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Syphilis Check.


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As part of general check I do I went to a local clinic to check the possibility and check for syphilis,

The DR there told me and the wife we need to do a blood check and get results within 10-15 minutes (!!!).

Is it possible to do the check so fast???! its a small clinic and I didnt see he have labratory there to make the blood check..

Anyway he took a small amount of blood from me and from the wife (everything sterile and seens ok) BUT(!!)I am not sure he really make the diagnoze of the blood and results .

He say we clear (negative) but I have no trust on it.. is it just me not trust the thai health system or what??

The BIG QUESTION is ,can I be relax and know the results/the negative answer is reliable????

10 minutes??!!!!

Ok make me calm please. :o

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IF you have it...bit of info........... :o

Syphilis is easy to cure in its early stages.

A single intramuscular injection of penicillin, an antibiotic, will cure a person who has had syphilis for less than a year. Additional doses are needed to treat someone who has had syphilis for longer than a year.

For people who are allergic to penicillin, other antibiotics are available to treat syphilis. There are no home remedies or over-the-counter drugs that will cure syphilis.

Treatment will kill the syphilis bacterium and prevent further damage, but it will not repair damage already done.

Because effective treatment is available, it is important that persons be screened for syphilis on an on-going basis if their sexual behaviors put them at risk for STDs.

Persons who receive syphilis treatment must abstain from sexual contact with new partners until the syphilis sores are completely healed.

Persons with syphilis must notify their sex partners so that they also can be tested and receive treatment if necessary :D:D

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patchs of loose hair on the head with combination of rash on my penis.(it didnt came in the same time but of course it takes time for the hair to fall down.. patches only of course)

the DR say it looks like herpes thing and gave me cream .

I know its also sign of "alopecia areata" but it makes me scare as its really rare skin desease and what is the possibility of me have "alopecia areata".

and I did unprotected oral sex several times (i know its dengerous and not responsible to do .) so it makes me think about this disease "syphilis"as I read one of the possible symptoms is loose patchs of hair.

If the DR is wrong with his diagnoza it can lead me to death!

Thank you for any help I just really dont trust this small clinics and I not stay in central maybe I should check myself in Bkk or something like this..

Your kind advice for a very concern farang.. :o

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patchs of loose hair on the head with combination of rash on my penis.(it didnt came in the same time but of course it takes time for the hair to fall down.. patches only of course)

the DR say it looks like herpes thing and gave me cream .

I know its also sign of "alopecia areata" but it makes me scare as its really rare skin desease and what is the possibility of me have "alopecia areata".

and I did unprotected oral sex several times (i know its dengerous and not responsible to do .) so it makes me think about this disease "syphilis"as I read one of the possible symptoms is loose patchs of hair.

If the DR is wrong with his diagnoza it can lead me to death!

Thank you for any help I just really dont trust this small clinics and I not stay in central maybe I should check myself in Bkk or something like this..

Your kind advice for a very concern farang.. :D

I agree if you are really concerned go to a Hospital, they will still check you out ASAP if you ask them to.  I had an operation last year and they needed to check for Hiv.  they gave me results within 30 mins - i was a bit concerned so i said i didnt want to wait.

Good luck, im sure youll be ok.   :o

 PS  Worry about this kind of thing can bring on symptoms (psychosymatic). i

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There are quick tests for HIV, quick like pee stick tests for pregnancy, kind of quick. So possibly they have that for Syphillis.

Folks.... you have got to wrap it up, you owe it to yourself and your partner....s

I wish you luck.... and if u doubt the dx, just do it again, obviously it does not take a lot of time.

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If you think you have it then it would not hurt to just go ahead and take the cure. Syphilis is a bacteria and not a virus. You can go to any drugstore and get doxicycline 100 mg and take it 2 times a day for 2 weeks. It would not hurt to run a few extra days. Going for the big single injection of penicillin G is another option but I don’t think it is easy to find. Just don’t expect to sit comfortably for a few days if you go that way. Only hospitals that have STD clinics would have it. The only one I can think of that has that is Chulakorn hospital across Rama 4 from Silom.

Also FYI condoms don’t always protect you from syphilis. If the point of infection is not shielded by a condom you can get it. So the first line of defense is after sex wash as soon as you can with a good antibacterial soap. My personal choice is Dial and you can get it at Tokyu at MBK. Be sure to work up a good lather and let it sit for at least 30 seconds before rinsing.

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HIV, tested via prick, needle withdrawn, or oral swab

The advice of doxycycline. Be warned, some folks do not tlereate it well. It can cause permanent visual impairment. I also can cause, nausea, diareah, increased intracranial pressure, dizzyness, fatigue, flu like symptoms, fever.

The thing about doxy, is it is really cheap. 60 baht for a 7 day supply. I am not sure, but Zithromax may be used to treat syphillit too. That runs around 500 baht. You take 1 gram, that would be 4 pills all at once, and you are done.

check .medhelp.com

Thebody is a good site too, but the doctors on that site have some pretty crappy bed side manners... or key board manners.

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