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Government Pulls Plug On Thailand's Only Private Television Station


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And I'll likely be all right business and private life wise no matter what happens as you probably well know.

Never challenge your fate....anything can happen, to you, your business or your family; May the Lord and Buddha forbid....

Modesty Heng, modesty.

One day you will remember my words.


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how does closing down of iTV pressure Thaksin or affect him in any way at all?

It doesn't, other than in the wishful thinking of some of the anti-Thaksin crowd on this web forum and perhaps in the minds of some of the local folks in uniform.


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And I'll likely be all right business and private life wise no matter what happens as you probably well know.

Never challenge your fate....anything can happen, to you, your business or your family; May the Lord and Buddha forbid....

Modesty Heng, modesty.

One day you will remember my words.


You MIGHT notice if you read a little more carefully, that I was not challenging fate (not that I believe in it anyway)... hello? "no matter what happens."

It's called positive attitude, Lao Po, positive attitude.

One day I won't remember your words (although I do vaguely recall you bringing this topic up with me a few times now, not sure what the fixation is), but one day you might lighten up a bit.


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7. Was iTV already in such great debt during the period that Shin was the owner of iTV ?

No, not at all, they made quite nice profits in later years - after they cut the concession payments and introduced game shows and other enerntainment programs.

Profits for itv were:

2002 -770.15 million baht

2003 -660.44 million baht

2004 204.56 million baht

2005 679.11 million baht

2006 364.40 million baht

total loss for last 5 years = - 152.15 million baht

at last someone who actually shows the figures.

All the statements that ITV was a "money machine" now appear for what they are: BULLSHIT !

At 30.09.2006 ITV has RETAINED LOSSES for 3,158 MILLION BAHT !

Apart the two latest years, IT NEVER WAS A PROFITABLE BUSINESS !

Increasing the concession fee and asking absurd fines for previous "concession infringments" is plain sadistic persecution of previous Shinawatra and now Temasek assets.

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how does closing down of iTV pressure Thaksin or affect him in any way at all?

Hardly has anything to do with affecting Thaksin now. I see the whole ITV thing as a public spanking. Will hurt a bit and sting for a short while and then things will go back to normal for the ITV staff.

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7. Was iTV already in such great debt during the period that Shin was the owner of iTV ?

No, not at all, they made quite nice profits in later years - after they cut the concession payments and introduced game shows and other enerntainment programs.

Profits for itv were:

2002 -770.15 million baht

2003 -660.44 million baht

2004 204.56 million baht

2005 679.11 million baht

2006 364.40 million baht

total loss for last 5 years = - 152.15 million baht

at last someone who actually shows the figures.

All the statements that ITV was a "money machine" now appear for what they are: BULLSHIT !

At 30.09.2006 ITV has RETAINED LOSSES for 3,158 MILLION BAHT !

Apart the two latest years, IT NEVER WAS A PROFITABLE BUSINESS !

Increasing the concession fee and asking absurd fines for previous "concession infringments" is plain sadistic persecution of previous Shinawatra and now Temasek assets.

Both arguments are likely correct. If one were to ONLY look at the Robinson's Department Store unit of the Central Retailing Group here, it might seem like a money losing/spottedly profitable enterprise over the years. However the benefit to Central has been that they have used Robinson's as a debt vehicle with just about every kind of bond and debenture imaginable to direct cash into the rest of the group.


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It is a shame that ITV would be muzzled like this. It just highlights how insecure the ruling junta is and how paranoid they have become.

I just wonder how ITV could have amassed such a huge debt?

I will miss the ITV programs and reports. Tsk tsk...

Government pulls plug on Thailand's only private television station

BANGKOK: -- Thailand's military-installed government Tuesday ordered the kingdom's only private television broadcaster, iTV --Independent TV -- to cease operations at midnight on the same day, pending legal counsel regarding the media outlet's indebtedness, ownership and management.

Even as the order was given, Prime Minster Surayud Chulanont apologised to journalists covering the announcements, including iTV reports who wept at the news.

At the heart of the matter is a deadline for paying fines, broadcast fees and interest amounting to some Bt100 billion (US$2.9 billion). The broadcaster does not have the funds, mainly fines, which some critics say have been set at an impossibly high level.

