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Cm-thai Road Rage


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...Now I didn't see everything that happened, but nonetheless I was pretty suprised...

Was eating din's on Niman when I heard three or four repeated thumps about 5 sec's appart. It sounded just like someone trying to shut a roller door, so I didn't take much notice till everyone started getting up to gawk and hence I followed suit.

Someone in a pickup was repeatedly (5 times??) reversing and smashing into the larger off-roader parked in front. As far as I could tell there was no-one in the front car.

Did the front car jam him in? Well he had enough room to do these back and forth manouvers, so no. I could see that the front car was bloking a sub-soi, but that shouldn't have bothered the rammer.

When I drove past a few minutes later, cops had just arrived. Rammer was a fairly recent pick-up manned by a youngish looking Thai couple, seated apparently quite calmly. The older off roader looked like a big Pajero or Range Rover, but very old. Its driver side window was down, but no-one in it from what I could tell.

Now the rammers front end was a total mess. The off-roader showed no signs of recent damage.

Very strange reaction by the rammer to whatever happened. So <deleted> happened???? Anyone else happen to see??

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Nice emoticon, Blinky!

I thought Austhaied had all the good ones :o

I come from the Road Rage Capital of The World- Los Angeles, California.

If a Glock Model 23 .40 cal was not involved, it's not really road rage where I come from...... :D

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Nice emoticon, Blinky!

I thought Austhaied had all the good ones :o

I come from the Road Rage Capital of The World- Los Angeles, California.

If a Glock Model 23 .40 cal was not involved, it's not really road rage where I come from...... :D

Thanks Mac. It's one of the boards, just a ways down the list.

Yeah the shooters are a way of life in many parts, been a bit of it in Thailand over the years too.

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Nice emoticon, Blinky!

I thought Austhaied had all the good ones :o

I come from the Road Rage Capital of The World- Los Angeles, California.

If a Glock Model 23 .40 cal was not involved, it's not really road rage where I come from...... :D

Thanks Mac. It's one of the boards, just a ways down the list.

Yeah the shooters are a way of life in many parts, been a bit of it in Thailand over the years too.

Remember a couple years ago when a Thai guy in a motor vehicle chased the German guy on a motorcycle caught him and shot him.....Killed him...... I think somewhere by John's Cosey Corn.... I may be off on the spot of the shooting though...... I think the biker did something like give the one finger salute to the Thai guy

Yea.... there is road rage here too...

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Remember a couple years ago when a Thai guy in a motor vehicle chased the German guy on a motorcycle caught him and shot him.....Killed him...... I think somewhere by John's Cosey Corn.... I may be off on the spot of the shooting though...... I think the biker did something like give the one finger salute to the Thai guy

Yea.... there is road rage here too...

Outside the Montri. Many witnesses. A member of the judiciary was arrested and then set free a few hours later. A believe a hill-tribe guy carried the can for that one.

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Remember a couple years ago when a Thai guy in a motor vehicle chased the German guy on a motorcycle caught him and shot him.....Killed him...... I think somewhere by John's Cosey Corn.... I may be off on the spot of the shooting though...... I think the biker did something like give the one finger salute to the Thai guy

Yea.... there is road rage here too...

Outside the Montri. Many witnesses. A member of the judiciary was arrested and then set free a few hours later. A believe a hill-tribe guy carried the can for that one.

Correct. There was a bit more to it than just giving the bird apparently. However the funny part of it was that the shooter said he fired 3 warning shots, bit of a bad aim though as they were all in the back of the victims head.

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Remember a couple years ago when a Thai guy in a motor vehicle chased the German guy on a motorcycle caught him and shot him.....Killed him...... I think somewhere by John's Cosey Corn.... I may be off on the spot of the shooting though...... I think the biker did something like give the one finger salute to the Thai guy

Yea.... there is road rage here too...

Outside the Montri. Many witnesses. A member of the judiciary was arrested and then set free a few hours later. A believe a hill-tribe guy carried the can for that one.

Correct. There was a bit more to it than just giving the bird apparently. However the funny part of it was that the shooter said he fired 3 warning shots, bit of a bad aim though as they were all in the back of the victims head.

I guess the Thai lost face.. but what about the farang's face, not much left of that after 3 rounds

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I've seen really aggressive driving in CM - but more often than not by cars with BKK plates. There's a "me first" attitude that comes out when people don't think they'll be recognized (like when they're hiding behind tinted windows). The fact that the police don't police is a contributing factor.

Once, a very elderly Thai man actually ran behind his shopping cart so he could pass me to be next in line at Carrefour.

