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Shockwave therapy for ED/prostatitis / Small male sexuality clinics

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I’m suffering a mild case of prostatitis/CPPS, probably triggered by an infection 1.5 years ago. Nocturia and frequency mainly, and some mild ED. 

Recently there have been research papers suggesting that external shockwave therapy could be helpful with this condition. Apparently, it’s also now the first line treatment for ED. Dr Shoskes from the Cleveland Clinic who is an expert with prostatitis/CPPS wrote about this treatment for ED on their website. 

It seems that several hospitals and clinics are offering this as an ED treatment. Samitivej is incredibly expensive (reduced price of 9k per session whereas you need around 6-12 sessions over 6-12 weeks). Cheaper are those small “male sexuality” clinics. 

Does anyone have experience with those clinics or the procedure itself? Since the procedure is non-invasive and seems to be fairly straightforward, I thought there shouldn’t go much wrong by using one of those small clinics. But I wanted to hear other peoples’ opinion here. 

1 hour ago, Somtummm said:

I’m suffering a mild case of prostatitis/CPPS, probably triggered by an infection 1.5 years ago. Nocturia and frequency mainly, and some mild ED. 

Recently there have been research papers suggesting that external shockwave therapy could be helpful with this condition. Apparently, it’s also now the first line treatment for ED. Dr Shoskes from the Cleveland Clinic who is an expert with prostatitis/CPPS wrote about this treatment for ED on their website. 

It seems that several hospitals and clinics are offering this as an ED treatment. Samitivej is incredibly expensive (reduced price of 9k per session whereas you need around 6-12 sessions over 6-12 weeks). Cheaper are those small “male sexuality” clinics. 

Does anyone have experience with those clinics or the procedure itself? Since the procedure is non-invasive and seems to be fairly straightforward, I thought there shouldn’t go much wrong by using one of those small clinics. But I wanted to hear other peoples’ opinion here. 

       Hello. I never had this treatment. But Im familiar with it. I get prostatitis now and then. Especially from stress if I eat the wrong type of food. And I get some urination frequency at times. I have had an enlarged prostate since I was age 40. It is twice the size as normal. Im 65 now. I have been under the care of a urologist in America and now here in Bangkok. I have been taking uroxatral for years to help keep the urinary urge under control. 

      The shockwave treatment is basically used for ED not prostatitis. And from what I have read it is not American FDA approved and the results if any are short term.  

       It sounds like you have a combination of issues. They all deal with the urinary tract/prostate. Im guessing with all these issues I hope you are under the care of a good urologist? Because as you probably know ED could be caused by a number of things, stress, medication, medical conditions.

      This is probably not the answer you are really looking for. But you should get a medical opinion from a urologist on this. Even if someone on the forum did have this type of treatment. It doesnt mean if would work or not work for you. 


37 minutes ago, swm59nj said:

       Hello. I never had this treatment. But Im familiar with it. I get prostatitis now and then. Especially from stress if I eat the wrong type of food. And I get some urination frequency at times. I have had an enlarged prostate since I was age 40. It is twice the size as normal. Im 65 now. I have been under the care of a urologist in America and now here in Bangkok.

I’m below 40 and have this condition since I had an STI 1.5 years ago. I’ve been to dozens of doctors and no one was able to find a cause. The closest I could get was one urologist finding some scarring on the prostate when he performed the DRE. Other than that, DRE, ultrasound and PSA all normal, hundreds of cultures and PCR tests (and even MicrogenDX) to rule out an infection all negative. 




      The shockwave treatment is basically used for ED not prostatitis. And from what I have read it is not American FDA approved and the results if any are short term.  

I am aware that it’s not FDA approved and that it’s originally being used for ED. As I mentioned above, there are research papers that found it may be useful for prostatitis as well. Dr Shoskes from

the Cleveland Clinic wrote about it for ED use on their website and also now suggested it in a Prostatitis forum for use for prostatitis patients. That in combination with the fact that it’s non-invasive and shouldn’t do much harm makes me think to give it a try. 



I hope you are under the care of a good urologist?

The problem with prostatitis is that it’s a basket case diagnosis. It’s what doctors tell you after they can’t find a cause. Even in well advanced western countries, patients are largely on their own, or they get thrown antibiotic after antibiotic. Now add to that that we are living in a developing country. It took me months to even find a doctor who would perform

a prostate massage to test my prostate secretions for an infection, and even he could only suggest hot Sitz-baths and saw palmetto; I doubt he ever heard of CPPS and internal trigger point massage. In western countries, some docs at least now know that it requires a multimodal approach and likely physiotherapy (internal and external). 


