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Guys Who Introduce Their Girl With A Title


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This is a tough one – as too many people assume that because a Thai woman is dating a Westerner, she must be (or have been) a "working girl". I would not say I introduce a GF with a title, but when asked about her, I will tell what she does for a living and where she went to Uni. I admit, I don't want people thinking my GF is a prostitute (how wrong of me!) - part of that is to protect her, part of that is to protect me.

While some Westerners will hint at it, trying to figure out where your GF comes from, I have had Thai business associates be quite blatant about it, then become very relieved when the learn my GF's background. Reason being, before extending invitations to certain events, introducing my GF to their wife or GF, they want to ensure my GF is someone worth meeting and avoid a potentially very embarrassing loss of face. You can scream from the rafters that this is unfair, wrong, no one should do this, etc., but if you want to be successful with the Thai business community and take your GF or wife out and about, she better be someone who can mingle. No one will say boo (to your face) if you have a wife from another background, but you better not bring her to business events.

I never know if you are guys are speaking from your own experience or repeating stuff you read on Stickman Weekly.

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If other Thais meet your woman it doesn't take long to work out her place in the good/bad/hi-so/lo-so structure. The looks, dress, mannerism, choice of partner, speech and conversation will form the perception in a couple of minutes. I'd say the same thing for farangs that have been here for a few years and have some experience...they could make a pretty accurate judgement in a few mins too.

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If other Thais meet your woman it doesn't take long to work out her place in the good/bad/hi-so/lo-so structure. The looks, dress, mannerism, choice of partner

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A Thai womans choice of partner is a very major factor that many overlook in this forum, I may also form an opinion on a Thai womans status on the calibre of Farang she is with.

If she was with a tattooed skinhead loud mouthed lager lout pizzhead, I would assume she never met him at the International Nuclear Physics Convention.

If she was with a gentleman with good manners and a few brain cells, then maybe, just maybe, he is worthy of being with a Thai woman of substance.

Edited by Maigo6
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I have to admit it has troubled me sometimes over the years ....

...There were times when I was with my ex I would speak Thai (not very good) not English to her in hotels or the like when we got looks from westerners in the mistaken belief that if they heard us talking Thai they might then think we had been together quite a while and not a overnighter - what an idiot!

No, I don't think so. Ithink its quite a subtle way to turn the tables. I would probably do the same in your shoes and I would doubtless make jokes in thai about the people around so they could get the jist of what they might have been inflicting on a non perfect english speaking guest in their green and pleasant land.

Good on you fella.

When I can say in thai, "how does anyone who can afford to stay in this hotel put up with such fat ankles and a face like a slapped harris?" You can bet I'll use that when in the lift to my penthouse with some snotty nosed arristotwat and his rotund mrs! :o

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If she was with a tattooed skinhead loud mouthed lager lout pizzhead, I would assume she never met him at the International Nuclear Physics Convention.

:o:D :D

Good One. My nomination for quote of the day.

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There's a lot of talk on here about "good" girls. I'm sorry, but my definition of "good" must be different from you guys. To me, "good" has to do with personality, not present or previous job. A "good" person (IMO) is one who is generally kind, honest, loving, caring... What has that got to do with whether a girl was a bar girl, a university lecturer or a bank clerk?

Out of the Thai women I know, one very hi-so one has got to be one of the kindest people I've ever met; two very successful business owners are greedy, selfish, amoral, thieving so & sos; most of the BGs I know are very kind, helpful, friendly ladies; some of the wives of successful (Thai & farang) businessmen I know are very shallow; my domestic helper would do anything to help me that was in her power. Which are "good" in your views? To me, it's all to do with character, not job or status.

Edited by November Rain
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There's a lot of talk on here about "good" girls. I'm sorry, but my definition of "good" must be different from you guys. To me, "good" has to do with personality, not present or previous job. A "good" person (IMO) is one who is generally kind, honest, loving, caring... What has that got to do with whether a girl was a bar girl, a university lecturer or a bank clerk?

Out of the Thai women I know, one very hi-so one has got to be one of the kindest people I've ever met; two very successful business owners are greedy, selfish, amoral, thieving so & sos; most of the BGs I know are very kind, helpful, friendly ladies; some of the wives of successful (Thai & farang) businessmen I know are very shallow; my domestic helper would do anything to help me that was in her power. Which are "good" in your views? To me, it's all to do with character, not job or status.

November - agree with you on this. My definition on good is the same. I had Bar Girls working for me that were hard working, kind, reliable, supported their family, and basically sacrificed their own way of life to do "good" for others. I trusted them without concern. Similarly I knew some "good people" in business who would rob you blind and then go back to skin your eyesockets.

People are people - some do good and some don't.

btw I always introduce my wife as "this is Dao, my wife" depending on whether I am speaking to a Thai or a farung I will say it in Thai or English. If it is to a Thai I will use the word paraya instead of faen because we are legally married and there is a distinction between the two.


