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I don't want this to sound like an obituary because he's not dead , but i have been informed by another member that GU22 will no longer (at least for now) be contributing to ThaiVisa's forum.

I hope i am not breaking any forum rules , if i am please be aware that i don't intend to , but i really didn't know anywhere else to pay this tribute. As a similar one was done to the scoucer yesterday i am assuming its can't therefore be breaking any rules . Mods please note this.

You will all know that in the past GU and I have rarely agreed but i have always had the utmost respect for him . Although he had little actual experience of the ECO's personally , and he was fortunate with the ones he did meet , he had a wealth of knowledge about the UK visa system that few could equal. And more than that he was generous to a fault in giving his time to help where he could . We disagreed mainly i think because his contact with the ECO's was all good and mine was more mixed and that left us both with differing opinions , opinions that i'm sure we still both believe are right.

Personally i hope he makes a quick comeback , it will be dull here without him for sure. GU if you're still looking i thank you for numerous interesting debates in the past and I for one hope to see you again very soon. I hope one day we will meet (in BKK who knows?) and have a drink and a laugh about all our past spats. There are some here who call themselves "gent" but you truly are one.

My best wishes GU to you and yours


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I don't want this to sound like an obituary because he's not dead , but i have been informed by another member that GU22 will no longer (at least for now) be contributing to ThaiVisa's forum.

I hope i am not breaking any forum rules , if i am please be aware that i don't intend to , but i really didn't know anywhere else to pay this tribute. As a similar one was done to the scoucer yesterday i am assuming its can't therefore be breaking any rules . Mods please note this.

You will all know that in the past GU and I have rarely agreed but i have always had the utmost respect for him . Although he had little actual experience of the ECO's personally , and he was fortunate with the ones he did meet , he had a wealth of knowledge about the UK visa system that few could equal. And more than that he was generous to a fault in giving his time to help where he could . We disagreed mainly i think because his contact with the ECO's was all good and mine was more mixed and that left us both with differing opinions , opinions that i'm sure we still both believe are right.

Personally i hope he makes a quick comeback , it will be dull here without him for sure. GU if you're still looking i thank you for numerous interesting debates in the past and I for one hope to see you again very soon. I hope one day we will meet (in BKK who knows?) and have a drink and a laugh about all our past spats. There are some here who call themselves "gent" but you truly are one.

My best wishes GU to you and yours


I for one am very grateful for all the time and knowledge GU shared on this forum.

Work will be very boring now not being able to spend the day reading the on going saga of GU22 vs Atlastaname!

Good luck GU22


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I was fortunate enough to catch GU22's last message as he was posting it, and didnt know how to respond at the time. I think that his post was removed quite quickly. But if he was serious about where he is going, then I know where he can be found.

Whilst recently going through the visa application process myself, GU22 was a huge support in giving advice and encouragement to me and would like to thank him whole heartedly for his posts.

Did anyone notice a new member floating around recently called GU23... :o


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I will admit that I was one who tired a bit of your regular spats. It often seemed like the same old theme (right versus left) so I'm amazed that you both appear to be mates and you have both heaped praise on each other. I consider you both very valuble contributors to this forum and I'm sure many members will have benefitted from the advice from both of you even if it was poles apart.

I hope that GU22 reincarnates as GU23 and you both agree to put your point of view and let the reader decide who is the real prat. Atlastaname you are correct in your deduction why different people have different opinions of the BE so there will always be views extreme and opposite. it's no different to having a chat in a bar except a few million people are listening.

As you say all this advice is given voluntarily and anonomously so there are no spurs to be gained by any of us by posting here. I hope the mods realise the value of having knowledgable and opinionated people on this forum and if normality is restored then you both let the reader decide who is correct.

Olive branch recognised. Good luck to you both.

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Hi all i to would like to thank GU22 as he has given me and my wife much usfull information like the scouser, and i would also say it will not be the same with gu22 helping people out with good advice.

If you read this GU22 i wish you and your family the best of luck and maybe one day meet up and buy you a few beer's

All the best Pete & Som

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GU22 was a very informative member of this sub-forum and I too owe him a vote of thanks, even if that sounds a little contradictory because I was also one of his main critics, simply because he was the architect of his own downfall and ultimate demise.

If I didn't know better I would have thought him to be of Irish decent because of his power to self-destruct.

As some of you are probably aware, he was under a public warning from a MOD just recently, who doesn't usually frequent this sub-forum and as we all know GU22 didn't always keep his own council when perhaps it would have better to do so, instead of getting involved in petty squabbles that were always self defeating.

