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Cinema Tickets


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I went to the EGV Multiplex at Pinklao last night(May 2) to see the movie "Miss Potter". I asked for two 100 Baht tickets at the box office, but I was told that the price was 130 Baht. When I asked why, the lady said that this movie was being shown in a special theatre. I decided not to buy the tickets as I was suspcious about what I had been told. I also noticed that the man ahead of me in the queue had asked for tickets for "Spider Man3". He was told that the tickets would be 140 Baht to 160 Baht. Like me, he decided not to buy them.

Just out of curiosity, I crossed over to Majaor Cineplex on the other side of the road to check out their prices. I found out that they too were charging the higher prices. Please bear in mind that this was neither a public holiday nor a weekend.

I realise, of course, that prices go up, including those of cinema tickets. What I am objecting to here, is that it appears that the ticket prices have been hiked without prior notice of any kind. There is nothing to this effect on their website, in their newspaper ads., or at the cinemas themselves.(until the box office attendant tells you the prices)

I would like to know if any of you have any information about this, as it seems pointless to E-mail Major/EGV (because they never reply) or telephone them, because you never get through to a live person.

As a final point, I don't feel it would be helpful to be reminded about how expensive cinema tickets are in New York, London, Paris or Wagga Wagga. I'm talking about the principle of the thing not the price!

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I went to the EGV Multiplex at Pinklao last night(May 2) to see the movie "Miss Potter". I asked for two 100 Baht tickets at the box office, but I was told that the price was 130 Baht. When I asked why, the lady said that this movie was being shown in a special theatre. I decided not to buy the tickets as I was suspcious about what I had been told. I also noticed that the man ahead of me in the queue had asked for tickets for "Spider Man3". He was told that the tickets would be 140 Baht to 160 Baht. Like me, he decided not to buy them.

Just out of curiosity, I crossed over to Majaor Cineplex on the other side of the road to check out their prices. I found out that they too were charging the higher prices. Please bear in mind that this was neither a public holiday nor a weekend.

I realise, of course, that prices go up, including those of cinema tickets. What I am objecting to here, is that it appears that the ticket prices have been hiked without prior notice of any kind. There is nothing to this effect on their website, in their newspaper ads., or at the cinemas themselves.(until the box office attendant tells you the prices)

I would like to know if any of you have any information about this, as it seems pointless to E-mail Major/EGV (because they never reply) or telephone them, because you never get through to a live person.

As a final point, I don't feel it would be helpful to be reminded about how expensive cinema tickets are in New York, London, Paris or Wagga Wagga. I'm talking about the principle of the thing not the price!

you did well not handing over the money. I have have been told by a source close to the top at EGV that EGV and Major have joined forces to help fund the Muslim insurgents in the South via a "sneaky increase" in the cost of cinema tickets. All additional proceeds will go toward the purchase of machetes, mobile phones, motorcycles and ordnance.

The raise hike has been carefully caculated to ensure that that more viloent the movie the higher the proceeds to the insurgents cause explaining why the other canny fellow in line behind you was taking a bigger hit on Spiderman than your Miss Potter.

only you can stop the violence.

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I went to the EGV Multiplex at Pinklao last night(May 2) to see the movie "Miss Potter". I asked for two 100 Baht tickets at the box office, but I was told that the price was 130 Baht. When I asked why, the lady said that this movie was being shown in a special theatre. I decided not to buy the tickets as I was suspcious about what I had been told. I also noticed that the man ahead of me in the queue had asked for tickets for "Spider Man3". He was told that the tickets would be 140 Baht to 160 Baht. Like me, he decided not to buy them.

Just out of curiosity, I crossed over to Majaor Cineplex on the other side of the road to check out their prices. I found out that they too were charging the higher prices. Please bear in mind that this was neither a public holiday nor a weekend.