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I've yet to hear someone say, "This is my girlfriend, Ning she is a good girl and yes, that is her ***k between her legs." :o

Proof positive that somethings are better left unsaid!

Edited by Loz
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Prakanong- I've done that too, and it was dumb in retrospect. Although sometimes still good if no Thai speakers around (we don't live in Thailand) and we want to speak privately (and my bad Thai is up to it).

I might also say one worders in Thai to Thai colleagues when they have not understood something - usually a really strong accented English.

I never ever try to speak a phrase or sentence with Thai colleagues though - just too afraid I might say the wrong thing ;-0

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If other Thais meet your woman it doesn't take long to work out her place in the good/bad/hi-so/lo-so structure. The looks, dress, mannerism, choice of partner, speech and conversation will form the perception in a couple of minutes. I'd say the same thing for farangs that have been here for a few years and have some experience...they could make a pretty accurate judgement in a few mins too.

So true - I said that earlier

Funny though as I have a shaved head, broken nose and tattoos and have been known to drink lager while talking in a strong north eastern english accent ;-)))

Never had a Thai bother about it (most do not know about the tattoo's - so old now) about it and I do travel with some senior Thai people from my company around the region.

Westerners tend to judge more though but bugger them!

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I met a very beautiful woman in Changmai one time. She was in her early 40's very refined, well dressed, and well spoken. Perfect English, spoke highly of her husband, nice manerisims. But she gave the impression that she could suck the chrome off of a tow hitch.... I think it was the toungue piercing that gave her away.

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I never introduced any woman I was with using a title. I figured it was usually obvious. When I was playing with hookers in Pattaya it was obvious they were hoes. Later when I decided to settle down it became obvious that the woman I was with was not nor ever was a trick. And if there were ever any doubts with people they either asked or kept their opinions to themselves.

I think pepole that feel the need to volunteer that kind of info about their lady know that she, or her and he together look kinda suspect. I.e. a 20+ year age gap, girls that dress like their bar fine just got paid, ect.

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i wonder how many of the guys with good girls from good families have spent time, or still spend time with the bad girls from the bad families?

I do.

Heaps mate.

what's your point. This is asia. Have your cake and eat plenty more too.


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I never introduced any woman I was with using a title. I figured it was usually obvious. When I was playing with hookers in Pattaya it was obvious they were hoes. Later when I decided to settle down it became obvious that the woman I was with was not nor ever was a trick. And if there were ever any doubts with people they either asked or kept their opinions to themselves.

I think pepole that feel the need to volunteer that kind of info about their lady know that she, or her and he together look kinda suspect. I.e. a 20+ year age gap, girls that dress like their bar fine just got paid, ect.

Is your vocabulary really so limited that you have to use these words? :o

It's funny, all the derogatory words, "hookers, hoes, tricks", but you're the one paying for them. Makes you wonder how you can be so demeaning to someone who is providing a service you require & are happy to pay for, doesn't it?

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I never introduced any woman I was with using a title. I figured it was usually obvious. When I was playing with hookers in Pattaya it was obvious they were hoes. Later when I decided to settle down it became obvious that the woman I was with was not nor ever was a trick. And if there were ever any doubts with people they either asked or kept their opinions to themselves.

I think pepole that feel the need to volunteer that kind of info about their lady know that she, or her and he together look kinda suspect. I.e. a 20+ year age gap, girls that dress like their bar fine just got paid, ect.

Is your vocabulary really so limited that you have to use these words? :o

It's funny, all the derogatory words, "hookers, hoes, tricks", but you're the one paying for them. Makes you wonder how you can be so demeaning to someone who is providing a service you require & are happy to pay for, doesn't it?

I know where you are coming from, but with many men, these words are just slang for prostitute or sex worker and not meant to be derogatory.

It's like calling your penis a "Dick"; less formal.

Personally, I consider these girls to be Angels of Mercy and I have nothing but gratitude to most of them, but Angels of Mercy doesn't exactly roll out of your mouth! :D

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I've lived in Thailand more than a decade and have never heard anyone call their partner a "Good Thai Girl" or anything like that when introducing them. I know someone said this already, but it makes this long thread a bit weird to me.

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Is your vocabulary really so limited that you have to use these words? :o

It's funny, all the derogatory words, "hookers, hoes, tricks", but you're the one paying for them. Makes you wonder how you can be so demeaning to someone who is providing a service you require & are happy to pay for, doesn't it?

It's a male thing..........a male would love to have sex any time he wants to, but in most circumstances he cannot therefore he is willing to pay Females for sex. because of that, the bitterness emerges after the foul deed is done.

