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U.S. Democrats seek ways to counter Trump's economic message


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11 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Trump is the most corrupt President in history.

Which is why the Mueller witch hunt fizzled out after 2 years without even showing Trump so much as dodged a parking ticket.


7 minutes ago, Puchaiyank said:

Trump lies more than any human being I've ever seen.

Because CNN said so? Don't confuse inconvenient truths as a lie.


8 minutes ago, Puchaiyank said:

A trained monkey would be better for America than Trump. U

Short memory or what.

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21 hours ago, attrayant said:

Farmer bankruptcies - yes, directly related to Trump's thoughtless financial policies.

Retail apocalypse - no, online stores have gutted retail.

As much as I'd like to blame Trump for my bunions and late mail delivery, I gotta keep it "hunnid."


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9 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

The media lie about him on a daily basis, I only saw today that he was awarded the Ellis Island medal along with Roza parks and Muhamad Ali, yet CNN calls him a 'racist'

The media lies about Trump? Try this on for size (facts can be a bitch, can't they? They're Trump supporters' kryptonite):

Trump won 1986 award, but not for helping black youths:

"Trump was honored for his work as a successful developer in New York City and his German heritage, Coca said, not for helping inner city youth."




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22 hours ago, Credo said:

I'll give it to Trump on the issue of the economy, but that said, most Presidents rise and fall on the economy, but in reality they have little to do with it.   There are exceptions, of course, but by and large their impact is not as strong as many think.


Where Trump is harming the economy is in the US brand.   Prior to Trump, American goods were seen as being high quality and sought after, now that is less so.   Some of the largest markets, such as China, are turning away from US goods and it is hurting.   Companies that could be expanding at a faster rate are slowing.



President's have little effect on the economy? Funny, it changed almost overnight when DT became POTUS. It was because he ELIMINATED the onerous regulations from obama and CUT TAXES. More to come, stay tuned. Democrats would have NEVER done those things. they WANT a weak economy so people turn to government.

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Love Trump or hate Trump. Being a Brit and working for a US company as an expat I can say this for my 2c worth. 


We are Texas based in Oil & Gas. Just one of our manufacturing centres has 145 jobs/vacancies currently available and we can't make a dent in bringing this number down. In fact, it is rising. I am talking about skilled work. Welders, Fabricators, Fitters, Etc. Not Walmart type jobs. 


Our International sales have gone through the roof since the 1st of January this year. So love Trump or hate Trump something is clearly working somewhere for someone. 

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55 minutes ago, Snow Leopard said:

We are Texas based in Oil & Gas. Just one of our manufacturing centres has 145 jobs/vacancies currently available and we can't make a dent in bringing this number down. In fact, it is rising. I am talking about skilled work. Welders, Fabricators, Fitters, Etc. Not Walmart type jobs. 


Our International sales have gone through the roof since the 1st of January this year. So love Trump or hate Trump something is clearly working somewhere for someone. 


Why do you connect the alleged success of one particular company to Trump?  That is what I've been asking for throughout this discussion: show me the policy or policies he implemented that had a direct effect on your company.


Maybe it's that nobody wants to work for a dying industry any more.  Texas unemployment rate has changed less than 1% since Trump was elected.  Whatever shortage of workers there is now, there also was two years ago.

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23 hours ago, Credo said:

I'll give it to Trump on the issue of the economy, but that said, most Presidents rise and fall on the economy, but in reality they have little to do with it.   There are exceptions, of course, but by and large their impact is not as strong as many think.


Where Trump is harming the economy is in the US brand.   Prior to Trump, American goods were seen as being high quality and sought after, now that is less so.   Some of the largest markets, such as China, are turning away from US goods and it is hurting.   Companies that could be expanding at a faster rate are slowing.




Don't worry Apple will be just fine. Other than Apple it would be hard to find any American company that had any kind of brand loyalty with in China. Sure Ford or Chevy, a crappy car back home but seen as. status symbol in Asia because of tariffs and import fees. 


You are right about the economy being a make or break however. When McCain conceded Obama had a better understanding of economics in the 2008 election that was the end of McCain.