I realise, of course, that prices go up, including those of cinema tickets. What I am objecting to here, is that it appears that the ticket prices have been hiked without prior notice of any kind. There is nothing to this effect on their website, in their newspaper ads., or at the cinemas themselves.(until the box office attendant tells you the prices)

I would like to know if any of you have any information about this, as it seems pointless to E-mail Major/EGV (because they never reply) or telephone them, because you never get through to a live person.

As a final point, I don't feel it would be helpful to be reminded about how expensive cinema tickets are in New York, London, Paris or Wagga Wagga. I'm talking about the principle of the thing not the price!

you did well not handing over the money. I have have been told by a source close to the top at EGV that EGV and Major have joined forces to help fund the Muslim insurgents in the South via a "sneaky increase" in the cost of cinema tickets. All additional proceeds will go toward the purchase of machetes, mobile phones, motorcycles and ordnance.

The raise hike has been carefully caculated to ensure that that more viloent the movie the higher the proceeds to the insurgents cause explaining why the other canny fellow in line behind you was taking a bigger hit on Spiderman than your Miss Potter.

only you can stop the violence.

hahahahaha - now that's funny.

To the OP. Come on. Get serious. What is your objection exactly. The price of a cinema ticket rises 10 baht and you're up in arms about it? It's been 120 baht since I've been in Thailand (nearly three years) so a small increase is more than justified.

As for it not being communicated in advance, what nonsense. Do bars send out fliers advising when a beer goes up? Do supermarkets put every single price rise on their website, so punters are fully informed?

Cannyscot? Tightwad scot more like.

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hahahahaha - now that's funny.

To the OP. Come on. Get serious. What is your objection exactly. The price of a cinema ticket rises 10 baht and you're up in arms about it? It's been 120 baht since I've been in Thailand (nearly three years) so a small increase is more than justified.

As for it not being communicated in advance, what nonsense. Do bars send out fliers advising when a beer goes up? Do supermarkets put every single price rise on their website, so punters are fully informed?

Cannyscot? Tightwad scot more like.

did you read this part,or did you choose to ignore it?

I'm talking about the principle of the thing not the price!

BTW,Many bars advertise current prices. :o

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I was caught once drving to Major Sukhumwit to watch "About Shmitd" - the price was 300 baht, one show per day in only one theater, in a VIP chair.

Why didn't they put THAT on the Internet?

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hahahahaha - now that's funny.

To the OP. Come on. Get serious. What is your objection exactly. The price of a cinema ticket rises 10 baht and you're up in arms about it? It's been 120 baht since I've been in Thailand (nearly three years) so a small increase is more than justified.

As for it not being communicated in advance, what nonsense. Do bars send out fliers advising when a beer goes up? Do supermarkets put every single price rise on their website, so punters are fully informed?

Cannyscot? Tightwad scot more like.

did you read this part,or did you choose to ignore it?

I'm talking about the principle of the thing not the price!
BTW,Many bars advertise current prices. :o

So he's against the principle of an 8% price rise, the first in three years that I'm aware of which, by my sums, is less than inflation. Ergo, the real price of going to see a movie has gone down in Thailand.


And his point was that they didnt give advance notice of the price rise. My comment was, do other businesses do that, particularly in the FMCG or trivial cost leisure industry?

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hahahahaha - now that's funny.

To the OP. Come on. Get serious. What is your objection exactly. The price of a cinema ticket rises 10 baht and you're up in arms about it? It's been 120 baht since I've been in Thailand (nearly three years) so a small increase is more than justified.

As for it not being communicated in advance, what nonsense. Do bars send out fliers advising when a beer goes up? Do supermarkets put every single price rise on their website, so punters are fully informed?

Cannyscot? Tightwad scot more like.

Yeah I agree! Like in the Menu post prices that are listed are ONLY a suggestion the real price is at the whim of the establishment. They only post the prices to get you into the venue and then and only then can you be privy to the real information.

