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It is common practice for Thais to have a nickname or Cheu Len (play name). Thais rarely give their proper (cheu) or family name (nang sa gun) to strangers and only use them on official documents.

Common nicknames in Thai girls are Noi (small) Lek (small) Porn (blessed) Nok (bird) Thai boys also have names like Glah (brave) or Lek with a low tone meaning Iron (the metal you wally not to do the ironing). I know Thais with the nickname of mouse, bird, and even pig.

It is also a common thing for foreigners to do, I remember a guy I was friendly with for many years his name was "spud" Murphy - a spud is a word we Aussies call a potato, he was Irish so it made sense. It was only at his wedding that we discovered his real name was Adrian. When his wife was making her wedding vows "I Vanessa Jane take you Adrian Xavier) that half of the congregation sniggered en masse. Guys with red hair are usually called "blue" or "ginger/ginge. Blokes with big ears are "wingnut". A barmaid I worked with in Oz was called "spanner" because every time she walked past you could feel your nuts tighten. Another was called Malvern because she was the local bike that everyone had ridden. Our boss was called Doc Watson because he didn't have a clue.

Nicknames should always be given and anyone who makes up their own is alway given a new one along the lines of "Wank#r". In the service everyone in my unit was given a nickname and we had sew on name tags on our combat kit made to match instead of our real names. It was part of the hazing and accepting part of joining the unit to finally be given your new name and knowing you were part of the team. Once a name was given everyone used it. Nicknames always referred to a characteristic of the person and were unique. When someone was given a nickname it was never reissued. The guys would come up with lists of names and present them to the others. The new guys would walk around worried they would get a nickname like "dog's balls. One of my guys got that one because he took ages to get his camaflague technique correct and always "stood out like dog balls". My radio operator was JAFO "Just A Friken' Operator" and my gunner on the 109mm recoilless was "Lightning" because he couldn't hit the same spot twice.

On Thai Visa almost everyone uses a login name which differs from their non cyber name unless they are left overs from the '60s when it was popular to give kids names like Summer Moon or Acapulco Gold.

Recently my name has been modified to become Loy Kroh Boy which is a play on Crow Boy and the fact that I don't even know this place. Apparently it is a street in Chiang Mai with a number of bars. Honest mum never been there :o

So to the other members of Chiang Mai forum - you know a lot of the posters both in the real world and in the forums so think about some nicks for you friends. Post them up on the thread and explain why you came up with it.

First up is Aussiethaied. He is an Aussie and his wife is Thai so he picked an obvious one with the log in name. No imagination at all there mate. He is a commercial diver and so bubblehead is a first cut name, he likes the TV sitcoms and uses a lot of references to Get Smart with numbers such as 86 and 99. Diving and going down "Deep Diver" "86" "99" "69" Ok AussieThaied your nick is MuffDiver or just Muffy for short.

MacGriffith - doesn't give much to work with with the name or in real life :D but his nick is easy. In Oz a MacDonals is commonaly called a Macca's or McD and the tag line is "McD ya know it's crap but you like it" McGriff you are "McG - ya fulla crap but we like ya"

Feel free to add your take on your mates/friends/buddies etc


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I'll take Muffdiver, but not Muffy,Loy CrowBoy . You know you got that name because you virtually live down there.. :o I think mcgriffith should be known as McSpotlight..

I'll take Muffdiver, but not Muffy,Loy CrowBoy . You know you got that name because you virtually live down there.. :o I think mcgriffith should be known as McSpotlight..

hey Muffy,

In reality I avoid the place and when I go for a drink go to the Peak Bar area but the nick is good so thanks.

We need some more and I want to get some Tshirts made up for presentation on the TV pissup - correction "Chiang Mai BBQ and restrained drinking party" :D


I'll take Muffdiver, but not Muffy,Loy CrowBoy . You know you got that name because you virtually live down there.. :o I think mcgriffith should be known as McSpotlight..

Hey good one Muffy - McSpotlight it is

carry on soldier


I'll take Muffdiver, but not Muffy,Loy CrowBoy . You know you got that name because you virtually live down there.. :o I think mcgriffith should be known as McSpotlight..

Hey good one Muffdiver - McSpotlight it is

carry on soldier



Cool thread...

