would be better to do it that way as they can prepare your GF for her embassy visit.

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Better not to lie.

Biggest hassles I've had with the embassy are from my wife (then girlfriend) having lied to the British embassy about losing her passport. (She was trying to hide her overstay on her original visa to the UK, and the person at the embassy basically didn't believe her.)

Far better to tell the truth (don't volunteer information obviously), than to lie. As if they find out it's a lie you can kiss goodbye to any tourist visa to the UK in the future.

They're far more interested in making sure that she's planning on coming back with you when issuing a tourist visa than what she did in the past.

Proof of any property that she holds, money in the bank, etc. helps in proving she has something to come back to, and has enough funds for the trip.

Are you living in Thailand? - If so, take proof of your job / address in Thailand when applying. That will help greatly...

If you're not living in Thailand, the embassy will wonder why she's not applying for a fiance visa if it's to go and see you in the UK for any period of time.

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As far as I know, if the embassy knows that she is lying then she can forget ever getting a visa.

In the bangkok post there are some ads for companies that offer assistance with this matter. I think it would be better to do it that way as they can prepare your GF for her embassy visit.

the embassy staff will label the girl as they see fit, why lie, being an ex bg is not a sin.

there is no such thing as 100% success with a visa firm.

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As far as I know, if the embassy knows that she is lying then she can forget ever getting a visa.

In the bangkok post there are some ads for companies that offer assistance with this matter. I think it would be better to do it that way as they can prepare your GF for her embassy visit.

the embassy staff will label the girl as they see fit, why lie, being an ex bg is not a sin.

there is no such thing as 100% success with a visa firm.

Do those visa agents ever get someone across the visa line Dave ?

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As far as I know, if the embassy knows that she is lying then she can forget ever getting a visa.

In the bangkok post there are some ads for companies that offer assistance with this matter. I think it would be better to do it that way as they can prepare your GF for her embassy visit.

the embassy staff will label the girl as they see fit, why lie, being an ex bg is not a sin.

there is no such thing as 100% success with a visa firm.

Do those visa agents ever get someone across the visa line Dave ?

not sure doc, probably, but the way i see it is, a bit of hard work getting papers together, copying them, 2700bht and a trip to bangkok and go and see them personally.

i've spoke to the counter staff there before and my dad had a client in bangkok from the uk who was one of the top guys in the embassy, they all say that no outside company has influence on the visa departments decision.

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As far as I know, if the embassy knows that she is lying then she can forget ever getting a visa.

In the bangkok post there are some ads for companies that offer assistance with this matter. I think it would be better to do it that way as they can prepare your GF for her embassy visit.

the embassy staff will label the girl as they see fit, why lie, being an ex bg is not a sin.

there is no such thing as 100% success with a visa firm.

Do those visa agents ever get someone across the visa line Dave ?

not sure doc, probably, but the way i see it is, a bit of hard work getting papers together, copying them, 2700bht and a trip to bangkok and go and see them personally.

i've spoke to the counter staff there before and my dad had a client in bangkok from the uk who was one of the top guys in the embassy, they all say that no outside company has influence on the visa departments decision.

Thanks for that Dave. Pretty much as I thought.

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My girlfriend just got a visa for a european country,but a sticking point was she had to produce a letter saying she had permission for a holiday from her employer,as she works in a go-go this was not possible.

So she had to pay B2000 for a fake letter with that info.She made the application at the embassy in Bangkok,and collected the visa 7 days later with no problems

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My girlfriend just got a visa for a european country,but a sticking point was she had to produce a letter saying she had permission for a holiday from her employer,as she works in a go-go this was not possible.

So she had to pay B2000 for a fake letter with that info.She made the application at the embassy in Bangkok,and collected the visa 7 days later with no problems


I wish I could afford to buy a Computer and a Panthip copy of MS Word or Photoshop - at Baht 2,000.- a pop I could retire years before I originally planned!


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My girlfriend just got a visa for a european country,but a sticking point was she had to produce a letter saying she had permission for a holiday from her employer,as she works in a go-go this was not possible.

