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Just wondering if anyone knows where i can buy a garlic crusher from?

I want to cook some Italian food, but every Thai person i ask has no idea what a garlic crusher is. I looked at Tesco and Tops, any other place i can try?


Just wondering if anyone knows where i can buy a garlic crusher from?

I want to cook some Italian food, but every Thai person i ask has no idea what a garlic crusher is. I looked at Tesco and Tops, any other place i can try?


Rimping supermarket has them in the utensil aisle. They are also in the Wararot markets but unless you can speak Thai or take someone who can and knows what you want they aren't easy to describe. The kitchen supplies shop (Zebra) next near the Wararot next to the river on Wichayanon is a good source of things culinary. They are also in Carre Four in the utensil section.

Last option is to do the same as Italians and just flatten the garlic with the side of a heavy blade knife. Works the same here with Thai

good eating


Just wondering if anyone knows where i can buy a garlic crusher from?

I want to cook some Italian food, but every Thai person i ask has no idea what a garlic crusher is. I looked at Tesco and Tops, any other place i can try?


Rimping supermarket has them in the utensil aisle. They are also in the Wararot markets but unless you can speak Thai or take someone who can and knows what you want they aren't easy to describe. The kitchen supplies shop (Zebra) next near the Wararot next to the river on Wichayanon is a good source of things culinary. They are also in Carre Four in the utensil section.

Last option is to do the same as Italians and just flatten the garlic with the side of a heavy blade knife. Works the same here with Thai

good eating


Forgot to add - the Thai word for garlic press is เดรื่องบีบกระเทียม which is pronounced kruang beeb gra teum (device to squeeze/flatten garlic). Copy this message onto notepad or word and hand it to the shop assistant.



Or, Central, Kad suan keau has a great kitchen supply section [for cm] but i agree with crowboy that a flat knife and pounded with your hand is the best way, easy to clean and no moving parts.


I always use a pestle (sometimes not the mortar) to smash it. Failing that the flat side of a meat tenderiser. Need a really heavy knife to crush it well .


I find it tastes better when pressed with the heavy end of the knife and chopped rather than squeezed with a press. Maybe because more juice stays in the individual pieces?

Anyways, I believe I bought my garlic crusher at the Rim Ping branch by the river (the one not far from the iron bridge and... ehrrrm... Duke's).



ever have problem tryingto peel off the skin of Garlic or onion ?

ok here is a kitchen trick i use ..

What you do is Put the amount of garlic you wanna Peel . into the Mirco Wave Oven ..

here is a Small time ratio for you

1 glove = 3 sec - 5 sec

2 glove = 4 sec - 7 sec

i had never try more then this amount .

garlic crusher ... interesting way to call a device which mere job is just to smash a pulp of garlic .

in asia the big knife that we use for cutting up vege and slicing meat do the trick easily -

so there is hardly the need for extra device to do such a simple job ..

plus .. the process of crushing the garlic you will lose alot of garlic juice which is the taste factor in cooking .

dice it up slowly with knife after you peel the skin off .. or cook it long enough , you don't need a crusher .

is just one more device to wash up .

good luck .

whahha what kinda food :o whahah talking about food making me hungry .


Ditto to above. Rimping has these very foo-foo wooden garlic presses.

Take a chefs knife. Place one or 2 separated cloves (unpeeled) on flat surface (cutting board). Press down on cloves with flat side of blade, with other hand smack down once, hard, on the flat knife with your fist. Pick out skin, mince fine, SO much better than a garlic press.... :o

I find it tastes better when pressed with the heavy end of the knife and chopped rather than squeezed with a press. Maybe because more juice stays in the individual pieces?

Anyways, I believe I bought my garlic crusher at the Rim Ping branch by the river (the one not far from the iron bridge and... ehrrrm... Duke's).

Don't quote me on this, but I think that the flavor of the garlic comes from the joining of two different chemicals in the clove cells; alliin, an amino acid and alliinase, an enzyme. When garlic is cut or crushed, alliin and alliinase immediately react together to produce the pungent substance allicin, and THAT causes the smell and taste of garlic. The more your crush it and mix it, the stronger the smell and taste. If you want less smell and taste, just mince the garlic. If you want a stronger smell and taste, sprinkle with a little salt to act as an abrasive and press and rub with the flat of your knife. Cooking will also reduce the strength so if you want more taste add towards the end of the cooking cycle. It makes a wonderful addition to almost all foods except vanilla ice cream.

