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I can't say that I have seen much evidence of that sort of behaviour by Thai men at all.

You're kidding right? Maybe your making a point by making a joke. Ha ha - it was funny.

Now the truth:

Thai people are violent in worse ways than Westerners because they don't think about the consequences of their actions. Thai people are Human Doings, not Human Beings.

I have witnessed more than a few times aggression that led to violence. I suspect that most of them are mean drunks.

If you want to point a finger, point it at their inability to handle liquor.

They are violent, and they will kill you for several reasons:

You're a Farang and to them you are nothing.

They know they can disappear into the rice fields when they kill someone.

The news is rife with examples of riduculous random violence: shooting, stabbings, beatings -

Good joke Dr.


You have to be kidding, right...

I work with my staff of 40 thai men on a daily basis. They are all working class thais aged from 16 - 50. They booze up frequently as well. Not once in five years have I had to break up a fight, comment on domestic violence, or handle any other issues apart from snide comments & backstabbing.

Open any newspaper from America England or Australia & you'll see just as many cases of rape, muggings, killings, & whatever..

How the <deleted>*k can you judge a population on a few news clippings per day for 70,000,000 people?

Take your goggles off man..


I use all my senses including one not used by MOST people, I also use my brain. I see it on the road all the time - too many of them are drunk. Anyone who isn't blind, and who leaves the house can tell you the same thing.

I noticed you didn't mention how many of your boozing Thai friends drive drunk. Oh, sure they don't get into accidents. They drive magic cars. They don't almost hit people - not to worry - they're champs at holding their liquor.

That Thailand is very high on the list for alchohol consumption is not something I made up.

I'm sorry, can I bring up facts or would you prefer to just be a pollyanna?


Wearing my laser beam goggles.

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I can't say that I have seen much evidence of that sort of behaviour by Thai men at all.

You're kidding right? Maybe your making a point by making a joke. Ha ha - it was funny.

Now the truth:

Thai people are violent in worse ways than Westerners because they don't think about the consequences of their actions. Thai people are Human Doings, not Human Beings.

I have witnessed more than a few times aggression that led to violence. I suspect that most of them are mean drunks.

If you want to point a finger, point it at their inability to handle liquor.

They are violent, and they will kill you for several reasons:

You're a Farang and to them you are nothing.

They know they can disappear into the rice fields when they kill someone.

The news is rife with examples of ridiculous random violence: shooting, stabbings, beatings -

Good joke Dr.


You're trolling, right? There can be no other excuse for such a post. As a girlfriend of a Thai man and the mother of someone who will grow into a Thai man, I take great offence to your post. That is an extremely nasty, inaccurate view. Despicable!

Trolling? I think not. My son will be born in less than 18 hours. He will be Thai and American. I have my work cut out for me. I will have to make sure that he does not become "THAI" by sleeping with as many women as he can, making babies here and there and not taking care of any of them.

Want to argue that one with me? Oh yes, you would rather level ad hominem attacks by calling me despicable. If telling the truth is despicable, then I am worse.

Why are so many Thai women seeking non-Thai men? Want to go after that one? My guess is that you'll level more vitriol and shrink from the issue.

This country spends its time fighting gambling while the people drink themselves silly. They treat gamblers with more ferocity than they do drunk drivers. Not sure I know anyone killed by gambling.

Go on, make my day, take me on and tell all of us how wonderful a family man most Thai men are.


Professor Emeritus Despicabus

If you are serious with your comments you are either totally ignorant about thai soceity or an absolutety warped human being.

Nearly all thai men (and women, and families) I know are committed parents. (there are always exceptions, however, they are in the minority in thailand). I have just had a discussion with four of them from the lower income levels about you & they have told me, in words I will not even list on TV cos the mods will crack it, that you have absolutley no idea, & therefore no place to make such comments about thai people.

Open your outlook, for your own sake.



In the last three years in Thailand I have encountered one act of violence and that was against three well drunk farangs at a night market in BKK. They got a kicking they'll not forget in a hurry and deserved it all for slapping a waitress, not a bar girl, not that that should matter anyway.

I live in the country and have attended many parties, both family and village and have not seen one fight, maybe I'm just lucky and live in an extremely chilled out place.

The wife and I travel all over Thai on a regular basis and sure I've been given some dodgy looks but never felt seriously threatend, I've felt worse in bars in the highlands of Scotland and I come from there.

Having lived here for two years, I think that some Thai cultural/religious beliefs have much to answer for. ...