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3 minutes ago, attrayant said:


Why do you connect the alleged success of one particular company to Trump?  That is what I've been asking for throughout this discussion: show me the policy or policies he implemented that had a direct effect on your company.


Maybe it's that nobody wants to work for a dying industry any more.  Texas unemployment rate has changed less than 1% since Trump was elected.  Whatever shortage of workers there is now, there also was two years ago.

Look at the oil industry 2-3 years ago. Massive layoffs. 

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15 hours ago, Silurian said:

How's that mess of the Tax Cut/Reform (TCJA 2017) that Republicans were touting working out for the average US tax payer? Oh, it's not.


Average tax refund down 17 percent, IRS reports


That's okay. Major businesses investors and billionaires are happy. That is all that matters. It was never about the average US taxpayer anyway.


Of course, refunds are down. They are just too stupid to realize why. They are paying less in taxes. Of course, they will get a smaller refund. Pay less, Get less. Get it?

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2 minutes ago, Snow Leopard said:

I was only stating something. I have no opinion either way on Trump. As far as I am concerned he was elected legitimately and what happens next is up to the American people, 


I find your comment though idiotic that no one wants to work in a dying industry anymore. I can see from this comment exactly where your political allegiance lies. Yes, it will die in 50-100 years but that's not exactly around the corner is it. Let's use windmills and solar panels to power the blast furnaces at steel mills, or is the steel industry a dying industry as well. Oh and the world doesn't need any plastics anymore either. 


You are living in cloud cuckoo land. Are there enough caves available for 7 Billion people? 

We can all just learn to code and work at Google. 

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*Deleted post edited out*


Why do you gloss over the fact that a large number of conservatives think Trump is a moron too?  Do you need a replay of what some of then said during the primaries?  Have you read any of George Will's columns lately?  Did you happen to notice the results of the 2018 midterm elections?  It's more than just "the dems".

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1 minute ago, attrayant said:


Why do you gloss over the fact that a large number of conservatives think Trump is a moron too?  Do you need a replay of what some of then said during the primaries?  Have you read any of George Will's columns lately?  Did you happen to notice the results of the 2018 midterm elections?  It's more than just "the dems".


People are welcome to any view point they want to have. However the fact the dems are basically in panic mode because they don't think they are more than 80% likely to win is an embarrassment. He is a moron go take him apart. They said this about Dubya and he won two terms.


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4 minutes ago, Snow Leopard said:

I find your comment though idiotic that no one wants to work in a dying industry anymore. I can see from this comment exactly where your political allegiance lies.


That comment has nothing to do with politics.  That fossil fuel plants - coal in particular - are hurting lately is merely an observation of the current state of fossil fuel demand.  Coal was one of Trump's babies during the election, making this another failed promise.



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6 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


People are welcome to any view point they want to have. However the fact the dems are basically in panic mode because they don't think they are more than 80% likely to win is an embarrassment. He is a moron go take him apart. They said this about Dubya and he won two terms.


Compared to idiot Trump, GWB was a genius with the wisdom of Solomon.  Besides, the Republican machine swift-boated Kerry to death.  Nobody saw that coming.  2020 is for the Dems to lose, but I'm sure they won't take anything for granted.  As for Trump, the only reason he's running again is to avoid indictment the moment he steps out of the White House.   

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3 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Compared to idiot Trump, GWB was a genius with the wisdom of Solomon.  Besides, the Republican machine swift-boated Kerry to death.  Nobody saw that coming.  2020 is for the Dems to lose, but I'm sure they won't take anything for granted.  As for Trump, the only reason he's running again is to avoid indictment the moment he steps out of the White House.   


Watch they will seize defeat from the jaws of victory. It has happened at least three times now and they don't learn.  Trump is the roadrunner and the dems are like the coyote constantly over thinking things. Just try to run somebody who isn't completely laughable and don't go out of your way to insult the people that oppose you. 


I offer that free next time I charge a consulting fee.

