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Has Living In Thailand Made You More Willing To Believe In Ghosts?


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Re: my earlier post, take a look at these photos and tell me what the round light thingies are. They aren't raindrops or flecks of dust, btw....

There was a topic relating to this effect in the Buddhist and Photography sections a year or so ago. I couldn't find it with a search, but "camerata" explained it to the poster as being related to the optics and flash of the camera I believe. It looks cool anyway.

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Oh come on!! It's condensation on the lens. Pattern? WHAT pattern?!

If you look at the larger, dimmer circles (esp in the last two pics) they don't appear to be uniformly flat/opaque, more patterned, like snowflakes or something. That's not saying it's supernatural, the flash explanation sounds perfectly plausible to me. It's just an observation on how they look.

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I get the same effect on my digital camera when its very bright, it happened when I was taking snaps of my new desk the other day. I will see if I have still have them.

GH that was hilarious! :o

Edited by quiksilva
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What is a ghost. It's a vision or visitation usually seen by only one person at any one time.

In the old castle in the town where I live there's said to be a ghost.

Many people claim to have seen it and all agree it's a small man or a young boy.

No investigators have ever seen it and there is not one picture.

Auto suggestion is a powerful thing.

I believe there are ghosts, in my case invisible, but memories or dreams of my dead parents, my late wife and other people I've known who live on in my thoughts.

It's a short step from this to actually seeing them when you're awake if your imagination is vivid enough, or maybe drunk enough.

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I get the same effect on my digital camera when its very bright, it happened when I was taking snaps of my new desk the other day. I will see if I have still have them.

GH that was hilarious! :o

That’s because your desk is possessed - quick call some monks over to bless it before your place burns down.

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Oh dear, ghosts , lepricorns, unicorns, god, poltergeists number 13, clairvoyants, walking under ladders keep daydreaming all you believers I often get that on digital camera photos conclusion must be a ghost or spirit wow great analysis!!

But you know they really do exist on the flat earth!! ps the moon is made of cheese also yes its true honest!!

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Re: my earlier post, take a look at these photos and tell me what the round light thingies are. They aren't raindrops or flecks of dust, btw....

that's it!!!! I'm completely convinced ..... totally changed my mind................NOT!

This kind of banal stupefaction onely confirms my suspicions about people who believe in this stuff all the more!

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Re: my earlier post, take a look at these photos and tell me what the round light thingies are. They aren't raindrops or flecks of dust, btw....

that's it!!!! I'm completely convinced ..... totally changed my mind................NOT!

This kind of banal stupefaction onely confirms my suspicions about people who believe in this stuff all the more!

Nonsense! These are the little round goodwill spirits I have sent to the Thais to assure them that all is well with the world and the farangs will continue to come and spend their money.

Trust me, I am an envoy from the outer limits. Unbelievers will meet their doom - soon. :o

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Living in Thailand, I no more believe in ghost than I believe in Jesus because I am from the USA. I think both are hogwash.

Only the young, ignorant and stupid are sure of anything. With age and experience comes uncertainty.

Two thoughts rarely leave my mind for long. Standing atop Box Hill, a beauty spot in Surrey, surveying the peaceful vista, I picked a blade of grass. I wondered at the miracle of it, that it existed, the chlorophyll made it so green, that it provided sustenance for the grazing sheep. Then I looked up and realised that that the blades of grass that I could see could be counted in their billions. And each one a minor miracle. I noted the wild flowers and the bushes and trees, each one a miracle, and how their combination contributed to such beauty. How could this be an accident I wondered. Surely there must have been a grand design.

Then I think of the firmament. Thousands and thousands and thousands of light years across. Our world circulating around the sun, a very minor star in our galaxy is like a grain of sand on Pattaya beach within its bounds. Similarly our galaxy is a microdot within the entire universe, and again, the sand analogy holds good. If there is a superior being then surely he had no concept of economy.

We do not know, we cannot say. I sit on the fence and am agnostic. At both believers and atheists can be levelled the same charge - where is the proof, or even credible evidence, on which you base your belief.

In your country, in Texas I believe, there is a sect that worships rattlesnakes. Now that IS hogwash.

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Living in Thailand, I no more believe in ghost than I believe in Jesus because I am from the USA. I think both are hogwash.

Only the young, ignorant and stupid are sure of anything. With age and experience comes uncertainty.

Two thoughts rarely leave my mind for long. Standing atop Box Hill, a beauty spot in Surrey, surveying the peaceful vista, I picked a blade of grass. I wondered at the miracle of it, that it existed, the chlorophyll made it so green, that it provided sustenance for the grazing sheep. Then I looked up and realised that that the blades of grass that I could see could be counted in their billions. And each one a minor miracle. I noted the wild flowers and the bushes and trees, each one a miracle, and how their combination contributed to such beauty. How could this be an accident I wondered. Surely there must have been a grand design.

