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I Appeal To All Westerners To Boycot My Bar


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Get to a real lawyer, PDQ, with all the papers (especially receipts that show you paid for everything) and explain the situation. You can sort it out. Probably get the police in to get her out. I imagine she told a few bad stories about you, so clear it up pronto. Honest Thais will know you are being gutted and will back you if you go the honest route to clear this up.

If you get an HONEST policeman or lawyer on your side, you might be able to stop her. There are plenty of them, you just have to find a high-powered one.

At one time all of my competitors got together and were stealing and destroying my property, spreading false rumors and sending me e-mail threats, but I took pictures of the damage and took the e-mails to a reputable policeman and he went around and threatened them all until everything stopped.

They just send me anonomous, hate e-mails now as it's easy to do and not worth proving who is doing it.

Anyway, they remind me what scum these guys really are, so I have no mercy when it comes to competing against them! :o


On a slightly different tack, there are only seven or eight companies in thai that are larger than mine doing what we do. We all have the same customer base. Middle of last year I had about three or four of these companies gang up on me. Bad mouthing me to customers "whats a stupid falang doing taking our sales & profits etc..)

I bit the bullet, decided to go the main sales season with minimal profits, went & undercut the opposing companies in terms of price & quality.

Nett effect, I had huge turnover, huge headaches, marginal profits, however, one of the other opposing companies went belly up, & two others came to see me to reconcile differences.

Feel a bit bad for the OP. I know if I had a falling out with the missus, she really has the power to make my life hel_l over here. (Visas, part. breakups etc.)

However, that said, until things are relatively set in concrete with regards to your personal life in LOS, I would recoomend to most people new to putting money into thailand to only ante up what you can afford to walk away from.



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It may sound stupid, but I hoped only to some of you. :o Since the business that we set up had to be in the wifes' or tgfs' names, is it not possible to have said wife or tgf sign and IOU in your favour, that she has taken a personal cash loan equivalent to that of the business worth? So, in any setback, you could bankrupt her or to sell off business to settle your claim on the IOU??

A little off topic, pardon me.

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I am reading a lot comments from how it is in the states,I mean the states are the most opposite of all directions on the planet or am I wrong.There it is like making a farth and somebody can bring you to court,there In my opinion it is a crazy world in the different direction. :o

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It may sound stupid, but I hoped only to some of you. :o Since the business that we set up had to be in the wifes' or tgfs' names, is it not possible to have said wife or tgf sign and IOU in your favour, that she has taken a personal cash loan equivalent to that of the business worth? So, in any setback, you could bankrupt her or to sell off business to settle your claim on the IOU??

A little off topic, pardon me.

i dont mean to be flippant,

but hav'nt we already talked about written personal contracts not being worth nothing except arse paper. :D

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I feel sorry for you, bud. As some have already mentioned, take it as an educational experience. Unfortunately your story is is not uncommon. In fact it happens all the time in los.

This is what I would do, I'd borrow some money from friends and family and fight the bitch in court. A good lawyer will tell you what your chances are of winning. A bad one will just tell you anything to fill his own pockets. You will need an experienced lawyer used to delaing with farangs, this is crucial!!! Don't go for the inexperienced lawyers from sunbelt Asia - they're still wearing their nappies. Waht you want is an older, experienced lawyer who knows his shit!!!

Pm me if you need a few tel numbers. And NO I am not a lawyer!

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I can't believe i just wasted 15 minutes of my life reading all this verbal diarrhea...

Gary - only one rule you can fall back on - "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me..."

or was that "A fool and his money are soon parted."

I can never remember.

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I can't believe i just wasted 15 minutes of my life reading all this verbal diarrhea...

Gary - only one rule you can fall back on - "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me..."

or was that "A fool and his money are soon parted."

I can never remember.

you know MR man,

i love that saying and it should be printed on ones birth certificate.

the problem is that we are only human, the woman of los are experts at dealing with farang, and grown men continue to fall into the trap. :D

im only wishing they dont get me, as its the hardest thing to deal with, the beautiful women of los. :D

a man needs a cast iron heart and a suit of armour. :o

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I can't believe i just wasted 15 minutes of my life reading all this verbal diarrhea...

Gary - only one rule you can fall back on - "Fool me once, shame on you, Fool me twice, shame on me..."

or was that "A fool and his money are soon parted."

I can never remember.

