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Hi all

I have decided to apply for my wifes son SV to the UK. Shes been here for 8 months already & he has now finished school 16 years & doing sod all in BKK. Actually we have all been deciding what is best to do for him. Currently staying with friends.

So i have all docs nearly ready as its pretty much the same VAF2 etc.

The advice i am looking for is paperwork from the Amphur. I realise that evidence must be provided to show she has had sole custody since seperation from his father 10 years ago. Truth is his father has played no part in his upbringing. So do i have to get this from a reconised embassy Amphur? Has anyone got this before & is there anything you can advise helps to be stated apart from the obvious on the document?

I do have work for him upon his arrival, is it advisable to state that when applying for the SV?

Any problems people have had would help.

Thanks all especially to you Scouse


Hi Connor,

I have attached a link, within the link are several other links.

I think they will probably answer your questions, if not post again and will try again.

We did go through this but it is not always straight forward, particularly if the boys father wants to make it difficult, even though he hasn't been involved for some time.

Previous Link

Good Luck



You don't have to demonstrate that your wife has sole custody of your step-son, rather sole responsibility. However, a sole custody document is prima facie evidence of sole responsibility. Was your wife previously married? If so, you'd expect a custody order to have been made as part of the divorce.

The difficulty you may face is that if there is no current custody order and you now obtain one from your wife's amphur, the embassy may argue that it doesn't demonstrate who has had sole responsibility for the last 16 years. In the absence of a custody order you will have to show that it is your wife who has prinicipally supplied the direction in your step-son's life; i.e. it is she who has been responsible for financial support, choosing schools, choosing with whom he lives etc.

By all means mention that you have employment lined up for him. Indeed, as he's 16 he is past the age of mandatory education in the UK, so a state school will not take him on, and it is better to show that he'll have something to do.




She was never married to her sons father. He is aware his son is coming to the UK & very happy to help. We do have a contact number for him & could ask.

My wife has since the seperation taken care of him & not had one penny or help from the father.

Would it help if the Amphur were to state this in a letter & perhaps get my wifes father to also guarantee?




Would it be advisable to ask his father to go with him to the Amphur & inform them his mother has taken care since seperation & since he has taken no part in his up bringing? Although this is the truth i only wonder is it believable to the Embassy? Headache! :o

The other issue is getting his passport, if my wife holds sole custody & she is in the UK how can he get his Thai passport?


The other issue is getting his passport, if my wife holds sole custody & she is in the UK how can he get his Thai passport?

As he is over 15 he can apply himself in person(according to the regulations) with a letter of consent signed by both parents. if your wife has sole custody I suspect she can give him consent and include the sole custody agreement so the consent from the father will not be required. In practice may be another story :o ( I've only been involved in applying for under 15's and then definitely both had to go or a sole custody agreement was required but either worked)

Would it be advisable to ask his father to go with him to the Amphur & inform them his mother has taken care since seperation & since he has taken no part in his up bringing?
Thinking about that.... how does that work? his father goes to the Amphur to tell them that mother has taken care of the lad since seperation....... where is the mother now then?....oh! she's in England. Can you imagine the looks on the faces of the officials at the Amphur :o To pull that one I think your wife, at least, has to be in Thailand.


She has only been here for 8 months & he did not apply last year because was finishing his exams, he has now finished. I informed the embassy at the time of my intentions to apply for him this year once his school had finished.

She is still responsible even in the UK as we send funds & make the decisions regarding his future. Before we came here we all lived together in BKK. We send him money weekly, paid for his education, she calls him nearly daily. The reason for him coming to the UK is to be reunited with us (his family) who he has been seperated from just to finished his education. We left him there because of i had work commitments i had in the UK.

Surely this cannot be a one off & others must have gone through this process?

Now wondering if i can get a VV & then apply for SV once he is here?

I dont see why the Amphur would not believe my wife has taken care of him, she has not been in the UK long & he was simply finishing school. She will oviously speak with the opfficials when he goes there to explain the issue.

Help! Head spinning... Why do they wanna come here lol!



It's not such a minefield. From the circumstances you have just described, you can demonstrate, with or without a custody order, that your wife has had sole responsibility for her son.