Not really road rage. But if I had sped up at all, there would have been a collision. :o

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I've seen really aggressive driving in CM - but more often than not by cars with BKK plates. There's a "me first" attitude that comes out when people don't think they'll be recognized (like when they're hiding behind tinted windows). The fact that the police don't police is a contributing factor.

Once, a very elderly Thai man actually ran behind his shopping cart so he could pass me to be next in line at Carrefour.

Not really road rage. But if I had sped up at all, there would have been a collision. :D

Amazing.........Wow. :o Supermarket rage. Haven't you ever been to a supermarket in the west where middle-aged women get into punch-ups in the carpark and violence is often seen amongst the aisles. :D

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Amazing.........Wow. :D Supermarket rage. Haven't you ever been to a supermarket in the west where middle-aged women get into punch-ups in the carpark and violence is often seen amongst the aisles. :D

Tsk tsk tsk. Sounds like bad British behavior. We Americans prefer to keep our violence in the classrooms and abortion clinics. :o

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I've seen really aggressive driving in CM - but more often than not by cars with BKK plates. There's a "me first" attitude that comes out when people don't think they'll be recognized (like when they're hiding behind tinted windows). The fact that the police don't police is a contributing factor.

Once, a very elderly Thai man actually ran behind his shopping cart so he could pass me to be next in line at Carrefour.

Not really road rage. But if I had sped up at all, there would have been a collision. :D

Amazing.........Wow. :o Supermarket rage. Haven't you ever been to a supermarket in the west where middle-aged women get into punch-ups in the carpark and violence is often seen amongst the aisles. :D

I worked in Supermarkets in the UK when I was young...used to happen a lot...trolley rage :D

Especially when they were fighting over the last loaf or the last reduduced for quick sale item

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Amazing.........Wow. :o Supermarket rage.

Pardon me for coming from a more civil community than you. No, I haven't seen women slugging it out in the parking lot. Even if I had, that wouldn't make it normal.

I'm from Australia. That should explain it to you. Nothing like 90 kg housewives going for it.

You must be in complete control......not having sped-up with your shopping trolley thereby avoiding the collision with the old gentleman who was probably having an expanding bladder and desperate need to avoid embarrassing himself.

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I admit I never got to participate in british football-inspired bottle-throwing, head-bashing, public demoltion and general mayhem.

I did. Following Chelsea's Mad Ickey running around outside grounds and on the underground in the late 70s was an adrenalin rush never matched since.

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When driving a pick up and wanting to slam into something, surely you do it by reversing into the offending object, I thought everone knew that?

All the expensive and hard to repair bits are in front. In the back it's just the end of your steel chassis plus some bodywork that's cheap to straighten and repaint. Well, and the light units, but then in 'rage' type situations, by the time you've unscrewed and removed the light units, mostly your rage would be over, thus defeating the entire purpose.

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Saw a great spot of road rage recently. A motorbike got cut up badly by a pickup. The bike then chased after the pickup, drew alongside and the bike passenger was shouting and shaking his fist at the pickup driver. The funny thing? - the bike passenger was a monk complete with orange robes!

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Saw a great spot of road rage recently. A motorbike got cut up badly by a pickup. The bike then chased after the pickup, drew alongside and the bike passenger was shouting and shaking his fist at the pickup driver. The funny thing? - the bike passenger was a monk complete with orange robes!

Did the monk have a swipe at the pick-ups wing mirror? Knocking the mirror off is always a good way to get the pick-up driver off-side. Must make sure you have an escape route or a bike that's faster than the pick-up.

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I've give you all some tips for exhibiting your own road rage in Thailand as taught to me by my Thai wife. (Warning, do not actually try this or you may truly regret it).

We were driving cross country and some total idiot nearly hit and killed us and probably several others - won't bore you with the details. Anyway, my normally reserved, calm wife was so incensed, as we passed by this motorist, she took off her flip flops grabbed them in one hand, asked me for mine, then held up two flips flops bottoms out to the driver as we passed by. In Thailand, this is equivalent to flipping the bird twice with both hands.

Just FYI... DO NOT try this in Thailand yourself.

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I've give you all some tips for exhibiting your own road rage in Thailand as taught to me by my Thai wife. (Warning, do not actually try this or you may truly regret it).

We were driving cross country and some total idiot nearly hit and killed us and probably several others - won't bore you with the details. Anyway, my normally reserved, calm wife was so incensed, as we passed by this motorist, she took off her flip flops grabbed them in one hand, asked me for mine, then held up two flips flops bottoms out to the driver as we passed by. In Thailand, this is equivalent to flipping the bird twice with both hands.

Just FYI... DO NOT try this in Thailand yourself.

Might have been more amusing if she'd stuck the bottom of both feet in the face of the offending driver not to mention other parts of her anatomy which may have been exposed in carrying out this maneuvour. :o

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