I only got to the first page of the growing thread when I read this. :D

Answer to who? or is it whom? :o

Your ethnocentric view of the world?

Don't think I will bother with rest... :D


ColPyat, with your first-responder experience here you probably see more violence in one night that most farangs or Thais will see in a lifetime. The same would be true for police and EMT back in the US as well in many areas. While valid, don't you think that might somewhat skew your judgement? By that I mean the fact that you always jump in to tell people how deceptive it is here and how danger lurks down almost every soi.

I do not disagree that Thailand has and has had since time immemorial a very high rate of violence. Having said that, the lion's share of that is Thai on Thai, and very specific--gang against gang, drunk against drunk, spouse against spouse, business owner against business owner, etc. What worries tourists or foreign residents is that they will be the victim of some random or uprovoked violence. From what I have seen that is still very, very, rare.

In the more than six years (or is it seven now?) i have seen a definite increase in unprovoked random violence, and recently a move in fashion from machetes to shot guns in inter gang fights. I may be skewed. But i try to be objective.

I am just looking at my wife's family, for example, and there violence is very regular. One brother was nearly killed by a knife, a cousin has shot several, another uncle i don't even want to know what he was/is up to, several other distant relatives in jail. And this is not just me, many people i know who are with wifes from upcountry lower classes have very similar tales to tell.

Not in every Soi lurks danger, :o, the usual entertainment areas i still don't worry a bit, only with the occasional fellow drunk farang who can't be drunk and happy at the same time. The areas where i have encountered the sort of violence i always describe here are areas where i have seen not more than maybe 5 farang during all those years in addition to the three or four i have myself brought around.

My point basically is, that one cannot generalize the whole of Thailand by the perceived safety of the more upper class, and the more farang oriented areas. There is a clear flip side to this place, and only occasionally Farang and this nasty side of Thailand meet in uncomfortable encounters, while millions of lower class Thais have very little hope of escaping this flip side.

One of the reasons why most farang rarely get to see this side is, because it really holds no attraction whatsoever for anyone who has the means to live above that. Why would one live in a sub urban lower class Mu Ban or Slum miles from anywhere, if one can choose to live far more comfortable and safe?

Even though chances are indeed small that the average westerner will ever get to see this side of Thailand, i still think people should be aware that it does exist, and is not just a product of my fantasy. Just in case that one may be tempted to do something stupid in the wrong area because one is used to a different Thailand.

Fair enough. I think we are pretty much in agreement then, although I question just how much the rate of violent crime has risen. Short of sound statistical evidence which we are unlikely to have I don't think we will settle that issue. I will say that I first arrived here in 80 the Thai papers were as full of shootings, stabbings, and other horrific acts as they are today, in fact, my recollection is that they featured those stories even more than they do today!

If you are serious with your comments you are either totally ignorant about thai soceity or an absolutety warped human being.

Nearly all thai men (and women, and families) I know are committed parents. (there are always exceptions, however, they are in the minority in thailand). I have just had a discussion with four of them from the lower income levels about you & they have told me, in words I will not even list on TV cos the mods will crack it, that you have absolutley no idea, & therefore no place to make such comments about thai people.

Open your outlook, for your own sake.


I know almost one hundred women, some bar girls, some not who have all had Thai husbands who have abandoned them and their children. My cleaning lady has two children. Their father decided he liked the thinner lady so he dumped the pregnant one on the second go and now she cleans to feed two children.

Oh, did I mention he was a drunk and abused her? Oversight on my part - it will never happen again.

This country has a problem. My neighbor gassed up a few nights ago with some tools in his pickup flatbed. After fueling he looked behind him and his pickup was picked clean.

MAI PEN RAI the little Thai Scumbags told him as they showed him they had just stowed his stuff behind the pumps - they were only doing a thorough cleaning job of the windows, and figured they'd clean out his flatbed as well.

I'm so glad they stick to Buddhist principles. I'll teach my son morality, not face.

Logic, not Thai Logic.


About to be a dad -

No more insults of ThaiVisa members.

You can say, "those remarks sometimes seem to me to resemble those I think I once heard from a man I thought might be despicable."


I have to hand it to you PB, if you had chosen any other profession than having serious stability problems on your motor bike, most political parties would be calling!!! :o



I can't say that I have seen much evidence of that sort of behaviour by Thai men at all.

You're kidding right? Maybe your making a point by making a joke. Ha ha - it was funny.