The legal and financial aspects of the broadcaster's case appear to be inescapably intertwined with public -- and governmental -- perception of the station as being part of the Thaksin-Singapore 'deal' of January 2006 which has altered relations between the two countries.

With over 1,000 employees, iTV represents the largest body of independent media and journalists in Thailand and the station's demise, or possible reinstatement and management under government-owned Public Relations Department, does not sit well with the Thai media community at a time when the interim government claims it is trying to restore democracy to a country with a long history of military rule.

Founded in 1992 in the wake of anti-military protests which were not covered on state media, iTV has a heritage of wider-and-deeper coverage of news and controversy than previously existing media, but the station, later came under the control of now ousted premierThaksin Shinawatra.

iTV, part of the former prime minister's family sale of Shin Corp shares to Singapore's Temasek Holdings, has in recent years been more entertainment-oriented, but in December was ordered to broadcast more news and public affairs content.

--TNA 2007-03-06

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how does closing down of iTV pressure Thaksin or affect him in any way at all?

General Saprang...the very same one that cites outlandish remarks about seizing all assets of the former PM, based on only allegations of corruption? some of you with your hypocrite attitude really amaze me. you complain about thailand applying double pricing, but now seems some of you are condoning double standard.

whatever happened to all that western talk about innocent until proven guilty? I cant confirm or deny whether or not Thaksin is guilty. But I thought it was the western way to use courts, laws, evidence and the such? and if you say Thaksin deserves any different, then it just confirms my view above....you are being hypocrite.

by the way....if you check some of their archive news you will find that a lot of the stories related to Thaksin's mis-doings were uncovered by iTV.

and while on the subject of media freedom......I have questioned some journalist friends who repeated cried out lack of freedom under Thaksin.....yet those same journalists were able to and often did use insulting words against Thaksin and his administration.....no need to even go into the ethics or professionalism of it...but clearly....if he were to perform censorship that wouldnt have been possible. again...the various media were able to freely criticise a lot of his policies, even when it could have been their own prejudice and labelled the policy a populist strategy. an example: the 30baht health care scheme that his administration introduced...constantly criticised by the media, by the Democrats. and then what happened? Democrats campaign manifesto....0 baht health care scheme. perhaps some expert financial advisor/economist here can explain to my simple mind...how charging 30baht per visit will bankrupt the country, but charging 0baht will not?

....the military installed rule had also said they will look at the 0baht scheme.

which political party doesnt practice populist strategy? I guess its a question of who tries the more bold steps and who gets the bigger pie. speaking of which reminds me...in thai politics the cake had always been shared between atleast 3 big players in the past. since 2000.....majority government...one party....cake is no longer shared.

anyhow...i think Im getting sidetracked :D its late :D maybe I should just eat my cheesecake. no sharing this time :D

Excellent post!

If ITV is really getting closed - this will be a very sad day indeed for freedom of media in Thailand. The trumped up charges are an outrage. Just because a court complicit in an illegal military coup decided on outworldish punishment charges does not make the closure of ITV legal.

ITV has not been one bit more of an pro Thaksin organ than any other Thai TV station, and in many cases even less so than the military owned stations. The at the beginning of the Thaksin era fired reporters have also been reinstated while Thaksin was still PM. And in many other media outlets critical journalists have been forced out as well, such as in Bangkok Post, etc.

ITV has shown in so many areas that they are the most courageous and unbiased TV station on free TV here in Thailand, have after the coup been the only TV station that have dared to report on sensitive issues such as the taxi driver who has committed suicide.

ITV has some of the most dedicated reporters here in Thailand. These people do not just cry because they are threatened by unemployment, but because they believe in their profession. For working journalists their job is generally not just a tool to get a nice paycheck. Which they mostly don't. With their qualifications they could get in other professions far better salaries.

Another black day in Thailand. There would have been solutions and compromises possible, but what we see now is a military government that in the style of the '70s and '80s tries to reign in the whole country under their control.


