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there is also alot of snake in my house ,

and we had alway have this policy of catch and release .

so far we had done about 5-6 run . from small snake as small as a pencil body to snake as large as 2-3 inch in diameter

is kinda scary when we try to catch it .. and my dog as well as my mother had alot of fun . jumping around .. my father is the pro . but i worry for him sometime as his is old and have poor eyes sight .

so i try to take over the catching ..

usually the snake will run away .

If you spot a really nasty snake that is going after you ..

you only choice is to kill it if you can.

i fun . a long stick with a flat end work ..

like one of those you use to mop dry the floor but with a long rubber foam across .

this work petty well . and allow you to block the snake from advancing .

but of cos .. the best advice is to get someone who can .. don't do it yorself .. if you just read up some snake catching info online or read a book before . or saw . it on the TV before .

we already have a large net and a plastic barrel ready for our task .. since we spotted the first snake .

what the name of the yellow power use to make gun powder

Surplur or something .

use it around your house .. it would chase away the snake .

as snake travel by sences . so this would make them go away or least least another house .

good luck

do you mean sulphur? if you do then id rather have snakes and not have to live with the stink of rotten eggs ...sulphur is really unpleasant. if i stock up on baked beans and cabbage, will my snake worries be over? wahahaha

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On another topic .. about balance .

seriously speaking ..

WE AS HUMAN is the real parasite of EARTH .

look at it .

we only take from nature .

we store what we don't needs . we use up gas and petrol .

we eat .. and when we shit we don't even use it on our own tree .

we take .more then we give .

while we go all about you can't kill this or must protect that .

offen we forget is just another excuse to point some finger some where so we miss the real big picture .

everyone . have their excuse .

endangerous animal . so what .

what the excuse for livign in a house larger then a bed size we really needs ?

what the excuse for having a car which drink up petrol which is a limited resources .

is that an excuse for what we can't see or don't see we can do ?

do killing chicken is ok ? and shake is not ok ?

what about pig and cow ?

what about small fish ?

how about those tiny tiny fish . which we assume is alot ? but compare to 100 years ago .. it should had drop as much as 70 % .

well human will alway be human.

we try to find thing to do , event to make a point . at the end of the days .

history will just repeat itself .

we will never be sorry . - we just want to look good . in front of other sometime .

not trying to be rude .

how many of you do what you say ?

why not we just go vegetarain .

cos then we can stop killing .

will just plant seed and then use our own shit on the land and the cycle is enough .

- we really don't need a alot of thing in this way ..

at the end of the day all this is just a game we human like to play .


Blue pill ? red pill ?

I couldn't agree with you more, Ta22.

The shark fin thing is an expensive "prestige" food item, that people buy to show off how much money they have, if you can believe it.

It is like Americans (and I am one) in a race to see who can buy the biggest, most badass humongous SUV. 25" chrome wheels (with spinners, like a pimp from the Bronx), 14" suspension lift, limo tint all around, $10,000+ audio system, etc, etc.

Why do they do it. Because they can. They have the money, they want to spend it 'cause they have no other guidance in their life than sad pathetic consumer pop-culture.

I wouldn't really mind if these tasteless people's actions didn't have an effect on me, but they do.

Having said that, although I have never needed it yet- can I take both the BLUE and the RED pill? Just to see? Priapism rears its ugly head..... :o

Edited by mcgriffith
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so me are millions of people raping the earth. when we die why dont we chuck the body into the ocean as shark food? thats helping the enviroment is it not.Id gladly do that...eat me ! eat me!!!!!! could we make any fuel from a human corpse? id rather be of some use when im dead.

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so me are millions of people raping the earth. when we die why dont we chuck the body into the ocean as shark food? thats helping the enviroment is it not.Id gladly do that...eat me ! eat me!!!!!! could we make any fuel from a human corpse? id rather be of some use when im dead.

BH, good going. bury yourself for a million years and someone might get half a litre of fuel from it then :o

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so me are millions of people raping the earth. when we die why dont we chuck the body into the ocean as shark food? thats helping the enviroment is it not.Id gladly do that...eat me ! eat me!!!!!! could we make any fuel from a human corpse? id rather be of some use when im dead.

I fear I am one of more than a few correspondents here who would render down to provide several kilometres worth of bio fuel!

