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Chopper Or Plane? Tonight I Ran For My Life!


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Tonight about 6 or 7 I heard a very loud whirring noise, with a high pitched drone, like a plane dropping from the sky. (I live in San Sai, on the 121 Laguna Homes)

I even took the effort to get out of my beanbag and stand in a door-frame in case the plane I thought crashing, decided to do so on my house!

Any aviation experts can tell me what the heck this was? I hang out near an army base when out of the house (Huay Teung Tao Lake), and often have low choppers coming over me, nothing like the sound I heard.

Anyone know?


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It was probably Austhaied trying out his new hyperspace pod module.

Oh, I let the cat out of the bag!

A lot of us farang here in CM are actually, ermmm, how can I put it......not of this world. :o

Yeah sorry folks, i was out test driving the Millenium Falcon since I've just had her serviced at Niyom Panich..Probably need to take it back in as the mechanics have stuffed up all my radio presets. :D



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It was probably Austhaied trying out his new hyperspace pod module.

Oh, I let the cat out of the bag!

A lot of us farang here in CM are actually, ermmm, how can I put it......not of this world. :o

Yeah sorry folks, i was out test driving the Millenium Falcon since I've just had her serviced at Niyom Panich..Probably need to take it back in as the mechanics have stuffed up all my radio presets. :D

Check the Hyperdrive as well - commonly it has either been disconnected or been hit by Imperial Fire during a hasty exit. Make sure they use genuine parts - some of the copies have a very strange dialect when the interpreter robots try to diagnose them.


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> Yeah sorry folks, i was out test driving the Millenium Falcon since I've just had her serviced at Niyom Panich..

Ah, that explains it, it was serviced at Niyom Panich! In the movies the hyperdrive also rarely worked properly.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The same thing happened to me last week, only difference that I was taken up to the mother ship.

4 aliens forced me to shag the hel_l out of one of their young girls for breeding purposes.

I have fallen in love for the first time in my life and now the alien is coming down to Chiang Mai to be my wife, once I get the creature through immigration of course.

In the meantime I suggest you keep taking the green tablets.

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