Now the truth:

Thai people are violent in worse ways than Westerners because they don't think about the consequences of their actions. Thai people are Human Doings, not Human Beings.

I have witnessed more than a few times aggression that led to violence. I suspect that most of them are mean drunks.

If you want to point a finger, point it at their inability to handle liquor.

They are violent, and they will kill you for several reasons:

You're a Farang and to them you are nothing.

They know they can disappear into the rice fields when they kill someone.

The news is rife with examples of ridiculous random violence: shooting, stabbings, beatings -

Good joke Dr.


You're trolling, right? There can be no other excuse for such a post. As a girlfriend of a Thai man and the mother of someone who will grow into a Thai man, I take great offence to your post. That is an extremely nasty, inaccurate view. Despicable!

Trolling? I think not. My son will be born in less than 18 hours. He will be Thai and American. I have my work cut out for me. I will have to make sure that he does not become "THAI" by sleeping with as many women as he can, making babies here and there and not taking care of any of them.

Want to argue that one with me? Oh yes, you would rather level ad hominem attacks by calling me despicable. If telling the truth is despicable, then I am worse.

Why are so many Thai women seeking non-Thai men? Want to go after that one? My guess is that you'll level more vitriol and shrink from the issue.

This country spends its time fighting gambling while the people drink themselves silly. They treat gamblers with more ferocity than they do drunk drivers. Not sure I know anyone killed by gambling.

Go on, make my day, take me on and tell all of us how wonderful a family man most Thai men are.


Professor Emeritus Despicabus

I have no idea why so many Thai women go for farang men. I assume there are as many reasons as there are individual women. I wouldn't like to generalise on that.

My son is wholly Thai, not half. My BF took him from his (Thai) mother when he was 6 months old, because she was abusing him (son) & neglecting him while she drank, took drugs & partied with her many boyfriends. He took care of his son from that day on. They moved in with me when my son was two and a half.

I don't generalise. I speak from my experience & only that. I would never think to deride an entire race because of the actions of a few. My BF was a wonderful family man who loved his son more than anything. Some aren't, true. You could say the same of any nationality or race.

You can work as hard as you like to make sure your child doesn't become Thai. I'm working to give my son a sense of his culture, his identity & I want him to be Thai, like his father. He is already getting his values from me & has those from his father. I'm sure he'll do his best with that grounding.



Jeff seems a little one sided but it is his experience and his opinion.

I find it funny that a forum that should be open to all opinions and view points is not very accepting of an alternate voice.

Statistics can be made to look anyway you want but they do give a picture.

I have never really felt in danger but I have also never had to disfuse so many potential situations. Never have I experienced such irrate cab drivers, tuk tuk drivers or moto guys like here. Maybe I should have let them cheat or berate me for knowing my way or the proper fare? I have also been verbally abused for not paying the "skin tax" of overpriced products.

Violence is rare here for most falangs who try to stay away from it but it can also come from some very unexpected place such as a simple jaunt across town.

If you are serious with your comments you are either totally ignorant about thai soceity or an absolutety warped human being.

Nearly all thai men (and women, and families) I know are committed parents. (there are always exceptions, however, they are in the minority in thailand). I have just had a discussion with four of them from the lower income levels about you & they have told me, in words I will not even list on TV cos the mods will crack it, that you have absolutley no idea, & therefore no place to make such comments about thai people.

Open your outlook, for your own sake.


I know almost one hundred women, some bar girls, some not who have all had Thai husbands who have abandoned them and their children. My cleaning lady has two children. Their father decided he liked the thinner lady so he dumped the pregnant one on the second go and now she cleans to feed two children.

Oh, did I mention he was a drunk and abused her? Oversight on my part - it will never happen again.

This country has a problem. My neighbor gassed up a few nights ago with some tools in his pickup flatbed. After fueling he looked behind him and his pickup was picked clean.

MAI PEN RAI the little Thai Scumbags told him as they showed him they had just stowed his stuff behind the pumps - they were only doing a thorough cleaning job of the windows, and figured they'd clean out his flatbed as well.

I'm so glad they stick to Buddhist principles. I'll teach my son morality, not face.

Logic, not Thai Logic.


About to be a dad -

I think you have got serious issues pal!!!

I have read some sh#te on this forum, but yours is up there with the best!!!

All the incidents you mention above and in previous posts could and do happen everywhere in the world.