If he entered the UK on a visit visa, he would not then be able to switch to a settlement visa.


The other issue is getting his passport, if my wife holds sole custody & she is in the UK how can he get his Thai passport?

As he is over 15 he can apply himself in person(according to the regulations) with a letter of consent signed by both parents. if your wife has sole custody I suspect she can give him consent and include the sole custody agreement so the consent from the father will not be required. In practice may be another story :D ( I've only been involved in applying for under 15's and then definitely both had to go or a sole custody agreement was required but either worked)


When producing a letter of consent (for passport purposes for a minor) signed by both Thai parents does this have to be done in front of and witnessed by the Amphur?

This is my understanding but I am not sure how I found this out and if it is correct.


It's not such a minefield. From the circumstances you have just described, you can demonstrate, with or without a custody order, that your wife has had sole responsibility for her son.

Agreed, but I wonder how she will get the official documents that will be required by the MFO in Thailand (for the passport) and the BE (for the Visa) without going to Thailand. I would think, at the very least, they will need to see her, her ID card and proof of her relationship to the lad before producing any custody statement.

You don't have to demonstrate that your wife has sole custody of your step-son, rather sole responsibility. However, a sole custody document is prima facie evidence of sole responsibility.

I didn't know this, thought it was prerequisite to have the sole Custody Doc.



My wife recently obtained a Thai passport for her son so that he could visit her in Australia. She had previously obtained papers from the Thai Amphur office stating that she was the sole custodian of her son but when these were presented to the Thai Passport Office by my wife's sister, they refused to issue a passport.

It was then necessary for my wife to visit the Thai Consul Office in Sydney, fill out a number of different papers and forward these to the Thai Passport Office. The passport was then issued.

Unfortunately I don't know what these papers were but if you hit a hurdle, I suggest you contact the nearest Thai Consul Office at your Farangland location.

The Sydney Thai Consul official further assisted by forwarded a fax to the Thai Passport Office supporting the application.

My wife recently obtained a Thai passport for her son so that he could visit her in Australia. She had previously obtained papers from the Thai Amphur office stating that she was the sole custodian of her son but when these were presented to the Thai Passport Office by my wife's sister, they refused to issue a passport.

It was then necessary for my wife to visit the Thai Consul Office in Sydney, fill out a number of different papers and forward these to the Thai Passport Office. The passport was then issued.

Unfortunately I don't know what these papers were but if you hit a hurdle, I suggest you contact the nearest Thai Consul Office at your Farangland location.

The Sydney Thai Consul official further assisted by forwarded a fax to the Thai Passport Office supporting the application.

That would have been Khun Noppadol at the RTCG Sydney. He is an extraordinary consular officer. Very, very helpful.


She has only been here for 8 months & he did not apply last year because was finishing his exams, he has now finished. I informed the embassy at the time of my intentions to apply for him this year once his school had finished.

She is still responsible even in the UK as we send funds & make the decisions regarding his future. Before we came here we all lived together in BKK. We send him money weekly, paid for his education, she calls him nearly daily. The reason for him coming to the UK is to be reunited with us (his family) who he has been seperated from just to finished his education. We left him there because of i had work commitments i had in the UK.

Surely this cannot be a one off & others must have gone through this process?

Now wondering if i can get a VV & then apply for SV once he is here?

I dont see why the Amphur would not believe my wife has taken care of him, she has not been in the UK long & he was simply finishing school. She will oviously speak with the opfficials when he goes there to explain the issue.

