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Vietnam Weekend


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thanks jing & skippy,

just checking since they have issues with female guests of their own ilk.

on a future plan, what's Dubai like for same sharing arrangments? i may have a contract over there later in the year.

many thanks,

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thanks jing & skippy,

just checking since they have issues with female guests of their own ilk.

I thought she was Thai.....

I think your confusing Vietnam with Laos. Here in Laos she'd probably be asked for ID to prove she is Thai and not Laos in most hotels since it's against the law to sleep with a Lao girl if your not married.

Me and the wife went Vietnam and they didn't asked anything (my wife is Lao).

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In VN it is, in theory, against the law for an unmarried couple to be together in a bedroom after, I think, ten pm. However this does apply to nationals and, particularly in Vung Tau, you should encounter no problems. Just remember it is still south east Asia and law enforcement is, shall we say, flexible.

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thanks for all the input.

nova. she IS thai. my point was picked up by phil that VN officially don't allow VN unmarried partners in the 'loom' overnight (and not just hookers) and was just checking that they don't include foreigners as well.

techno, thanks for that. we will be doing songkran in Vientiane and she will have her passport and Thai ID with her.

now, what are those two-faced buggers in Dubai like? anyone know?

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Thanks to all as well. That's interesting info and I didn't know that. We will be visiting my wifes sister in Nong Khai next month and I had it in mind to visit into Laos while up there. We will make sure to have the "appropriate papers" on hand :o

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Variation on the same theme.

My Thai wife and I fancy trip to vietnam soon. Will myself or my wife need visas or do we get X days on arrival.



You, assuming you are a westerner, will need a visa but AFAIK your wife, as she's a Thai, will get the equivalent of a VE 30 days on arrival. Suggest you check the embassy's web site, assuming they have one, or any half way decent travel agency/website to get the latest info.

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Variation on the same theme.

My Thai wife and I fancy trip to vietnam soon. Will myself or my wife need visas or do we get X days on arrival.



Thai nationals do not need a visa to enter Vietnam, and they receive a no-cost entry permit on arrival. Can't remember how long it's good for though. Assuming you are European or North American, you will need to obtain a visa in advance from a Vietnam embassy. Costs vary by passport and how soon you need it. For all practical purposes, a visa on arrival is not possible.

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The Dubai question. The fact that you and your lady aren't married shouldn't be an issue. Women in the Emirates don't change their name to that of their husband, they keep their own (it's a kind of verbal family tree - Zam Zam Al Khalif bint Alfmair bin shaman bin.....), the only thing yuo may come across is racism. The Middle Eastern aquaintances of ours are lovely in so many ways, but extremely racist.

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