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I take a chance to ask here, this tricky question. My wife wishes to adopt her sisters daughter!! The mother (sister) dont mind at all.... Reason behind this thing, is that the sister have 2 children, and they both are aiming at gouverment jobs, where the free healthcare privilege goes with it.


I know that free healthcare for a gouverment employee is shared between, the husband, the parents and the employees own children up to their 20 year of age......


BUT can you transfer this free healthcare, if the daughter in this case, is being adopted by the sister??? That was the main reason for this adoption anyhow as I understood it.... AND what about me?? If my wife adopt this girl, will I, as the husband to the new mother, also be included in free healthcare....


OR is it like this, that you cannot transfer this at all... ONLY the real blood-mother can gain from this free healthcare....

Anybody have a clue????


Thanks for any input.


2 minutes ago, glegolo said:

Thank you for your respons. Shall check up the links you provided, again 

thank you



good luck


By Thai law for a child to be adopted, the natural parent must give up ALL parental rights. Even if the Thai woman whose child it is, is married to the person wanting to adopt.


Adoption the world over is a complicated process with the child's welfare paramount in any decision. I doubt allowing adoption for the sole purpose of gaining government healthcare would be seen as a valid reason but good luck anyway.

1 minute ago, baansgr said:

Adoption the world over is a complicated process with the child's welfare paramount in any decision. I doubt allowing adoption for the sole purpose of gaining government healthcare would be seen as a valid reason but good luck anyway.

Do you really think that thaigoverment sees heathcare as a valid reason. If that would happen in our western countries, applicants would be thrown out of everything rather rapidly.....



On 4/14/2019 at 4:46 PM, glegolo said:

Thank you for your respons. Shall check up the links you provided, again 

thank you



If the main reason is free healthcare ,looks like you are not really thinking about the child you want to adopt . Maybe your main reason should be the child and if free healthcare comes with that then your lucky . I hope thats what you ment to say ,otherwise please forget about adopting and get a cat. because i dont think your even fit to take care of a dog, walking him and stuff . 


Thailand is not exactly like the rest of the world. It is very common for a woman to carry a baby for the explicit reason of her sister adopting the child. It is done in Thai families all the time. However, if the adoptions sole purpose is for one party to gain free government benefits you will have a difficult time selling your story to the Juvenile Courts.

6 minutes ago, bangkoken said:

Thailand is not exactly like the rest of the world. It is very common for a woman to carry a baby for the explicit reason of her sister adopting the child. It is done in Thai families all the time. However, if the adoptions sole purpose is for one party to gain free government benefits you will have a difficult time selling your story to the Juvenile Courts.

The moral side of this is not for me nor you guys.. I personally will NOT sign any papers if I not absolutely must do so... 


I gave you guys the reason, which of course NOT will be printed out.... Background is that we have taken care of this daughter since she was 2 years old. First my wife alone and then me when the girl was 5 years old. We have already promised to take care of the now 16 yo child and pay for univeristy and by that hoping the kid will maybe be a teacher....


The 2 sisters are very close since birth and have always taken care of eachother. Now this sister have one boy and one girl. The boy will stay with the mother so she can benefit from his govermental work, while this sister offered to pay back for everyting during these 14 years that she can adopt and maybe get the benefit from a teachingjob, I mean get free healthcare..


This is the background so you; "Nanaplaza666" should not be so judgemental before you know all the details... But this is what is going on, so I thought that I ask here if it is even possible for an adopted child to handle over healthcare from Thailand goverment.....


I am more and more doubtful. I think it is only the real mother and father and children up to age 20 that have this healthcare



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