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why is iTV still on my TV ??

what have i missed ??

itv applied for a court injunction late yesterday afternoon. The decission will be made approx 1.00pm this afternoon

iTV stays on the air as court considers fate

Thailand's first independent TV station remained on the air on Wednesday morning, even after the government ordered it shut down and all 1,010 staff terminated.

iTV loses concession, defies orders to go black

On-air news and commentary presenters said the station would likely go dark "tonight" (Wednesday evening Thailand time). They said the staff kept the station on the air themselves, and defy the government order, after filing a petition with the Central Administrative Court.The petition asks the court to order the government to keep the station on the air. A ruling could come today, although that is up to the judges.

Full story can be found at:


Edited by slimdog
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the wealthy "faces " of the station may very well be able to find other work , and will swim happily in whatever political currents they find themselves , but i have plenty of sympathy for the backroom staff , and there must be a couple of thousand , on normal wages , for whom a regular and stable income is essential , and who have had no part whatsoever in the machinations behind all this.

Exactly. The technicians, clerical staff, and many of the production staff had nothing to do with the shenanigans, nor are they high paid personalities. They are the ones who are really going to be in trouble, but I doubt you'll see their manicured faces crying on camera.

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the wealthy "faces " of the station may very well be able to find other work , and will swim happily in whatever political currents they find themselves , but i have plenty of sympathy for the backroom staff , and there must be a couple of thousand , on normal wages , for whom a regular and stable income is essential , and who have had no part whatsoever in the machinations behind all this.

Exactly. The technicians, clerical staff, and many of the production staff had nothing to do with the shenanigans, nor are they high paid personalities. They are the ones who are really going to be in trouble, but I doubt you'll see their manicured faces crying on camera.

But it is not different than any other shutdown from a larger company, a lot companies close every day worldwide, other open....

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Yes, but I was trying to point out that they people most affected by this get the least attention.

Yes, actually it is always like that. The real working one get the least attention.

The "big" ones always get some good deal.

A bit off topic, but the election commission is still not in jail, one of my staff who got catched with a very small amount of narcotics stays 2 years in jail.......

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7. Was iTV already in such great debt during the period that Shin was the owner of iTV ?

No, not at all, they made quite nice profits in later years - after they cut the concession payments and introduced game shows and other enerntainment programs.

Profits for itv were:

2002 -770.15 million baht

2003 -660.44 million baht

2004 204.56 million baht

2005 679.11 million baht

2006 364.40 million baht

total loss for last 5 years = - 152.15 million baht

at last someone who actually shows the figures.

All the statements that ITV was a "money machine" now appear for what they are: BULLSHIT !

At 30.09.2006 ITV has RETAINED LOSSES for 3,158 MILLION BAHT !

Apart the two latest years, IT NEVER WAS A PROFITABLE BUSINESS !

Increasing the concession fee and asking absurd fines for previous "concession infringments" is plain sadistic persecution of previous Shinawatra and now Temasek assets.

And did Thaksin not by the station post 97 to bail out the original owners who can not be discussed here after the Asian crisis?

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7. Was iTV already in such great debt during the period that Shin was the owner of iTV ?

No, not at all, they made quite nice profits in later years - after they cut the concession payments and introduced game shows and other enerntainment programs.

Profits for itv were:

2002 -770.15 million baht

2003 -660.44 million baht

2004 204.56 million baht

2005 679.11 million baht

2006 364.40 million baht

total loss for last 5 years = - 152.15 million baht

at last someone who actually shows the figures.

All the statements that ITV was a "money machine" now appear for what they are: BULLSHIT !

At 30.09.2006 ITV has RETAINED LOSSES for 3,158 MILLION BAHT !

Apart the two latest years, IT NEVER WAS A PROFITABLE BUSINESS !

Increasing the concession fee and asking absurd fines for previous "concession infringments" is plain sadistic persecution of previous Shinawatra and now Temasek assets.

And did Thaksin not by the station post 97 to bail out the original owners who can not be discussed here after the Asian crisis?

That is the rumor.

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It does not matter much if the closure is justified or not. This will still look very, very bad for Thailand to casual observers (including most financial analysts).

To summarize the last few months

- Visa rule tightening

- Military coup

- Gov't induced stock market crash

- Bangkok bombings

- Isolationist changes to company ownership rules

- Escalation of violence in the south

- Closure of the "only independent" (disputable or not, that's how BBC puts it) TV station over an inflated fine

To a casual observer, Thailand hasn't looked this bad since 1997 (perhaps it looks worse than this).