What do you mean you can never remember? It would appear that both are accurate statements. It was a learning experience and I did indeed learn. And, for what it's worth I WON'T be fooled again nor will I EVER be involved in a Thai business again. I'm willing to admit that I was stupid just to prevent people from being as stupid as I was. Unfortunately most people have to learn the hard lessons themselves. Dreams are dreams and no one wants to believe that their dream could turn into a nightmare.

Edited by Gary A
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I also think that the members who actually give the OP links for what his chances are and good eventual lawyers are really doing the job what we are here together(TV)for aren't we?I think it is tremendous that we strangers really try to help each other out,we are making good karma in the buddhist believes,and real ones cause it is coming straight from good intension categorie.Except from the guys who want to troll and make the guy feel bad,he feels allready!but everybody have their opinions what is allright and makes it here exciting.....

I still not sure if the OP wants to go this route though?

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It may sound stupid, but I hoped only to some of you. :o Since the business that we set up had to be in the wifes' or tgfs' names, is it not possible to have said wife or tgf sign and IOU in your favour, that she has taken a personal cash loan equivalent to that of the business worth? So, in any setback, you could bankrupt her or to sell off business to settle your claim on the IOU??

A little off topic, pardon me.

i dont mean to be flippant,

but hav'nt we already talked about written personal contracts not being worth nothing except arse paper. :D

You mean it is worth nothing even when witnessed by a farang lawyer, with signatures and all that? It still would not stand up to legal scrutiny and justice? Then I am lost here. :D

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I was in Kai Bae in February .There is another bar there with partnership problems .The guy comes from Continental Europe.They had just set up the bar .Every night i went in there himself and his Thai wife were having an argument .You might guess what bar it is .It had the most number of bar girls in Kai Bae in February .Wonder if its still going ? .In that case from what i could see it was mostly the Farang guys fault .His Thai wife is drop dead gorgeous,and he seemed to be jealous of her talking to customers at the bar .

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I am always amazed at the number of farangs who suffer from terminal uniqueness.You don't need to stay in Thailand long before you will hear plenty of horror stories about westerners losing their life savings, yet people continue to do it. They fool themselves into thinking that somehow it will be different for them. These people remind me of those deranged people who break into zoos in order to enter a tiger's cage with a bible for protection.

I don't mean to sound like I'm kicking the OP while he's down as I do believe this experience may benefit him. I would advise him to keep out of the bar business if he doesn't want to deal with people trying to swindle him. The alcohol business tends to attract this type of people. He will likely be able to use the knowledge gained from this episode to his advantage in a different venture.

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It may sound stupid, but I hoped only to some of you. :o Since the business that we set up had to be in the wifes' or tgfs' names, is it not possible to have said wife or tgf sign and IOU in your favour, that she has taken a personal cash loan equivalent to that of the business worth? So, in any setback, you could bankrupt her or to sell off business to settle your claim on the IOU??

A little off topic, pardon me.

i dont mean to be flippant,

but hav'nt we already talked about written personal contracts not being worth nothing except arse paper. :D

You mean it is worth nothing even when witnessed by a farang lawyer, with signatures and all that? It still would not stand up to legal scrutiny and justice? Then I am lost here. :D

i dont want to be a naysayer my friend as its not my style, but its all up in the air when it comes to legal jargon in los.

you can have the best lawyer, with the best contract caste in stone, and still get well and truly shafted over here.

yes, you can go through the legal proceedures, jump through the hoop's, pay the money to the best lawyer in los and still come unstuck because someone has payed off the judge. :D

its the law of the land, and when something looks like its going well it can turn around and bight you on the arse.

doing business in los can be a very complicated thing as many of these fella's will concur. :D

not for the faint hearted and definately not conducted as one would do in the west.

maybe better to retire here and live of your interest. :bah:

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There is a syndrome that I have seen MANY times. I call it the MGID syndrome. Gullible guys come here and fall in love. If you caution them they will ALWAYS tell you that "My girl is different". How a reasonably intelligent 60 year old man can truly believe that a 20 year old beautiful Thai girl really does love him astounds me.

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Very wise said GARRO,I like your way of communication.Straight but with thoughtful and kind words to make things how they are,what i think the Op still not sees (blinded with love).Love?

Isn't love not that thing that people can't find in themselves and thinks he sees it in a different person,like beauty or whatever......Love for me is not real it is non existent,a realtion what works what you could call love has to be shared to learn how youself are and the opposite sex as well,to respect and to let go ,learn and grow.