When i was finishing up school in HKG, i was on the rowing team - basically consisted of paddling out near my mates sisters boyfriends junk, where he would throw us each a few cans of lager and we'd down them enjoying the sun. Due to the general raucousness that would follow, we quickly became known as "the pirates" - of course we therefore had to give eachother pirate nicknames... a few:

(Keep in mind that all must be said in a strong 'piratey' voice for best effect)

Quietest, most non-threatening guy became "Child-Eater Ken".

Most homophobic guy became "Mr Bugger"

I myself became "Captain Hookd**k" - ooh arh, he's as dangerous to the lads as he is to the lasses.

And my personal favourite "Two-eyed Bob" - why do u call him two eyed Bob? "Ooh arh, coz he's got two eyes"

Plus "Long John Thomas" (of course).

The <deleted> who kept joining us became forever known as "Duck Boy"... just because.

All good fun...

I have a thai friend called 4 points because

he is bold and brown


Very good

took me a couple of secs then saw the (snooker) and it clicked.

One of our guys was called 8ball because he was hard and black and when he dropped you, it was game over.

Another was shotgun because he was short, vicious, and had a kick like a mule


I'll take Muffdiver, but not Muffy,Loy CrowBoy . You know you got that name because you virtually live down there.. :o I think mcgriffith should be known as McSpotlight..

Hey good one Muffdiver - McSpotlight it is

carry on soldier


Ok Muffy if you are going to pout Muffdiver it is

sheesh some people no pleasing them



A few Aussie nicknames..

SHOWBAGS: only worth two bob, full of rubbish and you have to carry him everywhere.

THE SHAH: been everywhere but nobody wants him.

MILKBOTTLES: you always find him full on the front doorstep in the morning.

HARPIC: clean round the bend.

BLISTERS: shows up after the work is done.

THE JUDGE: always sitting on a case.

CYCLONE: a slow moving depression.

LONDON FOG: never lifts.

MIRROR: always saying "I'll look into it".

JUNGLE: thick, green and dense.

THROMBOSIS: a bloody clot who interferes with the functioning of the system.


The inevitable risk with this one is to out someone with a nick, trait or feature that he'd prefer to keep private. So I'd tread lightly on this one, and PM the person first before suggesting any nicks?

The inevitable risk with this one is to out someone with a nick, trait or feature that he'd prefer to keep private. So I'd tread lightly on this one, and PM the person first before suggesting any nicks?

Oh course - always a good idea.

Mind you it is just as much fun to get the nickname and then try to figure out who it would be 8)


A few Aussie nicknames..

SHOWBAGS: only worth two bob, full of rubbish and you have to carry him everywhere.

THE SHAH: been everywhere but nobody wants him.

MILKBOTTLES: you always find him full on the front doorstep in the morning.

HARPIC: clean round the bend.

BLISTERS: shows up after the work is done.

THE JUDGE: always sitting on a case.

CYCLONE: a slow moving depression.

LONDON FOG: never lifts.

MIRROR: always saying "I'll look into it".

JUNGLE: thick, green and dense.

THROMBOSIS: a bloody clot who interferes with the functioning of the system.

MOLASSAS: Slow moving dope

SHEEP SHAGGER: A New Zealander

SOAP DODGER: An Englishman

BANANA BENDER: A Queenslander

SAND GROPER: A Western Australian

CROW EATER: A South Australian

TASWEGIAN: A Tasmanian

Victorians never really got a nick name other that "those fuc##g Victorians.

Similarly with guys from NSW who had plenty of AngloSaxon swear words to be used on them :o

Another name for guys wth red hair was BLOOD NUT

And then there is WOMBAT - 'cos he eats. roots, and leaves


A few Aussie nicknames..

SHOWBAGS: only worth two bob, full of rubbish and you have to carry him everywhere.

THE SHAH: been everywhere but nobody wants him.

MILKBOTTLES: you always find him full on the front doorstep in the morning.

HARPIC: clean round the bend.

BLISTERS: shows up after the work is done.

THE JUDGE: always sitting on a case.

CYCLONE: a slow moving depression.

LONDON FOG: never lifts.

MIRROR: always saying "I'll look into it".