To try to avoid obvious criticism of yourself, I suggest you grow up and stop blaming all your shortcomings and frustrations on the Thais.

If you really believe in what you say, then shame on you for allowing your son to grow up in a society which obviously does not reach your expactations.......

PS,I do not know you, but your posts are somewhat similar to the views of a person I once met who was a real prick. Not that you are of course :o


Sorry, but you are wrong there. The statistics are rather clear, and they show Thailand far more violent than the US or any other western country (and most Asian countries apart from the war zones).


It very much depends where you go in Bangkok and surroundings, there are areas that are no go zones. Mostly though foreigners other than Burmese, Cambodian and Laotian immigrant labors rarely go there as these areas hold no interest whatsoever.

Random violence of the most extreme sort is a daily event. It is true that as a westerner you are in less risk to be attacked than Thais, but that will only contribute to your personal perception of safety, not to allow you to make a statement on general safety in Thailand.

It is a myth that most violence here is connected to business or is personal. That may have been so in the past, but Thailand has well caught up with the rest of the world regarding random violence.

Thailand is a very violent society, and increasingly so. No romanticism can obfuscate the clear numbers.


Wow! More than 20,000 hand gun murders, per capita as compared to aprx. about 4000 per capita here in the "Wild Wild West."

Speculators and dreamers should take a look at the REAL statistics before imagining how non violent Thailand is.

"Reality bites"

Thanks so much for the reality check... :o

No more insults of ThaiVisa members.

You can say, "those remarks sometimes seem to me to resemble those I think I once heard from a man I thought might be despicable."

The word "despicable" applied to the view expressed in the post, not to the poster. I have no idea whether he's despicable or not. I don't know him. He chose to apply it to himself, with some pride it seems, giving himself a professorial badge. I presume I have the right to describe a post which is displayed for all, as "despicable", if I feel it is, don't I PB? :D:o

Fair enough. I think we are pretty much in agreement then, although I question just how much the rate of violent crime has risen.

This is just a personal observation, not supported by any stats.

I don't know if we should count political violence into this, but the situation in the three southern provinces is very bad, regarding violence, and is most likely getting much worse.


My son will have the best of both worlds. This concept of saving face at all costs will not be one of the things he learns. The MAI PEN RAI crap like our little scumbags who stole the tools from the pickup truck used in order to weasel out of their predicament. If the cops weren't on the take, crooked, rotten to the core then my friend might have been able to call them and have the nice Thai thieves arrested, but we all know how that would end up - they would side with the Thais and send the Farang on his way.

When you as a Thai can kill my son because you drive drunk and then think that money will buy your freedom - that's a big problem.

And yet this is what Thailand is. It's a country where you buy yourself out of any jam. It's a country where you kill people and disappear. It's a country where men treat women like $hit. Go ahead, destroy what credibility you might have left by defending the way Thai Men treat Thai Women.

Stop using the exception to prove the rule - not many are buying that today.

Thailand is also a country deemed by the rest of Asia as being the most corrupt country in Asia, ahead of Indonesia. They are ahead of India.

So let's see, drunkiness - murders galore - violence - drug abuse - and the Thai government worries about gambling.

Thailand should be a peaceful country - tell that to those in the South. They should be following the teachings of Buddhism - after all 99 percent of them are Buddhist, yet these fine Buddhists steal - etc .. etc ..

How about coveting? They covet - just look at the idiots driving monster trucks up and down Pattaya Klang.

I have never seen a country so seriously mired in big swinging RICHARD syndrome in my life.

But everyone is fine here - don't look - just move along. -- Move along.


Fair enough. I think we are pretty much in agreement then, although I question just how much the rate of violent crime has risen.

This is just a personal observation, not supported by any stats.

I don't know if we should count political violence into this, but the situation in the three southern provinces is very bad, regarding violence, and is most likely getting much worse.

Valid Observation.

The stories of open slaughter in these area's is horrifying.

I think you have got serious issues pal!!!

I have read some sh#te on this forum, but yours is up there with the best!!!

All the incidents you mention above and in previous posts could and do happen everywhere in the world.

To try to avoid obvious criticism of yourself, I suggest you grow up and stop blaming all your shortcomings and frustrations on the Thais.

If you really believe in what you say, then shame on you for allowing your son to grow up in a society which obviously does not reach your expactations.......

PS,I do not know you, but your posts are somewhat similar to the views of a person I once met who was a real prick. Not that you are of course :o

Of course you do - it's easy to avoid the mirror when you're glaring in the wrong direction.

