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Covid vaccination


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1 hour ago, ThaIrish Sean said:

There was a little bit of an outbreak of shingles in the United Kingdom prior to covid inoculations.

My mate a few doors down has it and he's been isolating.

So it may have nothing to do with the vaccine?

Shingles isn't contagious...(I support vaccination)

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There seems to be a lot of views on the vaccines, a 90% effective vaccine just gives you a 9 out of 10 likely hood that you won't get seriously ill (hospital),  Though you could be the 1 out of 10 it doesn't do much for!


Quite right you could still pass it on, the vaccine could let people get over it quicker, so perhaps less transmission time associated. 


Unless there is a Test and quarantine plan, at both ends of a long haul route, what's happening appears more to do with politicians wishing to say they are doing something. You  would probably identify most cases in 7 Days.  So if there was a facility you could check into at the uk end to test isolate and test before getting on the plane, and a similar 3 day inbound facility at the other end, That would certainly give more confidence that you fellow passengers all had been screened to the same level. 3 days + flight + 3 days to give 7 days, good for the both countries, transit and passengers. additional procedure for positives and self isolation add-on to suit local popularity issues....


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19 minutes ago, xylophone said:

In fact the movie was so very close to reality, that one can only be amazed at the foresight of the filmmaker, and the more you watch it, more similarities you will pick up to the situation we are currently in.

This is partly because they hired contagious disease experts as consultants. However, this wasn't enough to nip the conspiracy theories (along the lines of 'it's a plandemic') in the bud.

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7 hours ago, pikao said:


I don't know, of course, what's really going on but found it surprising that there is a court decision from Peru about this




P.S. I also looked up some "web-check" sites and couldn't find negative about archyde.com (maybe you have?)



The linked site is labelled as "unsafe"..........and "a court in Peru.........!!".  Enough said.

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8 hours ago, pseudorabies said:

It actually is contagious but as chicken pox. Your doctor probably told you this already but the virus in the fluid released by shingle sores is chicken pox virus. It can cause chicken pox in children and adults that haven't had the disease or been vaccinated.  Hopefully you caught it in time and were put on antivirals so that it resolves quickly and with minimal pain.

Of the antivirals, Valacyclovir tablets seem to work the best, in conjunction with the cream.

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On 2/2/2021 at 5:35 AM, ThaIrish Sean said:

There was a little bit of an outbreak of shingles in the United Kingdom prior to covid inoculations.

My mate a few doors down has it and he's been isolating.

So it may have nothing to do with the vaccine?

 Shingles is caused by the varicella-zoster virus so I am unsure how the vaccine can cause it.


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On 2/2/2021 at 9:05 AM, UKresonant said:

90% effective vaccine just gives you a 9 out of 10 likely hood that you won't get seriously ill (hospital),

The efficacy number requires some care to understand.  For example:

In the Moderna phase 3 study 28,207 people participated.  14,134 people received 2 doses of the vaccine;  14,073 people received the placebo. In the vaccination group 11 people became ill, in the placebo group 185 people became ill.

To calculate efficacy 11/185 x 100% = 5.9%  illnesses in the vaccine group compared to the placebo group.  So the reduction in number of illnesses is 100% - 5.9% = 94.1% efficacy.

If we interpret that as a 5.9% chance of getting sick (which I think a lot of folks do) that would mean 5.9% of 14134 which is 834 people getting sick, not 11.


So the protection of a 94% efficacious vaccine is a lot better than it seems at first glance.


For example a 50% efficacious vaccine does not mean that your chance of getting sick is the same as a coin flip; it means your chance of getting sick is reduced by half.

I know a lot of people will think this is nit-picking, but I think the difference of risk between 834/14134 is very different from 11/14134, it is 75 times less risk than it appears at first glance.

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11 hours ago, xylophone said:

Well it's certainly something to be wary of and take all the precautions that you can whilst a vaccine is administered, but you get idiots all over the place who are questioning it and the measures you can take.


What has just bought that home to me in no uncertain terms is a re-watching of the movie "Contagion" and some of the idiocy that went on, which would certainly make this movie almost prophetic: –


– Person standing in a line with no mask on and coughing over other people, and then when being told to cover his face told the other person to f....k off (you know the sort who tell you that they want their freedom to do what they want).


– Then the blogger played by Jude Law spreading rumours about wealthy people and those in high places being involved with pharmaceutical companies in manufacturing this pandemic and profiting from it (sound similar to the Bill Gates, George Soros etc rumours?).


– Idiots advocating the use of totally untried "cures" with chlorine being mentioned in the movie, and in real life we even had one idiot encouraging the use of hydroxychloroquine.


– In the movie it showed a shortage of medical equipment (not the vaccine) because of the number of people being infected, and the lack of planning.


In fact the movie was so very close to reality, that one can only be amazed at the foresight of the filmmaker, and the more you watch it, more similarities you will pick up to the situation we are currently in.


A vaccine was manufactured, just as we are seeing now, so we are hoping that some sense of normalcy will return to this world.

The movie "Contagion" had technical advisers who were infectious disease experts and as you say it predicted a lot of things that happened in the COVID pandemic.  The fact that it was made in 2011 demonstrates that knowledgable people were aware of the risks of this type of respiratory illness for a long time.

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