Come on what's wrong with you people you act like a few baht over the price that is listed is gonna kill you. This is Thailand for God's sake and you should be darn happy to be here now everyone say it,"One, two, three! "If you don't like it go home!"

Thank you this was brought to you by the Official Thai Visa response team.

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Price hikes on certain big movies happens in bkk, also cinemas are trying to extort more money by having different quality seats at different prices inside most screens or seperating normal screens from platinum screens and vip screens. Just a fact of life in the cinema biz in bkk

a few years ago when prices were 100 baht, a thai film by the name of queen suriyothai was charging 140 baht in most cinemas in bkk

now if you want cheap seats in bkk go to siam lido/apex where all seats are still 100 baht

for the vip, the best i have been to is sf central lad prao for 500 baht

Edited by Hampstead
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Good Grief.......

One several cinemas here use 2K digital projectors {still unusual in the US} and for these movies the digital version is more expensive, since it is technically a better experience {video & sound}.

Two as has been noted the Bangkok price was 100 for years and went up to 110, {6 years ago} then 120 {about 3 years ago}. If you are so financially challanged then you could always go in the daytime when it's cheaper still.

Three given that UK prices can run to 700 per person, one might respectfully suggest you don't know a good thing when you see it.


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Just to clarify, Spiderman 3 is available in Thailand in digital format, and a premium will be charged for that, as is usual.

It should also be noted that the first digital projectors here were moved from cinema to cinema to allow people to see Star Wars in all its digital glory.


/edit typo//

Edited by A_Traveller
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"I was caught once drving to Major Sukhumwit to watch 'About Shmitd" - the price was 300 baht, one show per day in only one theater, in a VIP chair. Why didn't they put THAT on the Internet?"

Because none of us are interested in you driving anywhere.

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I realise, of course, that prices go up, including those of cinema tickets. What I am objecting to here, is that it appears that the ticket prices have been hiked without prior notice of any kind. There is nothing to this effect on their website, in their newspaper ads., or at the cinemas themselves.(until the box office attendant tells you the prices)

Oh my god, another horror story from Thailand.......how many more injustices will Farangs put up with?

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I realise, of course, that prices go up, including those of cinema tickets. What I am objecting to here, is that it appears that the ticket prices have been hiked without prior notice of any kind. There is nothing to this effect on their website, in their newspaper ads., or at the cinemas themselves.(until the box office attendant tells you the prices)

Oh my god, another horror story from Thailand.......how many more injustices will Farangs put up with?

Yes, it's a disgrace, isnt it Maigo? And compare it with farangland where prices not only NEVER go up (so no advance notice required), but are forced by government decree to go down every three weeks, just for the hel_l of it.

It's enough to make you want to . . . ummmm . . sod off home with your whining and moaning and complaining about how life's so <deleted> unfair.

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I realise, of course, that prices go up, including those of cinema tickets. What I am objecting to here, is that it appears that the ticket prices have been hiked without prior notice of any kind. There is nothing to this effect on their website, in their newspaper ads., or at the cinemas themselves.(until the box office attendant tells you the prices)

Oh my god, another horror story from Thailand.......how many more injustices will Farangs put up with?

Yes, it's a disgrace, isnt it Maigo? And compare it with farangland where prices not only NEVER go up (so no advance notice required), but are forced by government decree to go down every three weeks, just for the hel_l of it.

It's enough to make you want to . . . ummmm . . sod off home with your whining and moaning and complaining about how life's so <deleted> unfair.


Major Cinemas confirmed today that they have leased GoodYear's blimp {or an over inflated Scotsman} to be flown over the Bangkok Metropolitan area from midnight to six in the morning {some government regulation apparently about non tethered advertising} broadcasting through mega decibel rated speakers that Bears do not use indoor conveniences

OP, please find the exit open, mind the gap on your way out. By the by, when did you last see a Cinema ANYWHERE, take out multi page advertisements specifying a price change. Further, assuming you ever open your wallet {King blinks at the light :o }, you may notice that other establishment, such as providers of comestibles similarly do not post price rises ahead of time, even though they are required to post present prices by law.

