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Meeting Thai Girls That Aren't Hookers Or Gold Diggers


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Quote jetjock: As one of the posters so aptly put it, 'Look in the mirror' because if what you see is not of the same qualities that you are looking for in a high quality girl, I also wish you 'Good luck trying to sell that scenerio'. If what you see in the mirror does match what you are looking for in a girl, then with a lot of searching and good luck, you may find that special girl.

Thanks for that JJ, I just looked in the mirror and spoiled my day. :D

Any chance I might get by on my old world charm? It's all I've got going for me. :o

Haha qwertz, you never fail to make me laugh! :D

I think with your sweet-talking you should try for a Bill Murray/Lost in Translation effect! :D

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Sorry, the subtitle to my post was rude.

I have good intentions. I didn't mean it as "all thai woman are bad". I meant it as more as "the vast manjority thai women I meet interested in farong are interested in money #1" It seems very difficult to meet thais that are interested in farong because of the negative stereotype that seems to come from being with a farong (in the upper class circles anyway).

I understand that there are MANY thais with more money than I have and also with a lot of class.

I don't understand why everyone thinks I'm looking only in seedy bars. I don't go to bars that have bar girls. It seems that a lot of the girls I meet on the beach or even at their jobs (restraunts, hotels, etc. ) end up not being good girls to be with.

I have no idea why people think I am only looking to shag. That is pretty much the opposite of what my post was saying. "maybe find a thai girl to be with" meant a relationship.

To the people that say "look in the mirror and ask why a decent girl would want to be with me"

Thats a very strong statement to make without ever even meeting me.

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Quote jetjock: As one of the posters so aptly put it, 'Look in the mirror' because if what you see is not of the same qualities that you are looking for in a high quality girl, I also wish you 'Good luck trying to sell that scenerio'. If what you see in the mirror does match what you are looking for in a girl, then with a lot of searching and good luck, you may find that special girl.

Thanks for that JJ, I just looked in the mirror and spoiled my day. :D

Any chance I might get by on my old world charm? It's all I've got going for me. :o

Haha qwertz, you never fail to make me laugh! :D

I think with your sweet-talking you should try for a Bill Murray/Lost in Translation effect! :D

What do you think, CG?

:D < my personal smiley.

If Cyrano de Bergerac made out with that nose, maybe there's a chance for me yet.

Anyway, as I remember it, Murray never made first base.

Or did I see the censored version?

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Ski, dude, living in a tourist area has given you a completely detarded impression of Thailand. Listen, if you want to date women of a ''higher quality'' you'll have to change out of those shorts, tank top and running shoes and put on some nice clothes right away. Otherwise you are a target for only one kind of woman, one with an agenda.

Damian Mavis


Can you recommend a non touristy area? I would prefer to have a nice beach within at least a short drive and have people there that speak decent english (Thai or Farang) while I work on my Thai. Most of the beaches I know of are either touristy or don't have anyone there.



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The title says it all "Meeting Thai Girls That Aren't Hookers Or Gold Diggers, Seriously is it even possible?" - with an attitude like that good luck! Maybe in a parallel forum in Thai somewhere there is a Thai lady asking " Meeting a Sincere Farang who will respect Me and My Culture, Seriously is it even possible?" :o

When I meet Thais (or anyone) I ALWAYS have given then the benefit of the doubt and have been burned a lot. As I said before the "seriously is this even possible" was rude to say though.

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from your ages old and your statements below. You are just want to have a temporary GF and/or benefit friend.So what is a matter between normal Tg and hooker?

I'm 23
and I could hang out with normally + maybe find a girl to be with (personally I just can't be with a girl longterm when I know "money is #1".)
It would be nice to meet a girl that I can be with for awhile,
It would be nice to meet some Thais that speak good english

me sapeak inglish good. Today ok tomolow tampon.You pay me go bangalow pump pump

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The title says it all "Meeting Thai Girls That Aren't Hookers Or Gold Diggers, Seriously is it even possible?" - with an attitude like that good luck! Maybe in a parallel forum in Thai somewhere there is a Thai lady asking " Meeting a Sincere Farang who will respect Me and My Culture, Seriously is it even possible?" :o

You could add the statement "and won't get me pregnant then disappear" ...... farangs do it too.

This is an early morning toilet run post, I'm sat here waiting for the correct moment to expel the waste product from last nights larb, the tummy is churning but it needs a few more minutes to get to the point where sitting on a chair with a hole in it will be worthwhile.