Then I think of the firmament. Thousands and thousands and thousands of light years across. Our world circulating around the sun, a very minor star in our galaxy is like a grain of sand on Pattaya beach within its bounds. Similarly our galaxy is a microdot within the entire universe, and again, the sand analogy holds good. If there is a superior being then surely he had no concept of economy.

We do not know, we cannot say. I sit on the fence and am agnostic. At both believers and atheists can be levelled the same charge - where is the proof, or even credible evidence, on which you base your belief.

In your country, in Texas I believe, there is a sect that worships rattlesnakes. Now that IS hogwash.

Great post, especially the sentence I have highlighted. :o May I have your permission to use that quote in my TV signature? Attributed to you, of course!

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Im not even religious, I gues I just don't belive in what I can't see. By saying this I don't want to argue with those people that had any experience like that before. but just never happend to me.


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When it affects their every day lives its hog wash and age has nothing to do with being stupid there's no fool like an old fool so they say. You could argue that in another universe the moon is made of cheese the world is flat it may well be. Believe what you can proove and dont make up dumb stories involving ghosts when there is no proof.

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Believe in Ghosts?Not so removed for some who also believe in witches,goblins,UFO's,The Yetty,The Lockness Monster,Shrek,The Headless Horseman,religions or anything else one can't explain.Why stop at just 'ghosts"? Past midnight,time to put 'Sleepy Hollow' on....

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When it affects their every day lives its hog wash and age has nothing to do with being stupid there's no fool like an old fool so they say. You could argue that in another universe the moon is made of cheese the world is flat it may well be. Believe what you can proove and dont make up dumb stories involving ghosts when there is no proof.

Can you prove anything? Science is based on inductive reasoning which is a [belief/i] that because something happened a limited number of times before it will happen again. Science is made up of theories not proofs.

Edited by garro
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It amazes me how those who poo-poo other people's belief in the supernatural always mention the unreliability of the senses. They conviently forget that these are the same senses that are used to observe 'scientific' experiments. Maybe if the witnesses of these supernatural events wore lab coats the masses would be more willing to believe. People forget that science is just another religion and that lab coats are just the uniform of their high priests.

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Well, actually it has... I in fact have started to believe in Santa Claus and the Easter bunny as well, not to mention the great pumpkin.... or

hmmmm maybe I should stop drinking for a while.... :o What was the name of that forum .. I drink too much?

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ghosts? I have never seen any and I dont beleive in such things. However, I did notice a few sexy goblins working outside the Karaoke club next door, ###### sexy too, white knee high boots, skinny as a goblin, and well, they were goblin for cash......


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I think we need another ghost story to fan the fire here...let's see, maybe I'll pick a Thai-related one.

I moved to an older house in the backwaters of a small village. One-rai walled property that I chose especially for my dogs and cats. It had been vacant for many years; the landlord (a friend's "uncle") lived in the main town, a very respectable gentleman, with a big house, car, nice family, kids in uni in BKK, etc.

Asked him why it was vacant so long..."er, um"

Besides the toukays in the toilet tank, cobras and brethren in the yard (junglish in the back) and psycho centipedes and geckos that used to fall off the door jambs and ceilings, respectively, onto my head, it was normal and safe. (About the only thing that scares me is a kid with a loaded machine gun.)

I wrote and painted in the day, the dogs found the only hole under the wall to escape every morning to do their ablutions in the outside jungle (never sh** in your own backyard) and at five pm (every dog's playtime I think) the dogs chased the cats around the house and then the cats chased the dogs, etc.

I knew there was extracurricular activity happening on the property, but that never scared me either. Nights I spent reading, while the animals moved their heads in unison to watch the space travellers (like a crowd turning their heads to watch the action on a soccer pitch).

Then a few of the visitors did some very naughty things (why explain, the non-believers will never get it). I told my landlord that bad spirits were on the property. He laughed. An hour later he was at my house with those Buddhist pieces of paper that you paste over doorways for protection against baddies. I said, "That's a bit of a waste, they're already inside."

As it turns out, a young bloke was murdered there, and he never managed to cross the big river. Poor chap. It seems he made buddies with a few other bongos and they chose my place for their parties.

I would have stayed to help them, but I got a job in Singapore. The animals boarded with friends until I returned, and then we moved to another place. It was just as infested, but these guests' fragrance was much sweeter and their tricks more playful than naughty.

The end of one small chapter.

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I read this post when it was first put up, but decided not to comment, thinking it would just fade away, yet it hasn't at all, it just got bigger.