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sorry to make this snake topic a nature debate .

you are worth more as a battery - or lke p1p said .. bio fuel ..

the energy we eat every day .. is able to produce more then we need.

i read some where before about how . we can cycle for 30 km with just one big mac ..

offen we just eat the big mac and go to sleep whahaah

and store up as fats ,.

anyway .

back to topic -

snake make good food too .

i eat them when i am in singapore .

my grand mom own a small plantation of durian and farm with alot of animal ..

chicken , duck , pig , ect ect .

so snake is a common hunting then for the chicken .

so my father would be called to hunt down those snake ..

and the result is

very good snake soup :o or grill snake .

if you gonna eat them ,

eg. you cooking soup .

you need to remove the BONE marrow .

or remove the bone at least .

removing the bone is hard , so what you do is get a toothpick . thin wooden stick .. and chop up the snake into small pcs ,

and then poke it on the bone marrow section .

and clear the marrow .

cos ,, i was told is posion and is bad for body .

and it will make the soup take bitter .

i like python .

there taste like SNAKE FIN >.

serious . my father can cook paython so well that when it ready the meat taste and look shake fin ..

so maybe we can save the shark by eating snake .

and then 5 years or 10 years down the road .. we can repeat history by going " SAVE THE SNAKE "



human is the 3rd or 4th or 5th on the food chain .

and MONKEY or ape is on the top ..

and APe fav food is human brain , fry human liver . steam human eye balls . bake human lung .

and you must not forget . there can use our meat and intestine to make human hotdog

i wonder if it hotdog make of human can be call " HoT PAX "

Edited by Ta22
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sorry to make this snake topic a nature debate .

you are worth more as a battery - or lke p1p said .. bio fuel ..

the energy we eat every day .. is able to produce more then we need.

i read some where before about how . we can cycle for 30 km with just one big mac ..

offen we just eat the big mac and go to sleep whahaah

and store up as fats ,.

anyway .

back to topic -

snake make good food too .

i eat them when i am in singapore .

my grand mom own a small plantation of durian and farm with alot of animal ..

chicken , duck , pig , ect ect .

so snake is a common hunting then for the chicken .

so my father would be called to hunt down those snake ..

and the result is

very good snake soup :D or grill snake .

if you gonna eat them ,

eg. you cooking soup .

you need to remove the BONE marrow .

or remove the bone at least .

removing the bone is hard , so what you do is get a toothpick . thin wooden stick .. and chop up the snake into small pcs ,

and then poke it on the bone marrow section .

and clear the marrow .

cos ,, i was told is posion and is bad for body .

and it will make the soup take bitter .

i like python .

there taste like SNAKE FIN >.

serious . my father can cook paython so well that when it ready the meat taste and look shake fin ..

so maybe we can save the shark by eating snake .

and then 5 years or 10 years down the road .. we can repeat history by going " SAVE THE SNAKE "



human is the 3rd or 4th or 5th on the food chain .

and MONKEY or ape is on the top ..

and APe fav food is human brain , fry human liver . steam human eye balls . bake human lung .

and you must not forget . there can use our meat and intestine to make human hotdog

i wonder if it hotdog make of human can be call " HoT PAX "

Ta22 you are funny, and oh so right! Except for Apes eating humans. Don't believe they would ever touch human as a food source. Humans bodies are soooo poluted, that the ape wil get at the least an immediate major food poisoning.

So Bosshog, please, please, please, don't throw yourself for the sharks. I beg you! I will feel so sorry for those poor sharks. :D:o

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Don't know if someone else has mentioned this, but you know those little blue pellets bars sometimes put in urinals? Well, dotting a few of them around the boundary of your house cures any snake problems. They hate the smell.

Heard this from a few people who had real snake problems, and they have been snake free for a good while now since discovering this.

Just my pennies worth. :o


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Don't know if someone else has mentioned this, but you know those little blue pellets bars sometimes put in urinals?

Anyone know what these contain ?

Do they act as repellent or poison ?

Would they be harmful to other wildlife ?

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Yeah, I am not particularly fond of HANDLING snakes, but my feelings on the matter is they have a definite role in the eco-system (not to get all touchy-feely tree hugger or anything). They eat rats, which are disease carrying vermin, so they fulfil a vital role.

I'd be freaked out too if there was a 5 foot snake, diameter of a tp-roll tube in my garden. But I would find out first if it was a threat, before "terminating with extreme prejudice".

