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Navy renders assistance to cruise ship stuck on underwater rocks southeast of Phi Phi Island


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4 hours ago, Skallywag said:

From the linked article, "The towing was done with ease as the water started rising above the rocks in the morning."

Sounds like the Captain did not look at the tide charts - haha. 

Rookie mistake. 



Apparently, in the linked article it hit an uncharted rock. Would be nice if they told us other sailors exactly where it was then..

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1 hour ago, Tug said:

Oops that’s gotta be embarrassing guess his career is over!

No before knowing what exactly happened.

Even the most modern ships sometimes can have problems with their propulsion engines or their mooring system...

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5 hours ago, katatonic said:

Apparently, in the linked article it hit an uncharted rock. Would be nice if they told us other sailors exactly where it was then..

Pretty sure the insurance companies will ensure it is now on the charts

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Wooaahhh .... Expesive !!!


... A Bad decision probably, there is supposed to be at Least 2 People on the Bridge, .... They might have been coming in to close, to show the Tourists the Islands ! ? ... (Like the Costa Brava ? was doing, when it hit the rocks ? Was it off Italy I think ? In that REALLY BIG disaster !!!)   …  Though it does sound like it, as sounds like it was at Night ! So probably not that in this case.


Like these sorts of ships DO go very fast ! ... Like About 30 Knots or maybe more, like all that weight ! ... Going close to 40k per hour !!! ... So you cannot, well should not, turn it that quickly at that speed ... or well it will heal right over, and just Frighten the living <deleted> out of everyone on board !!! …. Not to mention making every bodies Drinks sliding off the bar, the dinners off the tables, and other things fall down, ... like trashing the Galley store, just to start off with !!! ... Not to mention rolling some of the Geriatrics out of their beds !!!


Yes, it was probably just trying to cut the corner on the turn, .... To save fuel ? .... Or time ? ....  ... and Yes, Low tide ! ....  And they just got to close, and could not correct in time ! .... A Mistake and some very bad Judgment, ... You would never sail a big ship like that over anything near tidal depth ! .... Like you would want at least double or even triple the tidal range clearance at least I think? Plus a safety margin. ... And they would have had the best Echo sounders, GPS ... Steering ... and Charts,


... Probably an Electric chart, and even an electric one on the radar, ....  all of which you can see the ships position comes up on the actual Map ! If you have it set up properly, ... Possibly the GPS Locked up, or mall functioned some other way … As Electronics do - like in the North Sea, Large sea Gulls, the Great Black backed Gull I think they are, would sit in the GPS antenna, …  and Block the signals, preventing it from working !  .... Like then if it locked up, or malfunctioned for any reason, .... it would possibly be feeding a false Position, to the electronic chart ? ...


...  Still it is the officer on watches job to watch out for this ! ... And he should have been using a radar range to the island they were passing, ? Or some other way of having a rough Independent Check, for Gross errors, ... ! ... And not been any closer than the accuracy of this check ! ...


Like ALSO Coral grows you know, though slowly, the charts, though Good, often are made up from pretty old information I think ? …. Sometimes, particularly near islands, there still ARE uncharted Reefs where the coral had grown, …. And it is a LOT shallower than as marked on the chard ! …. I have hit one like that once myself in a yatch ! With the concrete keel luckily ! But there was a hell of a bang, and a very sharp stop !!!   And it was NOT ON the chart ... Well there was one closer to the shore ..... And well I WAS In the wrong any way, for not keeping a better look out !!! ...  Like I know now, that in my Opinion, if there is ANY Coral marked on the chart, you have to keep 1 or 2 K away from it ! .... OR just slow down, and have a look out up the bow, to warn you if there is a new Reef there.Like some times they are vertical walls, and you can not see them on the echo sounder.


Still, if they say Rocks, usually is IS rocks. … So they probably just went to close, and without any regard of safety margin for the Water depth I guess. ....  It would be unlikely that they went to sleep on a big AND a Passenger boat likes that, …(On a Cargo ship ? may be ?)     But there should have been two of them up there any way I think.

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12 hours ago, Captain 776 said:

Being a Licensed Captain I can say........running aground with todays technology it is hard to do,  especially in a modern yacht like this with all the bells n whistles of Radar and GPS even at night when you overlay Radar onto GPS its like driving down a runway in the daytime.

Are you a 100 ton or open oceans?

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