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A Funny Thing Happened To Me On My Way From The Shops


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Coming down the moving sloping walkway yesterday from the second floor of Carrefore, GF in front with a load of food and such and me behind with a load of tiles and paint from HomePro.

The wheels on shopping trolleys sort of slip into grooves in the walkway to stop them from rolling forward but when we got to the bottom her trolley would not come out of the groove, I shunted into and trapped her with my paint and tiles trolley the guy behind ran into me, fortuantley her trolley sort of reared up at the back and unstuck itself and we were able to get off without too many bruises, but what a horrible experience, had visions of being sucked into the bowels of the machine. Apparantly it's quite common,

of course it was all my fault, "why didn't you stop?" yeh right!!

Anyone else have that happen?

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Coming down the moving sloping walkway yesterday from the second floor of Carrefore, GF in front with a load of food and such and me behind with a load of tiles and paint from HomePro.

The wheels on shopping trolleys sort of slip into grooves in the walkway to stop them from rolling forward but when we got to the bottom her trolley would not come out of the groove, I shunted into and trapped her with my paint and tiles trolley the guy behind ran into me, fortuantley her trolley sort of reared up at the back and unstuck itself and we were able to get off without too many bruises, but what a horrible experience, had visions of being sucked into the bowels of the machine. Apparantly it's quite common,

of course it was all my fault, "why didn't you stop?" yeh right!!

Anyone else have that happen?

The opposite happened to me once. Put a fully loaded trolley onto the travellator (is that what they are called?) and the bloody thing kept going! Scared the living sh.t out of me, as it careered on downwards with me hanging for dear life. Suddenly, before any accident happened, it finally locked itself into the grooves. :D

Of course, being a fully paid up member of the Thai/ Buddhist/ farang/ fraternity, I smiled an embarrassed smile and nodded sagely to all the horrified onlookers. That day wasn't my day to meet my maker - my karma was good. :o

If this was in Europe, those staircases would have been immediately shut down, and a team of engineers would descend to check it all out, and it wouldn't be opened again until they were satisfied that it was completely safe.

But we are in LOS :D

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Had exactly the same a couple of days ago.

Had a pretty fully loaded cart, which simply locked up at the bottom of the whatever-ater the thing is called.

Lucky, me being quite young and agile :o, I managed to slip beside the cart and managed to lift the front up and unlock it just before the bloke behind me would have crashed in it...

I would not really call it a funny thing to happen, especially if some elderly people would be involved....

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Had exactly the same a couple of days ago.

Had a pretty fully loaded cart, which simply locked up at the bottom of the whatever-ater the thing is called.

Lucky, me being quite young and agile :o, I managed to slip beside the cart and managed to lift the front up and unlock it just before the bloke behind me would have crashed in it...

I would not really call it a funny thing to happen, especially if some elderly people would be involved....

What has happened to me on several occasions is I get to the bottom of the escalotor with a fully loaded cart only to have someone standing right at the bottom totally oblivious to the fact that I can't stop the thing on a dime. Adults no big deal if I crash into them, but it's the little ones I worry about.

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Blaa blaa blaa blaa.......I guess no responsibility for human error on your part. Overloading the trolley were we??? :D Go on blame the quality of Thai goods......again! :o What a surprise!!!

I aint blaming anybody good buddy just reporting a funny little incident.

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I would not really call it a funny thing to happen, especially if some elderly people would be involved....

I thought you were involved, old chap

He's quite a young chap really, he just looks like an old chap :o

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I remember reading a story a while back from Cambodia about the country's first escalator which had been installed somewhere.

The manager of the place was asked by a reporter about how the first day had gone and he said that most people had got the hang of it, though several had tripped coming off it and one woman had even fallen over.

Tricky things these escalators!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Coming down the moving sloping walkway yesterday from the second floor of Carrefore, GF in front with a load of food and such and me behind with a load of tiles and paint from HomePro.

The wheels on shopping trolleys sort of slip into grooves in the walkway to stop them from rolling forward but when we got to the bottom her trolley would not come out of the groove, I shunted into and trapped her with my paint and tiles trolley the guy behind ran into me, fortuantley her trolley sort of reared up at the back and unstuck itself and we were able to get off without too many bruises, but what a horrible experience, had visions of being sucked into the bowels of the machine. Apparantly it's quite common,

of course it was all my fault, "why didn't you stop?" yeh right!!

Anyone else have that happen?

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A similar thing happened to me at my local carrefour only the incident involved a wheelchair too and one rather shocked and bruised elderly lady. I think it may be a sales gimmick to encourage buying plasters and bandages on each visit?

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Coming down the moving sloping walkway yesterday from the second floor of Carrefore, GF in front with a load of food and such and me behind with a load of tiles and paint from HomePro.

The wheels on shopping trolleys sort of slip into grooves in the walkway to stop them from rolling forward but when we got to the bottom her trolley would not come out of the groove, I shunted into and trapped her with my paint and tiles trolley the guy behind ran into me, fortuantley her trolley sort of reared up at the back and unstuck itself and we were able to get off without too many bruises, but what a horrible experience, had visions of being sucked into the bowels of the machine. Apparantly it's quite common,

of course it was all my fault, "why didn't you stop?" yeh right!!

Anyone else have that happen?

carting all that gear what would you had expected, bloody silly :o

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Its the trolleys they buy, cheap crap, made locally at half the price of the proper ones. Have you seen the trolleys at the new airport, same deal, absolute crap !

i guess someone forgot to take their " happy pill " this morning :D

maybe you should have a drink to relax you, you seem to be on edge :D i find this helps when i am stressed :o

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I really enjoy these quirky little posts on TV. Anyone having a pop at the Op should just not bother.

Anyway, I had a brush with possible serious injury and saved a child from certain serious injury on a Tesco esculator (the moving staircase type) a while back. My better half and I had a bag of shopping each and stepped onto the esculator, when suddenly there was a crashing sound behind us, as I turned there was a trolly coming towards us, I'd say by this point we had moved only a few feet, with a startled looking Thai man holding on to the trolly. I grabbed the front of the trolly with my free hand, but as the angle became more acute the child that was standing up in the trolly fell forward. At this point I should say how fast all of this happened. I had to wedge my knee against the trolly and grab the kid to stop him from falling forward and out of the trolly. Ok! so by this point everything was stable and we continued down the esculator with the Thai chap saying "solly! solly!" to me and giving my wife a better apology. We got to the floor and I asked in astonishment, What were you thinking? and more to the point, how did you get past the steel pole that is in place to stop such things from happening? He said, to the missus, that he didn't know.

I was far from angry as it seemed so surreal and the wide eyed gaze of the child who may never have seen a farang before, as they had a certain 'rustic appearence' coupled with the fact that the man was unable to grasp the complexities of an esculator, was just getting over the shock of being caught and held by a white guy while out shopping.

In retrospect it could have been very nasty if it was a heavily laden trolly, say with 3 boxes of chang or some other heavy item. To this day I always walk past the steel pole set just before the entrance and wonder how he got past it.

On the subject of esculators, the first esculator in Burma/Myanmar was in a shopping mall. Or at least their version which is very unlike the towers we have here in Thailand. When it opened people came from all over the city and qued up to take a ride.

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