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I see on the news everyday americans dying pretty much for the world not just for the USA and everyone is arguing about it. Only a few country's have said thank you.  I know if another terrorist incident happens again in the US  I am going to be with the men who are going to fight.

"only way evil will prevail is when good men stand aside and do nothing"

chok dee

I am not sure, sir, if I can follow your argumentation.

Two Thai-soldiers died while doing their duty in Iraq. OK, only two, but why?

They just followed a trigger happy-bring-freedom-fellow from Texas or actually their not too clever Prime M. from LoS. But than, what could they have done? They were soldiers, who had to follow orders without having the priviledge of asking questions.

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The 'friend' is said to want to avoid military service for financial reasons, he wouldn't be able to support his family. While I find it a bit strange for a first time poster to ask for advice on how to bribe the way out in a public forum, I find it equally strange how some people conclude his motives are selfish and taking this thread to discuss the right or wrongs of the Iraq war.

I like to add that there are a number of reasons for or against military conscription, but I fail to see anything wrong with individuals objecting and not wanting to go for it for whatever reason. My upmost respect to those who object by following their conscience and go through the punishment and humiliation that follows.

To the topic:

I don't know the legalities in Thailand, but it might be too late to get out legally once you are registered to partake in the lottery. In other nations a doctor's certificate explaining you are unfit, and a letter from the employer stating how much they need a person with your skills would help your cause, but no guarantees. Another way, probably crossing the line of legality, but likely without consequences, would be to move to a different country, which is what I did when authorities were harrassing me. I do not know how feasable it would be for a Thai to register in a neighboring country and continue working here as a subcontractor.

For somebody on a 4500bt salary probably not an option.

Good luck, anyway.


To those of you who took the time to give some useful information, thanks a lot.

To the others I would just like to say, don't be too hasty to pass judgement on persons and situations you don't know anything about.

To those of you who took the time to give some useful information, thanks a lot.

To the others I would just like to say, don't be too hasty to pass judgement on persons and situations you don't know anything about.

Tell us a bit more then. Sounds like an intriguing tale.

Best part is you come away from it with a little discipline in your life. Maybe it even makes you a better person.

Besides 2 years will go so fast it will be lover before you know it.

The best part is when you retire you can live in Pattaya drink beer all day, fondle young girls  and talk about  how big of a bad arse you used to be in the military.

The only reminisence (spelling??) that I ever tell is when we on the RADFAN exercise in Yemen (Aden as was) - stuck on top of a mesa for the night, watching for rebels coming along the trail below. Heard movement behind us on the mesa. Flattened into our hip pits, waited to see what came at us. Saw these men coming over the lip of the mesa, crouching and running for cover. Challenged them - no response. Quick fire-fight, over with a couple of short bursts.

Daylight came - checked the dead baboons for documents. Didn't carry any.

And we thought the bloody animals couldn't climb. Educational, that's what your military service is.


From what i have been told you can go every friday afternoon for training during highschool and you wont have to go for 2 years or you can u can choose to go and just serve one year. My wifes cousin picked the wrong marble last year and has to go for two years,sum nam na as he is a little prick.


Don't want to go? Try the following:

  • Get an apartment in Pattaya fairly high up with a balcony
  • Enjoy the local bar scene
  • Brag to several people how you always get laid for free and never pay a thing
  • Find yourself unable to make any more posts in this forum under a very short space of time, nor do military service

To those of you who took the time to give some useful information, thanks a lot.

To the others I would just like to say, don't be too hasty to pass judgement on persons and situations you don't know anything about.

Tell us a bit more then. Sounds like an intriguing tale.

Yes, and don't forget to add some America bashing...it's the in thing

You have a very selfish friend sir, I live in the states and I saw on the news recently a soldier deserting his unit because he disagreed with the war in iraq. He is not even an american citizen. he is now back in the states "safe" whatever safe means nowadays. I have something to ask, if 9/11 happend in thailand or a terrorist incident happend there who would your friend pay to get out of it. :D

I see on the news everyday americans dying pretty much for the world not just for the USA and everyone is arguing about it. Only a few country's have said thank you. I know if another terrorist incident happens again in the US I am going to be with the men who are going to fight.

"only way evil will prevail is when good men stand aside and do nothing"

chok dee

That Sir, is a load of puss!