  So she had to pay B2000 for a fake letter with that info.She made the application at the embassy in Bangkok,and collected the visa 7 days later with no problems


I wish I could afford to buy a Computer and a Panthip copy of MS Word or Photoshop - at Baht 2,000.- a pop I could retire years before I originally planned!


We could form a company and make mega bucks writing employment confirmation letters. and begging emails. Sick Buffalo Corp sounds a good name for the business :D

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Never ever lie and/or use fake documents. The one or the other may slip through the system but the odds are bad. Once identified as a liar that reputation is going to stick to you until reincarnation. Repairing the damage and eventually squeeze out a visa will become mission impossible.

In any case lying is always going to do you much more harm than benfiting you. Fullstop. Actually not even worth arguing about it.

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Never ever lie and/or use fake documents. The one or the other may slip through the system but the odds are bad. Once identified as a liar that reputation is going to stick to you until reincarnation. Repairing the damage and eventually squeeze out a visa will become mission impossible.

In any case lying is always going to do you much more harm than benfiting you. Fullstop. Actually not even worth arguing about it.

theres nothing wrong with a little porky pie every now and then, ie - she was only a reception girl etc, as long as its not a huge whopper :o like trying to hide convictions etc and also trying to use fake documents, then i don't think they should hold that against anyone.

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Never ever lie and/or use fake documents. The one or the other may slip through the system but the odds are bad. Once identified as a liar that reputation is going to stick to you until reincarnation. Repairing the damage and eventually squeeze out a visa will become mission impossible. 

In any case lying is always going to do you much more harm than benfiting you. Fullstop. Actually not even worth arguing about it.

theres nothing wrong with a little porky pie every now and then, ie - she was only a reception girl etc, as long as its not a huge whopper :o like trying to hide convictions etc and also trying to use fake documents, then i don't think they should hold that against anyone.

Sorry, can not agree. A small lie is as bad as a big one.

Case: A Thai lady wanted to get a Schenger visa and thought it could be a disadvantage to mention that she was still legally married to a Thai man. Her way of thinking was that since they have not been living together for years this was not considered a marriage anymore and hence could be neglected.

Result: Wrong information in the application form and she did not get a visa.

Have other examples on hand.

Biggest problem appears to be that visa applicants misjudge what the embassies want to hear and so sometimes people tend to amend the "unpleasant" appearing truth. An unclever strategy because the embassies just want to get nothing but the truth even if it is not always a story written in pink ink.

Well, my personal experiences and therefore the previous advice and I keep sticking to it. :D

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Sometimes the only way the girl will get a visa is if she Lie's,she can hardly say,yes I work in a bar and go with customers for money,but this one is special,can they.I bet 50% of all application to all embassy are fake.

And regarding the fake letter, the B2000 includes somebody answering the phone in the name of the company if there is any follow up from the embassy.

What alternative does a bar girl have if she has been ask for a letter to confirm her employer has given her permission for a holiday

In my last post I never said which embassy or which country,so her identerdy is safe

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GF as some you will know, used to be BG when we met, she is now applying for tourist visa for UK.

Should she lie and say she worked in a shop when we met, will this improve chances of visa? :o

you are damned if you do and damned if you dont.

if she admits shes an ex BG that will prejudice her application , better to cook up some good story . how about you met thru an internet contact group ?

you have to be telling the same foolproof story thats all .

they have heard a million stories about BGs who vamoosed when back home and sold pussy .

or are just to loose moraled or unreliable /dumb to get married

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Sometimes the only way the girl will get a visa is if she Lie's,she can hardly say,yes I work in a bar and go with customers for money,but this one is special,can they.I bet 50% of all application to all embassy are fake.

of course there are many many bogus and false applications , look how many Thai gals are working as hookers /masseurs in the UK , there are 1000s of them .

They all managed to fool the officers at the British Embassy and the staff there ,including the ambassador know full well what is going on .

The Foreign Office also know full well what is going on .

What we cant be certain of is did they bribe the officers at the embassy ....

or were they just plain hoodwinked ..

What we can be certain of is that all these Thai gals working as hookers in the UK did not have genuine paperwork , and they managed to get a visa to the UK .

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