But yeah easy to say to anybody,but their brains seem to be in the wrong place.... :o

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There is a syndrome that I have seen MANY times. I call it the MGID syndrome. Gullible guys come here and fall in love. If you caution them they will ALWAYS tell you that "My girl is different". How a reasonably intelligent 60 year old man can truly believe that a 20 year old beautiful Thai girl really does love him astounds me.

Your right,fools for love they call them :o

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I was in Kai Bae in February .There is another bar there with partnership problems .The guy comes from Continental Europe.They had just set up the bar .Every night i went in there himself and his Thai wife were having an argument .You might guess what bar it is .It had the most number of bar girls in Kai Bae in February .Wonder if its still going ? .In that case from what i could see it was mostly the Farang guys fault .His Thai wife is drop dead gorgeous,and he seemed to be jealous of her talking to customers at the bar .

i dont now about you but i have zero sympathy for this sort of farang.

if one chooses to involve himself in a bar employing bar girls, one must be prepared to stand up and be counted.

its a dodgy business at best conducted by dodgy people, and blind freddy knows its best left to thai people to conduct, as they know the game. :o

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There is a syndrome that I have seen MANY times. I call it the MGID syndrome. Gullible guys come here and fall in love. If you caution them they will ALWAYS tell you that "My girl is different". How a reasonably intelligent 60 year old man can truly believe that a 20 year old beautiful Thai girl really does love him astounds me.

dont go there mate as you'll have all the old fellas baying for your blood. :D:o

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There is a syndrome that I have seen MANY times. I call it the MGID syndrome. Gullible guys come here and fall in love. If you caution them they will ALWAYS tell you that "My girl is different". How a reasonably intelligent 60 year old man can truly believe that a 20 year old beautiful Thai girl really does love him astounds me.

dont go there mate as you'll have all the old fellas baying for your blood. :D :D

I do have to be a little careful myself. I am a borderline type because I just turned 62 and my lovely Thai wife is 39. I am a true cynic, maybe because I have been here too long and seen too much. :o

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There is a syndrome that I have seen MANY times. I call it the MGID syndrome. Gullible guys come here and fall in love. If you caution them they will ALWAYS tell you that "My girl is different". How a reasonably intelligent 60 year old man can truly believe that a 20 year old beautiful Thai girl really does love him astounds me.

dont go there mate as you'll have all the old fellas baying for your blood. :D :D

I do have to be a little careful myself. I am a borderline type because I just turned 62 and my lovely Thai wife is 39. I am a true cynic, maybe because I have been here too long and seen too much. :D

sounds ok to me for a 62 year old dude to have a 39 year old wife :D but a 60 year old with a 20 year old. :o

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There is a syndrome that I have seen MANY times. I call it the MGID syndrome. Gullible guys come here and fall in love. If you caution them they will ALWAYS tell you that "My girl is different". How a reasonably intelligent 60 year old man can truly believe that a 20 year old beautiful Thai girl really does love him astounds me.

dont go there mate as you'll have all the old fellas baying for your blood. :D :D

I do have to be a little careful myself. I am a borderline type because I just turned 62 and my lovely Thai wife is 39. I am a true cynic, maybe because I have been here too long and seen too much. :D

sounds ok to me for a 62 year old dude to have a 39 year old wife :D but a 60 year old with a 20 year old. :o

My Thai male friends used to tell me that the correct age for a man to marry was to find a woman half your age plus seven years. I didn't pay any attention but maybe they were right.

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It may sound stupid, but I hoped only to some of you. :o Since the business that we set up had to be in the wifes' or tgfs' names, is it not possible to have said wife or tgf sign and IOU in your favour, that she has taken a personal cash loan equivalent to that of the business worth? So, in any setback, you could bankrupt her or to sell off business to settle your claim on the IOU??

A little off topic, pardon me.

i dont mean to be flippant,

but hav'nt we already talked about written personal contracts not being worth nothing except arse paper. :D

You mean it is worth nothing even when witnessed by a farang lawyer, with signatures and all that? It still would not stand up to legal scrutiny and justice? Then I am lost here. :D

i dont want to be a naysayer my friend as its not my style, but its all up in the air when it comes to legal jargon in los.

you can have the best lawyer, with the best contract caste in stone, and still get well and truly shafted over here.

yes, you can go through the legal proceedures, jump through the hoop's, pay the money to the best lawyer in los and still come unstuck because someone has payed off the judge. :D

its the law of the land, and when something looks like its going well it can turn around and bight you on the arse.

doing business in los can be a very complicated thing as many of these fella's will concur. :D

not for the faint hearted and definately not conducted as one would do in the west.

maybe better to retire here and live of your interest. :bah:

Ok, ok, I got your point. So as much as we want to do things legally and to protect our arse, there is actually no recourse for us when something unfortunate happens.

