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How hard are these to come by? Her cousin lives in the UK with her British husband so she'll have a sponsor and somebody to write her a letter. They also have a family friend who is a lawyer and knows about this type of thing helping with the process. Just wondering, generally speaking, what the average approval rate for this sort of thing is? Is it as difficult as American or Japan? Fairly easy?



A friend of mine who is a font of useless information told me 91% of applications to visit the UK for up to 6 months were approved by Bangkok in the financial year 2005/6. Quite remarkable I'd say. Interestingly he also said, if I recall correctly, of over 3000 applications to settle in the Britain only 500 were refused.

Thailand exports its young women and England exports its old men. He said there is a positive trade balance but he didn't say in whose favour.

Edited to correct typo


Another thread in this section states that

"In Thailand, there are 43,000 UK visa applicants each year. Of these, 10 per cent were interviewed by officials for more information and only 9-10 per cent of all applicants were rejected."

Sounds like a properly prepared application should have no problems..


The difficulty she may have is can she show she has the intention to come back to Thailand at the end of her stay in the UK? Does she work? If so, she must get a letter from the employer confirming her employment and salary, that she is taking holiday leave and the date she is expected back at work.

The overwhelming number of applications are granted, but whether your friend will qualify will depend largely upon her circumstances.


I should think the success of her application will depend entirely on her circumstances.

Do I detect you believe that embassy staff are sometimes are less than scrupulous in assessing applications? :o

I realise the sponsors circumstances are relevant, if that is what you mean.


just about to go through the process for a visitor visa

application for my gf but letter from her employer only

confirms she is employed by the company, no mention of

salary or holiday dates or when she plans to return - is this

aditional info really necessary?


Yes it is. If that information is not included, the visa officer may argue that he accepts that she has a job, but that he can't be satisfied that she's been granted the leave to visit the UK.


A friend of mine who is a font of useless information

You know what they say Topfield, "Birds of a feather", sorry I got your name wrong KitKat, Crikey I am getting mixed up myself now, give me a chance I have only just caught up with KitKat let alone RalphUK or all the other pseudonyms in your repertoire. :o

I see your eyes are back to be all over the place, perhaps your cataracts are back, but they had made such an improvement.

Sorry DegenFarang for taking it off topic, but it would have gone that way anyway.

Good Luck


You know what they say Topfield, "Birds of a feather", sorry I got your name wrong KitKat, Crikey I am getting mixed up myself now, give me a chance I have only just caught up with KitKat let alone RalphUK or all the other pseudonyms in your repertoire. :o

I see your eyes are back to be all over the place, perhaps your cataracts are back, but they had made such an improvement.

Sorry DegenFarang for taking it off topic, but it would have gone that way anyway.

Good Luck


My dear chap,

I shall indulge you by responding this one and FINAL time. You are I believe accusing me of being the reincarnation of previous banned and/or infamous members. When I have time I will read through their posts and decide whether I should accept this as the compliment I assume you intend, otherwise you would be guilty of what is, I believe, called flaming. On the other hand I may gain street cred by making a false confession.

I am amused at your cynical justification for going off topic.

In response to the geriatric (his self-description) gent. Yes father, I enjoy a drink, but being middle aged, have yet to enter that melancholic state of second childhood.

Out of respect for the majority of members this will be my one and only post on matters not directly related to a topic.

My vote is with Mossy and Gent. Didn't Topfield always complain about being flamed also?

I think he did, just a little bit though!



i have just been throu a visa app for my wife and have had it refused for a settlement visa on the base that my bank account was showing negative equaty at some times in the six months period i gave them to look at even thou i had £5000 to shaw on the time of the application and i did not give them pictures of my house in england even thou i sent in a tenancy agreement and a writen letter from my landlady witch was sign by her as well ? i partly blame the visa office that put my application in ,for a start they did not put the letter in that i had give them explaning were and when i met my wife and and how i came to meet her family and , i also rote in then letter wy i had not had money in my account was due that i was comming to thailand 4 times a year and that this was causing me finatialy due to if i stay at home amd had my wife with me here there would be on averagde of £1000 per week to my earning as i am self employed and if not in england then i not earn ? basically the letter was 4 pages in all with every avenue cover like a phillidelthier loyer had rote it for me ? well they did (my brother) everything in the letter was true and and worded in all the rite ways but the visa office decide to put a letter in of there own instead say that my wife had work for them for the last 2years and that was that . we only found out this after are visa had been refused and there were other things to ? if you are a uk resident then i would advice you to use or at least talk to (IAS) immagration association services , they are a charrity based organation and when i look at there web site they had a few things on there about how the rules have change and that the visa people that say yes or no still don,t us the new rules and still go by the old one,s