He enjoys it at the time, but after.........................................well, it's not much different to a wank really, it's meaningless to the woman who probably hates him anyway, and meaningless to him, but he has had to pay for it, so then males use these derogatory words to describe women they pay, trying to make themselves feel better and less sad than they actually are by dragging her name through the dirt.

Like it was the womans fault that he travelled thousands of miles to pay for sex with poor people.

Inside he hates himself for sinking so low, and of course being male, he blames the very person he was exploiting for his own gratification.

Like so many Farangs that travel thousands of miles to exploit poor peoples financial vulnerability for sexual gratification, they go home to their own countries calling Thai women whores and boasting to their friends how cheaply they can buy a poor persons sexual favours.

Wow what men they are................

But of course, if a man is capable of having sex with women when he wants without paying, then other males will respect him...Jack the Lad, Superstud, Ladies man etc etc....A woman does the same thing, they call her a slut.

Edited by Maigo6
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I never introduced any woman I was with using a title. I figured it was usually obvious. When I was playing with hookers in Pattaya it was obvious they were hoes. Later when I decided to settle down it became obvious that the woman I was with was not nor ever was a trick. And if there were ever any doubts with people they either asked or kept their opinions to themselves.

I think pepole that feel the need to volunteer that kind of info about their lady know that she, or her and he together look kinda suspect. I.e. a 20+ year age gap, girls that dress like their bar fine just got paid, ect.

Is your vocabulary really so limited that you have to use these words? :o

It's funny, all the derogatory words, "hookers, hoes, tricks", but you're the one paying for them. Makes you wonder how you can be so demeaning to someone who is providing a service you require & are happy to pay for, doesn't it?

I use the words that best encompass what ever I am trying to describe. In this case, good old fashioned street hookers and bar girls. I'm not talking about over priced call girls from a escort service, no I'm talkin about your garden variety hoe.

(no pun intended :D)

But really I'm happy to pay for someone to take away the garbage but that dosn't mean I aspire to be them or wish that fate for my kids. That being said they need garbage men just like they need hoes. The only difference is you will probably need garbage men all your life, if your lucky you'll only use hoes for a portion of it.

That being said, I think prostitues (of all price catagories) are a wonderful thing...like o'l Chef said from South Park. "You don't pay them to stay, you pay them to leave afterwords"

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I never introduced any woman I was with using a title. I figured it was usually obvious. When I was playing with hookers in Pattaya it was obvious they were hoes. Later when I decided to settle down it became obvious that the woman I was with was not nor ever was a trick. And if there were ever any doubts with people they either asked or kept their opinions to themselves.

I think pepole that feel the need to volunteer that kind of info about their lady know that she, or her and he together look kinda suspect. I.e. a 20+ year age gap, girls that dress like their bar fine just got paid, ect.

Is your vocabulary really so limited that you have to use these words? :o

It's funny, all the derogatory words, "hookers, hoes, tricks", but you're the one paying for them. Makes you wonder how you can be so demeaning to someone who is providing a service you require & are happy to pay for, doesn't it?

That's hit a nerve for some reason, hasn't it Capt MoSho?

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Is your vocabulary really so limited that you have to use these words? :o

It's funny, all the derogatory words, "hookers, hoes, tricks", but you're the one paying for them. Makes you wonder how you can be so demeaning to someone who is providing a service you require & are happy to pay for, doesn't it?

It's a male thing..........a male would love to have sex any time he wants to, but in most circumstances he cannot therefore he is willing to pay Females for sex. because of that, the bitterness emerges after the foul deed is done.

He enjoys it at the time, but after.........................................well, it's not much different to a wank really, it's meaningless to the woman who probably hates him anyway, and meaningless to him, but he has had to pay for it, so then males use these derogatory words to describe women they pay, trying to make themselves feel better and less sad than they actually are by dragging her name through the dirt.

Like it was the womans fault that he travelled thousands of miles to pay for sex with poor people.

Inside he hates himself for sinking so low, and of course being male, he blames the very person he was exploiting for his own deeds.

Like so many Farangs that travel thousands of miles to exploit poor peoples financial vulnerability for sexual gratification, then go home to their own countries calling Thai women whores and boasting to their friends how cheaply they can buy a poor persons sexual favours.

Wow what men they are................

Booo Hooo Cry me a River.....exploiting vulnerable poor young women.... that sounds like a mental wank for yourself.

Anyway, I never ever felt bad about myself for using hoes. They had their time and place in my life and if I could go back in time I would have done them all, paid for them all, kicked them all about the bed when I was done, allllllllllll over again. I wouldn't change a thing cept' the sheets. And thats real. What I would have regretted is if I loved any of them. Then I would feel as you put it, sad and weak.

You speak like respect is free in this world. Anyone who tells you that is either lieing or misinformed. You need to have some to earn some. And if your going through bottle of listerine every other day working on beach road, you may be runnin just a tad low on the self respect level...just a thought.

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