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Hotmail,yahoo And Other Free Email Account


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In the last week I have recieved several emails from people that I know with hotmail,yahoo etc adresses containing a 34-35k file...obviously a scum file but it seems to me their addresses have been hijacked? Is anyone else having this problem, and is it being addressed by the providers?


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I even had one of this emails from my own Yahoo account once. Kind of weird to see my address sending a virus (probably?) to myself like that. Would appreciate it as well if anyone can shed some light on this. :o

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I even had one of this emails from my own Yahoo account once. Kind of weird to see my address sending a virus (probably?) to myself like that. Would appreciate it as well if anyone can shed some light on this. :D

u can quite easyly alter the headers, etc, to make it appear like this.. Even though it could actually have been sent from a different address :o Spoof internet banking emails for example that request your password and look like they actually came from your bank :D

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60 to 80 percent of all data on the internet are nothing else but garbage, like virus-email, hoax-mail, hate-mail, spam, sales, sex-mail and so on.

In case of LC: seems that the computer of a friend, who has her email address in an addressbook (like outlook or outlook-express, usually Microsoft related products), got a virus, was replacing the sender email-adress with her email address and was sending virus-infected email to all email addresses the virus found in the computer. Nothing unusual....

same with hotmail, yahoo, email addresses on homepages....

In our head-office we delete every day about 60000 such messages, sometimes up to 150000. My own email-account is receiving 90 percent garbage-email like virus, or racist hate-mail.... 500 hacker-entries into my guest-book last week and so on...Somehow normal situation already...

Be careful, keep your antivirus software up to date, and delete all such messages, including those in the deleted item folder.

Keep a reliable backup of all your documents.

I am using my LinuxMandrake9 Computer with Opera on Java and Openoffice for Linux, so the virus cannot infect my own system so easily.

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Myself and my staff have to delete endless mails like the below example, to which always a virus is attached in .pif, .exe, .gif

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: corrected

Content-Type: multipart/related;



I have attached your document.


product.pif: No virus found

Powered by the new Norton OnlineScan

Get protected: www.symantec.com

Vice versa, we do receive information, that we have sent a similar mail (which we did not do) to an address which we do not know.

Means there comes a warning from a proper virus scan back, telling us that "our" mail was not delivered to (so and so, never heard such address) because a virus was found.

Means somebody is using my our my staff's address and we cannot trace where and how.

As I do get a copy of each and every mail send to other offices, I delete a couple of thousands of these every week. Any scan shows our machines to be clean...

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It started 2 months ago with my yahoo account. Haven't used Outlook for a few years now.I would receive 31k and 24 k mails which mentioned "YOUR DOCUMENT" or "important file" etc. . I also received some from my own yahoo account :o . The adresses were from my area back home in Canada and from Belgium where my mom lives. I did think it was a friend's or relative's or friend's friend adressbook that was infected. Many were from the same senders until I blocked them. I used to get about 10 a day but it seems to be down to 1 a week now.

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Using Yahoo and Hotmail now for about 5 years.

Never had any problem.

I think Yahoo recently renewed their spam block program as since about 2 weeks the daily 8-15 messages went down to zero.

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what type of racist hate mail do you recieve??

ive never heard of that before.

This is easy to explain, my daughter is married in the USA... my homepage with e-mail is openly in the internet with pages about feminist issues...marry an Asian woman....and other such controversial subjects...

What hate-mail is sent to me?

'you white father made a mistake to split the condom, producing half-breeds'

'you white guy stealing our Asian women, you white loser pig'

'you white old trash, your Jap wife and daughters are looking like whores....'

'I am ashamed of your half-breeds, you white guy are nothing else but a crazy dog'

'You racist colonialist white man with your Asian wife deserve a kick in the a*s and a bottle at your head'

Yes, something like that...

Hahaha.....I can sleep with that.... no problem for me.......

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One way spammers get an e-mail addresses is just brute force.

Start with [email protected] to [email protected].

same for all the other websites.

If you setup a DNS server you can have easy access to website names.

If you receive some spam many often a small picture is included (sometimes even a very tiny one and transparent). IF you open the mail the picture is downloaded from their server and they have a confirmation that your e-mail is a real one.

From that moment they can use your address to send more spam or use your address as the senders address to other people.

I use yahoo for about 5 years and the spam i get is reasonable. Like 1 or 2 a week. Other supected e-mails are put in a bulk folder.

With yahoo there is a option to not download pictures attached in e-mails.

Look for an option like that in your own e-mail program it can save you a lot of spam.

Hope this helps a little.

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