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Fortune Teller , Cassandra And Peakoil


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First post , so let me start a bit optimistic

Interestingly it is fortune teller and not future teller.

Otherwise you would be out of business quickly , i understand and we are ""wired" for optimism anyway.

My main point : i see little , no nothing on this forum about the profound effects that peakoil will have on our lives.

And specially on the lives of those expats who travel regularly.

So these are my predictions for your and my future.

1. World economy will stumble and fall before 2010 ( plus/minus one year)

2. Airfaires will double/treble before that time , starting 2008 , first signs this autumn

3. Tourist industry will fall bad and will not recover

4. After a few years -say 2012-2014 - no tourists to speak of will visit LOS or any far away locations

Be gentle , i have a shaky ego

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