i have just been throu a visa app for my wife and have had it refused for a settlement visa on the base that my bank account was showing negative equaty at some times in the six months period i gave them to look at even thou i had £5000 to shaw on the time of the application and i did not give them pictures of my house in england even thou i sent in a tenancy agreement and a writen letter from my landlady witch was sign by her as well ? i partly blame the visa office that put my application in ,for a start they did not put the letter in that i had give them explaning were and when i met my wife and and how i came to meet her family and , i also rote in then letter wy i had not had money in my account was due that i was comming to thailand 4 times a year and that this was causing me finatialy due to if i stay at home amd had my wife with me here there would be on averagde of £1000 per week to my earning as i am self employed and if not in england then i not earn ? basically the letter was 4 pages in all with every avenue cover like a phillidelthier loyer had rote it for me ? well they did (my brother) everything in the letter was true and and worded in all the rite ways but the visa office decide to put a letter in of there own instead say that my wife had work for them for the last 2years and that was that . we only found out this after are visa had been refused and there were other things to ? if you are a uk resident then i would advice you to use or at least talk to (IAS) immagration association services , they are a charrity based organation and when i look at there web site they had a few things on there about how the rules have change and that the visa people that say yes or no still don,t us the new rules and still go by the old one,s

You are having a laugh, right?


i have just been throu a visa app for my wife and have had it refused for a settlement visa on the base that my bank account was showing negative equaty at some times in the six months period i gave them to look at even thou i had £5000 to shaw on the time of the application and i did not give them pictures of my house in england even thou i sent in a tenancy agreement and a writen letter from my landlady witch was sign by her as well ? i partly blame the visa office that put my application in ,for a start they did not put the letter in that i had give them explaning were and when i met my wife and and how i came to meet her family and , i also rote in then letter wy i had not had money in my account was due that i was comming to thailand 4 times a year and that this was causing me finatialy due to if i stay at home amd had my wife with me here there would be on averagde of £1000 per week to my earning as i am self employed and if not in england then i not earn ? basically the letter was 4 pages in all with every avenue cover like a phillidelthier loyer had rote it for me ? well they did (my brother) everything in the letter was true and and worded in all the rite ways but the visa office decide to put a letter in of there own instead say that my wife had work for them for the last 2years and that was that . we only found out this after are visa had been refused and there were other things to ? if you are a uk resident then i would advice you to use or at least talk to (IAS) immagration association services , they are a charrity based organation and when i look at there web site they had a few things on there about how the rules have change and that the visa people that say yes or no still don,t us the new rules and still go by the old one,s

You are having a laugh, right?


Having got you to respond he may not be laughing.....but I am.

There goes my resolution not to post off topic.

No doubt you will accuse me of having Choky as another of my aliases.

Out of respect for the majority of members this will be my one and only post on matters not directly related to a topic.
There goes my resolution not to post off topic.

Don't worry Toppers, it was only a matter of time.


Out of respect for the majority of members this will be my one and only post on matters not directly related to a topic.
There goes my resolution not to post off topic.

Don't worry Toppers, it was only a matter of time.


I have no idea what your problem is but let me state this categorically:

I am not Topfield or any other previous *rseh*l* member. I have not even posted under Mossfinn.

If true I might admit to the former but never the latter.

Now let's let this drop. I'll be generous and permit you the last word if you wish to respond.

Out of respect for the majority of members this will be my one and only post on matters not directly related to a topic.
There goes my resolution not to post off topic.

Don't worry Toppers, it was only a matter of time.


