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Settlement Visas And Last For My Wife And Her Son

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Finally after all the work and all the worry our visas have been granted. If you read my previous posts our application was complicated by the fact that we wanted to take my step son with us and we did not have a letter of consent from the father. What we did was to make sure that my wife had custody – this is written on the divorce certificate second page – and my wife had not been given a copy of that at the divorce.

So, she had to go up to the Ampur again and find a copy – which they had at the office. I wrote them a letter and got it translated asking them for the relevant documentation. This was all provided to my wife. We got a letter saying that the Ampur office had conducted an investigation to see if she had been the sole support for the boy. We got a letter and statements showing that the father was not available / location unknown with two witnesses to this as well as my wife’s statement.

I got all the documents translated and certified into English and submitted them to the VAC with the application forms etc. The guy at the VAC said smilingly that I had wasted my money on the translations as they could read them. OK about 60 GBP but I thought “I’m just forking out 1000 quid to you, don’t talk to me about wasting money!”

The other point of a possible problem is that I don’t have a job to go back to. I do have some money left to me after my mother died so that must have been sufficient.

I can see why an agent is a good idea for many people as my wife and I put in a hel_l of a lot of work to get the applications and the supporting documents together. It is so difficult for me as I had to get all the documents translated into English so I could read them. So I don’t think of the translations as a total loss because we my need some of them in the UK anyway.

The numbers of people going through the VAC must be tremendous. They were very polite and helpful. I would say the experience is better than that at the Embassy itself!

The numbers of people who put in applications that are not going to be accepted must be very high too. I encountered two women at the TB hospital who asked me to read the letter of refusal one of them had got last year. So they were getting a TB test for a new application for her to join her husband in the UK and did not know why they had been refused last time.

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Nice work, mig, a big relief for you!

Don't forget to take the TB certificates with you and the X-rays if there were any anomalies revealed on them. My wife had to wait for nearly 2 hrs on arrival at Heathrow to have a new X-ray done and checked, not much fun after an 11.5 hr flight.

Good luck in getting a decent job back in the UK.

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