Can garlic actually be bad for you?

see for yourself GARLIC

not sure what to make of this. Any comments?

I would like to see much more large sample clinical and research evidence before I accept a tale like this. There is a host of clinical and respected research evidence that:

* Garlic lowers blood pressure a little.

* Garlic lowers LDL Cholesterol a little.

* Garlic helps reduce atherosclerotic buildup (plaque) within the arterial system. One recent study shows this effect to be greater in women than men.

* Garlic lowers or helps to regulate blood sugar.

* Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of strokes and thromboses (It may not be good for hemophiliacs or vampires).

* Garlic helps to prevent cancer, especially of the digestive system, prevents certain tumors from growing larger and reduces the size of certain tumors.

* Garlic helps to remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body.

* Raw Garlic is a potent natural antibiotic and, while far less strong than modern antibiotics, can still kill some strains of bacteria that have become immune or resistant to modern antibiotics.

* Garlic has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.

* Garlic dramatically reduces yeast infections due to Candida species.

* Garlic has anti-oxidant properties and is a source of selenium.

* Garlic probably has other benefits as well.

Can garlic actually be bad for you?

see for yourself GARLIC

not sure what to make of this. Any comments?

I would like to see much more large sample clinical and research evidence before I accept a tale like this. There is a host of clinical and respected research evidence that:

* Garlic lowers blood pressure a little.

* Garlic lowers LDL Cholesterol a little.

* Garlic helps reduce atherosclerotic buildup (plaque) within the arterial system. One recent study shows this effect to be greater in women than men.

* Garlic lowers or helps to regulate blood sugar.

* Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of strokes and thromboses (It may not be good for hemophiliacs or vampires).

* Garlic helps to prevent cancer, especially of the digestive system, prevents certain tumors from growing larger and reduces the size of certain tumors.

* Garlic helps to remove heavy metals such as lead and mercury from the body.

* Raw Garlic is a potent natural antibiotic and, while far less strong than modern antibiotics, can still kill some strains of bacteria that have become immune or resistant to modern antibiotics.

* Garlic has anti-fungal and anti-viral properties.

* Garlic dramatically reduces yeast infections due to Candida species.

* Garlic has anti-oxidant properties and is a source of selenium.

* Garlic probably has other benefits as well.

you have omitted the effect it is supposed to have on vampires!


* Garlic helps to prevent blood clots from forming, thus reducing the possibility of strokes and thromboses (It may not be good for hemophiliacs or vampires).

you have omitted the effect it is supposed to have on vampires!

Sorry Maestro, read again! :o

TheWorld's best garlic press is a quality, curved blade, cooks knife:


Sprinkle some salt on a chopping board and put the garlic clove on top, holding the knife in your preferred hand either parralel with or at an angle of up to about 10º to the board.

Hold the garlic in your other hand and press the edge of the blade down against the side of the clove, scraping off a small amount of garlic paste. Continue with this until you have completely destroyed the garlic clove(s) and are left with paste on your board. Takes seconds and the garlic tastes better this way than any other.

Thanks for all your help people, i got a lot more info then i anticipated.

You are welcome but did you get a garlic crusher after all that?


Thanks for all your help people, i got a lot more info then i anticipated.

You are welcome but did you get a garlic crusher after all that?


somebody just asked about "khow moo kob" on another thread. wonder how long before that becomes a 3 page thread. :o

Thanks for all your help people, i got a lot more info then i anticipated.

You are welcome but did you get a garlic crusher after all that?


somebody just asked about "khow moo kob" on another thread. wonder how long before that becomes a 3 page thread. :o

If we combine it with this one we can keep both going for ages

Q: where can I buy a garlic crusher for my "khow moo kob"



Thanks for all your help people, i got a lot more info then i anticipated.

You are welcome but did you get a garlic crusher after all that?


somebody just asked about "khow moo kob" on another thread. wonder how long before that becomes a 3 page thread. :o

If we combine it with this one we can keep both going for ages

Q: where can I buy a garlic crusher for my "khow moo kob"



Simply fascinating...................

Some people should take up reading.

Thanks for all your help people, i got a lot more info then i anticipated.

You are welcome but did you get a garlic crusher after all that?


somebody just asked about "khow moo kob" on another thread. wonder how long before that becomes a 3 page thread. :o

If we combine it with this one we can keep both going for ages

Q: where can I buy a garlic crusher for my "khow moo kob"



Simply fascinating...................

Some people should take up reading.

Hey Blinky,

Greetings...c'mon, this a deep question

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