"All the incidents you mention above and in previous posts could and do happen everywhere in the world."

Let's address this:

Sally and Betsy are neighbors. Sally lives next door to Betsy. Sally notices that Betsy has a black eye and she asks her about it. Betsy's husband hit her in the stomach and eye and that's how she got the shiner.

"Why that's terrible," says Sally, "How can you let him do such things to you?"

Betsy replies: "Oh, it's not so bad, you should see Wanda and Fern who live on the other side of the street, they have two black eyes each."

I don't give a ###### about other countries, try to stay on topic - we are talking about Thailand.

I don't want to tolerate one black eye.



... No romanticism can obfuscate the clear numbers.

Has anyone else gone to the source of these figures and reviewed them. There's something bizarre here, apart from the 'fact' that every crime is 'solved'. see below:-

1998 numbers from source as example.

Total recorded intentional homicide, completed -- 5717

Total recorded intentional homicide, attempted -- 4777

Total recorded intentional homicides committed with a firearm -- 23631

Total recorded non-intentional homicides -- 277

Total recorded assaults -- 17852 {less then murders?}

Total recorded rapes -- 3516

Total recorded robberies -- 1060 {pardon?}

Total recorded thefts -- 58184

Total recorded automobile theft -- 3833

Total recorded burglaries --13784

Total recorded frauds -- 6468

Total recorded embezzlements -- 13824

Total recorded drug offenses -- 225252

Total recorded bribery crimes -- 268 { :o }

Total - all persons brought into initial formal contact 218304 {Hum.... ?}

There then follows the same criteria with exactly the same numbers as "criteria suspects" which should give a figure nearer 370k, shouldn't it?

The data is available as a PDF or as an XLS file.




/edit format //

Thailand is no different than the states. Be careful about WHERE you go, WHEN you go there, and WHO you associate with. Most farangs with few exceptions bring the violence upon themselves by not following the above.

There is one little difference. The States is zoned and easier to know where you can and can't go. There are rich areas, middle class areas, and areas you probably don't want to go after sun down. In Thailand it is all mixed so it becomes a little harder to know what areas are safe after dark or in the light.


From what previous poster have stated, a lot of violence resulting from alcohol is the same as it is in the US. I've been to universities in the US and here in Thailand. Both universities had fights outside bars with drunk patrons. The only difference I have seen is the frequency of the Thai students grabbing weapons to use such as kitchen knives or broken bottles. When I was at the Thai university which has one of the wealthiest student populations, bar fights were almost a nightly occurrence and were usually over girls. Seems the same in the US except for the weapons part. This is just my observance.

My son will have the best of both worlds. This concept of saving face at all costs will not be one of the things he learns. The MAI PEN RAI crap like our little scumbags who stole the tools from the pickup truck used in order to weasel out of their predicament. If the cops weren't on the take, crooked, rotten to the core then my friend might have been able to call them and have the nice Thai thieves arrested, but we all know how that would end up - they would side with the Thais and send the Farang on his way.

When you as a Thai can kill my son because you drive drunk and then think that money will buy your freedom - that's a big problem.

And yet this is what Thailand is. It's a country where you buy yourself out of any jam. It's a country where you kill people and disappear. It's a country where men treat women like $hit. Go ahead, destroy what credibility you might have left by defending the way Thai Men treat Thai Women.

Stop using the exception to prove the rule - not many are buying that today.

Thailand is also a country deemed by the rest of Asia as being the most corrupt country in Asia, ahead of Indonesia. They are ahead of India.

So let's see, drunkiness - murders galore - violence - drug abuse - and the Thai government worries about gambling.

Thailand should be a peaceful country - tell that to those in the South. They should be following the teachings of Buddhism - after all 99 percent of them are Buddhist, yet these fine Buddhists steal - etc .. etc ..

How about coveting? They covet - just look at the idiots driving monster trucks up and down Pattaya Klang.

I have never seen a country so seriously mired in big swinging RICHARD syndrome in my life.

But everyone is fine here - don't look - just move along. -- Move along.



Hi JR,

You are in dangerous waters my friend. The truth has little place in Thailand or on in the forum. Speak the truth and you may be killed or banned. "Face" be honest and straitforward and maybe have yours ripped of.

There is an old saying in the ancient Pali texts.

"Lie to the people and they will embrace you. Tell them the truth and they will beat you with sticks."

