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The 'farang In Thailand' Complex


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Anyone noticed the stange mysterious complex affecting some 'farang' in certain areas of Bangkok? It is a strange complex of not being able to smile back to other farang and being completely ignorant to you, possibly not wanting to accept that there is 'another farang on MY pavement' type scenario. A common example, you may have walked past other 'farang' in the street and you smile but they completely ignore you. Studies have shown that this complex is most likely to be an effect of the 'farang' thinking he is invisible and should appear miserable.

this doesnt apply to german tourists, as I usually cant help not smile at them (but i am also guilty of tiger skin speedos poolside)

Smile ya miserable buggers! it dont cost much!


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I don't smile at every Thai passing by. Nor Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Nigerian or Brit.

I don't have an 'us' vs 'them' attitude. Why should I smile at you coz you're a 'farang'? You gonna gimme money or buy me a beer? :o

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I don't smile at every Thai passing by. Nor Chinese, Indian, Japanese, Nigerian or Brit.

I don't have an 'us' vs 'them' attitude. Why should I smile at you coz you're a 'farang'? You gonna gimme money or buy me a beer? :o

well your in Samui, I wouldnt expect any-one to smile back at you Ol Red eyes. I am talking about bangkok, and I dont have an attitude either, well not a least a 'you gonna gimme money or buy me a beer' attitude at that.

if your nice and your ol red eyes dont scare me too much, maybe I would buy you a beer!


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This is a rehash of a recent topic, I believe.

...and makes no sense at all.

There are lots of Farang all over Asia, not just BKK, whether tourist or business.

Sometimes you smile sometimes you don't and has nothing to do with being white, brown, black, red, yellow......or Farang. :o

If I had to smile at every Farang I encounter I would have to go to the hospital by the end of the day to have my face corrected.


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This is a rehash of a recent topic, I believe.

I was'nt aware of any previous topic or intended for friction (not in these speedos anyway, chafing my thighs already deadly) just an observation from my own personal standpoint. I discussed this in the Chat room yesterday with the gang, and many people could relate to the situation and agreed. Possibly close the topic as it seems to bring out the worst from some miserable buggers living here. AND also if you havent checked out the new tv chat room, you should do so, a good crack especially around beer o clock! some great people here!

Smile, you know who you are!

...to all the rest of the gang, keep smilin' and have a great fri/weekend!

Best regards! x KD

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Funny thing is when i put on a normal face it looks like im smiling.

I go to clubs and sometimes it gets me into trouble because girls think im smiling at them when im actually not.

Even at school if i ever got into trouble the teacher would say get that silly smirk off your face, when i say im not smiling they think im being a smart ass and say get out of the room.

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I spent a month working in China and in that time I didn't see a westerner. When I finally did get on a boat and spotted a guy called Mark we both gravitated towards each other and spent 3 days hanging out together. Turns out I was the first westerner he'd seen in 3 weeks as well. That was different. In bangkok there are so many westerners that to see one is about as common as seeing Pad Thai for sale. I guess if I were ina remote part of the country and I bumped into a westerner I would stop and chat, but in a large cosmopolitan city it is different. Perhaps the difference is made between a short term visitor and a long term resident? One is new to the place and is looking to foster friendships, the other tends to be well entrenched in the country and has all the friends they need?

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Have you ever had a thai tout smile at you just before he rips you off.

The bigger the smile the more trouble you are in for.

I think someone should put together a thread for "the 15 different meanings of thai smiles"

Maybe this just rubs off on the foreigners who have been here a while, & rather than play the smile game, only smile when they genuinely want to.

As to avoiding other foreigners, I really think the perception is in the eye of the beholder. Myself personally, I regularly go to beer bars, not for BG's but to find other foreigners to talk to. Where I live there are probably only 10 foreigners living within a half hours drive.


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Anyone noticed the stange mysterious complex affecting some 'farang' in certain areas of Bangkok? It is a strange complex of not being able to smile back to other farang and being completely ignorant to you, possibly not wanting to accept that there is 'another farang on MY pavement' type scenario. A common example, you may have walked past other 'farang' in the street and you smile but they completely ignore you. Studies have shown that this complex is most likely to be an effect of the 'farang' thinking he is invisible and should appear miserable.

this doesnt apply to german tourists, as I usually cant help not smile at them (but i am also guilty of tiger skin speedos poolside)

Smile ya miserable buggers! it dont cost much!


That are non-europeans:


British (which I consider as non european)

Beside them there are the Russians, but they don't want to be rude, they just lost their muscles for smiling due to a genetic defect ages ago.

The Germans are lovely, but don't be too friendly else Hans and Nils will come with a bottle of Schnaps and will never go home before 4 AM

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(but i am also guilty of tiger skin speedos poolside)

Say it isn't so, cretin!!! :o:D

55555! Ya got me! I don't go for the tiger-skin/leopard-print speedos anymore, my bulge sticks out too much, but I have been told I do look pretty tasty in a 'Doreamon' print night-dress! especially with my pigtails!

:D:D xxxxxx KD

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You can tell the 'residents' from the 'holiday vistors' in BKK and Pattaya very easily.

Holiday vistors smile (for the first few days at least). Those farang who live in Thailand seldom smile.

That is my experience.


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(but i am also guilty of tiger skin speedos poolside)

Say it isn't so, cretin!!! :o:D

55555! Ya got me! I don't go for the tiger-skin/leopard-print speedos anymore, my bulge sticks out too much, but I have been told I do look pretty tasty in a 'Doreamon' print night-dress! especially with my pigtails!

:D:D xxxxxx KD

Something smells fishy........

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Yeah this topic is pretty ridiculous. There's nothing special about seeing a farang in Bangkok, they're everywhere.

Just like back home, if I see a strange man smiling at me I assume the worst...

I never smile at farangs they are far to ugly........




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Yeah this topic is pretty ridiculous. There's nothing special about seeing a farang in Bangkok, they're everywhere.

Just like back home, if I see a strange man smiling at me I assume the worst...

If I see a strange man smiling at me I get the hel_l out of dodge.


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Yeah this topic is pretty ridiculous. There's nothing special about seeing a farang in Bangkok, they're everywhere.

Just like back home, if I see a strange man smiling at me I assume the worst...

If I see a strange man smiling at me I get the hel_l out of dodge.




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You can tell the 'residents' from the 'holiday vistors' in BKK and Pattaya very easily.

Holiday vistors smile (for the first few days at least). Those farang who live in Thailand seldom smile.

That is my experience.


Hey, Peter, you've noticed it too! It's the guys with wives and families there who still find time to smile, they've mostly found what they want. For the others it relates to another thread of mine - boredom and also with many, cynicism.You only have to stroll round the bars through the day and look at the faces, we're all waiting for sundown. While I admit to getting bored often through the day, I can still find a smile or two, they cost nothing. And I'd much rather be bored there than bored here.

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It's all just culture clash isn't it? Where I come from, you don't smile at strangers unless you've both just witnessed something funny. I mean, we often wouldn't even smile upon meeting friends unless it was an unexpected surprise... But we do normally acknowledge one another with a slight nod or somesuch. So I remember wondering why other foreigners didn't seem to acknowledge me when I first arrived in Bangkok.

I didn't expect it of the Thais, but naively fell into my default cultural expectations when seeing another foreign face. But then I realized, why should I? They may come from any number of other cultures and my way of nodding is as foreign to them as anything else. Maybe they were wondering why my neck had some twitch, while waiting for me to break the ice and smile at them like some sales person! :o

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