Help! Head spinning... Why do they wanna come here lol!

hi connor,

hope this will help you, my wife has a daughter in thailand which we are getting out to oz after 5 years, same sort of deal i guess, the father wanted her to finish year 6 first so she is only 12, he has been helpful which is handy also, the oz embassy also require the por kor 14 which is done at the amphur and i had great concerns of this as they say it has to be done in person by the mother which is rather difficult when she is 7000 km (lots of miles) away

the daughter has been staying with my wifes sister all this time and when she went to the local amphur to enquire they said that my wife had to do it, but as with a lot of things in thailand on a different day you get another answer and this next time they would allow my wifes sister to do the form , also the father went as well to sign it as well which i think was a major reason why they did it.

on dropping the documents off to the embassy the case manager was suprised that the father was present to sign the por kor 14 and stated that this hardly ever happens, however apparently it is ok for the father to complete this form its just that they dont see it very often and if as you say he is being helpful then i would ask him to go to the amphur along with the friends that have been taking care of him and you should get some joy, tell them to be prepared to give a detailed history of the upbringing though as other pk14 i have seen have been one or two paragraphs but they grilled my wifes sister for 6 pages but in the end it was done and that is what mattered



Sounds like i will be paying for the lot even though its all true. Back handers here we come!

Easier... :o


If it works the same as the Oz embassy....the father need only write a letter to state that he has no objectionto the child going OS...however as Boof said...if he is cooperative and he can go to the Amphur office then all the better. The wife should be able to do a PK14 at the Thai Embassy in the UK....the father and other family can do it at the Amphur...

My wife, her mother and sister got their PK14 done while she was there for her sons passport and tourist visa....it was not a problem....cost about 1600 baht for the translations though.


What is this PK14 stuff?

hi connor,

the pk14 of por kor 14 is the document your after at the amphur, it is a statement about your wife and her former relationship with the father of the child, it includes stuff like when the relationship started, when it finished, about any children born of this relationship and who takes care of them etc, this form is usually asked for by your immigration dept when the previous relationship your wife had was not registered as an official marriage. it is not the same thing as getting a letter of consent from the father for the child to migrate, hovever if i remember correctly the child is 16 years old so he should not require the letter of consent but you will have to come up with a por kor 14 and if you look at my previous reply you will see how we went about it, this was only last week that we did this so it about as up to date as you can get,

good luck mate


What is this PK14 stuff?

Por Kor 14.....I abbreviated it cos I am lazy sometimes... :o

As far as I can see it is the Thai version of a statutory declaration but as we have only seen it here recently regarding custody and sole parenting of children then I could be wrong there.



Does anyone know if my wife can simply go to the Thai Embassy UK & do the Por Kor 14 there?

Then perhaps only a letter of consent from the father signed at the Thai Amphur?

I can obviously get the family & father to do as much paperwork in thailand as poss but as most will know if i can simplify matters & control most myself then life becomes easier. So i am now thinking wife to do the PK14 here, letter of consent from the father.

I assume when he goes to get his Thai passport he only needs his ID Card, Reg Book, PK14 & consent from his mum for a passport?


She should be able to do a PK14 at the Thai embassy in the UK....maybe you can ring them or one of our UK friends can assist here.

If the Thai father is co operative then a letter from him will assist, he can do a PK14 instead of a letter and it will bode better.

Proof of ID,PK14's, Mums consent and the house ID should more than enough


Does anyone know if my wife can simply go to the Thai Embassy UK & do the Por Kor 14 there?

Then perhaps only a letter of consent from the father signed at the Thai Amphur?

I can obviously get the family & father to do as much paperwork in thailand as poss but as most will know if i can simplify matters & control most myself then life becomes easier. So i am now thinking wife to do the PK14 here, letter of consent from the father.

I assume when he goes to get his Thai passport he only needs his ID Card, Reg Book, PK14 & consent from his mum for a passport?


The wife is going to the Thai Embassy in London to do the PK14 tomorrow.

Looking for anyones advice.

I was going to send the PK14 to Thailand for the father to sign at the Amphur or would it be better to get him to do another seperate one? Also a letter of consent?

Any other docs anyone can think of that will help my case apart from the obvious.

Hopefully submitting within 2 weeks.

Cheers all

The wife is going to the Thai Embassy in London to do the PK14 tomorrow.

Looking for anyones advice.

I was going to send the PK14 to Thailand for the father to sign at the Amphur or would it be better to get him to do another seperate one? Also a letter of consent?

Any other docs anyone can think of that will help my case apart from the obvious.

Hopefully submitting within 2 weeks.

Cheers all

Let him do his in Thailand.....

Stat decs from a few friends stating your relationship with the child...basically to say you have a father/child relationship.

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