Edited by Cryingdick
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2 minutes ago, attrayant said:


That comment has nothing to do with politics.  That fossil fuel plants - coal in particular - are hurting lately is merely an observation of the current state of fossil fuel demand.  Coal was one of Trump's babies during the election, making this another failed promise.



I said Oil & Gas and you said dying. Then you put this up about coal. If you would have stated that Coal was dying I would have agreed with you. I never want to see another coal-fired power station built ever again. Yes, you are correct Trump did stand on getting miners back to work. Yes, in my opinion, the miners should look for another line of work. Trump lied to the miners for sure. 


The best solution is to have a broad power mix without subsidies and without coal. In 50 years time without fossil and nuclear. 

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3 minutes ago, Snow Leopard said:

I said Oil & Gas and you said dying. Then you put this up about coal. If you would have stated that Coal was dying I would have agreed with you. I never want to see another coal-fired power station built ever again. Yes, you are correct Trump did stand on getting miners back to work. Yes, in my opinion, the miners should look for another line of work. Trump lied to the miners for sure. 


The best solution is to have a broad power mix without subsidies and without coal. In 50 years time without fossil and nuclear. 


Oil and gas is far from dying. I am not questioning you just stating that with fracking gas is booming in areas there is nothing else. What would help is if communities where it is extracted added value like in plastics in the case of natural gas.


It is literally laughable that many people think high oil prices are a problem these days. We are an exporter of oil now and the largest producer in the world on any given day. 

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12 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

Compared to idiot Trump, GWB was a genius with the wisdom of Solomon.  Besides, the Republican machine swift-boated Kerry to death.  Nobody saw that coming.  2020 is for the Dems to lose, but I'm sure they won't take anything for granted.  As for Trump, the only reason he's running again is to avoid indictment the moment he steps out of the White House.   


So put together a ticket that can win. It should be quite simple.

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10 minutes ago, Cryingdick said:


Oil and gas is far from dying. I am not questioning you just stating that with fracking gas is booming in areas there is nothing else. What would help is if communities where it is extracted added value like in plastics in the case of natural gas.


It is literally laughable that many people think high oil prices are a problem these days. We are an exporter of oil now and the largest producer in the world on any given day. 

Yes, I do agree with you in principle. Unfortunately and historically these plants are huge and expensive and are normally located with access to the sea,


The Oil & Gas industry really works in the US. It's very dynamic and quick to react. It's not as dirty as most people think, These days anyway. 


America has seen many demographic movements of people over the years. Mass movements occurred because of one thing. Economics. You go where the work is. I think the US is kind of in one of these times with the dying of heavy industry. The times they are a changing.  

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37 minutes ago, Snow Leopard said:

The Oil & Gas industry really works in the US. It's very dynamic and quick to react. It's not as dirty as most people think, These days anyway. 


Good point that the Oil & Gas industry are not as dirty as people think.  And the reason that they and many others have kept relatively clean is because of the EPA and other government agencies.  Environmental compliance is expensive and industries would never go the extra mile unless forced to.  Yet, Trump wants to cut regulations that protect our environment.  And for what?  To sacrifice our environment so that polluters can make a few extra bucks.  This is the long term damage that Trump is doing to America, the one I'm most concerned about. 

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2 hours ago, Berkshire said:

Good point that the Oil & Gas industry are not as dirty as people think.  And the reason that they and many others have kept relatively clean is because of the EPA and other government agencies.  Environmental compliance is expensive and industries would never go the extra mile unless forced to.  Yet, Trump wants to cut regulations that protect our environment.  And for what?  To sacrifice our environment so that polluters can make a few extra bucks.  This is the long term damage that Trump is doing to America, the one I'm most concerned about. 

The oil companies themselves are fairly socially responsible. Most are corporations these days made up of individual and institutional investors. The days are pretty much gone when one guy owns the whole company. 


I don't have an issue with protecting the environment at all. I have an issue with environmentalists. Working together always brings results but happens very little.


Most serious environmentalists I know in the energy sector are militant, ignorant and hypocritical. Their way is the only way, Stop all progress but live in a nice house with AC, Drive a car to the protests, All the home appliances, Etc.  

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