Perhaps you should consider an increase in the medication?


PS Stereotyping is difficult to avoid in the thread is it not. never mind let's keep smiling. :D

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Yes its true, for the normal seats are 120 baht, some movies are 100 baht(Thai or older film), some 130, 140 even 150 i paid sometimes, it all depends on where you sit, the VIP are 500 Baht, but 120 is the normal, i ask them also and i never get a straight answer, the just tell me "digital" and make up some lame excuse, i dont really care about paying 10-20 baht more but it pissed me off as well, it will happen on a rare ocassion Unfortuanatly use common sense and buyer awareness and you should be fine.

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Yes its true, for the normal seats are 120 baht, some movies are 100 baht(Thai or older film), some 130, 140 even 150 i paid sometimes, it all depends on where you sit, the VIP are 500 Baht, but 120 is the normal, i ask them also and i never get a straight answer, the just tell me "digital" and make up some lame excuse, i dont really care about paying 10-20 baht more but it pissed me off as well, it will happen on a rare ocassion Unfortuanatly use common sense and buyer awareness and you should be fine.

All digital presentations are described as such, often as 2K.

The source is more expensive for them, I believe, {as is the equipment to project it} even though they don't have to deal the management of film rolls.

In the US digital projection is only slowly gaining market share, in part owing to cost, even though the distributors there are keen to move to a digital 'down the wire' technology. E.g No film rolls.


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There is nothing to this effect on their website, in their newspaper ads., or at the cinemas themselves.(until the box office attendant tells you the prices)

I would like to know if any of you have any information about this, as it seems pointless to E-mail Major/EGV (because they never reply) or telephone them, because you never get through to a live person.

As a final point, I don't feel it would be helpful to be reminded about how expensive cinema tickets are in New York, London, Paris or Wagga Wagga. I'm talking about the principle of the thing not the price!

What principle are you talking about 'Cannyscot' ?...I can not relate the triviality of the situation with a principle...can somebody explain me please, becuase I cannot get it?

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There SHOULD be a poster/sign with the prices on prior one stand at the counter and order the tickets. Prices are posted clearly in cinemas in my home country. Not too much to ask. TO ask the to give advance notice on price increases is a bit much to ask. :o Cheers!

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There SHOULD be a poster/sign with the prices on prior one stand at the counter and order the tickets. Prices are posted clearly in cinemas in my home country. Not too much to ask. TO ask the to give advance notice on price increases is a bit much to ask. :o Cheers!

As an example, at Emporium, there is a notice in English which points out the pricing policy before you enter the roped in line.

It even explains about the difference during the week, and holidays. I've seen similar displays in other locations as well. MBK if memory serves has a similar set-up.


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for big box office hits , prices are usually increased for the first week it comes in...been like this for a lonnnnnnnnngggggg time now havent you noticed?

No because it's not, :o , in most cases the movies play starting on Thursday or Friday, the ticket prices are higher from Thursday to Sunday, then they reduce irrespective of the movie. This pricing plan has been in place since last century.

Since most movies are rotated quickly, the 'must see it when it's new' syndrome causes this perception. Equally, the cinemas are a business so they use price targeting, and why not as a well know Brit movie critic used to say.

Again, 2K's are priced differently.


/edit format//

Edited by A_Traveller
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There SHOULD be a poster/sign with the prices on prior one stand at the counter and order the tickets. Prices are posted clearly in cinemas in my home country. Not too much to ask. TO ask the to give advance notice on price increases is a bit much to ask. :o Cheers!

You are correct 'Firefan', it is just that it appears that this is not your country......

Contrary to your country, perhaps it may be too much to ask to Thais....but it is their prerrogative. We are just visitors in here!. Cheers.

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