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Why Farangs R Into "exotic" Thai Guys


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always puzzled (n sometimes frustrated! :o ) seeing farang guys so attracted to socalled exotic dark, slim, queer thai boys? any reason behind this?

Why, what did you come here for? The temples and trekking.

I know why i'm here. I like the skin, BUT it's always stretched over the body of a beautiful nubile female.

I can't for the life of me answer your question though (about slim, queer, Thai boys) honestly it's got me really beaten.


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Typical middle-upper-class well-educated Chinese-Thai question. Why do farangs like "low class" Thai boys and girls when there are so many more "desirable" ones around? Perhaps because they are more genuine, more interesting, more down-to-earth, and less full of themselves.

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Personally, I prefer the lightly colored skin Thai guys.... and I still consider them "exotic" It's just a question of personal taste, I think. The touch/quality of the thai skin is universally beautiful, though.


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Since I am old, with bad sikin from excessive sun exposure in my early years and a red-head father, I am indeed a "skin freak"

I look to the skin first for the "turn on". My ex-wife had northern European alabastr skin, and luckily my daughter got her skin from her mother.

Thai skin, as ChrisP says, is unmatched in texture and I personall prefer, the light tan (coffee latte) shade. Exotic has nothing to do with my interest in Thais.

A trim but slightly muscular body is my preference. Definitely younger is my presference and a non-aggessive nature is prefered. Most Thais don 't have the rampant age bias found in the west. A 20 to 30 year age difference has always seemed to be "my style". a 20yo and 50yo gap seems to many to be "dirty old man time" but now 40yo and 70yo don't seem to generate that condemnation.

A 40yo Thai, who looks and has a body of a 30 yo is just that more attractive to me as the maturity is there but the age signs are not. Am I lucky to have met the "right one for me", you bet. Did I screen two hundred to find the right one, I did. Being honest with oneself goes a long way to getting what you want and

being happy with it when you find it. I find Japanese far more exotic looking than Thai, likewise Chinese or Thai-chinese. The attitude of the pure Thai is far more attractive to me than those with Chinese influences, so I looked for the pure, country boy, Thai for my area of investigation. Lucky to to find one who is of the light skinned Thai variety.

Generalities are dangerous, so nothing in the foregoing that I have said is inteneded to be exclusive, I am sure there are Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Malay who may be a spitting immage of "my Thai", but the percentage of any of those populations meeting my cirteria is definitely less.

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He who desires but acts not breeds a pestilence

How one wonders could anyone find this either 'puzzling or frustrating' beats me!

Are you Thomasma gay ? I doubt it or why would you ask such a ridiculous question ? What would you prefer; a pale faced fat farang boy covered in acne?

Don't knock it until you've tried it chum!

Clicker.......QUEER as you say & proud of it :o

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Gee, thanks for ur valuable comments n replies. I think I got some idea on how to be right on track winning my, obviously in this case “farang”, object of desire… Shamelessly admitted that I hope to find one here too. :D

BTW, there is one showing his/her prejudices (or is that true in his/her case?) associating dark, slim, queer thai boys with “poor” or “low class”. That’s definitely not what I mentioned in my question, it’s anything but appearance kinda things. I’d advise u not to show’em all w/ ur true color!!!

N Clicker, I’m, if situations permit, queer too. Just wanna see if farang guys r really into effem type or not. If that’s what he wants I can be one too. :o

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If you won't admit that "dark skin" = "low class" in your Sino-view of the world, at least admit that it equals "ugly". Why else would you ask puzzlingly why farangs like dark-skinned people? Could it be that farangs are free from the biases of Sino-influenced Thai society?

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It must be very unsettling for many so called educated, affluent Thai gays

that the farang, who often approach their ideal of white skin, big nose, big whatever, seem to prefer the radical opposite for esthetic, social and affective reasons. Tough Luck.

I really like all kinds of people here, only the condescendance of some towards dark, small-nosed compatriots, really puts me off. In the end its the friendliness, the tolerance, the comprehension that will seduce me.

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It all boils down to personal preference Thomasma. I love the really effem types, in fact I love ladyboys / kathoeys! Each to his own.....Boring old world if we were all the same :o The darker the skin the better as far as I am concerned, to ###### with the Thai class structure, which is of no importance to me & I guess 99.9% of all farang. What I do find frustrating is how they all hide from the sun forever striving to maintain their pale complexions. A really dark one is such a rarity in my experience, but O'h how I love them...lol...


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Personally, I prefer the lightly colored skin Thai guys.... and I still consider them "exotic" It's just a question of personal taste, I think. The touch/quality of the thai skin is universally beautiful, though.


I agree with what you say about the skin.

That is providing it is stretched over the body of a beautiful girl i.e. a person with breasts and all the other bits that only a female has.

Of course each to his own. The more people coming here looking for boys just leaves more of these beautiful creatures (girls) for me.

I don't really mind the reduced competition.........


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"l ways puzzled (n sometimes frustrated! ) seeing farang guys so attracted to so called exotic dark, slim, queer thai boys? any reason behind this?" THOMASMA

I can understand being puzzled but why frustrated - oh maybe you wanted that farang?

There is no rhyme or reason to human sexuality it just a case of "When you are hot you are hot".

Many farangs find it very easy to get hot in Thailand as the people are so attractive for them both boys, girls and katoeys.

I find curious a guy who likes a katoey/ladyboy who has had everything reassigned so that she is indistinguishable from a female. Also men who have sex rearrangements and either continue or change to being attracted to women i.e. got changed into a lesbian.

My philosophy is that if two people are enjoying each other then thats fine as long as they don't hurt or take advantage of anyone or frighten the horses.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Why do farangs like "low class" Thai boys and girls when there are so many more "desirable" ones around?

Well, most of the guys and girls who put themsleves about are unfortunately from poorer

(lower class?? perhaps) families.

In my book many poor people have much more class than the rich ones who run Thailand today!!

Some of us would love to meet the better educated Thai's but that is much more difficult.

Generally they do not want to know us, socially.

We may meet them in business but going any further is difficult. :o

Edited by astral
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  • 1 month later...


I assume you are a Thai gay but NOT "slim, dark," etc.? C'mon, confess- ARE you a Chinese-Thai?

Assuming you're a lighter skinned Thai guy- both of my last two boyfriends have been relatively light-skinned (not that I have anything against darker guys). I do prefer slim- I like the muscle definition.

I have a gay friend who's been here some time and warned me about the Chinese Thai gays. He refers to them cheerfully and affectionately as "socially dysfunctional Chinese Thais." I've run into them myself. Some advice, if you happen to be in this unfortunate category:

1. Learn to make small talk in English.

2. If you're chatting on an internet board, don't obsess about organ size.

3. Smile more.

4. Learn to make eye contact in your flirting before approaching someone to chat them up.

5. Accept if you're not someone's type gracefully.

6. If you don't hold your alcohol well, don't drink.


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