PS: Here are the research papers. Dr Shoskes himself posted it in a forum for prostatitis patients. Interestingly there seems be another member based in Bangkok who went down this route in 2018. Unfortunately I cannot contact him as the forum doesn’t allow private messaging. It didn’t seem to work for him anyway. 




3 minutes ago, scammed said:

i'd love to try out this therapy, not on myself but on anti friends

I think you should try prostatitis on them. Having constant pain down there and having to run to the bathroom every 20 minutes is something I don’t even wish my worst enemies. 

1 minute ago, Somtummm said:

I think you should try prostatitis on them. Having constant pain down there and having to run to the bathroom every 20 minutes is something I don’t even wish my worst enemies. 

that actually sounds rotten to the core, i feel for you,

but i cant touch it.

what was the bacteria that turned your life to hell ?


My suggested solution.  Take lots of ED pills  and get laid, a lot.  Seems to work for many, allegedly. The logic is inescapable. Male 'bits' are meant to be exercised, regularly, not a problem when you are young, but as you get older, when sex  may fall away and the bits become redundant, well that can't be a good thing can it?  Keep it all functioning. as often as you can and maybe the issues of old age and that problem gland are diminished.  That's my theory anyway and me and Mrs P are working on proving that solution.  

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1 minute ago, scammed said:


what was the bacteria that turned your life to hell ?

I don’t know. I threw antibiotics at it when the first symptoms appeared. Call it “The Bangkok Protocol”. Worked for years. Not this time. Symptoms persisted and got worse, but tests come back clean. 

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2 minutes ago, Pilotman said:

My suggested solution.  Take lots of ED pills  and get laid, a lot.  Seems to work for many, allegedly. 

Two interesting points here:


(1) Some prostatitis patients report improvement when using low dose Cialis (but not Viagra).

(2) For many prostatitis patients, their condition started from excessive Masturbation or sex, so right amount of it is being subject of frequent debate among these patients. Most seem to agree that it should be regularly but not daily, as it it helps to make the prostate release while not overworking it. 
For me, ED is only a minor issue, but I sometimes see my urinary symptoms flare up after Masturbation/sex. 

1 minute ago, Somtummm said:

Two interesting points here:


(1) Some prostatitis patients report improvement when using low dose Cialis (but not Viagra).

(2) For many prostatitis patients, their condition started from excessive Masturbation or sex, so right amount of it is being subject of frequent debate among these patients. Most seem to agree that it should be regularly but not daily, as it it helps to make the prostate release while not overworking it. 
For me, ED is only a minor issue, but I sometimes see my urinary symptoms flare up after Masturbation/sex. 

Interesting.  'Regular sex' is an emotive and often misunderstood phrase for the older person, male and female. Without revealing too much personal information, 2 or so times a week for a person over 70 seems about right; allegedly . I do monitor my own sexual and physiological health continuously as its hugely important to me and I firmly believe that regular sex is one of the answers.  Not the only answer of course, but one of them. Looking at my age group, many seem to just give up and think its normal to not have any sexual activity at all, That, in my view is not only wrong, but dangerous to health. 


I would-be very interested to read Sheryl's opinion  on this.  

  • Like 1
Just now, Pilotman said:

 2 or so times a week

That’s what most people in prostatitis groups seem to suggest as well, regardless of age.

Just now, Pilotman said:


Not the only answer of course, but one of them. Looking at my age group, many seem to just give up and think its normal to not have any sexual activity at all,

I used to be sexually active until this happened. In fact, it was all the sex that caused this is in the first place, see the initial infection. 
Since then, I have become less sexually active, and only do so with a condom. I guess the fact that it started with an infection and symptoms persisted scares me off. 



  • Sad 1
3 minutes ago, Somtummm said:

That’s what most people in prostatitis groups seem to suggest as well, regardless of age.

I used to be sexually active until this happened. In fact, it was all the sex that caused this is in the first place, see the initial infection. 
Since then, I have become less sexually active, and only do so with a condom. I guess the fact that it started with an infection and symptoms persisted scares me off. 



I sympathise . 

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