Good Health,



With all JeffRosner's Thai bashing, he probably might have forgotten that his father-in-law is actually a Thai. By the way, I don't really understand how any mod can let him get away with several stupid generalizations he said about Thai people (not to mention false information like Thailand is deemed the most corrupt contry in Asia). That doesn't violate a certain rule on TV? It's all subjective I guess.

With all JeffRosner's Thai bashing, he probably might have forgotten that his father-in-law is a Thai. By the way, I don't really understand how any mod can let him get away with several stupid generalizations (not to mention false information like Thailand is deemed the most corrupt contry in Asia) he said about this country.


China I believe is in the number one position.

By the way my soon to be x's father used to beat her and her older sister to a bloody pulp when they where just little girls Samut Sakorn

They would have to hide under the kitchen sink so he wouldn't find them. One day her broke the older sisters arm while dragging her home in the street when she was seven years old.

The neighbors just stood by and watched.

Needless to say all the kids are psycological wrecks due to all the constant physical and mental abuse they were subjected to when they were just little girls.

I used to ask my wife how come the neighbors or police didn't do anything.

She said, "no one could do anything, it's your family's business, nobody can get involved"

He was a big Me Kong drinker. Fortunately he dropped dead at 40.

PS Her mom, as the story was, told was gang raped by her three brothers while working in the rice fields. Of course she had to just get up and go back to work after they had finished.

She self aborted two pregnancies as a result of this.

Never saw anything like this growing up in Newark, New Jersey and I'm not saying horrible things don't happen tp women and children everywhere.

But this is a Thailand story... :o


Might I remind you folks:

"3) Religious or racial slurs, rude and degrading comments towards women, or extremely negative views of Thailand will not be tolerated.

5) Discussion of moderation issues, actions or moderation policies concerning individual cases are not allowed in the forums. Such comments should be directed to a moderator or administrator, and not discussed on the forum."

Thailand is no different than the states. Be careful about WHERE you go, WHEN you go there, and WHO you associate with. Most farangs with few exceptions bring the violence upon themselves by not following the above.

There is one little difference. The States is zoned and easier to know where you can and can't go. There are rich areas, middle class areas, and areas you probably don't want to go after sun down. In Thailand it is all mixed so it becomes a little harder to know what areas are safe after dark or in the light.

The dangerous areas in the US seem to be much more concentrated so that is probably the only reason the statistics indicate that Thailand is a more violent country as a whole. Those dangerous areas in the US (mainly located in big cities) can be extremely violent to anyone unknowingly venturing into them after dark and that is why innocent people are much more at risk in the US than in Thailand. I feel much safer in Thailand without a gun than I do here in the US where I am licensed to carry a concealed weapon. I may be wrong but as opposed to the US, if you do not provoke trouble when in Thailand, I think it is a fairly safe place do be (with the exception of driving).

With all JeffRosner's Thai bashing, he probably might have forgotten that his father-in-law is actually a Thai. By the way, I don't really understand how any mod can let him get away with several stupid generalizations he said about Thai people (not to mention false information like Thailand is deemed the most corrupt contry in Asia). That doesn't violate a certain rule on TV? It's all subjective I guess.

Mods? Moderation? Truth? You can't handle the truth. Yes, call for moderation - shut me up - don't let me write the truth.

Let's talk about my wife's father. He's a pleasant enough fellow, a real family man. Let me tell you what his business is: He sells alchohol, Lao prosititutes to Thais, and runs a Karaoke.

He's not in the greatest of health - but in his younger days, he managed to father 7 children.

By 5 different mothers. He drank, gambled, smoked and ruined his health in the process. He hasn't been what one would call a role model.

He has a wife (my wife's mother) but he also had an old gf he plays with. He's kind, would give you half of the last 10 baht he owned, or give you 200 baht and keep 20 if you really needed it. He likes animals and doesn't mistreat them.

He's a mixed bag. My wife had one Thai bf - he cheated on her. They were both college. Then she went to work - met an Englishman - he lied to her and she tried again to find a Farang. She found me.

Yes, le't talk about my child's Grandpa.


By the way, I don't really understand how any mod can let him get away with several stupid generalizations he said about Thai people (not to mention false information like Thailand is deemed the most corrupt contry in Asia). That doesn't violate a certain rule on TV? It's all subjective I guess.

Right out of the Bangkok Post - Front page article about 3 weeks ago.

Before you accuse me of spreading false information, prevaricating, lying, fibbing or anything else, you might get your facts straight first.


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