I have no idea what your problem is but let me state this categorically:

I am not Topfield or any other previous *rseh*l* member. I have not even posted under Mossfinn.

If true I might admit to the former but never the latter.

Now let's let this drop. I'll be generous and permit you the last word if you wish to respond.


I have no idea what your problem is but let me state this categorically:

I am not Topfield or any other previous *rseh*l* member. I have not even posted under Mossfinn.

If true I might admit to the former but never the latter.

Now let's let this drop. I'll be generous and permit you the last word if you wish to respond.

Anyone prepared to be associated hypothetically with the deranged Topfield must surely be a brick short of the proverbial load?

Perhaps you are unwell?

Toodle pip!

I have no idea what your problem is but let me state this categorically:

I am not Topfield or any other previous *rseh*l* member. I have not even posted under Mossfinn.

If true I might admit to the former but never the latter.

Now let's let this drop. I'll be generous and permit you the last word if you wish to respond.

Anyone prepared to be associated hypothetically with the deranged Topfield must surely be a brick short of the proverbial load?

Perhaps you are unwell?

Toodle pip!

If you believe I am Topfield resurrected refer me to a moderator. If they find me guilty I will accept I am unwell and have myself committed to the same institution in which you reside. You can teach me how to write verbose (but well crafted), condescending, arrogant, pretentious prose. I can then also delude myself that people do not understand what I am writing which is what gives you a perverse buzz.

Pip Pip squeak

If you believe I am Topfield resurrected refer me to a moderator. If they find me guilty I will accept I am unwell and have myself committed to the same institution in which you reside. You can teach me how to write verbose (but well crafted), condescending, arrogant, pretentious prose. I can then also delude myself that people do not understand what I am writing which is what gives you a perverse buzz.

Pip Pip squeak

Actually, I don't care for censorship and welcome diversity. It's all grist to the mill and adds to the fora dynamic. Eccentrics should be encouraged and your attendance, under any guise, causes me no problems whatsoever.

Anyway, my conceit renders me impervious to criricism. :o

A friend of mine who is a font of useless information told me 91% of applications to visit the UK for up to 6 months were approved by Bangkok in the financial year 2005/6. Quite remarkable I'd say. Interestingly he also said, if I recall correctly, of over 3000 applications to settle in the Britain only 500 were refused.

Thailand exports its young women and England exports its old men. He said there is a positive trade balance but he didn't say in whose favour.


I hesitate to sound discouraging but many applications for visit visas for Thai girlfriends are refused. My own experience was that after living in Thailand with my girlfriend for about eighteen months we very carefully put an application together and it was refused on grounds of spurious 'inconsistencies' which contrary to their own rules they failed to put to her for explanation. I am a British solicitor and former university Senior Lecturer, so I do not think it was a shoddy application.

As I waited in the consulate for her to be interviewed, about ten applicants went through the interview process and none of them was granted a visa. Likewise many friends with genuine relationships and every intention to return to Thailand have been refused.

The encouraging statistics of visas granted are explained by the fact that a high proportion of applicants are middle class and business people going for a trip. There are no published statistics for the failure rate of 'Thai girlfriends', many of whom are likely to be farmers' daughters with no assets or career behind them and thus arguably little to anchor them to Thailand and make them return.

As the Independent Monitor for Entry Clearance said in her recent report, many applicants are wrongly turned down merely because they are poor. (See The Times, August 8, 2006, Britain accused of refusing visas to prevent entry of the world's poor.)

Thus if your girlfriend is a hi-so lady with a house and car and job she stands a good chance but if she's from the backside of Isaan, you could be in trouble, matey.

Andrew Hicks

(Who really is the author of that novel about a Thai girl and not some banned Thai Visa psycho geezer reincarnated under another user name, and today wearing flame retardant clothing.)

Edited to correct typo


Presumably the alcoholic tedium of rural Surin combined with the rigours of penning yet another turgid Thai floozie expose has precipitated this schizophrenia of yours.

Oh well, from eccentricity to egocentricity.

Whatever next?

In deference to a sorely missed poster,

Tits and poodles or Cupid Stunts!

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