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Saha chief urges govt to focus on grassroots economy 


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Saha chief urges govt to focus on grassroots economy 





THE NEW government should focus on boosting thepurchasing power of the grassroots population as one of its top priorities, Boonsithi Chokwatana, chairman of consumer products conglomerate Saha Group, said yesterday.


He also hoped that a new and stable government could be set up within this month.


He said the group has slashed by half its sales growth forecast for the year – from 5 to 6 per cent, due to unfavourable economic conditions.


He said that in the past the group had focused mainly on manufacturing products but from now on its focus will also cover other areas such education and services in response to fast-changing technology, lifestyles, and demand of the new generation.


It will open King’s College International School Bangkok in partnership with King’s College School Wimbledon, England.


It will also focus more on adopting advanced digital technology to enhance its operational efficiency and enhance customer experience.


Saha Group will sign a number of memoranda of understanding and deals with foreign partners on June 27-28.


The group declined to elaborate details of these projects, only revealing that one of them is a plan to join with Japan’s Tokyu Corporation to develop a hotel and condominium project.The hotel will be set up in Sri Racha.


The other one is a plan to join with Japan’s Sojitz Corporation to seek potential customers to invest in Saha group’s industrial parks in Kabinburi, Mae Sot as well as Lampun.


Saha group will hold the 23rd Saha Group Fair from June 27 to 30 at Bitec Bangna. 


The fair will offer varieties of products from the group. 


The event will unveil its vision “Path towards the Future” and feature a full range of products and services enhanced with digital technology as well as cultures, negotiate trade deals with investors, showcase innovations and offer exclusive sales promotions of leading products at their exhibition booths. 


In addition, Saha Group will jointly work with the Commerce Ministry to invite more than 30,000 Thong Fah (Blue Flag) Pracha Rat stores nationwide to participate in the event.


Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/Corporate/30370548



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The NEW government should focus on boosting the purchasing power of the grassroots population as one of its top priorties.


In addition, the government and TAT should also be focusing on attracting tourists who are the bread & butter for the grass-root population, the likes of the Chinese are ferried about spreading their purchasing power among the rich establishments they are taken to and do not provide any substantial income to the man in the street unlike when the western tourists were looked upon with favor.

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