Do not bring your Amercian "pride" into this thread as it has nothing to do with the thread. I do not support you or your country and the war in Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism, so that sh!te wont fly here "Storman Norman".

I, like many posters here, get bored with the US ego stroking and when another tradgedy happens in the USA, this time you would of deserved it!

"only way evil will prevail is when good men follow a moron"

Americans are dying everyday because they are naive and follow a administration that is ###### bent on flexing muscle, to line the pockets of the elite.

Ask yourself why "Only a few country's have said thank you" :o

Mai Chokdee!

To those of you who took the time to give some useful information, thanks a lot.

To the others I would just like to say, don't be too hasty to pass judgement on persons and situations you don't know anything about.

Pray tell what's so special about this case? Doesn't want to loose his income by being called up for service? All we got was a letter saying REPORT!! Didn't have the luxury of a lottery. Please explain!

Let me ask you this: If the US decided to have a call up, do you think there would or would not be a public outcry?

Oh my god we have soldiers being called up that already have done their duty i have seen some on the news and they are whining about it. They have the experience. We are at war :o Thailand and whatever coalition i have been hearing about was not forced into this Did u ever hear of treatys?? These things have already been signed

I am old enough to go 34 I would rather it be me then have a 18 or 19 year old to go I have had a life, these younger men haven't Yes terrorism has been around for years and the only one i see doing something about it is isreal in my opinion.

Maybe it's time all nations came together and stop arguing and stamp this terrorists once and for all.


"Storman Norman"

chok dee

I am not sure, sir, if I can follow your argumentation.

Two Thai-soldiers died while doing their duty in Iraq. OK, only two, but why?

They just followed a trigger happy-bring-freedom-fellow from Texas or actually their not too clever Prime M. from LoS. But than, what could they have done? They were soldiers, who had to follow orders without having the priviledge of asking questions.

Thats right They were soldiers I don't know much about the thai military or how it is run, I was in the US Army. When u sign that dotted line you lost your freedom you are in the service. When the president calls you go if you don't want to go then there is a nice 10 by 10 room waiting for you.

I am sorry if I came across sounding if only americans are dying they are not British troops and Many other countries , Including thailand. I wonder this man that wants to pay to get out of military service is he doing it out of financial reasons or is he doing it to get out of going to Iraq.

"Storman Norman"

chok dee


Penelope, Samran and Roger, thanks for trying to help. I had the impression that this is what these groups are about. Silly me.

All the others who replied, I am glad I gave you the opportunity to vent some of your frustrations. It seems you needed it.


Dear Tutta,

I must apologize -- I didn't realize that your friend was that one-in-a-million case for whom doing his duty for his country was so terribly inconvenient. Perhaps if he just tells the officer in charge that it's really not convenient for him to serve at this time, he'll be let off.

I see on the news everyday americans dying pretty much for the world not just for the USA and everyone is arguing about it. Only a few country's have said thank you. I know if another terrorist incident happens again in the US I am going to be with the men who are going to fight.

"only way evil will prevail is when good men stand aside and do nothing"

chok dee

That Sir, is a load of puss!

Do not bring your Amercian "pride" into this thread as it has nothing to do with the thread. I do not support you or your country and the war in Iraq had nothing to do with terrorism, so that sh!te wont fly here "Storman Norman".

I, like many posters here, get bored with the US ego stroking and when another tradgedy happens in the USA, this time you would of deserved it!

"only way evil will prevail is when good men follow a moron"

Americans are dying everyday because they are naive and follow a administration that is ###### bent on flexing muscle, to line the pockets of the elite.

Ask yourself why "Only a few country's have said thank you" :o

Mai Chokdee!

Americans dying pretty much for the world? What a bul##shi##. Are all american stupid enough to believe that shit? I saw in cnn that 30% of the americans still think it was saddam behind 9/11. Oh you are a naive nation!

I love your post Tonardo!

Penelope, Samran and Roger, thanks for trying to help. I had the impression that this is what these groups are about. Silly me.

All the others who replied, I am glad I gave you the opportunity to vent some of your frustrations. It seems you needed it.

What an utter pillock you are tutta, and your mate. What a farce starting a thread on how to graft your way out of military service. Stand up and be counted, you spinless turd.


He asked for advice...got it....didnt like it.....now he's mad.

But your right Stroll, Reading some of the nonrelated posts, I dont blame him either

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