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From conversations (with Farangs, and Thais) it appears that jealousy is a common feature with Thai girls.  Does anyone think this has a foundation in the fact that Thai men are suspected (justifiably or otherwise) of being untrustworthy in relationships ? - or are the girls just plain "crazy"  :o

Also, what about long term relationships; does the situation improve over time, or are we doomed to a life of denying imaginary "girlfriends".  

I can understand , and expect, a certain amount of jealousy in any relationship - probably "healthy" in some regards.  However, I find the downright irrational jealousy mystifying.

Doesn't she understand that I'm too bloody frightened of what she would do to even think about anyone else ?  

Best Wishes


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From my experience of some Thai girls, a certain number of them are 'just plain crazy!!!'

If you were around Silom about 6 weeks ago you would have seen me running down the road with a wailing Thai girl chasing after me, because I gently tried to end our relationship :o Great entertainment for all.....


No!! This 'crazy' girl was one i met last year, but did not take a fancy to...But she took a hel_l of a fancy to me, and has been chasing me ever since.  :o

The girl that you talk about has, aginst all my expectations, remained true to her word and has not worked as a bar-girl since the day I met her (god she must love me....)

Whether it stays this way will remain to be seen, but I'm sorting out english lessons for her and a place in my business (and my bed...)


pass the extra large hankerchief , i ,m gonna cry , AGAIN

simon 43 has struck AGAIN, and i cant go on, all the thai girls just love him, [what ,s  wrong with the rest of us?]

 the good news , i,ve met a decent lass , lives in bristol , u.k.   , so i dont need to go to thai for a decent ----.PLUS her  distant husband is loaded with cash.

  suprising what you can get into a condom . :blues:


(Silom about 6 weeks ago you would have seen me running down the road with a wailing Thai girl chasing......)

I was there about the same time having a quiet beer in the new refurbished Bobbys Bar,PP-Silom and I did see a guy running down the road with a wailing Katoe chasing..... :o


Actually - just in case you are beginning to doubt me, I better set the record straight..(like me...).  My postings are merely the rantings of a sun-stroked farang who has spent too long in gogo bars.  My eyesight is very bad and I have to resort to furtive gropings under the table in order to ascertain whether I should proceed further or not.  My actions are often misconstrued by both sexes to be an indication of my lustful intentions.  But I am merely searching for my contact lenses....

..er...raving a bit here...better stop  :o

Hmm..without wanting to drag this topic any further into the mire...i can only say that i am not the buggee...and my partner is not male...end of story

You don't by any chance have a moustache?  What's it with men with moustache's and sexual attraction, they seem to have all the fun.  It does'nt really suit me, else i'd probably look like an ex-con, well maybe just a con.

Regards :o


Actually - and this might be the start of another interesting topic, i was under the impression (from chatting to Thai women), that the most unatractive farang is one with a moustache, beard and beer gut.....

I have no moustache, beard or beer gut....in fact I am in the best of physical shape.  It is only my mental shape which might be questionable  :o


Interesting, yes.  I've been curious about this for years.  What's it with facial hair and attraction.  Does it display some form of cultured experience or something?  Why don't Thai's have beards?  It will probably be the trend next week now.

I think that beer gut means wealth to Thai's does it not? Beard could be taken to mean lots of responsibility, lots of senior people do, or are well educated which of course means their rich farang!! So attractive because their rich, oh i'm so stereotypical, sorry folks.

Of course they could just be unclean, but it's too easy to see ketchup and salad cream etc, yesterdays dinner, so you can tell quite easily.  Oh and the smell.

ok i'm going to duck right about NOW, in case anyone does have a shiny beard or spongy whiskers, obligatory sandles and khaki shorts  :o


Funny Simon, one minute you are an old fart that cant tell the difference between Katoy or female and I quote( untill I have a grope under the table. Next you are in perfect physical shape, come on give it up which one are you. James Bond or Harold Steptoe ???  :laugh:

Yep - you caught me on that one.  But to come clean, I'm 44 but (according to others...), look around 34 :o This may be because I stopped drinking, smoking etc years ago and do an hour in the gym every day...so no beer gut and rippling muscles...and definitely no facial hair!

The bit about being blind as a bat was actually true! I have been VERY short-sighted all my life (-12 opters), and cannot see the end of my nose without contact lenses. But over the last couple of months I finally got round to having laser eye surgery.  My eyesight is now perfect and I am therefore shocked to see how pretty (or ugly) my female partners actually are (GF, UK wife in that order...)

The only resemblence to Harold Steptoe is my sexual lust for younger women....

the price is based on looks or age?  I'm twenty-three and I think the prices given to me are overcharged i wanna sue. LOL.  bah, not that I wanna do it, I still have to wait for my g irl to go back US before this mouse will play

You're right about age vs looks.  I don't care if they say I look 124 years old so long as they're what i'm after....

(you know the sort i like, respectable, well-educated, nice family, temple-going  :o  )


From conversations (with Farangs, and Thais) it appears that jealousy is a common feature with Thai girls.  Does anyone think this has a foundation in the fact that Thai men are suspected (justifiably or otherwise) of being untrustworthy in relationships ? - or are the girls just plain "crazy"    


Regarding to the topic, I'm also a Thai girl and I think your comment is not fair for us. In general, when farang on here talking about Thai girls, I assume that you mean Thai girls that you've met in a bar. From my point of view, Farang guys/girls can be jealous as well or even worse. Jealousy is not our common feature but it is in every human beings just somebody might be able to hide it better than others.

Try to associate with well educated Thai girls (if you can find them or know how to find them) I'm sure that you will never have to complain about Thai girls. For better or worse we are not different from the rest of the world.

Men in general are surpected of being untrustworthy in relationships more than women. It's been prove for generations. In Thailand, women depends on their men when their relationship goes wrong they feels like it is the end of the world. I really dissagree with that but I can't do anything so just let them be.

I hope Thailand brings some joys and good experiences to all Farangs. Enjoy your stay!!


ps. Sorry if my English is sloppy. To live in Denmark, don't help me much with the language.


Jealousy is human nature.  I've decided that t's not worth tying human facets to certain cultures, it's just humanity, you may have another name for it, but it's still the same thing.

I was'nt going to be petty by replying to Toybox's comments, but he's probably not been to Thailand, and only has a brief glimpse of the tourist areas from what he's heard fifth hand.  You should'nt be hard on him though, 95% of people stereotype an entire country like this, that's just society.

Toybox, stop and read the forum some more, there's more to Thailand than just sex, although if that's your primary interest, read this website http://www.stickmanbangkok.com/ this is'nt a site for sex in Thailand and those kind of comments are not welcomed here, it's an expat's site (there is a small difference ;-) but also try to look into Buddhism for example, or the diving in Phang na, the diversity of the culture etc  You will be surprised.

nikkdk, take things here with a pinch of salt, in other words don't take things too seriously, it's not worth it.  Anyway, i'm not sure we're on thread from the original posting, hehe.


Exactly - a lot of what is posted here is tongue-in-cheek.  My comments for one, are all complete rubbish..... :o

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