OK then, my take on this is yes, I think Pee exists here just as much as every where else on our planet, it just depends on the person, whether they feel the energy or not, I for one feel it too much, not that it bothers me, after all we are not talking about how it is in the movies, just a subtle feeling that you are not alone, you have a guest with you. I have felt this since I was a teenager, its not a problem at all, I was here in 04 just before the earthquake out to sea, myself and my wife intended to go to the Islands for xmas and new year, yet we both felt something saying not to, so we didn't, well. We all know how that turned out.

When I was fourteen years old, I was with my mother visiting her friend in London, she lost her son through a road traffic accident, her son and I both shared the same birthday, at one point I needed to leave the living room to go to the toilet, as I left the room and made my way through her dinning room, everything went cold, so cold I could feel my whole body shiver, then I started to hear sounds from beneath her stairs (I latter found out that that is where she kept his toys), my mother commented on my colour when I made my way back in to the living room, at the time I did not know about her son, or that she ever had a son, it was only some years latter that I was told about that fact.

Don't disbelieve what you don’t understand, their is more about us than just birth and death, life has a force about it that can not be explained through the bible, and science is yet to catch up with the fact.

Edited by solent01
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Near Newbury downs in Endland, on top of a hill is a tomb, its the tomb of one of the guys that found a very historic tomb near the Nile, one night my friends and I decided it would be fun to go there and see what sort of trouble we could find. We lifted the lid, only to find there was no way in with out a pneumatic breaker, as it was sealed with stone and concrete. Anyhow we partied all night on the hill, and didn't think much about it, until, after one week, one of use broke an arm, another lost a job and I crashed my car......... Like I said, don't discount what you don't understand.

I could also speak about the we gee boards we have done, but what’s the point, you either feel it or you don't.

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When it affects their every day lives its hog wash and age has nothing to do with being stupid there's no fool like an old fool so they say. You could argue that in another universe the moon is made of cheese the world is flat it may well be. Believe what you can proove and dont make up dumb stories involving ghosts when there is no proof.

Can you prove anything? Science is based on inductive reasoning which is a [belief/i] that because something happened a limited number of times before it will happen again. Science is made up of theories not proofs.

Well Id rather have inductive reasoning than no reasoning at all and the ability to reproduce something at any given time rather than years of superstitious claptrap which has not been recreated at a given time.

When a ghost can be produced time after time at a given time Ill re think until then along with the flat earth and cheesy moon Ill stay sane and happily buy any cheap murderers house fly on the 13th and walk under ladders which I do most days anyway. :o

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When it affects their every day lives its hog wash and age has nothing to do with being stupid there's no fool like an old fool so they say. You could argue that in another universe the moon is made of cheese the world is flat it may well be. Believe what you can proove and dont make up dumb stories involving ghosts when there is no proof.

Can you prove anything? Science is based on inductive reasoning which is a [belief/i] that because something happened a limited number of times before it will happen again. Science is made up of theories not proofs.

Well Id rather have inductive reasoning than no reasoning at all and the ability to reproduce something at any given time rather than years of superstitious claptrap which has not been recreated at a given time.

When a ghost can be produced time after time at a given time Ill re think until then along with the flat earth and cheesy moon Ill stay sane and happily buy any cheap murderers house fly on the 13th and walk under ladders which I do most days anyway. :o

Nice theory, but I believe that most of us pass on to "whatever" yet maybe one or two percent do in fact stay for awhile, for what ever reason, I do believe there is something more than what we have here.

No, I don't believe this because I feel lost and need something to believe in as I don't believe in god, budda, Krishna etc etc It's simply an energy I feel, and at times its so strong the hair on my arms stand up.

Edited by solent01
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Well Id rather have inductive reasoning than no reasoning at all and the ability to reproduce something at any given time rather than years of superstitious claptrap which has not been recreated at a given time.

When a ghost can be produced time after time at a given time Ill re think until then along with the flat earth and cheesy moon Ill stay sane and happily buy any cheap murderers house fly on the 13th and walk under ladders which I do most days anyway. :o

:D They don't perform on command. Science needs to follow the random theory. I think quantum mechanics researchers are pursuing this lead.

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Well Id rather have inductive reasoning than no reasoning at all and the ability to reproduce something at any given time rather than years of superstitious claptrap which has not been recreated at a given time.

When a ghost can be produced time after time at a given time Ill re think until then along with the flat earth and cheesy moon Ill stay sane and happily buy any cheap murderers house fly on the 13th and walk under ladders which I do most days anyway. :o

:DThey don't perform on command. Science needs to follow the random theory. I think quantum mechanics researchers are pursuing this lead.

I agree. It is as if you were asked to recreate a moment in time. For instance something that a parent, friend or lover said to you that profoundly changed your life. If it wasn't filmed or experienced by others, does it mean that it didn't happen?

Are you debunkers just having sport or are really trying to change the minds of those who have lived these experiences?

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