I still love the country, of course :o

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7. Was iTV already in such great debt during the period that Shin was the owner of iTV ?

No, not at all, they made quite nice profits in later years - after they cut the concession payments and introduced game shows and other enerntainment programs.

Profits for itv were:

2002 -770.15 million baht

2003 -660.44 million baht

2004 204.56 million baht

2005 679.11 million baht

2006 364.40 million baht

total loss for last 5 years = - 152.15 million baht

at last someone who actually shows the figures.

All the statements that ITV was a "money machine" now appear for what they are: BULLSHIT !

At 30.09.2006 ITV has RETAINED LOSSES for 3,158 MILLION BAHT !

Apart the two latest years, IT NEVER WAS A PROFITABLE BUSINESS !

Increasing the concession fee and asking absurd fines for previous "concession infringments" is plain sadistic persecution of previous Shinawatra and now Temasek assets.

And did Thaksin not by the station post 97 to bail out the original owners who can not be discussed here after the Asian crisis?

That is the rumor.

60 million USD fire sale I read in one article I read and U can not remember if an exact figure was mentioned in a book published by YUP that is heavily displayed and pushed in Singapore

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PM orders iTV to remain on air

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont ordered the Prime Minister's Office to keep iTV broadcast on air without suspension after midnight, PM's Office permanent secretary Chulayuth Hiranyawsit said.

Gen Surayud's order came even before the Central Administrative Court gives its ruling on whether to keep the station on air. iTV staff called it "a miracle" that the government reversed its decision on iTV. After midnight tonight, Public Relations Department will take over iTV, whose name is to be changed to T-ITV.

source: http://www.bangkokpost.net/breaking_news/b...s.php?id=117280

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PM orders iTV to remain on air

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont ordered the Prime Minister's Office to keep iTV broadcast on air without suspension after midnight, PM's Office permanent secretary Chulayuth Hiranyawsit said.

Gen Surayud's order came even before the Central Administrative Court gives its ruling on whether to keep the station on air. iTV staff called it "a miracle" that the government reversed its decision on iTV. After midnight tonight, Public Relations Department will take over iTV, whose name is to be changed to T-ITV.

source: http://www.bangkokpost.net/breaking_news/b...s.php?id=117280

i think TIT-TV is more apt seeing how it has such an auspicious start.

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iTV stays on the air as court reverses government order

The Central Administrative Court rejected a government order to take iTV off the air on Wednesday, telling staff who defied the regime and kept the station on the air to continue working.

There were scenes of joy among iTV staff and a large crowd that gathered on Wednesday to support the station and its staff. The court decision was a major setback for the government, and especially PM's Office Minister Khunying Dhipavadee Meksawan, who surprised everyone with an order to close the station last weekend.

Full story: http://www.bangkokpost.net/topstories/tops...s.php?id=117272

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PM orders iTV to remain on air

Prime Minister Surayud Chulanont ordered the Prime Minister's Office to keep iTV broadcast on air without suspension after midnight, PM's Office permanent secretary Chulayuth Hiranyawsit said.

Gen Surayud's order came even before the Central Administrative Court gives its ruling on whether to keep the station on air. iTV staff called it "a miracle" that the government reversed its decision on iTV. After midnight tonight, Public Relations Department will take over iTV, whose name is to be changed to T-ITV.

source: http://www.bangkokpost.net/breaking_news/b...s.php?id=117280

i think TIT-TV is more apt seeing how it has such an auspicious start.

It would be hilarious if they really do take the suggested name and change it to TiT-TV. No expat will be able to say it with a straight face.

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iTV stays on the air as court reverses government order

The Central Administrative Court rejected a government order to take iTV off the air on Wednesday, telling staff who defied the regime and kept the station on the air to continue working.

There were scenes of joy among iTV staff and a large crowd that gathered on Wednesday to support the station and its staff. The court decision was a major setback for the government, and especially PM's Office Minister Khunying Dhipavadee Meksawan, who surprised everyone with an order to close the station last weekend.

Full story: http://www.bangkokpost.net/topstories/tops...s.php?id=117272

Is this surprising to ANYONE? I think this is the 6th or 7th consecutive policy U-turn done so far. It's like no sound decisions can be made in this regime without backtracking.

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