He did seem to have a coterie of detractors, particularly the triumvirate of Toppers, Alas and the Gent but he would insist on rucking and mauling in a war he fundamentally couldn't win and as I am not privy to his valedictory post, I cannot ultimately support his final actions.

However as I believe he was a sincere guy, I will send a post of leniency, on condition of his last posts, on his part.

Good Luck GU22


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I've obviously missed something. What happenned ? Why was he banned ? Please enlighten me ? Or is it a secret ? I found GU22 to be most informative and helpful.


I am as much in the dark as you are about what happened, having also not seen the phantom last posts he made. However i'm sure he will be cheered a little by the remarks by various members here.

Rightly or wrongly, members are not allowed to discuss moderators actions and there is a danger from Sonics last post that is what may occur. In order to give everyone a chance to write their comments we need to keep this thread open a while longer . Much as i would also love to know the ins and outs of what happened, we should not discuss it here or the thread will be closed and possible deleted altogether.

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Quite simply, GU22 resigned from Thai Visa. In so doing, he made a parting blast at the moderators and attempted to redirect members to another forum. It was for these reasons that, post-resignation, he was banned. That's a factual account of why he's gone - he wasn't pushed, he jumped - and that should allay any conspiracy theories which may linger.

I have posted this for information only, and this does not mean that there is now free rein to discuss the rights and wrongs of his action. If any member wishes to express his/her appreciation of GU22's contribution then s/he is free to do so, but discussion of moderation issues will result in the thread being closed/deleted.


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My goodness people, you'd think he'd died or something.

I also think he was informative and good of him to take time out to post but if he's "spat the dummy out", so be it.

Edit// sorry posting at the same time as Scouse, who has clarified the situation.

Edited by mrbojangles
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In another thread, now extinguished, I posted a rather amusing riposte to GU 22's ridiculous valedictory message to forum members. A greater summation of the chap's pomposity one couldn't imagine which naturally prompted an urge to deflate sine qua non. However, in so doing I did acknowledge his sterling efforts to educate the more obtuse of forum ingenues, a vocation which he pursued with such doggedness that I was duty bound to salute.

Certainly, I never sought to detract from those well intended efforts except when they lurched into that dreaded trough of the ill informed amateur driven by his own complacency, a furrow currently ploughed in his absence by skewed Atlas and Quixotic Topfield.

Still, nature abhors a vacuum and I suppose others will follow but for my own part I miss his contributions which helped to strike a balance even if that was never the intention.

I am prompted to this post for no other reason than to dispel the absurd notion that the chap felt driven out through a conspiracy of myself and the aforementioned [pejorative term removed].

Les gone but not forgotten?

Edited by the scouser
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In another thread, now extinguished, I posted a rather amusing riposte to GU 22's ridiculous valedictory message to forum members. A greater summation of the chap's pomposity one couldn't imagine which naturally prompted an urge to deflate sine qua non. However, in so doing I did acknowledge his sterling efforts to educate the more obtuse of forum ingenues, a vocation which he pursued with such doggedness that I was duty bound to salute.

Certainly, I never sought to detract from those well intended efforts except when they lurched into that dreaded trough of the ill informed amateur driven by his own complacency, a furrow currently ploughed in his absence by skewed Atlas and Quixotic Topfield.

Still, nature abhors a vacuum and I suppose others will follow but for my own part I miss his contributions which helped to strike a balance even if that was never the intention.

I am prompted to this post for no other reason than to dispel the absurd notion that the chap felt driven out through a conspiracy of myself and the aforementioned [pejorative term removed].

Les gone but not forgotten?

You have to laugh .. "the gent" calling me skewed !!

Another pointless post by "the gent" .. why does the guy bother.?? You take out the insults (which for some reasaon scouse didn't when he edited it) and you are left with nothing. As usual with "the gent"

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sine qua non [pejorative

At least I have learnt something from your post!

A latin phrase and another word for Derogatory, you know, you are not all bad after all, although the phraseology used in your posts, lend more to pomposity than GU22 could ever imagine, whether true or purported.

Good Luck


Edited by Mossfinn
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Well, thankfully for the duration of the period I was seeking and getting sound and consistent advice from the Scouser and GU22, I didn't really witness such hostility.

I have no idea what led to the split but would certainly echo my previously recorded public (and pm) thanks for his advice.

I know his other moniker (its not hard to work out) and the other forum he posts on - as I do as well. I have to say, he gives sound advice there, with the occasional, rare correction, from others with the expert knowledge of Scouse, but its a friendly place and there is nothing that echos the vehemance sometimes seen here. I'm not sure who gains by that?

I hope Scouse has the time to fill the void?

Edited by Ollie
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