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Hi guys, I was just wondering if any of you have any last minute advice for me so that I can pass on to my GF before she has her "tourist visa" application interview next week. I think we have most things covered, but its always nice to hear from the regulars or those that have been successful before. Thanks.



Did you keep a photo copy of the application form? If so make sure she is completely familiar with what you wrote down and when asked tell them exactly that! always tell them the truth.

They may ask questions about your life, family etc so just make sure she knows the basic stuff about you, it's common sense really mate, all you can do is make sure she's relaxed, tell her not to worry about it too much and stay positive

best of luck to the both of you

Mark :o

Ps If thats your photo as your avatar, its not your misses you need to worry about! the question is will they let you on the plane with teeth like that? ha haa goodluck!


You should see my toenails Mark...like talons.

Thanks for the reply. She's got a copy of the form, or should I say a duplicate, as we made a spelling mistake on the original. I thought it best to print out 2 copies in the event of this happening. And we have no need to lie. We know each other inside out, so I cant think what else they will ask her other than the obvious "reasons for returning to Thailand" questions. Fingers crossed.


She'll be fine, there may be something, somewhere in your application they are unsure about, hence why they want to interview her so just try and think if there may be any contradictions between the application form and your supporting evidence?? other than that my friend I cant think of anything else

Go get em!



Come to think of it Mark, and I've been over the downloaded application form one more time, but we were told by the woman at the desk when we handed over the info whether my gf had any children. She told us that we had to write this down in the section about adults accompanying children, but I explained to the woman that her son would not be visiting the UK, so therefore it was irrelevant. She told us we still had to write this down, but upon reading the question one more time, I dont see why we had to. The question only asked you to write down the names of any children travelling. Maybe Scouser has an answer or opinion on this one?


The layout of form VAF1 is somewhat confusing on this point. The applicant does have to list any children they have in answer to question 3.7, even if they are not travelling with them at this time.

I cannot see why this should be a problem this time because how would the visa section know she has children? Unless she has said elsewhere in the application that she has. But it may be a problem if she ever applies for a visa for her children in the future, visit or settlement, as she has effectively told the Home Office that she doesn't have any!

At her interview she should correct this error, even if she isn't asked about it. Not doing so is only storing up problems for future applications.

Having to attend an interview means the ECO is not fully satisfied that, on the balance of probabilities, she meets the criteria for the visa. In other words the ECO has doubts. Not major doubts, or she would have been refused without an interview. She will be questioned about these doubts and provided her answers are consistent and match what the ECO already knows then she will be successful.

She should be confident and, as already said, tell the truth.

Best of luck.


Thanks GU22, I'll make sure she points out the issue about her son not travelling with her despite being asked to add him to the form.

Do you work for the UK Embassy by any chance :o


That's been asked a few times recently,GU22's not an embassy employee, just very well clued up! however i'm sure the embassy read this forum every day!!



Well it always makes you wonder when someone so knowledgable posts very sepcific details on the subject. I'm very greatfull that GU22 has contributed and to you also Mark for the moral support you've given so far. Lets hope all go's well next week.

GU22's........very well clued up!
Thanks, Mark. Although there are those who would disagree with you!

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing. What mystifies me if why anyone should think GU22 works for the Embassy. Anyone who knows any Embassy staff would know that whilst they MAY read what goes on on this forum , they would NEVER dream of posting advice , helpful or otherwise. They are not in the business of making it any easier for applicants with advice, nor , Thus its very obvious that neither GU22 or anyone else here works for the Embassy.

GU22's........very well clued up!
Thanks, Mark. Although there are those who would disagree with you!

I'm not agreeing or disagreeing. What mystifies me if why anyone should think GU22 works for the Embassy. Anyone who knows any Embassy staff would know that whilst they MAY read what goes on on this forum , they would NEVER dream of posting advice , helpful or otherwise. They are not in the business of making it any easier for applicants with advice, nor , Thus its very obvious that neither GU22 or anyone else here works for the Embassy.

Your probably right Atlas, but not all here are quite as familiar with how un- fair and difficult the embassy can be, therefor it's not that obvious to someone, such as guemlum, who's girlfriend is yet to face the wrath of an up-tight eco on a monday morning!

I truly hope her experience is a good one.



Good call Mark.

Firstly, alot of us are new to the visa application process and therefore rely upon the goodwilled persons on this site who have been there and got the t-shirt. I have had no end of support from like minded people so far.

Secondly, I'm sure that embassy staff do visit this website, but we are none the wiser as to who they are or even if they offer advice or not.

And thirdly, GU22 gave me some very simple advice for which I am greatful. It verified one simple query. To a newbie, he could very well be an employee and so could anyone else who gives very clear and "helpful" information.

Firstly, alot of us are new to the visa application process


We were all a bit green to start with, now were mostly bitter because of our own experiences, failed attempts etc, etc

I never knew the embassy were so un-helpful till we applied



Good luck my friend.

I know exactly how you are probably feeling-I remember it well.

Have i done this/that etc etc, will she etc etc etc. I know.

Be strong,even if your application is 100% you will right up until your TG gets interviewed you will be thinking what if's and but's.

Tell the truth,make sure she can spell your name,knows your date of birth and where she will be going ie potters bar in Herts.etc etc

My wife was asked these questions,first time she said kent,and not margate kent the interviewer was not impressed.

I hope that she knows everything you have put in your application.As its a tourist visa hopefully she will have an idea of what you both will be doing ie a week in the coltswolds,party at the parents house. have some sort of schedule and or your Tg says I would like to see Chelsea play football,see the London Eye.It will be scary for your TG also,say to her be strong darling and be confident always answer.

I apoligise if Im sounding negative.

Try not to worry.,dont panic and dont give up.


as long as Margate or Kent isnt mentioned, everything will be pukka

quality guys :o

I dont wanna be in margate,god knows why anybody else does lol

Thank god for humour.

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