While I am waiting, I will type this.

I spend my life surrounded by nice people, ordinary people, people that wouldn't dream for one second of treating a westerner as a money-target. I do occasionally meet the odd one or two that are more concerned about their own financial self preservation, but they are in the minority.

And, to be quite honest, and harping back to my original quote, it's even steven's in my area between the number of gold-diggers and the number of girls with a luek krung child were the father has done a runner.

The answer to the original question is fairly simple.

A. Move away from the tourist areas.

You are still going to come across some, but the percentage is drastically reduced.

(toilet time :D )

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Quote jetjock: As one of the posters so aptly put it, 'Look in the mirror' because if what you see is not of the same qualities that you are looking for in a high quality girl, I also wish you 'Good luck trying to sell that scenerio'. If what you see in the mirror does match what you are looking for in a girl, then with a lot of searching and good luck, you may find that special girl.

Thanks for that JJ, I just looked in the mirror and spoiled my day.

Any chance I might get by on my old world charm, it's all I've got going for me.


Qwertz, I looked up that fellow that you said you looked like in one of your previous forum posts. He was quite distinguished looking so if you look like that plus all of your old world charm and intelligence those high quality Thai girls had better watch out !!! :D

Gee, JJ, thanks a bunch for that!

And if I get lucky it won't be on account of a fat wallet.

Seriously, Gerald is my lookalike.

He's a shade younger, heavier and and taller but we've aged much the same.

He's a veteran actor, made loads of films and never became famous.

Best known for Jericho and Simon & Simon.

Off topic a bit but this thread's getting nowhere fast anyway.

P.S. Thaddeus, hope you didn't wake the neighbours. :D

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from your ages old and your statements below. You are just want to have a temporary GF and/or benefit friend.So what is a matter between normal Tg and hooker?
I'm 23
and I could hang out with normally + maybe find a girl to be with (personally I just can't be with a girl longterm when I know "money is #1".)
It would be nice to meet a girl that I can be with for awhile,
It would be nice to meet some Thais that speak good english

me sapeak inglish good. Today ok tomolow tampon.You pay me go bangalow pump pump


For the same reason I would have a girlfriend instead of only shag hookers in my home country.

Not looking for a benefit friend. Not looking for a temp GF, just a normal GF+companionship, same as in a Western country. A normal TG with education, opinions, a vocabaulary, a good heart, a finantial situation that doesn't make her dependant ######ing for a living, etc offers a lot more than a hooker.

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I'm 23 and have been living on the southern islands for 6 months. It would be nice to meet a girl that I can be with for awhile, but all the young farang tourists always leave in a week or so and like EVERY young thai girl i meet obviously has an agenda. I'm a pretty normal decent looking fun guy but I don't think that really matters to most of the thai girls I've met here.

It would be nice to meet some Thais that speak good english and I could hang out with normally + maybe find a girl to be with (personally I just can't be with a girl longterm when I know "money is #1".) Just about every thai "friend" (male or female) I've had has ended up pulling some kinda shit/started asking me to "loan" them money/drug problems/sleeps with a new guy ever few days to try and find a husband to support the kid she had at 17..etc..(I'm sure u guys know). Guess I'm just looking for help before I get too jaded.

I love the beach but it seems every nice island draws many farong which draws a lot of the kind of thais I don't like.

any suggestions? Good beaches or places live in thailand?


Somebody must have explained this by now, 3 pages after all.

Didn't bother to read it.

Islands are small communities.

Join a sport club of your liking, gym, University, language school, get a job somewhere..etc..

Observe the situation for 6-12 months, get to know people, arrange dates....

My god, is this the LOEM, land of easy marriages. WHAT A ######

You can always go to Internet, easy alternative. And I'm not talking about THAI VISA.

If interested short time, do I need to bother..

I have estimated the posters IQ average here way below 70.

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For the same reason I would have a girlfriend instead of only shag hookers in my home country.

you are "a pretty normal decent looking fun guy"

So do not worry about it. You will get a GF soon just

Right time ,Right person and right place.

I have estimated the posters IQ average here way below 70.

and you are - 180 ?

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What i reckon 180 is not in the limits.

What I also know TV has made me a chain smoker.

That can't be very smart.