JUNGLE: thick, green and dense.

THROMBOSIS: a bloody clot who interferes with the functioning of the system.

MOLASSAS: Slow moving dope

SHEEP SHAGGER: A New Zealander

SOAP DODGER: An Englishman

BANANA BENDER: A Queenslander

SAND GROPER: A Western Australian

CROW EATER: A South Australian

TASWEGIAN: A Tasmanian

Victorians never really got a nick name other that "those fuc##g Victorians.

Similarly with guys from NSW who had plenty of AngloSaxon swear words to be used on them :o

Another name for guys wth red hair was BLOOD NUT

And then there is WOMBAT - 'cos he eats. roots, and leaves


The folks up north used to call us (Victorians) Mexicans..South of the border and all that.


I though of one for a Mod from Geelong - he's a Cat's supporter and has a, shall we say penchance for photographs of lady boys.


He is coming up for the CM TV BBQ with his wife and will be presented with the Tshirt - he can explain it to the missus :o


Jaidee actually came out as "sloppy joe".. According to Davo anyway.aussie.gif


waaahahahahahahahahhahhaahah OH THAT IS SO GOOD

should we hit the report button on this to advise the Mod Squad or just wait until he falls into the thread of his own accord. Ahh this is so funny.

Need to get a list of the CM Mods and start working on them

Hmmm lemme see their is P1P, meadish Sweetdball, Sabaijai, Peace Blondie, Ijustwannateach, and Tywais.

We should come up with one for George and Buckwheat for when they come up here.

Then there are the characters of the CM forum

UG - lounge lizard?

Blinky Bill - Drop Bear?

Scuadugadengawhosa watsit is definitely - scoobydoodah

who else?


According to Davo

p1p = "yakka jack"

meadish sweetball = "robbers dog"

sabaijai = "dunny budgie"

peace blondie = "robbers dog" also..

ijustwannateach = "ripsnorter"

tywais = "boofhead"

george = "molly dooker"

buckwheat = "drongo"

If you don't believe me then try it out with Davo yourself. http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport2/shared/spl/hi...y_or_drongo.stm

I nearly pissed myself at P1p "Yakka Jack" and then the rest of them followed on. There is no way I am going to explain to George what a Molly Dooker is but Buckwheat as a Drongo hmmm that could be fun. I can see Catoey having to be called into a Mod Forum conference and explain the meanings to these to the Septics and Poms.

what about the ones in the post above for UG (lounge lizard) and Blinky (drop bear)? Reckon they sit? Scoobydoodah is a settled matter as far as I am concerned.

I want to find a place that does silk screening for Tshirts. I remember a thread floating around about it but may just send a PM to Yakka Jack instead. I would like to get some made up for the PISS crew and maybe for the TV party.

Take orders before hand via the forum and hand out on the night.

LKB - who is heading into town tonight for a drink and pick up his backpack

UlyssesG = <objectionable suggestion removed>

Blinky Bill = "Blinky Bill"

Jitapa on Nimmenhemin Rd does screen printed T-shirts..

What the &lt;deleted&gt;?blinkyfilm.jpg

The film tells the story of Blinky Bill’s childhood with his animal friends in the bush. The peace and charm of their existence is shattered by the destruction of their homes by humans. Blinky Bill rallies his friends and, in a series of exciting adventures, rescues his mother from captivity.


If I remember correctly the formula from those heady days of adolescence for porn star names was to take your first pets name and add your mothers maiden name - I was Lassie Lewis . . . . sad isn't it?!

If you go to http://www.blogthings.com/pornstarnamegenerator/ then I am Donkey Kong on ThaiVisa and Dan Rather in the real world.

If you go to http://members.tripod.com/~Carter_Phillips/name.html then I am Slick Hammer on ThaiVisa and Bone Cummings in the real world!

What? Too much time on my hands? Me?




It means great or good.. None of the above names (including the one deleted) :D are derogatory in any way whatsoever. But unless you are an Aussie you have buckleys (None) chance of ever having the faintest idea.

For those offended by the nicknames Davo gave you check this out.. http://www.koalanet.com.au/australian-slang.html

I guess the fact we have a "shackled" history makes us more thick skinned than most. And much better at sports.. :o

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