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thai to english translation for child birth certificate.


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I use Express Translations next to BTS Ploen Chit.


Be absolutely sure to spell your child's name in English for them, exactly as you want it written, otherwise they will transliterate it themselves. If they do this the result might not be what you were expecting. If you have a foreign passport for your child take a copy of that and show them.


They will also need your name and your partner's name. Easiest thing is to take a copy of your passport and your partner's ID card or passport.



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Lots of translators around, but It depends on what you mean by certified, by who and for what purpose. In Thailand The Ministry of foreign affairs in Bangkok certifies translations, if its for use in home country, your consulate may certify documents. A translation services doesnt have an official Certified stamp they do translations.

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54 minutes ago, Peterw42 said:

Lots of translators around, but It depends on what you mean by certified, by who and for what purpose. In Thailand The Ministry of foreign affairs in Bangkok certifies translations, if its for use in home country, your consulate may certify documents. A translation services doesnt have an official Certified stamp they do translations.


In Thailand, that's not quite correct. Translators will stamp their translation with the words "Certified Correct Translation", or "Certified as a true and accurate translation of the original document", etc.


Here are a couple of examples:






The Ministry of Foreign Affairs legalises translations, like this:



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