IQ tests are also expensive. If you Bambina would make a deal to pay for it if i would score, let's say 120 or over, would you pay for it? You can PM me for details. :o

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What i reckon 180 is not in the limits.

What I also know TV has made me a chain smoker.

That can't be very smart.

IQ tests are also expensive. If you Bambina would make a deal to pay for it if i would score, let's say 120 or over, would you pay for it? You can PM me for details. :D

hehe Bah ... i said "-180" not "180" :o

nowyou get 119 or lesser hahah

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For the same reason I would have a girlfriend instead of only shag hookers in my home country.

you are "a pretty normal decent looking fun guy"

So do not worry about it. You will get a GF soon just

Right time ,Right person and right place.

Such a womanly care, I love it. :o

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Ski, dude, living in a tourist area has given you a completely detarded impression of Thailand. Listen, if you want to date women of a ''higher quality'' you'll have to change out of those shorts, tank top and running shoes and put on some nice clothes right away. Otherwise you are a target for only one kind of woman, one with an agenda.

Damian Mavis


Can you recommend a non touristy area? I would prefer to have a nice beach within at least a short drive and have people there that speak decent english (Thai or Farang) while I work on my Thai. Most of the beaches I know of are either touristy or don't have anyone there.

Why would you expect Thais in non-tourist areas to speak decent English?

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Firstly, fair play to the Op for wanting a decent normal relationship in Thailand. There are too many visitors here who use and abuse, pay and display. There is a huge proportion of Thai girls who are begging for a decent young farang for a normal relationship, money irrelevant. Finding them? On an island you're limited to hotel staff I would imagine. In an office or Uni area your choice is expanded greatly.

I'll generalise (I love doing that) and say that girls in lower paid jobs may desire a bf who not only treats them well, but who can pay for their meals out. Similarly girls who love to go and party, know they're pretty and are middle class may also find a plain/boring rich guy attractive. I think who you're looking for could be any class, but educated and open-minded. There are plenty of girls like this in Bangkok...to be found in some better Thai bars and foreign clubs. Outside of the nightlife scene it comes down to introductions (any friends with nice partners willing to give you a recommendation?) or even ICQ! Daytime meetings are difficult. I know many a decent international Thai girl who would be extremely embarrassed by being approached by a guy whilst shopping, whereas if she were introduced to him or even met him over a few drinks, might like him.

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Unfortunately, the girls from that social class rarely want to date farang, or even be seen alone with a farang out of fear that it may be misconstrued by other people as dating... out of fear that their friends and relatives will tease them as being prostitutes or bar-girls or whatever.

Spot on!

Especially true for the younger falangs/Thai's (18 to 23)

I agree

Who would want to date an old, ugly farang , and most often time less educated than them anyway. Most decent well to do thai families with an educated daughter will not consent to the relationship to begin with, unless the couple is similar in age and background, including education also.

Just my view and many of my friends…..no offense

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Unfortunately, the girls from that social class rarely want to date farang, or even be seen alone with a farang out of fear that it may be misconstrued by other people as dating... out of fear that their friends and relatives will tease them as being prostitutes or bar-girls or whatever.

Spot on!

Especially true for the younger falangs/Thai's (18 to 23)

I agree

Who would want to date an old, ugly farang , and most often time less educated than them anyway. Most decent well to do thai families with an educated daughter will not consent to the relationship to begin with, unless the couple is similar in age and background, including education also.

Just my view and many of my friends…..no offense

What are you people quoting that refers to "an old, ugly farang"?

Teacup again...

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Ski you just need to find a girl that doesn't instantly want to date you. Generally, if you find a nice Thai girl that you like, you have to do the pursuing in the beginning. They should be too shy, normally. If they're not, watch out. It's worked out fine for me.

For example, if I wanted to date Bambina, I'd probably have to pursue her if I met her on the street.

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"ot looking for a benefit friend. Not looking for a temp GF, just a normal GF+companionship, same as in a Western country. A normal TG with education, opinions, a vocabaulary, a good heart, a finantial situation that doesn't make her dependant ######ing for a living, etc offers a lot more than a hooker."

What the OP stated originally could have been put better but the above statement is nothing out of the normal is it?

He wants to meet a girl gis own age, education who does not want money to be with him - what is wrong with that?

He might be looking in the wrong places a little but he is asking for guidance.

Try making friends first or get another Thai to introduce you - it can be slow going becoming friends and a lot of the time its in a group but you will get there.

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