To simply retire and live the best years of our lives in Los maybe the best solution to all this.

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There is a syndrome that I have seen MANY times. I call it the MGID syndrome. Gullible guys come here and fall in love. If you caution them they will ALWAYS tell you that "My girl is different". How a reasonably intelligent 60 year old man can truly believe that a 20 year old beautiful Thai girl really does love him astounds me.

dont go there mate as you'll have all the old fellas baying for your blood. :D :D

I do have to be a little careful myself. I am a borderline type because I just turned 62 and my lovely Thai wife is 39. I am a true cynic, maybe because I have been here too long and seen too much. :D

sounds ok to me for a 62 year old dude to have a 39 year old wife :D but a 60 year old with a 20 year old. :o

My Thai male friends used to tell me that the correct age for a man to marry was to find a woman half your age plus seven years. I didn't pay any attention but maybe they were right.

you should post that in the ladies section!

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There is a syndrome that I have seen MANY times. I call it the MGID syndrome. Gullible guys come here and fall in love. If you caution them they will ALWAYS tell you that "My girl is different". How a reasonably intelligent 60 year old man can truly believe that a 20 year old beautiful Thai girl really does love him astounds me.

dont go there mate as you'll have all the old fellas baying for your blood. :D :D

I do have to be a little careful myself. I am a borderline type because I just turned 62 and my lovely Thai wife is 39. I am a true cynic, maybe because I have been here too long and seen too much. :D

sounds ok to me for a 62 year old dude to have a 39 year old wife :bah: but a 60 year old with a 20 year old. :o

My Thai male friends used to tell me that the correct age for a man to marry was to find a woman half your age plus seven years. I didn't pay any attention but maybe they were right.

you should post that in the ladies section!

Are you serious? :D It's not my formula and it violates my rule number three. The rules are;

NEVER spend more than you can affrod to walk away from.

NEVER be worth more dead than alive.

ALWAYS keep a low profile.

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There is a syndrome that I have seen MANY times. I call it the MGID syndrome. Gullible guys come here and fall in love. If you caution them they will ALWAYS tell you that "My girl is different". How a reasonably intelligent 60 year old man can truly believe that a 20 year old beautiful Thai girl really does love him astounds me.

dont go there mate as you'll have all the old fellas baying for your blood. :D :D

I do have to be a little careful myself. I am a borderline type because I just turned 62 and my lovely Thai wife is 39. I am a true cynic, maybe because I have been here too long and seen too much. :D

sounds ok to me for a 62 year old dude to have a 39 year old wife :bah: but a 60 year old with a 20 year old. :o

My Thai male friends used to tell me that the correct age for a man to marry was to find a woman half your age plus seven years. I didn't pay any attention but maybe they were right.

you should post that in the ladies section!

So, by that reckoning, I'm looking for a 60 year old guy! Hmmm, interesting.... :D

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There is a syndrome that I have seen MANY times. I call it the MGID syndrome. Gullible guys come here and fall in love. If you caution them they will ALWAYS tell you that "My girl is different". How a reasonably intelligent 60 year old man can truly believe that a 20 year old beautiful Thai girl really does love him astounds me.

dont go there mate as you'll have all the old fellas baying for your blood. :bah::D

I do have to be a little careful myself. I am a borderline type because I just turned 62 and my lovely Thai wife is 39. I am a true cynic, maybe because I have been here too long and seen too much. :D

sounds ok to me for a 62 year old dude to have a 39 year old wife :bah: but a 60 year old with a 20 year old. :o

My Thai male friends used to tell me that the correct age for a man to marry was to find a woman half your age plus seven years. I didn't pay any attention but maybe they were right.

you should post that in the ladies section!

So, by that reckoning, I'm looking for a 60 year old guy! Hmmm, interesting.... :D

My dad turns 60 this year if your intrested? :D

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OP can you please shed more light on your website situation?

Did you actually purchase hosting from http://www.datapimp.com/

Im still trying to figure out if it is actually a real hosting company, or if it is some kind of joke?

With forums titled things like:

Hey my datapimp email stopped working! Fix it!

We know it's broke, and we ain't fixing it.

Talk amongst yourselves

Because we're certainly not interested

General questions

Like, "Where is the CANCEL button?"

If you really did signup there you must get scammed on an almost daily basis?

It is no surpise that this girl took you for a ride.

Edited by dave111223
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