On the snake subject, got talked into drinking lao khao from Laos at a bar here in CM once last year around Xmas. You know what I'm talking about- the bottle with the baby cobras coiled up inside. Scary dreams, massive headache for 2 days. And whenever I see a rat or mouse, my tongue darts out involuntarily, and I start hissing...... :o

I for one would like to learn to handle snakes PROPERLY. In BKK I went to the Red Cross Snake Farm and was handed a very pretty snake - orange with red, black and white bands. It was only about 60cm long and non poisonous. I have a very healthy respect for snakes having been born and raised in rural Australia which has some of the most aggressive and dangerous snakes in the world. I did a series of dives on the Barrier Reef (Queensland) and on spot has a lot of Olive and Brown sea snakes. It is one of the few dives in those waters where 5-7mm wetsuits and gloves are mandatory just in case. The snakes are very inquisitive and will come right up and look in at you through your face mask(goggles for nondivers), which can be very disconcerting. They are also very dangerous because of the combination of isolated area, diving, and they have large venom glands)

I have eaten snake in a number of places around the world including Thailand and they are good eating, however I prefer to keep wild animals live and because my house is surrounded by open areas with lots of undergrowth we get a lot around. I asked at one of the snake shows about learning to handle snakes but decided against it when I say the cavalier way they handle them. There is a very wide gap between careful handling and being stupid.


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I have a friend who has been helping out and learning at the snake farm in Mae Rim. They can certainly teach the basics and have the tools and stock to do the job. The other place worth visiting is the snake village near Khon Kaen. I have spent several happy hours there handling and playing with a variety of snakes with the senior handler, an old guy who must be almost seventy and has great respect and indeed love for his charges. One of the "Salt of the Earth" you meet so seldom nowadays.

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I have a friend who has been helping out and learning at the snake farm in Mae Rim. They can certainly teach the basics and have the tools and stock to do the job. The other place worth visiting is the snake village near Khon Kaen. I have spent several happy hours there handling and playing with a variety of snakes with the senior handler, an old guy who must be almost seventy and has great respect and indeed love for his charges. One of the "Salt of the Earth" you meet so seldom nowadays.

Thanks very much for the advice - I will check it out and let you know. Wonder if they have any of those copper head rat snakes similar to the photo you posted. I could happily do a long term "borrow"


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sorry to make this snake topic a nature debate .

i like python .

there taste like SNAKE FIN >.

serious . my father can cook paython so well that when it ready the meat taste and look shake fin ..

so maybe we can save the shark by eating snake .

and then 5 years or 10 years down the road .. we can repeat history by going " SAVE THE SNAKE "



human is the 3rd or 4th or 5th on the food chain .

and MONKEY or ape is on the top ..

and APe fav food is human brain , fry human liver . steam human eye balls . bake human lung .

and you must not forget . there can use our meat and intestine to make human hotdog

i wonder if it hotdog make of human can be call " HoT PAX "

Can you eat delicious snake in Chiang Mai or nearby? I would like to try it.

I think the eating humans would be tricky because most of the tissues have a high salt content.

You definitely would not want to eat an old grizzled human like a 60 year old tuk tuk driver but rather would choose a younger juicy body to dine on ;-)

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Can you eat delicious snake in Chiang Mai or nearby? I would like to try it.

I think the eating humans would be tricky because most of the tissues have a high salt content.

You definitely would not want to eat an old grizzled human like a 60 year old tuk tuk driver but rather would choose a younger juicy body to dine on ;-)

There are a few "Jungle" restaurants around that serve snake and other exotic wildlife. They tend to move quite frequently though due to the illegal nature of some of the dishes they serve. Young juicy bodies would probably not be on the menu though. Try Loi Kroh for those.

One place where snake is almost always available is the large jungle market near Lampang. You need to ask around a bit and, if they trust you, you will be offered quite a selection of snakes and other exotic wildlife, both dead and alive. I have found a tiger cub, gibbons, a bear cub, slow loris, various deer and many other animals for sale there in the past.

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sorry to make this snake topic a nature debate .

i like python .

there taste like SNAKE FIN >.

serious . my father can cook paython so well that when it ready the meat taste and look shake fin ..

so maybe we can save the shark by eating snake .

and then 5 years or 10 years down the road .. we can repeat history by going " SAVE THE SNAKE "



human is the 3rd or 4th or 5th on the food chain .

and MONKEY or ape is on the top ..

and APe fav food is human brain , fry human liver . steam human eye balls . bake human lung .

and you must not forget . there can use our meat and intestine to make human hotdog

i wonder if it hotdog make of human can be call " HoT PAX "

Can you eat delicious snake in Chiang Mai or nearby? I would like to try it.

I think the eating humans would be tricky because most of the tissues have a high salt content.

You definitely would not want to eat an old grizzled human like a 60 year old tuk tuk driver but rather would choose a younger juicy body to dine on ;-)

My tissues would have a high alcohol content. My Mrs is worried about cremating me, says I'll burn for a week.

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Can you eat delicious snake in Chiang Mai or nearby? I would like to try it.

I think the eating humans would be tricky because most of the tissues have a high salt content.

Naw, "long pig" doesn't have that high a salt content. Just a lot of mercury, lead, PCB's and bovine spongiform encephalopathy....that's why I had to give it up :o

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